Community > Posts By > markumX

markumX's photo
Fri 02/26/10 06:04 PM

June 3, 2009
According to recent comments by the Obama administration, America has good reason to doubt the validity of the President’s claims to be Christian. The strongest of his comments is this, “Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim majority country. I know, because I am one of them.” One may say that he’s talking about having a Muslim in his family, (His father is Muslim) but that’s not what I gather from the comment, personally. A different statement came from his deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, Denis McDonough. He said, “the President himself experienced Islam on three continents before he was able to — or before he’s been able to visit, really, the heart of the Islamic world — you know, growing up in Indonesia, having a Muslim father — obviously Muslim Americans (are) a key part of Illinois and Chicago.” Obama himself recently called the United States, “One of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

This is your evidence? Fail

markumX's photo
Fri 02/26/10 03:08 PM
Willing..time and time again i've asked for your evidence that Obama is a muslim yet you seem to dodge it. what's wrong can't find any? If only this were true :( get used to us because we're taking over.

markumX's photo
Fri 02/26/10 03:03 PM
Dear GOP' can't portray Obama as being the threat to America's way of life and then 90 seconds later say he's more of the same. Pick ONE and run with it.

markumX's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:30 PM

there hasn't been a difference in the two parties for the last 40're just now noticing?????
i also think the finger pointing on who caused the banking meltdown is comical on the repubs part. It was that "less govt" that gives you GOP'ers chills up your legs that allowed the banks and wallstreet to do what they did. Congress tried to set regulations but the GOP blocked it every single time..then there's the two silly wars that we shouldn't even be can't blame the dems on that.

Are you a reincarnation? You're 29 and claiming to have seen no difference in 40 years ago.rofl rofl rofl

Hussein is at least as arrogant as Bush and a media ho.

I agree he's hard working. It's a tough job, all that partying and trying to BS and threaten folks to have that Obummercare shoved down their throats.

I swear, I gotta' find my Obummer is a jackass pic.rofl rofl rofl

Genius..there are things called Books...remember those????????

markumX's photo
Thu 02/25/10 11:27 PM
couldnt care less what you or your friend thinks of Obama

markumX's photo
Thu 02/25/10 02:15 AM
there hasn't been a difference in the two parties for the last 40're just now noticing?????
i also think the finger pointing on who caused the banking meltdown is comical on the repubs part. It was that "less govt" that gives you GOP'ers chills up your legs that allowed the banks and wallstreet to do what they did. Congress tried to set regulations but the GOP blocked it every single time..then there's the two silly wars that we shouldn't even be can't blame the dems on that.

markumX's photo
Tue 02/23/10 11:24 PM

once again...the point is...that he went right along with a phony and created image...hugging and kissing his children after winning tournaments...tears of happines and hugs all around for dear old dad...forget about numerous acts of adulery...thats between him...his wife...and...his's about being a hypocrite...over and over and over again...and...if you haven't lost any respect for him...then you probably voted for Obama...:smile:

Why does it not surprise me that you brought Obama into this? Even an issue that had nothing at all to do with him, you bring him up anyway. slaphead

my if you didn't that " anything goes "...if you're a liberal...there are no standards...hence...the vote for a DemocRAT...:smile:
I beleive Tiger said awhile back he was a republican!!!!!! You are condoning one of your ownlaugh laugh

i believe that's check...and mate

markumX's photo
Tue 02/23/10 08:52 PM
why are people on this site mad about it...i'm really sure the tax hike will affect them. I highly doubt people making over 250 K are trolling these forums and tea party klan rallys.

markumX's photo
Tue 02/23/10 03:07 PM
how's this any different than facebook

markumX's photo
Mon 02/22/10 04:27 PM
i still support Al-Arian to this arrest me.

markumX's photo
Mon 02/22/10 04:24 PM
ahhhh the power of editing..gotta love it

markumX's photo
Mon 02/22/10 12:53 AM
watched this online. was an ok movie, not his best. if you have a dollar theater in your town, see it there

markumX's photo
Fri 02/19/10 06:05 PM
LOL at Obama being racist....i guess that's why 90 percent of his staff is white. Besides, this isn't OBama's responsibility, it's ICE..which i believe is still being ran by Bush's guy..i could be wrong.

markumX's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:14 PM
"Jesus having healing blood is a metaphor more or less. "

this is the most common response of a christian when something from the dogma is refuted...or when a verse is presented that clearly contradicts them it's "taken out of context" yet when it comes to the Quran or any other book it's to be taken as literal.
The bible's all over the place when it comes to this incident. One book says he died the day before Passover, one book says On passover, another book says after wonder christians are confused...and if Jesus was in fact God, he wouldn't have died at all...and why did he only present himself to a select few when he supposedly risen and not everybody?

markumX's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:03 PM
Fox is reporting that the plane was muslim and acting on its own

markumX's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:01 PM

So I was right then. You sympathize with Israel. They are the "victims" in all of this. Is that about right? Mossad basically has a carte blanche to go around killing people in other countries? Can't bring him to trial so we'll just kill him. On and on it goes, Israel attacks Palestine, Palestine attacks Israel, back and forth. When is tiny little Israel going to realize it is surrounded by neighbors who hate them because of all the hostility they've unleashed? Israel needs to stop the violence and the killing, and they are just as guilty as any Hamas or Hezbollah. It is state sanctioned terrorism any way you look at it.

