Topic: RIGHTEOUSNESS Continued....
imrare's photo
Mon 07/26/10 08:26 PM
Abraham was awarded righteousness due to the faith he stood in. The
New Covenant believer inherits righteousness as "part and parcel"
of their new birth, "in Him". They receive His righteous position
as joint-heirs and possessors of the promise. Righteous with His
righteousness. "As He is so are we."

Righteousness is never the end product of human effort, whether
doing works, or abstaining from evil. The captive cannot set the
captive free. It takes a free man to give freedom and release.
"Whom the Son (the free from sin man) sets free (the believer) is free in all his ways (indeed, fully).

The gift of righteousness comes by faith to all who receive the
Anointed Redeemer as Lord. This gift is of God. The recipient
cannot enlarge upon it. The gift is the power of God to decree
that man is a sin free, justified son of God, one, with "the
seed" of righteousness and approved by God.

The revelation of righteousness helps you to understand that guilt
and condemnation are but traceable, identifiable, footprints that
prove satan has been around lying on you.

God never uses guilt or condemnation.

Righteous people do not fear, what they understand to be, under
the Blood of the Lamb. He became the sacrificial covering and
cleasing man needed.

Messiah's hands, bore away our guilt and sin. His sacrifice paid
the price of sin debt and cancelled out the guilt, condemnation
and residue of man's failure, so that the new man could be and do what GOd called His sons to be and do.

Receive, understand and walk in His unmerited favor. His gift of
rightstanding redeems fallen man and elevates him to sinless

The more you know of His righteous opinion of you, in Christ, the
more of His power and presence you can display in the earth.