Original sin... explained...
What you see as a test I see as a choice. If he didn't give a way to disobey then there would be no free will to serve. He wanted man to have a choice. There is a theory that some have that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the new Testament are 2 different Gods. The God of the old testament and the messiah of the new testament certainly seem VERY different to me. As a child I was taught basically that the old testament was how you used to have to live to "get into heaven" but that after "Jesus died on the cross" people no longer had to follow a long and stringent set of rules to get into heaven, the merely had to "accept Jesus into their hearts". "he that believeth in me shall not perish..." etc. etc. This was called the "new covenant" with God. So in this set of beliefs the two books were about the same God but he changed the rule book for the second half of the game... but then later I was told by other sects of christians that this was not the case... really the two books don't seem to be talking about the same God to me. The new testament God seems so much more forgiving and well, *nicer* than the old testament one. Peace. ![]() |
The Golden Rule
This comment is more direct & you might think it is interesting adjunct to consider about the golden rule. In all the Bible's law, its histories, and writings, there is a kind of duality running through things. There is the physical that is the symbol and the spiritual. For example, a man is physical and made in the image of the spiritual God. There was physical Israel and there is a spiritual Israel--the Church. There is the first Adam, and the last Adam--Christ. So, without going on and on, I am hoping we can see a principle. In a like manner, while there is a physical application of the law that is valid and good, there is a spiritual intent that must take precedence. For example, one the Sabbath no work is to be done. This is a physical law. However, should life or limb be threatened, like an ox in a ditch, then a higher spiritual law takes over. In this case, the spirit of the Sabbath is freedom from slavery and bondage (Deut 5). Thus, it is a must that we work to save the life. Then it is clear how all of this, sits under the greater umbrella of spiritual love. With this as a backdrop, lets look at the golden rule. Physically it says that we should never do something to others we would not want then to do to us. It is the essence of empathy. What then would be the spiritual application? Realize that we are all different. Therefore, a man does not want from a women what she wants from a man. Therefore, we men can give our women everything they really don't want. The real truth is that we don't often think of the other. We don't esteem others better. We are only concerned with ourself and how we see things. But, what if we applied the golden rule in its spiritual intent? Then we would have people who were striving to understand the needs of others, and not just looking at their own needs. We have a spiritual golden rule: We should strive to do unto others what THEY WANT us to do unto them. Does anyone see the beauty of that? Art Oh yes I think it would be lovely if everyone would do unto me as I would wish them to... but they might get tired of brushing my hair, rubbing my feet and washing my car... Seriously, yes it is a very nice thought. It does have difficultys though... and as far as men and women understanding what the other one wants... now you truly are a dreamer my friend! |
The Golden Rule
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The Golden Rule
The problem here is the same with the news. We all like this idea it is not controversial so it can't spark much conversation. I like to think of how far out it can be expanded. Does it just mean you doing things to others? or is it also allowing others to live a life as you would like to live. So if your Church is in your neighborhood would you allow every other type of Church in your neighborhood? Am I expanding it too far there? I think you underestimate the ability of some of us to debate ("argue"?)... But I am happy to have a discussion about what we all like and agree with... You cannot expand too far for me... I would allow any church/religion to be practiced but I would allow NO church in my neighborhood- I don't want the traffic, noise, and parking problems. ![]() However, allowing others to live as you would like to live can be problematic. For some reason I can never understand some people actually LIKE other people to tell them what to do, how to live, etc. These people want some kind of "father figure" to instruct them their whole lives. On the other hand I cannot abide being told what to do. It has a very unfortunate effect on my temperment. So I cannot help these others to live as I would want, nor could I stand to live as they would like. |
The Golden Rule
I have indeed fallen short on occasion... especially after a character assassination... Unfortunately, a mirrored response by me merely justifies their false claim, fueling the unfounded judgement's growth. I do another no justice by using a measure which justifies their own inner judgemental nature. It actually perpetuates another's continued false judgements by validating their ego. I think you are right, but where is the line between "turning the other cheek" and becoming a doormat? ![]() |
The Golden Rule
Just bringing it up again because I like to read it...
I apologize to those that are bored with it but it comes up again and again... and I'm continually fascinated with how many verstions there are, how many religions endorse it and yet I am saddened by how many seem unable to practice it... even at times amoung those here... and I have certainly failed to keep it at times myself! ![]() |
Does the TRUTH bother you
Yes but there is a universal message in the bible and I think that is what is important. Love your neighbor as yourself. If some people want to take everything literally but follow this law who am I to complain? Ah ha!!! Chazter's reference to one of my favorite ethical instructions is enough reason for me to go look for that one thread about all the cultures that have and continue to use it... I'm off to dust that thread off for those who haven't seen it before. |
Does the TRUTH bother you
I wonder if Santa Claus knows about this "urine test" to see if we've been good or bad...
Sorry. Kat cracked me up. I'll stop now and behave like a grown-up... or try to anyway... Very interesting quotes from both Kat and Rabbit. To me it makes a lot of sense for earlier people to think that their stomach or bowels were connected to their conscience. As a child my stomach always hurt when I thought I had done something wrong. Sometimes it still does. ![]() Peace. :flowerforyo |
Does the TRUTH bother you
| sort of like a urine test? Those ar given all the time to see if we are drug and alcohol free. Just see if we have been nice. Kat ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks Kat!!! And you weren't sure you were goofy.... ROLFL. |
Original sin... explained...
