Community > Posts By > Belushi

Belushi's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:42 AM

So he yells at Obama for not having experience, by picking a first term governor?

Just wow

she has loads of experience of dealing with the childish behaviours of men ... she has 5 kids!!!

Belushi's photo
Thu 08/28/08 11:02 PM
baaaaaa .... baaaaa

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:55 PM

FC...those who ask questions over & over are those who just don't like the answers.

Don't let the heathen keep this up. This twit's game is up.

So just ignore her & I'm sure she will go a boil does. :wink:

This in plain site...not lies behind e-mails. Right FC! :wink:

That should go for the rest who want to drag those of us with good faith through the mud.


Ahhh yes ... this from the righteous christian who thinks its ok to steal.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:53 PM

You know what? this woman was pouring her heart out on an issue close to her heart. She doesn't need people to debate "religion."

Makes me wonder why people would want to take a thread like this & turn it into a fight. Take THAT to some other thread.

She is looking for real life answers. Not intellectualizations.

If she wants real life answers she shouldnt really be on here.

This is about as far from real life as you can possibly get.

although I have to say I don't care how much the atheist here hate me for saying it i've always wanted to believe.

Again with the word hate.

Do you lot think that if we hate you, your struggle will be more worthwhile?

Try using the words "are indifferent to" instead of hate

Doesnt really have the same extreme connotations, does it.

As I said ... nothing like real life at all

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/26/08 10:04 AM

Don' care about the Egyptians tho, they are an old culture that has been and will remain around while always being just a base nation, never amounting to any real power or greatness

I would so love you to say that where I live ...
They would rip you apart. laugh
seriously doubt that, many have tried, drinker for real, not these silly debates we all have

Your machismo stands about as high as you would if you spoke with such disrespect to my neighbours.

You are blind to the world around you.
You only see what you are programmed to.

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:31 AM

Don' care about the Egyptians tho, they are an old culture that has been and will remain around while always being just a base nation, never amounting to any real power or greatness

I would so love you to say that where I live ...
They would rip you apart. laugh

Belushi's photo
Tue 08/26/08 07:50 AM
Edited by Belushi on Tue 08/26/08 07:56 AM

I own three companies and have other people run that's a vacation.....

Oooh how lovely, you sit in an office all day doing the books.

Yep! You are right, that beats mine. ohwell

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:55 PM
Im still waiting for FC to cite the source of the Italian post .. or is THAT a figment of your imagination too?

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:52 PM

you seriously need a vacation.....


I have been on one for 23 years ... living the dream ...

well then maybe wake up from that dream and smell the coffee

Which I currently have by my side before I go to work.

But at least its better than the delusion you have yourself in.

At least I dont get to have imaginary friends and talk to myself ... lmao

well are you working or on a permanent vacation....and I am delusional huh.........Maybe your in a coma

laugh laugh laugh laugh :heart:

Ok then, let me ask you what you would call what I do for a living.

I spend the majority of it on the beach in the sunshine, playing in the water with people who want to learn to scuba dive.

When I finish work, I spend my evenings with happy people who come on holiday to have fun and buy me dinners and take me out.

My apartment and food is paid for by the 5 star hotel and the only expense I have is purchasing my own decent coffee.

So, would you call my job "work"?

No, neither would I.

Now what do you do for a job?

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:47 PM

Right. That was mentioned by another poster who actually worked for the Coast Guard so he had a basic understanding of what that sea would have been like. A wooden barge type thing?? I dont think so. noway

I teach yachting/sailing/boating ... I have a pretty good handle on the physical world of the sea and the wind, as I also deal with it every day.

But you will never prove to these people that the physical possibilities of their fables are complete rubbish.

They are being led by the nose in the gamble that they may get eternal life.

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:34 PM

Well I still don’t think there was a global flood, nope sir, I just don’t see it evidenced here at least. That’s not to say floods and other natural disasters did not occur all over the world at different times. I’m just not of the belief that there was some HUGE flood that covered the planet. Not all at once. The Egyptians alone make that abundantly clear. At least to me, but to each their own. There is no way they could have simply "bounced back" to their standing at the time the Romans finally took them down under Cleopatra in 30 BC. They would have lost all of that ground if they were simply washed away one day.

Of course there wasnt.

If there was, why would they also end up close to there original start point, then Thor Heyadahl proved the Vikings made it to the Americas in less time!!

Charts, tides and weather all would buffet this aircraft-carrier-sized boat to all parts!!

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:32 PM

you seriously need a vacation.....


I have been on one for 23 years ... living the dream ...

well then maybe wake up from that dream and smell the coffee

Which I currently have by my side before I go to work.

But at least its better than the delusion you have yourself in.

At least I dont get to have imaginary friends and talk to myself ... lmao

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:22 PM
you seriously need a vacation.....


I have been on one for 23 years ... living the dream ...

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:21 PM
As my life is too short ad time too valuable ot wander back through the ramblings contained herein, what was his question?

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:18 PM
Edited by Belushi on Mon 08/25/08 09:19 PM

Deb, please I am saying THANK YOU. I mean that. Im still a little curious okay? What do you want from me here?

She obviously wants you to prostrate yourself, beg forgiveness for having the temerity to ever question her, and then, maybe, she will forgive you ...

FC your paste and copy attempts to try and justify a fairy story are commendable, but it doesnt wash when you apply logic.

But then that is true for most of the bible

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:53 PM

If the flood wiped out all of creation, and Noah and his family were the only ones saved, how come there are different faces in the world

With only 4000 years between the flood and now, how did the tall black Africans become different from the short Asians or the white Europeans, or even the structural human physiology of the Australian indigenous population?

and between 3000 BCE and 7000BCE there is archeological chinese culture evidence.

According to Nina Jablonski's research, it wouldn't take longer than 1000 years for the skin color of one group of people to change from light to dark or vis versa.

The MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) was between 2,000 and 5,000 years ago. That means that EVERYBODY alive today is related to a woman who lived between 2-5k years ago. This isn't biased science, it's just science.


So if you start of with a person who is a kind of light brown colour and he is (for the sake of discussion) 5foot 10.

How did he/she/it (for the want of a better pronoun) turn into a 7foot 2 Masai, or a 6foot 6 Dutch guy or a 5 foot 2 pygmy?

All of different colour pigmentation.

and 5000 years ... that would put it before the flood, there by indicating that not everyone died.

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:49 PM
Werent they the ones that were persecuted by the christians for being too extreme in their beliefs?

The church decided they were heretics and went on a slaughter spree finding them and killing them - all in the name of god, though.

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:46 PM
If application of the rules is anything to go by, maybe it was taken off because it was biased towards only one religion?

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:42 PM
If the flood wiped out all of creation, and Noah and his family were the only ones saved, how come there are different faces in the world

With only 4000 years between the flood and now, how did the tall black Africans become different from the short Asians or the white Europeans, or even the structural human physiology of the Australian indigenous population?

and between 3000 BCE and 7000BCE there is archeological chinese culture evidence.

Belushi's photo
Mon 08/25/08 01:00 PM

So by your logic since I’m also a non-believer in Christianity and you are a Christian I can now hold you directly responsible for ALL those that were murdered as Witches during "the burning times?" Gotcha...

No you cant!!

Because god works in mysterious ways and it was his word that condemned thousands of innocent women to their deaths!
Its all part of the celestial plan

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