Community > Posts By > Redrider1500
That is a very poor way to get attention. Reminds me of that goofy family that released those balloons in Colorado, and claimed one of their kids was attached to them. Pure stupidity.
That, I believe is where the law can get involved. They tend to come down hard on games like that. |
Ha hummm ! And yet again for those not listening HILLARY IS NOT POTUS ! ![]() Dont be making Charles bust out his indictment and conviction list again ![]() Go ahead. It's all fake anyway. I can ignore it quite nicely. |
So they didn't check their withholdings.
Blame Trump for their shortsightedness. It's normal, and democrat-like. Blame somebody else for their error. |
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. ![]() ![]() |
Keeping in mind that those scientists that proclaim global warming just happen to be working under government grants. What fool would say that there isn't global warming, if they lost their fed money?
Here's the top 10 list of the most socialistic nations in the world today: China Denmark Finland Netherlands Canada Sweden Norway Ireland New Zealand Belgium KEEP TRUMP IN OFFICE - I don't want socialism and it's idiocy. With the excpetuion of China (which is actually Communist...look up "Chairman Mao") ALL of those countries report a higher happiness/ life satisfaction/ quality of life rating among their populace tha we have here. Then go live there. Make sure you make plenty of money to pay the VAT taxes in some of those countries. Hope you like living in a closet also. Expect to not own a car there ether. Socialism is nothing more than giving government the permission to steal. Oh, and if Venezuela is so good, why are it's citizens leaving the country and trying to sneak in ours? |
What the media claims, is proof, as far as they're concerned.
Case in point- Brett Cavanaugh. Produce one woman that claims she was raped by him. Find no witnesses to it, add one woman that can act like she suffered from it, then toss out a bunch of lies, and convict him on hearsay. It didn't work. Bring in three Virginia politicians, one governor, one lieutenant governor, one attorney general. Two do a fascist blackface, recorded by their college yearbooks, one that forced oral sex on now two women. They have proof, while all three have done a fair bit of lying about it. According to the MSM, they did nothing wrong. Something is very wrong with this picture. Aren't you dems just pleased as punch with these fine, upstanding, "ahem" gentlemen? I say keep them in office. That way, these dirtbags can be a fine example of who can get away with murder. |
United States elections
What country would go along with her craziness? To ban airplanes is to promote isolationism. I heard that one of the largest electric wind farms doesn't produce enough electricity to power up the New York subway system.
I wonder, does not wanting to work pay more than retiring? If it does, then I don't wanna work more than retiring. |
Ocrazyo-Cortez laid out her socialist agenda-what a mess! It would probably work in Perfect, but not here. I never read anything so idiotic in my life. It all smacks of the UN's Agenda 21 plan. This old saying fits her proposal- "Children should be seen and not heard." |
I loved watching Cortez trying to figure out if she should clap, or sit during the late term abortions comments. Keep it up little girl, you're doing a sterling job of making yourself look bad.
^^^^ I missed that. Knowing that introductions would be first, and I knew most of the players, I decided to finish loading the dishwasher. Oh well, my dishes were more important than seeing who did (And didn't) get recognised.
5 Ways Socialism Itself Turned Venezuela Into A Trash Heap It's socialism, stupid. By MICHAEL QAZVINI August 14, 2017 “But that’s not real socialism,” says every leftist sympathizer when confronted with the horrific reality of Venezuela’s collapse into an autocratic dystopia. But for those of us who don’t have our heads in the sand, Venezuela is a textbook example of what happens when socialism infects a country and purges any hint of private enterprise. The people of Venezuela are suffering tremendously thanks to the Bolivarian socialist experiment. Hugo Chavez, the socialist state’s now-deceased founding father, once promised a flourishing utopia where children were merry and the poor were well-fed. Today, Venezuela is anything but joyous. It’s hell on earth. Under Chavez’s handpicked successor, President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuelans are flooding the streets in protest against everything the socialist state stands for: poverty, destitution, starvation, suffering, and ideological slavery. Intent on preserving the socialist system by any means necessary, Maduro has consolidated power like a king and deployed the state’s security forces to beat down protesters. Before socialism suffocated the prosperity and freedom out of the country, Venezuela was a relatively successful state relative to its neighbors in Latin America. In 2017, Venezuela is a trash heap pitied by the entire region. Here are five tangible ways socialism itself turned Venezuela into a trash heap: 1. State-imposed price controls limited the supply of basic goods by rendering production unprofitable. In order for Bolivarian revolution to fully materialize, the socialist state needed to have full control over the price of goods coming out of factories. As long as the oligarchs in government enjoyed the fruits of oil revenue, profit for businesses, both large and small, were considered antithetical to the socialist agenda. The proletariat had to have access to goods even if it meant producing those goods at a loss, demanded the socialist state. After incurring tremendous losses, many businesses shut down, unable to continue production. With nobody left to make basic goods, supply became scarce, naturally pushing up the price of goods. And at a certain point, only the richest of the rich could afford goods smuggled across the border and sold on the black market. 