Community > Posts By > Redrider1500

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Mon 04/19/21 03:42 PM
Just a casual guess, I believe women practice dancing, and men rarely don't. I suppose that men that do take up a musical instrument, are more apt to be better dancers. Personally, I can't carry a tune unless it's got a handle on it. I didn't have the patience to learn to play anything. Music to me was, and still is rather boring. Dancing? I get by. I won't try to get better at it. It just doesn't inspire me.

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Sat 04/17/21 05:08 PM
Every so often, like this morning, I get reminded about how obstinate women can be, from another guy who's married. Then I get thankful for being divorced, and am glad I'm not dealing with many of them.

Then I wonder why guys would even consider getting involved in that trap.

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Wed 04/14/21 04:18 AM
Some place south, probably rural. I have no delusions over living in a foreign country, I'd hate it.

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Fri 04/09/21 02:48 AM
Anytime someone made any sort of reference to my looks, I'd wait for the other shoe to drop. And just what do you want? It always seemed to work out that way. What did I have, or could do for them.

From a money making standpoint, skills pay. Keeps you eating, and a roof over your head. From a social position, you get looked past. Kind of, we don't need your skill set right now. We're having fun, and you're not included, because we think you're boring. But do make yourself available to us when we need you.

In this day and circumstances, it's not a bad thing to have. You can get used to it. You adjust, become self entertaining, and not be dependent on others to keep yourself amused.

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Thu 04/08/21 02:15 AM
That I'm a bird watcher. The bigger birds, birds of prey, will get me to stop whatever I'm at, to observe what they're doing.

I got treated to a aerial show a couple years ago. A pair of Peregrine Falcons teaching their offspring how to hunt. Last spring, it was a Bald Eagle catching it's prey in an open field. Just recently, a buzzard gathering sticks for a nest. It's really funny to see a bird that size, carrying a crooked stick, big enough to dent your car if she dropped it.

The little ones catch my eye, too. The brilliant blue of an Indigo Bunting. You couldn't miss him if you ever saw one. Hairy Woodpeckers are slightly smaller than your average crow. They're big enough to make you swear they could chop a tree down. First signs of spring used to be spotting a robin. Now its the call of Sandhill Cranes, flying north. They make a lot of noise in flight, and fly in a wedge like geese.

These cockeyed environmentalists keep claiming that we're killing our world. If that's true, then why have I seen bird populations grow in the last ten years? Why are just the variety of birds expanding? Someone's lying. My guess is the ones that can read and write are.

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Tue 04/06/21 07:24 PM
When do I "prune" my eyebrows? When I can see them, without looking in a mirror.

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Tue 04/06/21 07:12 PM

Sorry honey, that's probably different than picky - that's shallow. Compatibility is more than physical attributes, and I feel sorry that you haven't realized that. I'm glad you're satisfied with your life, albeit confused that you joined a dating site. I'm not quite sure what you expected...
I've met loads of "shallow women" in my time. Expecting me to drive newer cars, wanting to travel to far off lands, basically cater to them.Not exactly what I'd planned to do in life.

What did I expect? The more I saw, the less I expected. When I started asking myself, "Would I be better off?" And the answer was always no. What am I doing here? Making waves. Being contrary, obstinate, stirring up a stink. I'm hardly ever compatible with anyone. I like being different.

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Tue 04/06/21 02:52 PM

Wow! Can I ask what made you join Mingle2 then, when it is primarily a dating site?
The forums. Certainly not the dating end of it. I learned 10 years ago that I wasn't cut out for obtaining dates online. I got a few responses. Just how can any sort of acquaintance can start, using 25 words or less? Which many times I got. Where was my responses? Forums.

I was on POF, Datehookup. Those were good ones. Good arguments went on in those. Here it's subdued. Of which I understand. Personalities come out in forums. Interesting people are found here. What I never came across, was people in my area that actually participated in the forums. A spirited argument can lead to many things. Not wanting to even look at forums leads to zero.

But dating? That's a non-starter. It didn't take me long to determine that one.

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Mon 04/05/21 04:05 PM
I just gave up dating. I'm slim, I have been all of my life. Most all of the women in my area, claim to be "Comfortable" How can you claim that, when you're hauling around 50+ pounds of extra weight? I see them lumbering around, many limping, or their feet hurt. (Very easy to see) A couple times, I've put on 10-15 pounds during the winter, and my knees start sending me hate mail. A few I've gone to dinner with, can put away more food than I could ever.

Am I picky? Yes, I'm allowed to be. Just as much as they are. Or even more so, as I have learned. They all seem to be living in the mainstream. I'm not into that at all. I've gotten pretty content with my lifestyle, since I got out of the dating loop. It's been almost ten years since my last date. Wanna bore the life out of me? Start talking about your kids/ grandkids. I'm sorry, I didn't have any. I dated a few widows. Invariably, I'll see a shrine erected to their past away mate someplace in their house. If I do, chances are very good, that some discussion about their dead mate will come up.

Do I date? Nope. I don't care to, anymore.