I would think not. If you want to believe they were as God created then you would have to think that God would give them intelligence enough to decide to obey or disobey. Knowing the difference between good and evil and deciding to disobey or obey your creator are 2 different things. I think its kind of naive to believe in the story of Adam and Eve and think God would not give them enough since to choose. Was not eve originally reluctant to eat the fruit when the serpent first suggested it? That shows some since of knowing she shouldn't do it. She wasn't like "try the fruit..ok" Well it's not a straight forward story for me. One thing that is usually mentioned in all versions of this story is that Adam and Eve "didn't know they were naked" and "had no shame" before eating from the tree of knowledge. Seems pretty animalistic to me... But i don't believe that my creator would ask me to do or not do anything. I do believe my creator imbued humankind with enough sense to know (or learn) how to behave well towards others and care for him/herself and others... but as I mentioned, I don't believe that this story comes from my creator. Nor does it reflect charactoristics *my* creator. A "jealous" god that "tests" it's creations seems very strange and frankly unappealing to me. But it is an interesting story. I certainly like the description of the earth as a beautiful garden... very few parts of it resemble that anymore. |
Original sin... explained...
Edited by
Sat 01/05/08 11:47 AM
I will give one more explanation and then if you still don't get what I am saying then we can agree to disagree. When I was a kid sometimes my mom wouldn't let me do things and I would never know why. When I would ask she would say "because I said so." Kind of like that. They didn't know why they couldn't all they knew was "because God said so". I personally think this is actually the origin of that story. It is not my intention to offend those who believe the bible is the literal word of God, but I do not believe that. I believe that it is stories from men that were primarily intended to get people to be nicer to one another (not an unworthy goal). However, just like fairy tales with similar motivations, these stories are often (again to me) "scare tactics" to keep people from asking questions. I think lots of parents do get tired of explaining and answering endless questions so they come up with the "because I said so" logic. The story of Adam and Eve seems to me to be the ultimate "because I said so" and "dont' ask any more questions" story. No offense intended, I know that others disagree but I just thought it might be interesting to some. Peace. |
Original sin... explained...
Edited by
Sat 01/05/08 11:46 AM
If eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (or the tree of knowledge of morality) was the original sin, how did those two even know that disobeying God was the wrong thing to do to begin with? ![]() I always think that this is a good point... Adam and Eve were, I thought, child-like in their innocence. They were told not to eat from the tree of knowledge but how did they know "right from wrong" prior to eating from the tree of knowledge. To me it always seemed like they were more like animals prior to "eating knowledge".... can animals "sin"? I did not think that animals could "sin" because they don't know right from wrong. They are instinctual. They kill or steal or fight to survive but I have never heard these called "sins" by those that believe in sin. Were not "Adam and Eve" more similar to animals because they had no "knowledge"? That's how the story seems to me. |
What I have always noticed about Kat is that she is a champion of the underdog. She seems to want to protect and aid those in need or who she thinks are being abused in some way.
She has a firm faith and it is based on what she herself thinks is right, not just on what others tell her. She thinks for herself and then she will not be compromised. She can also be goofy when she is in a mood which makes for nice variety... I still have to go back and see who I missed... I know i missed Abra but that might take a while as I assume it must at least rhyme... |
Happy New Year everyone!!
![]() Red, Wench, Scat, Abra, Voil, Invisible, DJ, Poet, Jess, Bobby, Trader, Sister- I missed you all and many others. I agree with Red, it is amazing to me how close I feel to certain other posters. "Religion" is like a favorite coffe house for me, where I'll probably run into some friends but if no ones there I can always leave them a note. It's actually frequently easier to have meaningful discussions here than IRL- for many reasons. I just wanted to pop-in to say thanks to all of you. I'm delighted with you all. My life is richer, and hopefully some of my opinions more thoughtful and clarified, because of the many perspectives offered here. Have a beautiful day and a healthy and happy New Year. Peace be with you. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 12/29/07 12:09 PM
Wench- Hmmm... "brash"? I don't know...
For me, I think maybe you could be a bit brash, but I like to think of you as "cheeky". ![]() But mostly "fun" and "funny". Having too much fun and loving everything and being too interested and excited by the possibilities to waste too much time on what seems artificial and extraneously time consuming... Doesn't like much ado about nothing... likes to make a big to do about what's actually important... Hope this isn't repetitious... I'm only on page 6. |
JESS WILL NOT BE TOLD 'WHAT TO DO'. JESS WILL NOT SAY OR DO SOMETHING WHICH SHE WOULD KNOW TO BE AGAINST HER WILL, OR SOUL!!! Of course she won't... why would she? She is a thoughtful, creative person not a mindless bleating herd animal... Hee hee... I'm only on page 5 so forgive me for being so far behind but I really like this thread! ![]() |
Ah yes, nephews are the best huggers!!!
They wear me out though... I better get to sleep so I can keep up with them tomorrow!! Nite all! Peace. ![]() |
Thank you Gurl. What a lovely comfy rug...
Now that my nephews are sleeping (finally!!) I can lay back on it and relax.... They really know how to get their auntie to become their slave.... ![]() ((((James)))))- (and blows him a kiss for the wounded toe...) |
Been playing at the beach all weekend...
with two boys... yep... I"m a playa for sure... and young ones too.... 5 and 9. ![]() ![]() ![]() Just want to lay down and relax for a while... too tired to unicycle... anyone have a nice flying carpet I can borrow? ![]() |
"According to the bible..."
Creative wrote (still refusing to use the quote button because she likes quoting the parts that were most important to her only):
"Beware of too much time time spent thinking about that which does not produce good... " Beware thinking too hard about anything- muddy water will settle on it's own and become clear if not constantly stirred up (paraphrasing).... ![]() |