Community > Posts By > Peccy

Peccy's photo
Thu 12/06/12 09:49 AM
Heaven forbid they spend TV time learning a skill, studying, or something "useless" like that............:laughing: :laughing:

Peccy's photo
Thu 12/06/12 07:54 AM
The Illinois Department of Corrections from 2010-2012 spent approximately $2.26 million on cable subscriptions for prison inmates, according to the Illinois Policy Institute and a recent report.

The Illinois Policy Institute estimates that between July 2010 and June 2012, the Illinois Department of Corrections spent $2,261,009 on cable television for prison inmates, a Freedom of Information Act request shows.

TV channels provided to prisoners include MTV, CMT, Fox Sports, ESPN, Lifetime, BET, the Home Shopping Network, Speed, and Spike TV.

Wait, Lifetime?

“Spending more than $2 million on cable TV for inmates is something Illinois can’t afford, especially considering the state’s already costly prison system,” reads the Illinois Policy Institute’s Nov. 19 “2012 Piglet Book,” co-authored by Benjamin VanMetre and Ted Dabrowski.

“It should be worrisome that the state is wasting taxpayer dollars to fund multimillion dollar cable bills for inmates. Instead of watching Snooki on MTV, maybe inmates’ attention would be better focused on learning a trade skill or studying for a degree,” the report adds.

The goal of the “2012 Piglet Book,” according to its authors, is to “raise awareness about what they view as wasteful spending in Illinois,” as puts it.

“Something in Illinois we continually hear all the time is that there’s no place left to cut, that we have to increase taxes because lawmakers have cut everything there is to cut,” VanMetre told

“But what we do in ‘Piglet’ is we highlight nearly 200 examples of just outrageous ways that lawmakers are spending our money. So, the goal of this project is to make individuals aware of where their tax dollars are being spent and to really push back against this idea that there’s no room left to cut spending,” he adds.

Peccy's photo
Wed 12/05/12 04:09 PM
I went to the page... and I found this comment to be most interesting:

Number of structural engineers who posit bombs in the towers: 0

Number of engineering classes taken by the guys who are absolutely sure there were bombs in the towers: 0

Number of scientific polls showing a significant number of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job: 0

Number of architects who pos it bombs in the towers: 0

Number of explosions registered by seismologists when the towers fell: 0

Number of materials specialists who posit bombs in the towers: 0

Number of engineering conferences held to discuss bombs in the towers: 0

Number of engineering reports discussing bombs in the towers: 0

Number of seismologists who pos it bombs in the towers: 0

Number of demolition experts who pos it bombs in the towers: 0

Number of documents revealing the secret plan: 0

Number of NORAD people who said they stood down on 9/11: 0

Number of NORAD people who said they were confused by drills on 9/11: 0

Number of defense experts who say NORAD standing down was inexplicable: 0

Number of eye witnesses in the Pentagon who believe that a missile hit the building on 9/11: 0

Number of firemen at the scene who say there really were bombs in the buildings (i.e., not just saying it SOUNDED like bombs): 0

Number of commercial airline pilots who say the NORAD thing sounds fishy: 0

Number of journalists (mainstream or otherwise—but NOT wingnuts posing as journalists) who write seriously about 9/11 conspiracy theories: 0

Number of people who say they were actually involved in the plan: 0

Number of FBI agents, ex-agents, or whistle blowers who say 9/11 was an inside job (as opposed to mere incompetence): 0

Number of people who might know anything who have come forward (as opposed to people who wouldn't know anything—like a former German Defense Minister): 0

Number of clips of the buildings falling (used by conspiracists to bolster their theory) that have been authenticated by experts: 0

Number of items in the Northwoods document that were actually pulled off: 0

Number of intelligence specialists who think 9/11 was an inside job: 0

Number of historians who subscribe to the inside-job hypothesis: 0

Number of sane people who think Bush used his family friends to bring off 9/11: 0

Number of sane people who think international bankers financed a plan to close down Wall Street: 0

Number of sane people who think the most incompetent administration in galactic history pulled off the most complex subterfuge in history...fooling everyone except a few creepy guys who got on the web: 0

Number of follow-up domestic terror attacks after 9/11 (as confidently predicted by most inside-job theorists): 0

Now I don't claim to actually know if it was an inside job or not, but it's been years know as well as I do that people wouldn't keep a secret this big if they knew anything.

Peccy's photo
Wed 12/05/12 07:56 AM

vielen dank mein herrlaugh
you're welcome :wink:

Peccy's photo
Tue 12/04/12 07:57 PM
Edited by Peccy on Tue 12/04/12 07:57 PM

laugh laugh laugh I just tell them I am not interested in sexting/cybering and that usually stops them.

I think this good advice to todays teens.

Oh believe me - there are plenty of full grown men who start off conversations with the standard "what are you wearing" creativeslaphead rofl
As if a person is going to be truthful on the

Peccy's photo
Tue 12/04/12 07:49 PM

Peccy's photo
Tue 12/04/12 11:29 AM
Sorry, but that story has been circulating around the net for 7-8 years, there is nothing recent about it like the first sentence claims. And it has had George Sr, George Jr, William Brenley, and lots of other names tied to it. While it is good, not from Gates.

