I want to know
I'm glad if I was helpful...
BTW- beautiful waterfall- pretty nice creation. ![]() |
I want to know
Why I want to beleive but its hard. All wars have been about Relingion. I believe in God but hate all the wars. Man uses religion as an excuse to go to war for property, wealth or perhaps even as a part of natural selection. What does that have to do with believing in God? This is a reason that I don't believe in some kind of puppetmaster god who controls everything- because that kind of god would be responsible for war and sorrow- death, destruction, etc. But a benevolent creator. What has that to do with man's wars? Why not believe in a god that has no part in man's choice to war on his own species? Peace to you. May you find a belief system that strengthens and comforts you. ![]() |
Obama and Goodness
| I stand corrected, and apollogize to everyone involved including Barack Obama Good for you. So often people cannot admit that they were mistaken. It is a difficult thing to do. ![]() |
Obama and Goodness
Edited by
Sun 01/27/08 08:21 AM
The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from thr inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level. First, I was raised Christian. I am not now a Christian. To call me one just because I was raised that way does not make it true. Obama has said he is Christian. Therefore by definition he is a Christian. And secondly, although some radical extremist muslims have said that they would like to destroy the US. Many other muslims have said that they disagree. Grouping all muslims in this way is like saying "all christians want to destroy black people" just because some Klansman claim to be christian. You are spewing dangerous rhetoric. Please try to examine your information and assess each piece of it- not just swallowing it whole as it is crammed down your throat. The disinformation you are spreading is dangerous and divisive. |
I gotta give credit where credit is due. You and Abra have explained it about as well as most people can. I have tried transcendental mediation, so far I have been unsuccessful, I believe this is due in part by my tendency to ground myself to the physical world. Science shows us that all things are energy on some level, it also shows us that energy never ends, but instead changes form. So if one where to consider God not as a seperate entity, but insead as a state of being within ones self.To find God one must only look within their selves. I don't know much about the meditation that you I have no comment there.....But where you say to consider God not as a seperate entity, but instead as a state of being within ones self. So your saying you think your God....that is the most ludecris thing I have heard thus far...and what confirms it is that abra totally agrees with it. But see here is the big difference if you have not experienced God in all his majesty then you would look at yourself and think you are God the flowers are God, pleazzzzzeeeeee Feral- Many established religions accept that we are all god or part of god. I'm not sure how this is more conceptually ludicris or really all that different from man being created in "god's image"? Or god being a father, son and spirit all at once? Many religious beliefs sound "silly" "scary" or "strange" to unbelievers. I don't understand your need to make fun of anothers religious beliefs. I could be mistaken but I thought that you recently stated that one who is content in ones own beliefs has no need to mock the beliefs of others? Have you become discontent with your own beliefs? |
If you want to get beyond logic you have no choice but to ‘pretend’. That’s what faith is. I pretend that the universe has a spirit and I’m part of it. And that works for me. Christians pretend that Santa Claus is keeping track of whose been naughty and nice and that works for them. If you want to believe in something you have to learn to pretend. That’s all there is to it. And atheists are not exempt. They are just pretending that there is no God and that works for them. The only really sane people left are people like you who refuse to pretend. But look at what it’s doing to you? OMG! You’re going to go insane if you keep this up! You’re trying to arrive at an answer without being willing to pretend. You’ll go crazy and they’ll put you in a funny farm if you keep that up. You need to pretend in something! It doesn’t matter what you chose to pretend, just chose something and start pretending like everyone else does or you're going to drive as ALL crazy! ![]() Things happen to us in life but we choose how we react to them. This is the same to me. We have some knowledge of our surroundings (very little- but it's enough to convince us that we know it all). We look around, see what makes the most sense or seems the most true or speaks to us and thats what we embrace. Thats what we choose to believe. You can call it "pretending" or "faith" or whatever you like... it's what you choose to believe and live by- I don't see how there will never be any concrete, irrefutable answers- at least not in this life. Peace and Joy. ![]() |
I think a Taz emoticon would be a good thing or the snoopy sound effect........ ((((((((((Wench)))))))))) I am for a Taz emoticon. And I have asked for an eating emoticon several times... There hasn't been anything to eat in here since we had that big food fight in the philosophers room.... Sometimes I get hungry. What's a snoopy sound effect? And did it "just happen" or was it "created"? Hee hee.... I have heard of the cartoon god "Charles Shultz" but I have never seen him... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
TO ANYONE WHO WANTS TO ANSWER: How come JSH doesn't have that emoticon of the smiley face banging its head against a wall? That seems perfect for these threads. Sorry to interrupt. Please continue. ![]() That would be nice... but it's probably best that there isn't an emoticon of a smiley choking another smilely... ![]() yes like an emoticon with a symbol of a cross on it torturing one that doesn't have a symbol Or vice versa. ![]() Either way... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
But that is why I think God is possible... we know such an infintesimaly tiny portion of what there is to know... how could we know that there is NOT a god or gods?
