Topic: The Exchange
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Thu 06/17/10 08:10 AM
There is one truth, revealed in one passage of New Covenant Scripture, which establishes two sides of an eternal persp-
ective on identity change for the Believer.

2 Corinthians 5:21
* For God caused Christ, who had never sinned, to be
made sin for us,
* so that we, through union with the Redeemer, might
become the Righteousness of God.

In this single passage, there is a powerful truth, explaining
the life changing process of identity transformation, for those
who receive both parts of this truth. One passage with two

Most of Organized Religion will quickly embrace the first portion
of this verse.

Yes, God caused the Anointed Redeemer to take on and become sin
for all men who were damned by Adam's fall.

But the second, and better, element of this verse reveals the
powerful truth that changes eternal destinies and transforms
lives with new identity "in Him".

The great identity exchange has a second element. Not only did
He assume our fallen, guilty identity, but He opened the way
for those who believe, to assume His guiltless, sinless identity.

This can be simply stated in this phrase. He took on our fallen
nature and guilty state, to bear the load of it, away from us,
so that we could elect to take on His righteous, sin free identity.

Whenasked, what sign did He give, as to the validity of His message
and ministry, Messiah answered, "you will get no sign (attesting
miracle) except that of Jonas (Jonah). Jonah was swallowed up by a fish and for all natural purposes was a dead man. But, after 3 days
he was supernaturally returned to ministry. Life conquered death,
and purpose prevailed over disobedience.

Let's pursue further illumination from the writings of Paul, to the
Romans, as he explained how redemption works.

Romans 5:13-19 For before the law was given (through Moses),
there was sin in the world
but sin cannot be charged against a man where no law exists.
14and yet we see death reigning in the world from Adam's day
to the time of Moses, even over those whose sin was not as
great as that of Adam who
violated an express command (law).
Now Adam is a type of Him who was to come.
15But far greater is the gift, than was the transgression
For, if by reason of the offense of the first Adam, the whole
race died much more did the grace of God, evidenced through
His free gift of God and the resulting sentence of the sin of
the man Adam.
That sentence arose from the act of one man and brought
condemnation on all men, but God's gift arose over many
offenses to grant acquittal.
17And if death begin it's reign through the sin of one man,
all the more will those who receive God's overflowing mercy
and gift of righteousness (being clean before God) live and
reign through the one individual Jesus Christ.
18Therefore, as the fruit of one man's offense came down to
and affected all men, resulting in condemnation,
so also, the result of a single deed of righteousness by one
man, leads to acquittal and eternal life, for all who believe
and receive.
19For, as through the disobedience of the one man, the whole
race was placed in the position of sinners,
so too, through the obedience of the one man, the whole race
can be rendered righteous.

Messiah taught, "by your words spoken, you will be justified (just
as if I had never been tainted by sin) or by the words you utter,
you will be condemned (die under Adam's fallen state)."

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christt for
it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that
believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

The gospel is the switch that releases the power of the Anointing
(yoke breaking, burden lifting). The gospel is the good news of
the triumph of the Anointed Redeemer over the fall of man, and
its death sentence. The Anointed Redeemer, by choice, assumed our
fallen, condemned, damned state, so that we by choice, could assume
His sinless triumph over death, hell and the ability of the grave
to hold man captive.

Because of His submission to the will and plan of the Father, death
no longer has a final meaning.

Jonah, was a type and shadow, triumph. Messiah was the real deal,
total liberation for mankind, triumph over sin, death and all that
came out of the fall of man.

Romans 1:17 For in the gospel a righteousness which comes from
God is revealed, resulting from faith and leading on to faith,
as scripture says, through faith, the righteous man shall find

The gospel, the accurate account of submission, triumphing over
the penalty of disobedience, releases power, each time it is
recounted in faith. The Holy Spirit who "raised Christ from the
dead" is the power behind the written record of life defeating
death, sinlessness defeating sinful nature, captivity being broken
and curses reveresed.

The same power that resurrected Messiah, documented the event, so
that each time the record is retold, the same power, anointing,
righteous enablement is released.

Death can be defeated again and again and again, each time the good
news, the gospel, the recounting of the resurrection is told.

Romans 10:9,10,13
9 That if thou shalt confess
with thy mouth
the Lord Jesus Christ,
and shall believe in thine heart
that God raised Him from the dead
thou shalt be saved
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness
and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
13 For whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord (Redeemer)
shall be saved (brought to health, safety, soundness
wholeness and deliverance)

The gospel liberates, when man meditates, what the Holy Spirit has
already done for him.

The gospel is fallen man's get out of the fall, free card. When
the gospel is presented, sin and all it enables, is put down,
in utter defeat.

The gospel says, Messiah stepped into my present, to pay for my past
and give me His future. The gospel is the empowerment of identity
exchanged with the sinless Son of God.