hamas barrel attack
so...where does Hamas come in? You stated nothing about them. I guess whenever something happens the jews dislike Hamas is to blame right? It couldn't possibly had been Fatah or the other 9 factions.
The State of Obama speech...
I'm just glad the majority of America is finally waking up and seeing his radical policies! The polls are creeping further and further away from him every day! and what might these be? with the exception of the healthcare bill, everything else is a continuation of Bush i guess you're admitting Bush was a radical or are they just radical when a Dem does it? |
war on terror
yea pats of it are about race but not on our side. in darfur the arab muslims are killing the blacks by the tens of thousans every year since 2003. and thats just 1 example. wrong, it's being carried out by drug warlords who also happen to be african...sorry to burst your little bubble. I guess the tutus in in Rwanda were done in by arabs too. |
war on terror
as i recall on 9/11. the terror or Muslim. came from Canada. i think that republicans do is use scare tactics. you can watch fox news. all day its about terrorist. which some Muslims are bad but not all. You have no idea what you are talking about.99% of the terrorist are born,breed,and are coming from the Middle east mainly Afganisitan,Pakistan,and Iraq.Tell your 9th grade history teacher to stop drinking Obamas kool aid and get in touch with reality. really? So what about the JDL, IRA, groups made up of Indian Hindus that slaughter pakistanis, or the various groups made up of greeks? That's more than one percent. this is the most absurd post i've seen here thus far. |
A new Israeli report defending the military's conduct in the Gaza war was challenged tonight after evidence emerged apparently contradicting one of its key findings. Israel submitted a 46-page report to the UN on Friday saying its forces abided by international law throughout the three-week war last year. It was meant to avert the threat of international prosecutions and to challenge a highly critical UN inquiry by South African judge Richard Goldstone, which accused both Israel and Hamas of "grave breaches" of the fourth Geneva convention, war crimes and possible crimes against humanity. The Israeli report looked in detail at a handful of incidents, including the attack on the al-Badr flour mill in northern Gaza, which was severely damaged. The UN mine action team, which handles ordnance disposal in Gaza, has told the Guardian that the remains of a 500-pound Mk82 aircraft-dropped bomb were found in the ruins of the mill last January. Photographs of the front half of the bomb have been obtained by the Guardian. *more at And ?!?!?! Sadly to say, the US is guilty of a number of misforgivings. agreed and i wish the UN would conduct more investigations against the US |
A new Israeli report defending the military's conduct in the Gaza war was challenged tonight after evidence emerged apparently contradicting one of its key findings.
Israel submitted a 46-page report to the UN on Friday saying its forces abided by international law throughout the three-week war last year. It was meant to avert the threat of international prosecutions and to challenge a highly critical UN inquiry by South African judge Richard Goldstone, which accused both Israel and Hamas of "grave breaches" of the fourth Geneva convention, war crimes and possible crimes against humanity. The Israeli report looked in detail at a handful of incidents, including the attack on the al-Badr flour mill in northern Gaza, which was severely damaged. The UN mine action team, which handles ordnance disposal in Gaza, has told the Guardian that the remains of a 500-pound Mk82 aircraft-dropped bomb were found in the ruins of the mill last January. Photographs of the front half of the bomb have been obtained by the Guardian. *more at |
bill oreilly.
Bill O was a teacher before a pundit yet he can't add...i saw a video of him giving a speech and he claimed that 1.3 million x 3 was billions of dollars.
illegals are just ok
not true, there were plenty doing it long before christianity and islam came about
I am Pro McCain
Palin's the perfect mascot for the GOP...choses community colleges over real ones because they brainwash kids into being liberals
illegals are just ok
my my can't refute me so you just dish out personal attacks...nice
I am Pro McCain
who is with me??? who thinks mccain should of won? who is disatisfied with Obama? I know i am. Sorry no . He only wanted to represent the rich , as he is. Obama is going to make this a third world country like HAITI . LOOK AT it CLOSE That's WHERE WE ARE HEADED . I would like to go back to the old days when this country knew that it took all of us to make it this great . And if you give it away it won't be coming back ... It's a lot like civil rights its a lot easier to give them up than to get them back . I for one don't want to break the back of this country . My family has been here over 300 years, and I don't appreciate immigrants pissing off this place . And I'm not talking about mexicans . i assume you mean us? |
I am Pro McCain
Don't worry, the cavalry will be here in November to shut Hussein down! He will not be back for a second term.....I guarantee it! LOOOL like you all guaranteed last year? |
I am Pro McCain
the only thing i liked about ron paul was wanting to cut ties with Israel. Most of congress doesn't like him because he votes no on everything so i doubt anything would have gotten done.
As for Mccain, i was actually thinking about voting for him till he picked the dumb Alaskan. |
illegals are just ok
Just did you fail English too? It wasn't an insult because he/she didn't agree with it....they said they didn't understand it. It was direct and to the point unlike the King James Bible and all of the "well he could have said this but sounded like that" fairy tales.
WHAT CAN I SAY WHAT A GOOD SHOT . and another example of liberal justice . the man killed a mast murderer who cares ........ So Tiller murdered a bunch of Boat Masts????? |
i just saw on CNN they are all claiming to be innocent and stated they weren't trying to phone tap the lines. I ask...what were they doing dressed as phone company employees? And then stated..they were merely trying to record phone calls to show that the office ignored calls from constituents...ummm isn't that what wiretapping is? What morons.
illegals are just ok
it was coherent...well for the educated. Could you outline the parts you didn't get?
you seem to be way out in left field and totally missed my point, which isn't surprising.
Staying on subject of this thread, the two men hanged had nothing to do with being in opposition to the elections however they were tried in the same mass trial as the ones who had been staging the protests. They were arrested well before the elections. |
back home this man would be executed next week instead of taking advantage of US tax dollars unless of course he gets shanked in his first month.
Israel fires on fishing boat
you going to give the christians a pass? how about the Monguls? Alexander the Great? Rome? Greeks? with exception of Christianity, none had anything to do with religion but land grabbing and power.