Peccy's photo
Sun 12/02/12 01:15 PM

that's an assault weapon

but I bet it could solve the white tailed deer population problem in the northeast....whoa

Assault is just a nasty little liberal term tacked onto a weapon used in defense.

Like the second amendment states, it's not only American citizens right but, their duty to arm themselves against threats. External as well as internal.

If you are called on to serve in that well-armed militia, contributions of arms and ammo are helpful.
and appreciated!

Peccy's photo
Sat 12/01/12 07:23 PM
Actually this is a continuation of a discussion texasscoundrel and I were having in another thread.

He asked me a question that I had never given much thought. He asked me what it would take to make me believe? Those weren't the exact words, but that was the gist.

So now I'm asking other agnostics/atheists, what would it take to convince you and why?

Peccy's photo
Sat 12/01/12 07:15 PM


Obviously. But, can you give an example of what that proof would look like?
Well proof would look like an old bearded man donning a Proof would consist of something tangible, not hearsay. Something that will not only convince me, but any skeptic.

I don't mean to press you about this, but it's something that I've devoted a lot of thought to. I used to think if god presented himself to me I'd be convinced. But, now I'd think I was just hallucinating. These days I really don't know what it would take to change my mind about it.
No worries at all bro'....if he/she presented themselves I doubt that would be enough. The person would have to preform a miracle on a grand scale and not something personal that only affected me. Actually that would be a good topic for a new thread!

Peccy's photo
Fri 11/30/12 05:41 AM
Edited by Peccy on Fri 11/30/12 05:42 AM
What's the big deal? It's only a word. I'm Agnostic and I don't get offended by it. How can we as a nation survive if we have to coddle everyone because they get offended? I think that person who's upset about it needs to put their big girl/boy pants on and deal with it.

Peccy's photo
Thu 11/29/12 08:11 AM

I'm not afraid....I'll play.

There's a ton of opinions, websites, information and misinformation, NO PROOF, and only opinions....each as valid as the next.

Only the "holier than thou" are adamant in their belief or disbelief of the events of that day..... because there is NO PROOF to substantiate either belief, only the tons of information to base "your own opinion" on! Just like the JFK assassination......
Ahhhh.....smell that fresh air! Thank you SS, it was getting very stale in here!

Peccy's photo
Thu 11/29/12 08:04 AM
Who knows?

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/28/12 07:39 PM
Naughty is the new nice I hear, what say you?

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/28/12 07:00 PM
Did you give him a reason to cheat? Not saying that ANY cheating is good or forgivable, but in his eyes there ma be a very good reason. Or he could just be a typical male and chase anything in a skirt... I've been there...but I know when to stop now too.

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/28/12 06:54 PM always gets me about people asking for advice on the age they should whatever makes you feel good! If it's older, so be it; if younger that works too! In the end there are only two people you have to make happy, you and her!

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/28/12 06:42 PM

While I did some traveling for 8 years, I lived in a 6x10 ft trailer. I still have it and it's still liveable. Heated it in Wa State winters with a coleman lantern.
wow...........I'm impressed............I used to design trailers, and 6x10 is......well not really big at all. My girl Angel and I live in a 4000 sq foot house, and we both's WAY too much! (Side note- this is an older house built in the 40's) not a new one!

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/28/12 06:37 PM can have that popcorn, boobs are too small and she has no girth to her legs! Maybe if she was fed

Peccy's photo
Wed 11/28/12 10:21 AM
Edited by Peccy on Wed 11/28/12 11:19 AM

So how far off course was flight 77?laugh
My understanding is that it was on approach and veered off. But I'm sure your over active imagination will refuse to let you believe that. As far as your concerned, the flight made a bee-line for the pentagon...but I understand why, because the conspiracy theory loses impact if the government wasn't behind everything. And since you like those annoying emoticons so much laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh .......slaphead
I would be the one who is informed on this topic.

Please take the time to inform yourself before commenting.

American Airlines Flight 77 is the plane that is supposed to have hit the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. Flight 77, with 58 passengers and a flight crew of four, was a 757-200 on a scheduled flight from Dulles to Los Angeles.

It took off at 8:20 AM, ten minutes after its scheduled departure time. At 8:46 the plane veered severely off course, a deviation indicated in a graphic as semicircular loop to the north, ten miles in radius. Reports indicate communications from the pilots at 8:50, four minutes after the reported deviation. According to the Boston Globe, the transponder was shut off at 8:56, after which the plane reversed direction and began flying back toward the capital. With its transponder off, air traffic controllers and NORAD were still able to track the jet using radar.
Informed? By what, twoofer websites like this one ........please.....sell your theories to people who will buy them!

Peccy's photo
Tue 11/27/12 02:55 PM

I've gotten the flu shot 3 times in my life and all three times I got the flu shortly after, i missed work each time. After the third time I decided the flu shot was worse than the risk of possibly getting it.
same here..
same here..

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