I agree DD. As you know, I do believe in God myself. I wasn't addressing whether or not a God "could" exist. I was simply addressing the topic of why a particular argument for God doesn't hold any water. Nothing more, nothing less. ![]() I know. But new people don't. As they don't know why you call me DD. Which I still think is hilarious... I love thinking about how big the universe is... I wonder what else is out there? Then I realize that in this life I will only see or learn about a small percentage of the creatures or things on this planet... ![]() |
Hiya s1ow...misty... ![]() I suppose if one questions something in religion that another holds dear, it makes the one questioning a 'bad' guy? Question the questions... ![]() It does seem that many religions don't invite questioning. I don't get it. Questioning usually is an expression of interest. Isn't it nice if others are interested in your religion? |
TO ANYONE WHO WANTS TO ANSWER: How come JSH doesn't have that emoticon of the smiley face banging its head against a wall? That seems perfect for these threads. Sorry to interrupt. Please continue. ![]() That would be nice... but it's probably best that there isn't an emoticon of a smiley choking another smilely... ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 01/24/08 05:54 PM
There are over 70 sextillion stars in the observable part of the universe. Can you phantom how many stars that is? It’s over 70 thousand million million million stars (as if that helps) ![]() That’s more rolls of the dice than you can phantom. So yes, you are right. It is unfathomable to a human being. But that doesn’t mean that its unlikely. On the contrary, with only about a hundred differnet elements (spread pretty much uniformly throughout the universe) and over 70 sextillion rolls of the dice, it’s actually a SURE BET that you’ll roll a solar system like the Earth sun system. It’s a SURE BET. Not only will you roll that combination, but you’ll roll quite many of them! The chances that other life is out there is basically 100% certain, mathematically speaking. That’s given the constituents of the universe, and the number of stars (rolls of the dice). If you want to marvel at any thing perhaps you can marvel at the fact that there are only about a hundred elements and so many rolls. It could have been the other way around. 70 sextillion differnet kinds of elements and only about hundred rolls. That situation would probably produce nothing but mud on all 100 rolls. Yes, the universe is indeed unfathomable to the human mind. ![]() But that is why I think God is possible... we know such an infintesimaly tiny portion of what there is to know... how could we know that there is NOT a god or gods? We don't. How do I know that there is a god? I don't. But I hope so- it's more fun for me to think that things are intentional. And I hope that there is another life after this one. But other people can believe whatever makes them happiest. After all none of us KNOW any of these answers. So believing in this book or that god is none of my business. It can be somewhat annoying though when others insist that they KNOW what has happened and what will happen. Peace. ![]() |
Theory of god and faith
I have my beliefs but the truth is I don't know what happens when we die- and neither does anyone else.
