Community > Posts By > Belushi

Belushi's photo
Wed 08/13/08 08:41 AM
Sigmund Freud tackled religion in great detail and had several ideas about it.

One of his theories was that religion stems from the individual's experience of having being a helpless baby totally dependent on its parents. The baby sees its parents as all-powerful beings who show it great love and satisfy all its needs.

This experience is almost identical to the way human beings portray their relationship with God.

Freud also suggested that childhood experiences caused people to have very complex feelings about their parents and themselves, and religion and religious rituals provide a respectable mechanism for working these out.

Freud also described religion as a mass-delusion that reshaped reality to provide a certainty of happiness and a protection from suffering.

Religion comes from Emotions

Human beings believe in God because they want:
A father figure to protect them from this frightening world
Someone who gives their lives meaning and purpose
Something that stops death being the end
To believe that they are an important part of the universe, and that some component of the universe (God) cares for and respects them

These beliefs are strongly held because they enable human beings to cope with some of their most basic fears.

Even if this is true (which it probably is) this doesn't mean that God doesn't exist, but merely that we are psychologically likely to believe in God whether or not he exists.

Atheists argue that since religion is just a psychological fantasy, human beings should abandon it so that they can grow to respond appropriately to deal with the world as it is.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:46 PM
Occam's Razor

The argument is based on a philosophical idea called Occam's Razor, popularised by William of Occam in the 14th century.

In Latin it goes
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitateor
in English... "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily".

(I wonder if this applies to the ridiculous number of threads about the attempt to prove the bible is fact grumble grumble )

This is usually simplified to say that the simplest answer is the best answer.

The Atheist and Occam's Razor

So, says the atheist, since the entire universe, and all of creation can be explained by evolution and scientific cosmology, we don't need the existence of another entity called God.

Therefore God doesn't exist.
Does this prove God doesn't exist?

No it doesn't. It merely proves that the assumption that God exists isn't needed, and so can be abandoned.

What would William have said?
William of Occam would not have agreed; he was a Franciscan monk who never doubted the existence of God.

But in his century he wasn't breaking the rule named after him. 14th century science knew nothing about evolution or how the universe came into being. God was the only explanation available, and thus very necessary.

What William would think if he lived now is another matter ... laugh

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:36 PM

I personally don't feel that there is all that much differnce between humans and animals.

I think humans would just like to believe that there is more difference than there actually is. flowerforyou

Humanity is nothing more than an animal with a guilt complex.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:30 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh this shoulda been posted under jokes and funny stories cause I cracked up when nothing was there :laughing: :laughing: rofl

Actually the whole collection of these posts should be under jokes and funny stories ...

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:28 PM
This is an argument about where to begin the discussion of whether or not God exists.

It says that we should assume that God does not exist, and make it the duty of people who believe in God to to prove that God does exist.

We should adopt the same policy that we do with people who insist the Loch Ness Monster exists:

Start by assuming that the Loch Ness Monster doesn't exist. Form an idea of what would constitute the Loch Ness Monster. Then see if there's anything that "proves" that particular thing exists.

The philosopher Anthony Flew who wrote an article on this said:
If it is to be established that there is a God, then we have to have good grounds for believing that this is indeed so.

Until and unless some such grounds are produced we have literally no reason at all for believing; and in that situation the only reasonable posture must be that of either the negative atheist or the agnostic.

So the onus of proof has to rest on the proposition.

It must be up to them: first, to give whatever sense they choose to the word 'God', meeting any objection that so defined it would relate only to an incoherent pseudo-concept; and, second, to bring forward sufficient reasons to warrant their claim that, in their present sense of the word 'God', there is a God.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:26 PM
Reasons to be cheerful - part 1

Many people are atheists not because they've reasoned things out like that, but because of the way they were brought up or educated, or because they have simply adopted the beliefs of the culture in which they grew up.

It's the same for many believers. So someone raised in Communist China is likely to have no belief in God, because they rarely if ever, meet a believer, and because the education system and pressure from the people they meet make being an atheist the natural thing to do.

Other people are atheists because they just feel that atheism is right. In the same way, many people of faith hold their beliefs because they just seem right to them.

Law of probabilities

It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”W. K. Clifford (1879)

Many people are atheists because they think there is no evidence for God's existence - or at least no reliable evidence.

They argue that a person should only believe in things for which they have good evidence.

