Topic: Command Anointing/ The Prize
imrare's photo
Tue 03/02/10 04:34 AM
"...and because of the word (logos) of their testimony (marturia)."
If we are to understand that the work of the death, burial and
resurrection of our Lord Jesus the Christ was done for us to redeem
us from death's sting, the grave's victory, and sin's curse, then
we would have to agree that it is a substitutionary work.

Isaiah 53 - teaches that He did it for us.
Psalm 22 - teaches it was done for the afflicted, for those who
cried to God for help. We are that generation to come, His posterity,
those for whom He performed it.
Ephesians 5:2 - Jesus was an offering and a sacrifice, a payment made
for our debt.
Hebrews 9:26 - "He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself."
Hebrews 10:12 - " sacrifice for sins for all time..."
1 Corinthians 5:7 - "...for Christ our Passover also has been

It is clear that the Lord slain from the foundations of the earth
was a substitutionary offering for us. He was afflicted so we can
be free. He defeated Satan so we could enjoy the victory. He pleased
God for us. He paid our debt. He did it for us, fighting our
battles, paying our price, atoning for our failures so we could
live in victory. He conquered so we could be more than conquerors.
He triumped over Satan and shared the spoils, plunder, loot with
us (Luke 11:22). When He defeated and disarmed Satan and the
forces of evil, He stripped them of all they had and gave it to
the body of Christ.

He won back the keys of death, hell and the grave. He seized the
keys of the Kingdom, all authority in Heaven and earth, and gave
it to us, His body. He lived the life He lived for us because we
could'nt. He won the battle for us, because we could'nt. He paid
the price for us, because we would'nt. He took on Him what we were,
so we could take into us what He is (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
* As He is now so are we in the world - 1 John 4:17
* Put on Christ as a garment - Romans 13:14, Galatians 3:27
* We have His armor - Ephesians 6:11
* We have His testimony of righteousness - 2 Corinthians 5:21
* We have His name - Ephesians 3:15, 1 Corinthians 6:11
Colossians 3:17, 2 Thessalonians 1:12
* We do His works - John 14:12

If I allow His mind to be in me, as the scriptures says (1 Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2:5), if I was crucified with Him
(Romans 6:6), if I was buried with Him (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12)
if I share in His resurrection (Romans 6:5), if I am seated with
Him now (Ephesians 2:6), if I am as He is now (1 John 4:17), if I
am righteous with His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21), If I am
a joint-heir with Him of all His inheritance and have an equal
right to make demands on Heaven's account (Romans 8:17) then I
must conclude that His victory is my victory, His life is my life
and His testimony is my testimony. We have been made "one", and I
must learn to walk as "one" with Him.
In any and every encounter of life I now have His testimony of
triumph as my testimony of full triumph. The enemy He defeated is
under my redeemed foot. The life I noe live, I live in the
empowerment of the victorius Christ.

His anointing in me infuses me with the divine nature so that I can
do all things from a point of rulership with Him. I am to have the
testimony that I rule in this life as a king (Romans 5:17). Since
His testimony of triumph is my testimony of triumph, I can come to
full realization of what the "word of their testimony" means
(Revelations 12:11).

If whatever I am facing in life was being faced by the risen Christ,
how would He address it? What would He say to it or about it? His
testimony, the words He would speak, belongs to me. It's my blood;
it's my testimony because He gave it to me. I have joint-heir check
writing privileges.


The popular slogan, "What would Jesus do?" has adorned bracelets,
key chains, necklaces, t-shirts and bumper stickers. Now it is time
for this to be emblazoned on our thought processes.

When a situation arises, a need exists, or a threat presents itself,
what would Jesus do? What would His testimony, declaration or
command be? That is what yours and mines must become. We must reach
the point in our Sonship growth that we no longer have to ask what
He would do because we have become one with His nature and we do His
will instinctively. We have His blood, a token or emblem of final
victory over any and all. We have the word that would fill His
mouth, were He in our place. Now we must rise up and become the
"Sons of God" and act like our brother Jesus would. Respond as He
would respond. Take charge as He would take charge.

We'll have to deal with the moneychangers until we are bold enough
to plat a whip and run them out. He did'nt pray. He did'nt fast. He
did'nt call for warfare in the face of a wrong situation. He took
charge and ruled and reigned as any king would take charge over a