I DO sympathize with Israel. They are right and the terrorists are wrong in this instance. I think terrorists like Al-Mabhouh or Bin Laden should be brought to justice. Absolutely.

Capturing or taking out Bin Laden is not terrorism neither is
capturing or taking out Al-Mabhouh.

Israel's neighbors have hated them for just being there and having
a different religion. It is "You're in MY spot!" It was like this from the beginning and is not due fundamentally to any action on Israel's part actually.

Israel gladly lives peacefully, leaves areas such as Gaza and many West Bank settlements voluntarily and does not attack civilians.

So, there will never be an equivalence between Hamas and Hezbollah who attack innocent people with bombs and missiles and Israel which does not. Yes, I admire the Israelis and despise terrorists like Bin Laden and Al-Mabhouh, Al-Qaida and Hamas and Hezbollah. Everybody should admire and support Israel and despise the terrorists. It's it's....NONCONFORMIST bigsmile

i'm sure you admire the europeans beating the Indians as well. it's sad to brag on israel for defeating a people with no weapons and no real military seems what both israel and america is good for.
why do rockets which are equivilant to me throwing a rock at a tank, get fired? you don't get it. this isnt about religion or some fantasy jew hatred its about israel coming in and taking our homes and taking control of the resources illegally. it's pretty funny that the jews and so called "terrorists" got along pretty fine until 1967.

"it's pretty funny that the jews and so called "terrorists" got along pretty fine until 1967".

Really... No arab revolt from 1936-1939? There was no Arab riot in Jerusalem in 1947? There was no War in 1948-1949? Israel didn't invade the Sinai in 1956?

Yeah it sounds like it was all peace and harmony among the Semitic Brotherhood... What a joke..

The period i was referring to was from 1948-67 but hey you have your history and we have ours.

markumX's photo
Fri 02/19/10 05:04 AM
first learn what an infidel is

markumX's photo
Fri 02/19/10 04:58 AM

So I was right then. You sympathize with Israel. They are the "victims" in all of this. Is that about right? Mossad basically has a carte blanche to go around killing people in other countries? Can't bring him to trial so we'll just kill him. On and on it goes, Israel attacks Palestine, Palestine attacks Israel, back and forth. When is tiny little Israel going to realize it is surrounded by neighbors who hate them because of all the hostility they've unleashed? Israel needs to stop the violence and the killing, and they are just as guilty as any Hamas or Hezbollah. It is state sanctioned terrorism any way you look at it.

I DO sympathize with Israel. They are right and the terrorists are wrong in this instance. I think terrorists like Al-Mabhouh or Bin Laden should be brought to justice. Absolutely.

Capturing or taking out Bin Laden is not terrorism neither is
capturing or taking out Al-Mabhouh.

Israel's neighbors have hated them for just being there and having
a different religion. It is "You're in MY spot!" It was like this from the beginning and is not due fundamentally to any action on Israel's part actually.

Israel gladly lives peacefully, leaves areas such as Gaza and many West Bank settlements voluntarily and does not attack civilians.

So, there will never be an equivalence between Hamas and Hezbollah who attack innocent people with bombs and missiles and Israel which does not. Yes, I admire the Israelis and despise terrorists like Bin Laden and Al-Mabhouh, Al-Qaida and Hamas and Hezbollah. Everybody should admire and support Israel and despise the terrorists. It's it's....NONCONFORMIST bigsmile

i'm sure you admire the europeans beating the Indians as well. it's sad to brag on israel for defeating a people with no weapons and no real military seems what both israel and america is good for.
why do rockets which are equivilant to me throwing a rock at a tank, get fired? you don't get it. this isnt about religion or some fantasy jew hatred its about israel coming in and taking our homes and taking control of the resources illegally. it's pretty funny that the jews and so called "terrorists" got along pretty fine until 1967.

markumX's photo
Fri 02/19/10 04:51 AM
i'm sure fox will try to tie this in with Islam some hoe or ignore it all together since the pilot wasn't arab. the whole time i was screaming please don't be muslim please don't be muslim

markumX's photo
Thu 02/18/10 02:56 PM


How exactly do you know that i am a "liberal"? My point is that protection of corporate interests can not be equated with the protection of the general public.

Simply rebutting my argument by suggesting that liberalism is flawed, neither strengthens your position nor negates mine.

I agree that dismissing rebuttals to the current conservative movement as "racist" can be arrogant, at the same time dismissing rebuttals to opposition to the conservative movement as merely inspired by leftist ideology is just as arrogant.

Because hannity tells him what a liberal is

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