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Kim Jong Un 2, Cheeto O
He's doing the same thing Reagan did with Gorbachev. Clinton tried to buy them off and it didn't work. Obama couldn't even talk to Kim Jong Un. In 66 years, it took Trump to get somewhere somewhere with the Nokos.
So, how would you handle it? |
Not until you stop putting the knock on Trump.
United States elections
To others he is a has been businessman riding his glorious invisible clothes through the commoners who stand in awe.
we seem to agree on quite a few things.., like the comparisons with Ali, who wore no clothes. And did not run for POTUS. But is a record holding boxer and greatest of his time. I am not sure what record number 45 holds, besides being the first completely inexperienced politician to hold office of POTUS. You forgot about obama. He bought his seat in congress from Rod Blagojevich. |
I do. That's why I'm so flippin' busy. I get hounded, people know I do them right.
I had my one harley, I had to fix it more than I rode it. Then I unload it for a Honda Gold Wing. 300,000 miles later, I still ride Wings, and have no plans to own another brand.
It isn't what you ride, just that you enjoy it. |
So, I suppose you think folks in Chicago, who are USED to cold weather, hibernate in Winter and have no night life? your logic unfortunately is irrelevant, because cameras show they WERE out at that time. The argument is not that it didnt happen, but that it happened as a HOAX. MSM should drop coverage, because someone keeps changing the narrative and it hurts the case on both sides. Oh, he did it because he was being written off. Oh, he wasnt? Then he did it because a previous letter didnt get enough attention? Too far off the intitial claim of motive? Oh, well then he did it to get more money, because everyone knows the way to a promotion is being the victim of an attack. In-12, everyone thinks long and hard about going out. A social life goes out the window when it turns that cold. There was a wind chill warning that night. Warming centers open up during those days. Furnaces run constantly during that time.(And barely keep up) Yes, he faked it. He may have staged it, but he did not FAKE it. It happened. That's funny. I didn't hear you calling for the MSM to stop coverage on Michael Brown when he friend who was convicted of lying in a court of law kept changing his narrative of what happened. I dont recall the friend changing his story daily, as in this case. And i didnt call MSM on any cases. He did, because I took the time to read the court transcripts. Those were online, you could have easily found them. |
When the bottom line is money, it is easy to drum up 'emergencies'. ![]() Having read that first thread as recommended by Charles (OK, most of it, not ALL of it!) I think I understand American politics rather better. I'm quite surprised at the people who support the Donald. Hopefully the poster who believes that only 30% of the population support Trump is correct and you guys will get some considerate democrats next time. Seems to me the Trump is a successful (i.e. rich) businessman who thinks that politics is the same as business. When you're top dog in your business you can hire and fire at will. I think Donald has not learnt that politics doesn't work that way. You need statesmen to be politicians and Trump is the least statesman-like politician I have ever read about! I'm amazed he was invited to the UK so soon after election. Obama had to wait three years before his invitation. I wouldn't bet my last buck on that. I think times are changing. Considerate dems are few and far. Steve Mnuchin is only one of a very few left. It's garbage like penalizing people for not being able to afford health insurance, is what drove people to the polls. If we get to look forward to the likes of AOC and company, then I'd say we'd better get ready to wave bye-bye to the USA. You're making glad I'm old, and didn't bring any kids into this world. I don't want to see the tipping point, but I'd bet it's coming. It will not be pretty. |
First, if you have no power steering fluid reservoir you probably have a manual steering system. Look at the rack and pinion and see if there are tubes connected, if there are, follow those tubes. If your battery goes dead, it could be a bad battery or it could be a starter relay or a solenoid or the starter itself. It could also be a bad connection in the wires (cables). Turn your lights on, if they go out when you try to start it check the cable connections. If they get dim but stay on, charge the battery. Most auto parts stores will check your battery with a meter for free. Some will even offer to install a new one at no charge. If you get a jump start and the engine stays running and the lights are bright, the alternator is working. If you get a jump start and you turn the lights on and it sputters and dies, your alternator or the connections are bad. Knowing that you live in cold weather, when batteries lose their cold cranking reserve but start with a jump start, the problem is likely a battery. Most batteries have a date on them in the lil punch outs. If its a car with the OEM battery in it, consider the age. If you get 5 years on a battery in harsh conditions, yer doing good. Here's another one, and I didn't believe it at first. You can lose charge in the battery, if the top of it is dirty. Apparently, dirt will conduct electricity across the poles of the battery. Yes, it sounds silly. But it does. |
What is socialism? A pretty name for communism. Russia is communist. Consider their old name-USSR. United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic. These goofy dems think the government will give them a fair shake.