2. Venezuela became a single commodity market. By discouraging businesses to pursue profit, the socialist government pushed the economy back to the dark ages. Creativity died. Nobody was incentivized to produce anything of value or innovate. Luckily, Venezuela had a safety net: oil, lots of it. But the global oil market is fickle. It ebbs and flows. Prices drop and rise quickly. When your entire economy is reliant on one commodity, then your economic fate is intertwined with price fluctuations that are beyond your control. 3. Venezuela subsidized its unsustainable welfare state with oil revenue. State-run oil companies were responsible for producing the revenue necessary to subsidize the government’s extensive welfare programs. Under the socialist system, the poor were promised housing, education, healthcare and other wildly expensive benefits. To pay for all of this, the Venezuelan state sold oil in bulk overseas. But when the price of crude plunged, Venezuela went into uncontrollable free fall. By then the people had become so reliant on public services and government benefits that they had no way to take care of themselves on their own. The government controlled the lives of the people and now the government had no way to keep them healthy, fed, and alive. 4. The socialist system encouraged corruption. A socialist government needs an absurd number of government workers to run the day-to-day lives of the people. As a result, government itself becomes the one employer that is always hiring more employees. In socialist Venezuela, the government filled its coffers with oil revenue, generously paying top officials who exercised control over oil profit distribution. Government oligarchs grew rich while the people remained poor. The Washington Examiner explains further: The bigger the government, the more people's success depends on sucking up to officials rather than on offering a service to consumers. Expanding state bureaucracies offer new opportunities for nepotism. First, Venezuelan jobs were allocated on the basis of political allegiance; now food supplies are. 5. The government had no way of controlling hyperinflation because the country’s monetary policy was imaginary. The Venezuelan state pretended to have control over the price of the bolivar, the nation’s (now-worthless) currency. The socialist state thought that it could set the price of goods, wages, property, and services and simply print money to make up for deficits. But as it turns out, recklessly printing money doesn’t actually work. Forbes contributor Tim Worstall explains why the socialist government’s monetary policy was destined to fail: The government does indeed control certain nominal numbers about the economy. They can and do insist that the bolivar is worth this much, that bread must be sold at a certain price, that wages are this or that. And then that reality does that uncomfortable thing again and it turns out that the bolivar is worth what someone will pay for it, no more, meaning that the nominal prices of labour or bread are very different from the real ones. Give me your backing as we create a constituent assembly and I will give you victory over rising prices. Give me the constituent assembly and you will see. We will go to battle over inflation and those criminals who profiteer and perpetuate our problems. The inflation is of course being created by the government as they print money to pay their bills. For the Modern Monetary Theory people are entirely correct, government can just print money and spend it on whatever it likes. When they've done so hyperinflation like that in Venezuela is usually what results as well. Meaning that there's nothing wrong with MMT as a theory it's just that it always fails as a policy. Worstall concludes that when the government aggressively allocates resources, in any country, including the United States, it’s always bad news. “Economics is about the allocation of real resources so it's the real prices that matter,” he notes. “The Chavistas thought it was nominal that mattered, that they could just set prices as they wish. It don't work that way, something we should recall as our own democratic socialists attempt to fix the prices of rent, wages, college and the rest.” By looking at Venezuela this way, I'd say it would be looking at the USA in the near future. Oh sure, you can say it wouldn't happen that way. Dem politicians are just AS crooked as the rest. No way they can claim different. |
^^^ No, doing menial things, like, ohhh, sweeping out the reactor room. You know, jobs that would make one glow in the dark...
Capitalism and Socialism
Capitalism and Socialism in perfect forms are both things that can 'work'. the problem is that in any system with humans there is GREED, which leads to some people having the bulk of the wealth, regardless of the intentions. There is nothing wrong when there is enough to go around, with ensuring at a humane level that everyone has the basics for survival, like shelter, food, water, et cetera. The problem is that humans are left to decide how little is BASIC and who 'merits' more than BASIC and how much more they merit, so it falls short of being a truly equal society and the haves end up ensuring that they have enough extra and the BASIC folks so little, that there is going to be an entitlement of privilege and superiority that divides the two. There is also nothing wrong when there is enough to go around, with an expectation that people work. The problem is, once again, where humans are concerned, the need for superiority creeps into what is seen as 'working' that merits survival and earnings, and who decides the financial value of that 'work'. The human element in any system is what keeps it from running perfectly. But both socialism and capitalism are, in their ideal, potentially positive systems. You didn't read that article very well, did you? |
And we DON'T have corrupt politicians in this country??? Just what cave are you living in?