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Sat 04/03/21 06:24 PM

if malt vinegar is a repellant no wonder the guys in canada don't score in a pub...being from the states you go to a pub in canada and ask for fries you never know what u might get as a condiment i kid u not....condiments i have been given....mayonnaise, mustard, fry sauce-combination of stuff...almost never ketchup and drum roll malt vinegar which i grew to love on fries...don't knock it till you tried it and if cholesterol isn't a problem have poutine, fries with gravy and cheese-yum...don't tell your dr. you eat this

oh almost forgot the post-chick repellant, speaking of your ex, oggling too hard or not hard enough. showing a bulge below the belt line, not showing a bulge below the belt line, this is dependent on type of woman. and drum roll, being on fixed income such as social security and not having a car or much spending in a hostel and unable to take them home is also a good one...

Quite logical to offer mayonnaise with fries :) You can't eat fries without mayo!
frown Oh please, not after I've eaten. Mayo is nauseating to begin with Why ruin an innocent fry with that.

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Thu 04/01/21 02:28 PM
Not me, I don't brood over stuff I have no control over. Climb on the bike and head for the hills. Then I play skip three and make a left turn. Or right turn, if I made a left before. Gravel roads are pass by.

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Wed 03/31/21 02:44 PM
From past experiences- Motorcycles.

I started long before they were liked. Seemed like, all women knew someone that got maimed/killed on one. I've got 52 years on them, so it can be done successfully.

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Mon 03/29/21 04:08 PM
I was moving down I-65 near Columbia, Tn. doing about 80+. I was riding, middle of October, it sprinkled all day. I was about 450 miles into a 534 mile trip. It was getting late, I wanted to get there. I went flying past a Tennessee state cop hiding in the median. He nailed me, I knew it, so I climbed on the brakes. He goes right past me about 250 feet. First thing he said, I stopped so fast, he got caught off guard. I freely admitted I was doing 80. He was really decent, wrote me up for 71 in a 55. I asked him if I could call in, plead guilty. Yes, I could, then get my fine then.

Once I got home, I called, $121 fine, due in 6 weeks. And I promptly forgot about it. I found the ticket 2+ months later, Nuts! I forgot to pay it! So I called again. I apologized for forgetting it. What's my fine? $82 dollars. I ALMOST asked why the fine went down. But why tempt fate? So I said I'd send it. And I forgot about it AGAIN!! Then in May, I found it again. Call again, because I didn't need to get stopped and have that outstanding ticket show up. What's the fine? $34 bucks!

I immediately paid it that time! I got a receipt back saying I paid the ticket. I began to wonder if they would have forgotten it altogether had I not done anything about it. But I didn't want to trust my luck.

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Mon 03/29/21 05:35 AM
Their fence stays, because they are truly worried about their safety.

How safe would you feel if you pulled the same garbage they did?

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Mon 03/29/21 05:28 AM
Work. Installing a laminate floor for a customer. It's rather nasty, I have to shuffle furniture while I do it.
Then I have to go look at a house for possibly buying and flipping for another customer/friend. Right now, I don't like it from all the photos I've seen of it. It's on a postage stamped sized lot, in a questionable area, near the worst school in the school system. And they want too much for it. Why am I going? To talk my friend OUT of buying this joint!
There is another I found. It's built on the style of- "Lets stick this on here". It's gutted to the studs inside. (halfway) Has a water heater that isn't hooked up. No furnace. It might have a working well. The roof is there. Has new windows. Needs to be sided. And is about 400 feet from a busy railroad track. But it's 80% less than the house we're going to look at.

(And, I'm laughing like mad as I describe this place to you all)

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Sat 03/27/21 04:30 PM

The Out of Towners ( the original with Jack Lemmon) always cracks me up.
That's a good one! I always watch that one when it comes on.

If you get a chance, watch Good Neighbor Sam with Jack Lemmon and Romy Schneider. You'd like that one also.

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Sat 03/27/21 04:22 PM
We split by mutual agreement. Occasionally, mine would call me and ask about how things were going. She'd ask questions. I wasn't allowed to. I got pretty fed up with it. One morning she woke me up. She'd hit the breaking point with me. I wouldn't answer any of her questions, and told her to take a flying leap.

Then I Was getting a couple calls from her step-mother's friends. They were trying to get in touch with my ex, I was guessing she had gotten sick. I told them I wasn't in contact with her anymore, I didn't even have a phone number to give them.

Right now, my ex is an unknown person to me and I no longer care what she does.

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Sat 03/27/21 04:35 AM
Picking an age really doesn't work. Going to provide one for that person that has reached X age? Of course not.

I was a pretty shy teen. I had a couple friends, none of which were female. I honestly didn't know HOW to talk to girls in my teens. Or for that matter, even start a conversation with a girl. Ever get constantly shut out of any conversation? Believe me, it's not fun.

Some go crazy. Bet I can point a finger at any mass killer, and they had very few friends in their life. Some focus themselves on an activity that requires few, to no other people around them, and immerse themselves in it.

Those who do find activities that interest them, more than people do, might get to point where they find people are boring. I'm that way.

I hear people yap away about anything and everything. If I'm quiet for a long period of time, chances are I'm thinking about my activity, and wondering why I'm even listening to these silly people.

Sex? Meah. I figured out how to amuse myself in other ways.

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Fri 03/26/21 07:37 PM
A big paycheck.

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Fri 03/26/21 02:52 PM
It's been 10 years since my divorce. I moved on, to ride my bike. The more I ride, the more I want to. Yeah, I'm ready to move on, for another ride. Women can say no. My bike always says yes.

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