HA! And just what other things do you believe in? Santy Claus? The Tooth Fairy? The Easter Bunny?. The Great Pumpkin? Get used to the idea that the dem elite is only out for themselves, and they see their supporters as future slaves. They try to buy your support. Once in power- nuts to you. They won't care if you live or die. |
At the price they're claiming it would cost, it comes to over $100 per square foot.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Those prices are obscene. What government people are getting the kickbacks on that? It has to be over half of the projected price. At $150 a yard of concrete, that figures out to about 15 mil. Add another, oh, 10 mil, for the steel for it. At those prices, I'd have a line of suppliers as long as the runway, wanting to get in on that money giveaway. I know of one contractor in my town that is so dem, he makes me sick. He donates to every candidate on the ticket. Privately, he's conservate. I know why. He's first in line for government contracts. Consider this- He owns a campground. He bought it for a song, because of the wastewater issues it had. There's 400 campsites in this park. His company INSTALLED a sewer system for it, and PUMPS the camp sewage 19 miles to a local wastewater treatment plant. (It actually travels from one state, to another) This guy, has the money to burn. Courtesy of dems wasting money like its going out of style. |
So, I suppose you think folks in Chicago, who are USED to cold weather, hibernate in Winter and have no night life? your logic unfortunately is irrelevant, because cameras show they WERE out at that time. The argument is not that it didnt happen, but that it happened as a HOAX. MSM should drop coverage, because someone keeps changing the narrative and it hurts the case on both sides. Oh, he did it because he was being written off. Oh, he wasnt? Then he did it because a previous letter didnt get enough attention? Too far off the intitial claim of motive? Oh, well then he did it to get more money, because everyone knows the way to a promotion is being the victim of an attack. In-12, everyone thinks long and hard about going out. A social life goes out the window when it turns that cold. There was a wind chill warning that night. Warming centers open up during those days. Furnaces run constantly during that time.(And barely keep up) Yes, he faked it. |
He faked it.
The date of his supposed attack was Jan 29, 2am. It was about -12 degrees. Yeah, everybody is out walking at 2am, in -12 weather. They were wearing red ball caps with MAGA printed on them. Nobody in their right minds would wear a ball cap in -12 weather. So how come he didn't get frostbite? Get wet with anything, be it water or bleach, and you might have all of five minutes before symptoms of frostbite start showing up. So now, he's charged with a felony, and out on $100,000 bail. And possibly charged with a federal hate crime. So who got hurt in this? Conservatives who were home, warm and snug in their beds. MSM has all but dropped coverage on this hoax, hoping it will go away. His can is in a sling. I hope he takes a few socialist dems with him. |
You'll have to deal with it as best as you can. I chucked the whole mess of dating several years ago. Most, I found were looking for men with money, and have some sort of social status. Then, be their "end all", ready to entertain them as they saw fit.
