Here is something to think about: Did not the Jews write the the Bible???? And is it not also true that most of them don't believe in the rapture OR Jesus Christ? I think the Bible was written by Jews to trick the non-Jews. Hey, Don't misunderstand me, I do BELIEVE in Jesus CHRIST!!!But ,I believe the Bible has been tampered with for the purpose of dividing up the people on petty issues ,so that they will never become united on the the main issues, like #1 LOVE GOD, and #2 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF: Remember that these two things were the main teachings of Jesus Christ, everything else sort of connects up to those two things. That alone would stop all wars.and fighting of any kind among all the people. The RAPTURE is not a main teaching.Jesus never even mentioned a RAPTURE. Why does some one want to make it a main issue to divide up our brothers and sisters. What if you had 2 son's Would you pick one as a favorite? And suppose that no matter how he acted , even if he behave like a Horse's behind, you still kept him as your favorite, Above the other son?? The jews says they are Gods special people. Above the rest of us. NOW< I don't think God ever said that , I don't think that Jesus taught that either. But that does not stop me from trying to be your neighbor ,whether you believe that or if you believe the RAPTURE or NOT. Of course the Bible was written by Jews. You are aware that Jesus and the disciples were Jewish... right? |
I believe that there is a creator/creative force in the universe that created this planet and everything on it...
I don't understand why that creator would care to be "worshipped" or interfere in our daily lives... ![]() Good Luck with you search. |
If 'God' came first...
"Split some wood, I am there. Lift a stone, you will find me there." The above is from The Gospel of Thomas. Whether or not you accept it plays a huge role in how you believe in christianity. If you accept it then, I assume, you believe that god was here before he/it created everything (since he/it is a part of everything and is to be found everywhere). If you believe otherwise then I don't know what to think. You don't have to be a Christian to believe that God is everywhere... ![]() |
So That's How It Is!!!!!
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jess for god's sake (lame attempt to bring the conversation back to a "religious" topic) spit it out... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Perhaps the two females with the apparent quarrel would like to start a thread of their own to air their differences... just a suggestion... ![]() |
Some new questions...
I wondered about the other gospels... I have only read the gospels that are accepted parts of the bible.
But I have read that several other gospels have been discovered and I wondered if they shed more light on his personal life- it would seem that the gospel of Mary would be the most revealing... |
Edited by
Mon 02/04/08 06:37 PM
Not a pagan. Try to be a "lady" by my definition of same. Just stopped by to wish you well.
Plus "Muhaha" happens to be a nickname of mine... so I thought you might be calling me ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (((((Wench)))))) Don't go... is that a Minataur? |
If that was true, you know what most men think about, we would all be surrounded by scantily clad woman all day, like spider is.
Some suggestions for yzrabbit1 on fulfilling your desire to be surrounded by scantily clad women. 1.Develop your skill as a photographer and publish a nudie magazine. 2.Move to a warmer climate and hang out at the beach, or become a lifeguard. 3.Go to a nude beach or a nudist colony. 4.Get into motion pictures and start your own hard or soft core porn empire. 5.Advertise that you are creating a calendar and are looking for your cutie of the month. 6.Open a topless or nudie bar, or just get a job as a bartender in one. 7.Get a job at the chicken ranch in Nevada giving massages to the girls. Just a few suggestions. You might ask yourself what you are doing towards really fulfilling your dream or is it just wishful thinking? You really can surround yourself with scantily clad women if you want. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Desire: You can tell if you are focused on the lack of a thing or the attracting of a thing by the way you are feeling. To some, "wanting" something is painful. That is because they are wanting something they believe they will never have. Therefore they are miserable and unhappy. But if that thing you wanted was something that you knew you were going to get you would not be miserable. You would be excited in anticipation of receiving it. You believe you will get it. You are very happy. For example if you wanted a beautiful woman and you believed you could never have her, it might be painful and frustrating. But if you knew she liked you and you knew you could have her, you would be excited and anticipating the event. If you go around with the attitude that you are a looser and can't get a date, or that you are broke and will never make any money, that belief will attract that kind of experience to you. That kind of attitude is felt by everyone you come into contact with. Desperation can be sensed in a heartbeat by other people and they will avoid you like the plague. Wanting something and knowing what you want is very important because if you have no goals aspirations or desires ... well,you might just go watch the "boob tube" and turn into a mindless vegetable. ![]() But I also think that it is not good to focus your desire too intensely on one specific thing.... if I want to go to Jamaica and my flight gets canceled I'm human and I'm disappointed but I try to think- "maybe the diversion from that path to another will lead to something even better- maybe I will meet a really great friend while stuck here in this air port" or something similar. And obsession is only good if it is mutual IMO. |
Symbolic Displays
We always have big "nativity" vs. "menorrah" debates here in the winter...