A philosopher might say that they start from the presumption of Atheism. They say that there is as much evidence for the existence of God (any particular god at all) as there is for the existence of unicorns.

And although they might be more polite about it, someone who follows a particular faith may have the same sort of opinion about the existence of the gods of other faiths.

Believers disagree with this in several ways:

People accept many other things as true without insisting on good evidence.
Good evidence may be difficult and complicated to understand and thus not appear to be good evidence.
Many of the "truths" at the cutting edge of science are based on "evidence" only by a complicated chain of reasoning.

Good evidence needn't provide certainty, it's sufficient for it to make something probable.

And the atheists reply:

But "people accept many things as true" without evidence on good, reliable authority, assuming that a trustworthy source has good evidence - but ultimately they require evidence.

Good evidence may be complicated - but scientists etc can understand it and are good authorities.

Theologians from the various religions are not such good authorities - disagreeing with each other even within the same religion.

Probability is OK if it is the best you can get, but the evidence does not even begin to make God probable.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:17 PM

It's a sign. I tell you.

There's just nothing to say on this topic. There is no scientific accuracy in the Bible. drinker

Well apart from the ability to walk on water ... I do it every day in the Red Sea .. does that mean I should change my initials to JC?

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 04:20 PM

Our job as Internet counselors is to argue with them thus giving them the illusion that they have something worth arguing about.

laugh (_e=mc2_)

You are so funny. When do I get paid for all this counseling?

probably when god turns up!

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 12:52 PM

hey haters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hating on me yet???????????????????

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Im assuming you are talking about the christians, as no athiest I have read on this site hates anyone religious because they are religious.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 12:49 PM

I cannot agree with any carbon dating techniques or even others being used as present to uphold or disprove any statements period.

As a coatings chemist i am fully aware of the attempts of antique conservationist attempting to determine the ages of early and even fairly new materials found on wooden objects even a few hundred Yrs. old or less.

It has been shown that CDating is most unreliable dating furniture with the substance to be thousands of years old when in fact it was only 200yrs old at the most. i will not get into the specifics, but i will say - until someone without an agenda to do no more than come up with a extremely reliable method to date any and all organic and inorganic material comes along, i will disregard any evidence given here as -


How convenient that the method of proving the god squad wrong is being discounted as .... unreliable.

Why isnt the bible being discounted as also unreliable?

After all it is a collection of fairy stories used to subjugate women, enslave huge tracts of the population and as an excuse for war.

Mr. B,

please read closer -

but i will say - until someone >>>without an agenda<<< to do no more than come up with a extremely reliable method to date any and all organic and inorganic material comes along, i will disregard any evidence given here as -


By an "agenda" i mean "any agenda" be it christian or atheist, all i'm stating is, that it is "not accurate" in dating organic or inorganic materials such as fossils or beeswax or resins as to actual time placements.

my sources do not have an agenda past trying to discover the "age"
of the types of coating material used in the past. they are not or could care less about the religious or non religious nature of the substances being studied - they only want to confirm the age and C-dating does not provide them that ability in any sort of consistancy. However they are currently working on other methods to do so. If and when those are fully developed and can show me consistant accuracy across the board as to timelines - i will be more than glad to offer or accept such evidences in the future - i have no agenda in this matter accept for not applying unacceptable evidences for either side to say -

>>>>>see here!!<<<<<<<

Having re-read your post .. now I understand ... thanks.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:29 AM

Man is inventive an great at manipulationg things.

Never a truer word spoken.

Is it any wonder jesus is called a shepherd ... all his followers are bleating sheep.

bleating the party line in the vain hope that the rest of the animal kingdom will follow blindly too!

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:27 AM

I'm with Abra on this.

Now, I respect Christian beliefs. I have to, being as I am dating one.

Seriously, though... You are all so preoccupied with proving evolution wrong, why don't you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your god is real? That would throw a huge wrench into the evolutionary theory and win the arguement in your favor.

they cant, and so they try to disprove science.

If god wanted us all to believe then he would plant his hairy existential butt on the planet and say "Oi! over here"

Unless this planet is a pimple on his butt!

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:24 AM

And let's not forget the most important law of God,...

Never listen to any woman who speaks out on important religious or social matters because she's clearly in direct disobedience of God and can only be working for Satan.

No truly devoutly religious woman would ever disobey God's laws so blatantly. flowerforyou

Well that makes the majority of the female god-squadders non-religious.

