Topic: Command Anointing/ Part 7
imrare's photo
Wed 02/24/10 02:48 AM

The side of our Lord and Redeemer, the Lamb of God, was pierced and
holy blood flowed out, as did water. Both have significance for the
new life we are to live.

The blood paid the price for broken fellowship. Redeemed man could
approach God the Father once again. Redeemed man could come boldly
to the throne of God (Hebrews 4:16). The fall of man in Adam broke
the heart of Father God. The heart of our Lord and Redeemer was also
broken under the weight of man's sin and separation from God. When
the spear of a false government pierced the side of our Redeemer, a
new and living way back to fellowship with the heart of Father God
was opened up and "consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His
flesh, therefore, brethren, have boldness to enter the Holiest by
the blood of the Redeemer of God." (Hebrews 10:20,19)

When the spear pierced the side of our Redeemer, blood and water
flowed out. A new way was opened up through the veil of His flesh.
Through the opening cut in the Redeemer's side, God was birthing
a new generation, a new people, a Kingdom people. When the Father
God first begin to populate the earth He did so by opening the
side of the first Adam to create a people. Since God does not
change, when He sought to raise up a new generation of Kingdom
people He opened up the side of the second Adam to do so, after
the fashion of the first Adam. Every time a new life is birthed
water and blood flow. Water washes and blood gives life. It is a
pattern of purpose.

The Anointed Redeemer was born into earth as a King. He was
announced as a King. He was sought as a King. He was given gifts
as a King. He was a threat to the earthly ruler. The heavens even
showed forth the light of the Morning Star, coronating His birth.

The government He came to establish (Isaiah 9:6-7)was a threat to
the false governments set up under Satan's rule. Satan was at
work to stop the threat to his rule any way he could.

What Satan and all the forces of evil did not know was that they
were pawns in the plan of God. Their plan to stop this new King
was the opening of God's plan to raise up a Kingdom of Kings and
Priests unto Himself.

The flesh they were peircing was a holy temple. The way made for
us, back into the Family of God, was through the flesh of the
Anointed Redeemer. The incision made by the spear of the Roman
soldier was a renting or tearing of the veil of flesh which
would provide a way for us through the veil of His flesh, right
into the heart of God.

Two things flowed out of the torn veil of His temple. Blood to
cleanse us, purchase us and make us worthy to enter the Holy Place.
Water also flowed out in fulfillment of what the Old Covenant laver
outside the Holpy Place was but a type and shadow of. The water
flowed out to wash us, the blood flowed out to atone for us so
that we could enter into the new and living way prepared for us,
through His flesh.

His blood paid the price for broken fellowship. The water that
flowed out of the Holy laver washed the way of man to enter the
holy place. Through the torn veil of His sinless flesh we enter
in, having been washed and atoned for, to the heart and presence
of Father God with the boldness that comes only from being in
right standing before Him (2 Corinthians 5:21).

When sinless blood flowed down the brow of our Messiah, it bought
back man's ability to prosper without sweat or labor. It bought
back man's ability to think the thoughts of God and create with
God as before the fall of man. The will of man was now restored
to Kingdom will, plan and purpose ability. The inherited weaknesses
of man were now broken so that man could walk out of the curses.
The hands could now prosper in whatever or wherever they are set.
The feet were liberated so that the Sons of God could lay claim to
every place their feet should trod. Now broken hearts could be
mended and broken relationship restored. Through the blood and
water man could be washed and restored to fellowship and escape
the loneliness and desolation of being cut off from the Father God.

Now the Comforter could come along side this "purchased man" and
join together with him to do the will of the Father.

The blood flowed down the tree to break the curse of the law of sin
and death. The cross was the altar upon on which our sins were laid.
The cross was the altar on which the price was paid. Now, bought and
paid for, man could go free. Free from the fall, free from the curse,
free from the law, free from self and free from Satan's holds. The tree, called the cross, "yielded a fruit" of which all could partake
and have in them the incorruptible seed of life and truth. The blood
dropped down on the earth itself to set it free, for the Anointed
Redeemer paid the price not only for man, but for all the Kosmos
(earth,creation) as we are told in 1 John 2:2. The Lord our Redeemer
had come "to seek and save that which was lost", not just those who
were lost (Matthew 18:11). The Messiah came to save the world or all
of creation (John 12:47).

The blood was carried to the Holy of Holies and sprinkled there so
that not only was the price of sin paid, but the door to the Throne
of Grace reopened so that man, cleansed by that same blood, may come
boldly before God. Now with the price paid and the purging complete,
the devil could no longer present himself before God in the company
of the Sons of God (Job 1:6). Every place the blood of Jesus was
shed was to buy back something that was lost in the fall. Bondage
was broken every place the blood flowed. Our restoration from the
fall was paid in sinless, substitutionary blood. The Anointed
Redeemer lives and because He does, so do we. The blood of Jesus,
the sinless, pure blood of the Lamb bought back more than fallen
man alone. It bought back all of creation from the curse, from the
fall and from Satan's authority (which he had received in Adam's

The price paid was blood, which was once again, as in the creation
of the first Adam, God breathed, free of man's contamination or the
fall's sin cursed genealogy. Pure, holy, sin-free, uncontaminated,
sacrificial, time tested and battle proven blood was shed in
substitution for all created things. We preach the good news of
liberation "to every creature" not just to every person (Mark 16:15).
"All of creation is standing in excited anticipation of the Sons
of God walking in the authority they have been given" (Romans 8:19).
God wants it all back, everything touched by the fall, that Kingdom
life and rule can become a manifest reality: God's sons actually
laying hold of all authority in Heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18-19).
His sons will make Matthew 6:10, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done on earth as it is in Heaven" a manifest reality.