Community > Posts By > Redrider1500
Only to inject a bit of humor into a given situation. If its stressful, then only to lighten up the mood.
No,I can't tell flirts from friendly banter. So I take it all as friendly banter. If I get rejected, I shut up. If I see an opening to leave, I do. I haven't learned anything about flirting online, except it isn't possible. I have no flirting abilities.The times I've tried, have all come out as dismal flops. So I just don't make the attempt. |
Back in 2016, when I thought Trump had a snowballs chance, I decided to listen to the reasons why hillary should be president. Just so I'd know what I was in for.
For 15 minutes, I heard some jerk go on and on about nothing. It was pure double talk. I thought I was listening to an Amway speech. What did I learn? That she was a huge shyster. Sounded like an obammy speech. They say NOTHING. What did I dread for the 8 years he was president? That he would have gotten assassinated, and we'd be saddled with biden. Well now we are, he's living up to everything I dreaded, and I was wishing we still had Jimmy Carter in the White House. |
Hi, your complete topic did not come through. What is your question? Why the need to post your location all the time on social media You aren't behaving like I want you to. A friend of mine pulled that on me. Excuse me, former friend. |
None. Nobody pesters me. I can ignore emails with the best of them.
A friend told me some guy came into her restaurant and was able to have a refrigerator magnet stick to his arm where he got his vaccine. Anybody else heard of anything like that. She might just be messing w/ me . One of two types of people say that kind of thing, stupid people and people trying to be funny. I told people my arm vibrated when I got a text after getting the vaccine, I said that in jest because of all the other absurd misinformation being spread. "Absurd misinformation" like if you are vaccinated you can not get or spread covid? Or if everyone was vaccinated covid would not exist? Or we won't need vaccine passports?🤣 I think there is BS thrown out by both sides. There is no way to track all the people who have gotten covid, or will get covid, and where they contracted it at. The only "hard facts" are the number of people who die and have an autopsy done, and even that if there is a trace of covid in their system it is listed as the cause, but no doubt the amount of deaths are way higher then in the past. It was said early on it doesn't matter what you do people will second guess it, and there is no way to know how things would turn out on one path once another path has been taken. And shouldn't we be more concerned about Murder Hornets than covid? After all when all the bee's disappear we won't have anything to eat! Care to gripe about those who spray dandelions in their yards? Those happen to be one of the early spring flowers. Bees are desperate for early flowers, they're starving. |
I have a fine relationship with my motorcycle. Far more interesting than people.
why no response
ive been on here a a good guy and new to dating after 23 yr marriage.. do women ever leave the first message,why do you think i dont get responses Most guys won't. In some areas, there's like 8-10 guys for every woman. It helps to be an experienced liar. I won't, I don't want to explain away my lies. I have to be straight forword for my work. I'm also no salesman, my work sells me. It's rare that I have ever been messaged first by a woman. In ten years of doing this, I can count on my fingers how many women ever messaged me first, I leave several dangling. In this arena, grasp the idea that nice guys finish last.You might be tall,slim, and active. Have a good job, and be reliable. But if there's nothing outstanding about you, you're SOL. |
Today we make DC great again
Well... Most conservatives are gainfully employed, and might not have been able to score time off while still in the busy season. Only 6% of those arrested remain in jail. I’d say out of 600+, the justice system is working. |
Today we make DC great again
It astounds me as well. Just a guess, I suspect a good many dems never got punished for lying when they were kids. I know I was, and I got what was coming to me.
No one seems to want to recognize that the earth isn't on a perfect orbit from the sun. It drifts slightly. So we have warm and cool periods. Volcanoes can spew dirt into the atmosphere, blocking the sun for a time.
And dems love to spread fear. Climatologists are on the government payroll. What do they fear? Losing their jobs because the weather isn't changing fast enough to suit them. |
My ex used to snore the siding off the house. I learned to sleep on the last two feet of my side, because she was such a bed hog. Getting woke 3-6 times a night wasn't unusual. I had a bulged disc in my back once. She got mad at me for sleeping in another bed. Waking myself up 5 times a night just by moving wrong was bad enough.
I think I gave her the divorce she wanted, just so I could get a decent night's sleep. In just one weeks time, I stopped needing naps on the weekend. No way am I going through that again, with any woman. |
Do people even still date?