And not on private property, which should be allowed any displays that are within zoning regulations, but on public areas. It's too bad that what should be a celebration of personal beliefs often turns into a fight of some kind... |
she must be riding some waves Let's all hope that all it is- really great waves!! |
Gun Control
all my guns are loaded and ready. This business of the politically correct Gun owner makes no sense to me. If my gun is in a locked cabinet, and the ammo is stored somewhere else and locked up, whats the point of having them for protection? I guess if they are just for hunting it is a good idea to keep them safe from children. But I wondered that as well, how are they "protection" if they are unloaded and locked? |
I miss seeing her too...
Hopefully she is having fun though... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gun Control
if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns We can all quote bumper stickers, in my opinion this phrase has no meaning. If you outlaw all guns, which no one here has yet advocated, then all gun would indeed belong to criminals or law enforcement because it would be illegal to own guns. There is no actual point being made here. |
Gun Control
young lady as with a gun being a pulling of a finger it is a flick of a rist and some one is gone,sisors knife,peice of glass,a simple 8pennie nail,hit a person in artery and they are gone.A gun is a tool as with a hammer or a screwdriver and both the later have been used as wepons and on accident killed some one.the person holding the gun is the killer not the tool.Being raised with guns(and yes young lady I do know someone close that was killed with one) and have help teach people the PROPER use and care of guns I guess I have a byuss opinion.And yes I was accidently shot once and have a scare to prove it but I still beleive in gun control is knowing where that gun is pointed and the safty is in the proper position!Every one has an opinion but if most of us would stop and think a moment about other peoples opinions we all might take a step back and try and see life through other peoples veiws,I do respect your choises as with Tobias and Toasted,and even Mac60s but I wish people would stop and use comen cence and think cars are even a more lethal wepon than a gun and have killed evn more in one week than a guns in a month,but this duose exclude the war. I am sorry if I have offended any one with my baleifs and my opinions.Do have a good and safy weekend all. Yes I pointed out that I believe guns and cars are similarly dangerous tools earlier in this thread. I also notice that you have to take a test, written and practical, and renew it periodically and have insurance, to drive a car. I think the same rules for gun owners might help weed out the irrisponsible gun owners. And I noted Dragonesses point- many say they have guns for "protection" and not hunting (handguns are the most commonly owned weapon). You advocate keeping guns locked up at all times. I completely agree with you. However, how is a locked up, unloaded gun useful in "protecting" one in their home? Or do you not agree with keeping guns for this purpose? |
Gun Control
If you type in "Gun Control, England" in google the whole first page is articles about how crime has risen since england has enacted their very strict Gun Control laws. The best way to judge a laws effectiveness is to see how it works in other places. And if england is any example all people for total Gun Control have no leg to stand on. I did see some articles that state this but when I examined them they were all from gun lobbying sources and didn't really match the original data sources. According to our Dept. of Justice crime has been generally increasing steadily in many nations-including the US- but the US still has a per capita murder rate that is 6 times that of Englands and 3 times the rape rate- . There were some indications that robbery was becoming more prevalent in the UK but that could be linked to economic issues that have arisen there as well. This does not mean I advocate that the same gun control laws that are in place there be implemented here. I think you can't compare the two. I believe we need to look at our culture and the problems here and try to figure out what will work here. Education might be more necessary. Guns are glamorized here and I think that is a problem but one I don't have a solution for... Yes but what about gun crimes? I saw a bunch of conflicting stats on recent gun crime in the UK which lead me to conclude that they don't have the data seperated out. the BBC had several articles that contradicted one another and the US data didn't differentiate between violent crimes and violent crimes with guns for the UK. There is some good neutral data on gun crime in the US though: . 70% of all murders are performed with guns. I can't find reliable stats on accidental death or injury from guns... all i have found so far are from obviously biased sources one way or the other... this one seems fairly decent... Let me know if you find meaningful unbiased data... there is so much that is obviously skewed that it's hard to find anything else.. |