So I will try to live this life as if it is the only one. Even though I believe there is more to come- I don't believe it hurts to give this life my all. ![]() |
The Happiest Man on Earth
There once was a king who had more money than he knew what to do with. He owned all of the land as far as the eye could see, several castles, and he ruled his land with an iron fist. But no matter how much he had, he never seemed to have enough and was a very miserable man. One day he told his servant, “I want you to go out and scour the land, from one horizon to the other, and find the happiest man on earth, and bring me his shirt. Once I have the shirt of the happiest man, I will be able to be happy myself. I don't want you to return without that shirt or you will be beheaded.” The servant set out about his mission and was gone for many moons. The king was getting impatient as he waited and waited. Finally, after many months of searching, the servant returned, on hands and knees, crawling before the king. The king noticed the servants hands were empty and became very angry. He told the servant that he had one minute before he was to be beheaded and he had better explain why he had disobeyed his orders. With tears in his eyes, the servant looked to the king and said “Master, I did as you said, I searched from horizon to horizon looking for the happiest man on earth, and I finally found him.” So the king asks, “Why didn't you bring me the shirt of this man?” The servant replied, “Master, the happiest man on earth did not own a shirt.” I like the story. Of course I'm kind of corny... the Beatles said it with fewer words for me: "Money can't buy me love" ![]() |
Sex and Christianity
funches - I'm a top - do I HAVE to be face down when I masterbate though? I didn't know guy did it that way? I want to see the law...and maybe ask for a new ruling.. ![]() ![]() If I tried that Im sure Id brake something. ![]() "brake" or "break"? Either way... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hilarious. |
This thread was quite contentious for a few pages... the typical "us" vs. "them" caused some knee jerk unkind reactions to come...
But then it seems a spirit of open-ness and tolerance prevailed. And now it's still an interesting discussion... just peaceful. How restful and refreshing. Peace and joy all. ![]() And Thank You to the originator, Big Jim. The OP writer owns their thread and sets the tone. Nice tone. |
I must admit, I do enjoy the shock factor. It's really fun when I announce my religion to a newfound aquantance. I posted it on here as a way to be honest. I will not hide what I am for any one. I do share some Luciferian beliefs.... Such as the faith in Satan. We have covered the point that LaVey Satanists don't believe in any higher power than themselves. I guess it's a throwback from my christianity. I'm not a perfect Laveyan, but I don't care. I am not a perfect anything. None of us is a perfect anything. Which is really nice... perfection is so unbeautiful. You're young. Enjoy the shock value now and for as long as you can... how much better than to be jaded and bored. And it is so nice to see your religion bringing joy to your life. ![]() |
i am in the life religion you live you life and i will live mine but if ya wanna talk cool as long as ya stay civil ((((((((DJ!))))))) I like your waterfall... you look beautiful. ![]() Happy New Year. Hope all is well with you and yours. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I leave you kids for just a few hours to play by yourselves and you all start fighting. ![]() What am I to do with you? You are all grounded. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What a great idea... if some cannot help acting like children- treat them like children! If we can only find a way to make the misbehaving ones go sit in a corner and take a time out! ![]() |
Why is there?
Regardless to the plethia of information provided here by others. Religions are a major reason for war. Religions do not want you to believe it but they are. And even if it was not out right war, religions have caused a lot of blood on the ground throughout history and still to this day. Religions are often used as an excuse for war or bloodshed, but you really have to look at the teachings of a religion to judge if the religion incites violence or if the religion was used as an excuse for violence. spider, just by claiming to be right and true and the one and only way to heaven they are enciting a warring attitude. One cannot claim to be right and everyone else wrong at a level of religion and not be inciting war. Believers take this to heart. If they are right and everyone else is wrong and they die for the right, they have been told is right, they will willingly die, right? Justification for extreme violence is given solely on the fact their religion is the one true right religion. Look at the abortion clinic bomber...... he is justified right? Killed the killer, right? Religion at it's best there. Many more examples but I get upset by this one so I will leave it here. Unfortunately, I have to agree with Dragoness. I believe strongly in tolerence of all our differences- including the many religious beliefs. However, members of most religions seem to feel the need to explain to everyone else that they are wrong and will be punished. And extremists of many religions seem unable to just let others believe as they would; to the point where they will kill those who disagree with them. Peace. ![]() |