SJB84 - I have found over the past decade people do not know how the dating process works and therefore skip dating for cheap words like "hangout" "meet up" then jump to well let's hangout at home, claim a relationship. Which is fine if it's been wks/mths and the dating stage has progressed to an exclusive relationship. Dates/dating, is intended for single people to get out and observe how they and their date interact in daily situations(its not a relationship yet) like being stuck in traffic, are they rude to servers, do they flirt with other people, do they make you feel good or obligatory for innuendos later, do they complement you or critique your style, can they hold a conversation without turning it into a argument, do they treat you more then a friend or coworker in public. True character (body language n facial expressions are essential in dating) is in how they act around others not just you in a isolated bedroom or private chat. Actions say more then these daters online need to get out from behind the key board and date in the real world...or they are just playing games to limit the effort and possible rejection. Any person afraid to handle a low level rejection at the dating stage is not emotionally available or ready for a long term relationship. There just wasn't many places to meet up with single women in my area. I wasn't fond of anchoring down a barstool every weekend just to see the same women wander by.Then when it got warm, I decided that a sunday ride was better than drinking on saturday, and feeling lazy on sunday. Complain all you want to. I edited dating out of my life. |
Tall people are more prone to hitting their head on things and getting backaches for working over counters that are made for the height of the average person. As far as dating I'm over 6'1" and I've known 5'3" guys that get more action in a year than I've seen in my entire life. It's an ongoing argument. No dating forum could ever get away from a discussion about tall men, and their so-called dating prowess. I think some average, or short men seem to believe tall guys have an advantage. No way. Any man can be tall, if he stands on a big stack of his money. (Which is what usually is a determining factor) |
You are right, I do see the media slamming Biden for his failure in Afghanistan. But not one peep about his failure on our southern border or this 3.5 trillion dollar Green “Anchor “deal he wants to hang around the neck of this and future generations . And I’m sure when we have all our Americans back home and the thousands of Afghanistan’s in the U.S. The main stream media will go back to propagating for the liberal agenda. I hope I’m wrong. |
Ooooh Yes kiwiman. A Facebook post on settling the Afghanistan refugees here has caused some Xenophobia to raise it's head. So wondering why it exists. I just heard our PM on the news say we currently are not taking more ppl from Afghanistan. Me thinking, "The first good thing he has done in the 8+ yrs he's been PM." For me nothing to do with xenophobia. It's that we have way too many refugees and non-Dutch draining our welfare system, many pretend to be refugee and only come for the good life. They get a house, income, free healthcare, clothes. They all drive cars and have posh smartphones, mothers have expensive prams only, etc. etc. There is NO housing for us Dutch people, we pay a fortune for healthcare, -even me who's on the lowest income level-, I don't have an over the top expensive smartphone either, and so on and so forth. Then there's the culture of all these people. They're all Muslim, all women wear these all-covering tents, women are a lesser species for them, etc. They just do not fit in our society & culture and don't adept either. Then you can absorb a specific number, but as it is we Dutch are overrun and our welfare exploited by them. That's not xenophobia. That's thinking YOU too have the right to choose for your wellbeing, culture, society etc. to remain intact. Like first-aid: do NOT help when it endangers you. Only when you are safe can you help. It's just been enough. There are plenty of countries that have not or barely taken on refugees. Let them sort it out. It's their turn. And maybe NZ is one of those countries. I'm sort of used to seeing that in my country. But not from immigrants. Some african americans take advantage of our welfare system as well. It's exceptionally galling to see them dressed well, obese, buying groceries at a local grocery store, and paying with food stamps. Then follow them out the door, they load their trunks with their purchases. The cars they do that to, are usually new Cadillac's, Mercedes, or BMW's. I've seen that happening, for the better part of 45 years, so I'm used to it. Or conditioned to it. A better term, and more appropriate. |
Happy hunting.
In the 11 years that I've been online, I found out many things. 1. Women won't message you, first. I've had about 6 actually do that. Two actually did send me messages that were longer than 25 words. But after that, they won't send you another, on their own. You must send anything after that, and never expect replies. In both cases, their replies got shorter, and shorter. 2. IF you actually can get them to a meetup, don't expect to see the woman in the photo. Three that did, I couldn't recognize them from their posted photos. In an odd twist, they did recognize me. So that did save the meet. 3. In all of the meets I did, I found out if they couldn't string together any sort of long message, then you won't get more than two sentences spoken to you during the entire meetup. And make sure you brought your crowbar for prying out any sort of talk from them. (Suggestion- practice talking to manikins. A great help if you like talking to yourself) 4. Working hard on your profile will net you nothing. I changed mine dozens of times. I changed photos, took new ones, its all wasted effort. Dropping your old profile in less than a month, then renewing under a new name only works one or two times. 5. If in a years time, you've gotten nowhere, you won't-ever. Pick dating sites with forums. That gets to be somewhat entertaining. If you're lucky, you might get a few of the regulars on forums to acknowledge you. Keep in mind, even a forum is cliquish. You MIGHT get let in, or not. I stay on this one only because I can toss the occasional turd in a conversation. This isn't, or will ever get nearly as interesting as the POF or the DateHookup forums were. If you get choosy, you'll get nothing. That's the way it works. |
This is just a guess, but if they came from Afghanistan, Belgium is just a stopover for them, on their way to the USA.
Not that I like that they are heading for my country. But they did put themselves in harms way to provide us with information against the common enemy. They are not safe in their homeland now. They must have gotten some documentation that got them on that transport out. With the country being in such a flap, There has to be some stopover point for refueling, or just to change aircraft. Few planes can fly halfway around the world on a single load of fuel, and carry any sort of large load. |
I am a preacher and have done my research and know for a fact that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene. I also know that marriage is something very important to God. Jesus Christ only has one wife and wants everyone else to only have one wife. I considered just having one girlfriend a stroke of good luck. Too many years of none at all showed me I wasn't going to play pick and choose. Four would have never happened with me. Would Jesus be mad at me for having none, now? Offhand, I'd say I should be mad at him. After all, he made me. |
Getting a kitten!
Reminds me of a wall hanging I read at a local cat boarding place-
Cats don't have owners. They have staff. ![]() |