Is that the same as non-believers or .... athiest?

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:21 AM

I cannot agree with any carbon dating techniques or even others being used as present to uphold or disprove any statements period.

As a coatings chemist i am fully aware of the attempts of antique conservationist attempting to determine the ages of early and even fairly new materials found on wooden objects even a few hundred Yrs. old or less.

It has been shown that CDating is most unreliable dating furniture with the substance to be thousands of years old when in fact it was only 200yrs old at the most. i will not get into the specifics, but i will say - until someone without an agenda to do no more than come up with a extremely reliable method to date any and all organic and inorganic material comes along, i will disregard any evidence given here as -


How convenient that the method of proving the god squad wrong is being discounted as .... unreliable.

Why isnt the bible being discounted as also unreliable?

After all it is a collection of fairy stories used to subjugate women, enslave huge tracts of the population and as an excuse for war.

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/11/08 09:44 PM

ok this is good....thank you......And what were omo 1 and omo 2 before they were homo sapiens? And proof please.

I dont need to give proof. You have given it to me.

You have accepted that omo1&2 were beings and all I needed you to do was that.

By you doing this, your "theory" that nothing existed before 4000 BCE is non-sensical, by your own admission.

So, YOU prove that there is nothing before 4000BCE, because I have proved and you have accepted that there was.

No ramblings please, just facts ... and not scriptures, as I see them as fairytales.

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/11/08 09:43 PM
Edited by Belushi on Mon 08/11/08 09:45 PM
double post - oops

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/11/08 09:40 PM

I heard that there is a theory that god is a figment of people's imagination.

That they use god as an emotional crutch and try to convert all the freethinkers in the world to a sick cult.

But that's ok, I think I will stick with Darwin and his boys/girls.

Im sure that the discovery of the Cradle of Civilisation back to 12,000 BC is before 4000BC. (isnt it?)

no rambles......proof that is all that is required on this far have not toodles..

The earliest signs of a sedentarization process can be traced back to the Mediterranean region to as early as 12000 BC, when the Natufian culture became sedentary and evolved into an agricultural society by 10000 BCE. The importance of water to safeguard an abundant and stable food supply, due to favourable conditions to hunting, fishing and gathering resources including cereals, provided an initial wide spectrum economy that triggered the creation of permanent villages.

The earliest proto-urban settlements with several thousand inhabitants emerge in the Neolithic, while the first city to house several tens of thousands were Memphis and Uruk, by the 31st century BCE.

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/11/08 09:14 PM
From National Geographic

Human fossils found 38 years ago in Africa are 65,000 years older than previously thought, a new study says—pushing the dawn of "modern" humans back 35,000 years.

New dating techniques indicate that the fossils are 195,000 years old. The two skulls and some bones were first uncovered on opposite sides of Ethiopia's Omo River in 1967 by a team led by Richard Leakey. The fossils, dubbed Omo I and Omo II, were dated at the time as being about 130,000 years old.

The new findings, published in the February 17 issue of the journal Nature, establish Omo I and II as the oldest known fossils of modern humans. The prior record holders were fossils from Herto, Ethiopia, which dated the emergence of modern humans in Africa to about 160,000 years ago.

"The new dating confirms the place of the Omo fossils as landmark finds in unraveling our origins," said Chris Stringer, director of the Human Origins Group at the Natural History Museum in London.

The 195,000-year-old date coincides with findings from genetic studies on modern human populations. Such studies can be extrapolated to determine when the earliest modern humans lived.

The findings also add credibility to the widely accepted "Out of Africa" theory of human origins which holds that modern humans (later versions of Homo sapiens) first appeared in Africa and then spread out to colonize the rest of the world.

160,000 years old ... is that older than 4000 BC?

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/11/08 09:09 PM
I heard that there is a theory that god is a figment of people's imagination.

That they use god as an emotional crutch and try to convert all the freethinkers in the world to a sick cult.

But that's ok, I think I will stick with Darwin and his boys/girls.

Im sure that the discovery of the Cradle of Civilisation back to 12,000 BC is before 4000BC. (isnt it?)

Belushi's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:07 AM

Your on a free dating site, asking if people drove, across, africa, half these people can barelly afford to turn there dial up on

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

and they have never left their country of origin, nor even have a passport!!!

laugh laugh