Socialism would work---IF--- We could eliminate the drug problem in this country. Take these lazy cusses that stand on a street corner, take away their sad looking cardboard sign, and put them to work sorting out recyclables. Excellent job for them! No skills necessary. They get credits to use at the local grocery. Their rent gets taken out of their pay before it gets into their hot lil' hands. Give them about $40 bucks spending money every week. Have a "Wake up" crew come get them when they don't show for work. Pay for their healthcare. Put some of their money away as a savings account. After all, they act like children, might as well treat them like it. NO ONE gets a healthy paycheck if they work for government. If anything, government workers that actually do physical work make more than those who anchor down a chair, and shuffle papers. Term limits for elected people. Sure, make schooling free. Pay these lousy professors less, take away tenure. Put these colleges in plain old buildings. A good education doesn't have to come out of a fancy building. Pay our seniors a decent retirement wage. People in prison-There is our road workers! Kill somebody? YOU get to work in the nuclear industry! So you croak a little early. Sucks to be you. Screw up, die faster. Socialism would work if those who want it bad enough would be willing to give up their lazy ways and go to work. But I don't see that happening. |
Shutdown continues
| There you go ladies! Add to that the Medicaid expansion costs I get to pay for every year. Thief-in-Chief was a "too polite" name to call him. I called him a dirty SOB when he came up with the medical device tax. It ruined a business, and put several hundred people out of work in my area when that went into effect. I need none right now. (thank god!) To tax those items, is just flat cruel. Capital gains is another one. You dems have it in your heads that it's a rich peoples tax. Think you'll never pay it? Think again. Just suppose you bought a house. It was in poor shape when you got it. You put money into it, fixed it up, made it a nice house to live in. Go sell it, you owe capital gains. Your penalty for being a hard working, industrious person. The government actually stood in your way, when you took that job on. Permits. Wanna improve your property? Pay us. Roof leaks? Pay us. Plumbing bad? Pay us. Furnace no good? Pay us. Reside it? Pay us, and continue to do so every year in increased property taxes. Because you increased the value of your house for doing so. In some cities, you actually have to have a permit to paint your house. |
That's why we need a National Socialist Party Government! There is no such thing as a Democrat nor republican! The world is run by the Multi-national banks and media, organizations to keep you in line! Blame the Jews Why do you think there was a world war two? Germany did not want to go to war, but was forced into WWII because of the treaties put upon them and they were not going to stand bye and let the Brits and Russia and the Jews take what they had built! Imagine that...My grand father was born in Berlin he knew the truth! All politics today are just smoking mirrors! We really live in a Republic not a Democracy like Russia! Remember the pledge of alliance to our flag! Germany didn't want to invade Poland??? Since when? They sure had no problem invading Finland, Sweden, Holland, Denmark, France, and Russia. What? They bombed England just for fun? What about all of the shipping they torpedoed in the Atlantic? Just what propaganda have you been reading? |
Protect the Harvest has a good one out. They're telling people to contribute to your local animal shelter, rather than donating to the national ASPCA. Reason is, that money you think is going to your local shelter, is really going to those who insist on meddling in on cattle and dairy farming. Hunting and fishing concerns are also seeing pressure from them.
That isn't what people think their money is going to, animal shelters. Check them out- |
I think I feel the same about Trump supporters and that hat, when it comes to the very hateful bigot type of prejudice(there are levels, in my opinion, to the bigotry in this country). That is to say, I think the majority of hateful bigots will wear that hat and support Trump. But I dont think the majority of Trump supporters are hateful bigots, just undeducated and easily led by fear tactics. Though, Im not sure if recipients of bigotry care if its motivated by actual hatred or 'merely' ignorance. You're good about pointing out how dumb Trump voters are. A true smart person, does not tell others how dumb they are. If they do, that person you accused of being dumb, is going to turn, and walk away from you. In just a few words, you have told them their opinion is worth zilch to you. If I'm that dumb, then why should I bother reading anything you post? You won't convince me of one flippin' thing, if I won't read anything you post. I know of no successful salesman that tells his customers how dumb they are. A teacher won't get anywhere telling their students they're dumb. I didn't like obama because of his policies. He claimed I was racist because I didn't like what he was saying. His nationality, I didn't care about. What he said, did. Hillary called me deplorable. The heck with you, lady. What you say, can ruin any chance you have getting through to people. Call me dumb? Take a hike. |
Yeah, those "white collar" criminals are dangerous. You never know when they might throw a pile of papers at the fbi. Pens are sharp, perhaps they might come at an agent and try to stab them. Isn't white out, explosive?
Mueller is grasping at straws. He keeps prosecuting those people that had anything to do with Trump. Hoping that they know something crooked about him. They haven't yet gone after the janitor that emptied Trump's waste basket, or the trash service that hauled away the garbage from his office building. Give him time, they eventually will. |