Once I let it go, life got easier. Pleasing me is easy. I don't have to keep up with anybody. I can come and go as please. I do things I want to do. Anytime I've had a chance to date, I've asked myself if I want to re-enter that rat race. And everytime, it's been no. |
Does anyone agree that construction projects should be totally done instead of Piece-Work? Omaha, Ne. --Air Force shifts gears, plans full replacement for Offutt's crumbling, 77-year-old runway. Offutt's 55th Wing had planned to begin a reconstruction project later this year that would replace about one-fourth of the runway that was in the worst condition, at a cost of nearly $100 million. Instead, the entire 11,700-foot airstrip will be torn up and a new surface installed. I bid $75 million! Concrete for this job-35,000 yards. This makes a slab 80 feet wide, by 11,700 long, a foot thick. Bet I could hire 40 guys at $35 an hour to do this. What with removal, rebar, excavation, I waltz away with five mil easy. More if I join the crew. Float or trowel finish? |
hypocrites on parade!
Pelousy suggested we put up Normandy Fence on the border. Bet it stops a lot of landing craft. One wee problem- no water around. (Unless the illegals just happen to carrying a gallon jug of water) |
The Obama administration was full of lies and deceitfulness. That's my opinion! He was just SO transparent! "You have to pass it to find out what's in it." Right. And a skunk doesn't smell. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." You just have to pay him out of your pocket AFTER you shell out for our worthless insurance plan first. "Manufacturing jobs will never come back" Huh. 457,000 people now have new manufacturing jobs since Trump got into office. Gee, I WONDER how that happened??? |
I am so confused. How is the 25th invoked without ASKING about being in agreement or not? The 25th is not a crime, and who else to invoke it but those that first discuss it? Seems like more of a creation of scandal while dismissing all the ACTUAL Indictments coming down all around the current POTUS, and more of that 'wait till you hear what people NOT THE PRESIDENT are going to have been found to have done" The tunnelvision trend is quite amazing. It is. A bunch of dems plotting to invoke the 25th amendment on Trump. Why wasn't VP Pence called in on that meeting? Or former AG Jeff Sessions? Or Mitch McConnell? Or Paul Ryan? Why was it secret? Care to field that question? |
Tom - the wildlife problem is one of my main concerns. We are using up their habitat so quickly. Hundreds of thousands of bees have died, now the same amount of regular insects from spray and other insecticides. Birds eat the dead insect, then the birds die. and so it goes. I feel really helpless in the wildlife situation. Bees are having a problem with a fungus that's wiping out colonies. But! I'm wondering if bees aren't making a comeback. Reason being, in the last five years, I've gotten 2 colonies for a beekeeper acquaintance of mine. Both, according to him, were wild colonies. Both infested structures that I was working on. I never came across any others before that. (That's in 55 years) Aside from being a bit of a nuisance finding them, at least the way I'm getting rid of them is better.(That beekeeper races over to collect them!) Birds of prey are coming back. Falcons, Hawks, Ospreys, even the American Eagle has made a return to my area. I know their numbers went down drastically due to DDT. Just in the past five years, I've seen plenty of them. To me, it shows how far the DDT effect reached into the future. It was outlawed in the 1960's. Now we're starting to see it really get out of the ecosystem. The Falcons, well, I'm not super happy they're around. They take other birds, because that's their food source. Finding a pile of feathers that was a songbird, isn't exactly what I like to find. (They have been at least taking the crummy sparrows) |
I don't know about Billionaires, but SOME Millionaires wear old clothes and live on tomatoes and rice, then leave their millions to a housekeeper who was kind to them. ...or they leave it to their faithful DOG. There used to be a guy I'd see in different parts on my town, walking. Really tall lanky guy, who was easily recognisable. He alway wore used uniform pants, jackets bought from a local uniform company. He'd cut his own hair was never shaved that well, but he was clean. Lots of people knew him. Always looked like he didn't have much. He only owned controlling interest in our regional airport. He was a millionaire a couple times over. |
That google tracking app was advertised on Match for a time. The sales pitch for that was singles that had signed up in a central area could be crossing paths in their everyday life. If you knew that person was on match, you could track that person down in public. Since it was only up for a short time, I think they could have been held liable if something happened to the person being tracked.
I thought it was a dumb idea the first time I heard about it. Apparently, I wasn't the only one that though so, ether. |