Gun Control
just wondering, since unless you know what you're doing it's not always a sure thing that you'll hit someone. that's even more true when you put range between the two I understand what you are saying. My point was just that it is so much easier to kill with a gun than without one. And I am tired of hearing, "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Obviously not all gun owners are responsible or we wouldn't have so many "accidental shooting incidents." The VP of the US accidentally shot someone for god's sake. Has he accidentally stabbed anyone? My family is one of those many sad ones where a child shot another child with their fathers gun. Yes, children accidentally cut one another with knives but the results are rarely so severe. Someone had earlier equated guns with knives. My point is that they cannot be compared. And you have a good point. At range it is even less likely you could kill with a knife, yes? |
Gun Control
How many weapons have I personally used? 5 or 6 although I haven't used one in quite a while.
Why do you ask? |
Gun Control
And I'm tired of hearing guns compared to knives or hands as a weapon.
This comparison is not accurate. It is so very easy to kill someone with a gun. You don't even have to touch them at all. To kill someone with a knife you have to use a lot of physical force. People rarely accidentally kill another human with a gun or a knife. They have to be trying. There has to be real intent to harm. But with a gun, it's just a tiny pull of your finger and "bam" it's all over with. Literally. It's not valid to compare taking away a person's knife with taking away their gun. I would say that it is more accurate to compare a gun and a car if you want to go with the "they are both just tools" argument. After all it's easy to kill or injure with a car. And accidental deaths can be high with both such powerful machines. But you have to have a license for a car. And insurance. And take driving tests. Maybe that would help prevent poor gun ownership? I don't see a perfect solution for gun violence issues... after all even with all the controls on who can drive a car death by car accident is still quite common. Peace. ![]() |
Gun Control
But then it seems that one would have the right to keep and bear arms as long as he is part of(or agrees to be part of if necessary) a well regulated miltia. Consequently then, only those that are part of the militia would have the right to keep and bear arms as stated in the 2nd Amendment. Right? If you want to go look directly at the text of the 2nd amendment then yes that might be true. But seeing as there are no more militias, I think taking away peoples rights to bare arms is not the intent of the 2nd amandment. I know it is tricky, but I think that the right to bare arms is a useful right now as it was when The Bill of Rights was written. If you type in "Gun Control, England" in google the whole first page is articles about how crime has risen since england has enacted their very strict Gun Control laws. The best way to judge a laws effectiveness is to see how it works in other places. And if england is any example all people for total Gun Control have no leg to stand on. I did see some articles that state this but when I examined them they were all from gun lobbying sources and didn't really match the original data sources. According to our Dept. of Justice crime has been generally increasing steadily in many nations-including the US- but the US still has a per capita murder rate that is 6 times that of Englands and 3 times the rape rate- . There were some indications that robbery was becoming more prevalent in the UK but that could be linked to economic issues that have arisen there as well. This does not mean I advocate that the same gun control laws that are in place there be implemented here. I think you can't compare the two. I believe we need to look at our culture and the problems here and try to figure out what will work here. Education might be more necessary. Guns are glamorized here and I think that is a problem but one I don't have a solution for... |