Topic: The THEORY of Evolution. | |
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Mon 01/28/08 07:13 PM
There was never a time when I denounced evolution even when I was a Christian. There's simply no need to reject the observed truth of the universe to support religious doctrines. Religious doctrines are supposed to be allegorical and parables. They were never intended to be precise scientific textbooks. You sure you ain't still a christian? You sound like one. Caveman |
If creationists hold onto irreduciblity notions they are grasping thin air... ![]() Irreducibility theory fleets in and out of material existence... ![]() |
You sure you ain't still a christian? You sound like one. Caveman Well, I hope that was meant as a compliment and not an insult. I can never tell because I never know what people mean by that word anymore. According to my mother I’ll always be a Christian. I was baptized as a Christian upon birth. I popped out of the womb and saw a pretty nurse, a man in a white suit, and a man in a black suit standing before me. I looked at the pretty nurse and thought to myself, “Hey, this is a cool place” Just then the man in the white suit grabbed by my ankles lifted me high into the air upside down. All the blood rushed to might head and then he whacked by butt as hard as he could. I wanted to scream out, “WTF did I do?” But it took my breath away and I started wailing, I thought I was going to DIE right then and there. Then the man in the white suit set me down on a table. I was still crying when the man in the black suit approached me and threw a glass of water in my face. He yell out, “Praise the Lord!” I thought to myself, “My God! What’s wrong with this frigg’in people?” First they try to knock the wind out of me, then they’re trying to drown me! Finally the pretty nurse came over and picked me up and held me in her arms and said in a soft sweet voice, “You’re going to be just fine little baby”. Well, I can tell you, at that point in my life, women were look’in pretty damn good! Yes Sir! I paid my dues to become a Christian very early on in life. Then later in my teens I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at the alter that has steps leading up to it like is says in the Bible not so build. I symbolically drank the blood of Jesus and ate his body, not fully understanding what those rituals actually meant. Had I known I would have refused. Anyway, my mother says that it’s a done deal now. I’m on my way to heaven and anyone who gets in my way is just going to be one sorry heathen. ![]() She says that once you accept Jesus into your heart you can’t kick him out again. That’s impossible she says. And anyone who claims otherwise is clearly working for Satan and will reveal themselves as such just by making such a lame accusation. ![]() So I suppose you’re right. I am still a Christian and will forever be one. I just denounce the religion and the book that goes with it. ![]() |
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Mon 01/28/08 08:14 PM
It is refreshing to know that the 'fundamentalists' ARE NOT succeeding in mushing the brains of young people such as yourself. Healthy skepticism, while keeping a WIDE OPEN MIND, is a great approach to life in general. And you wappear to be well on your way. And I totally agree with this paragraph of yours, first you pointed out that discussing or debating with fundamentalists (anti-evolution) was a perfect waste of time: "... if there's one thing I've learned about creationists, it's that you shouldn't bother talking to them..." And then you went on to point out the real purpose of these otherwise 'pointless' exchanges: "... The best thing to do is make sure they keep their intelligent design, out of science class and keep it in religion class (or best yet, in their Sunday services) where it belongs. And that is why a few of us here are showing up the 'delusionists-fundies' for the misinformers and spreaders of unfounded fables they are!!! It is a serious disease in the age of the 'web'. Calumnious, or otherwise utterly false information on any subjets can spread like wild fire in this day of cyber communications. When all one needs to do is circulate a calumnious 'e-mail' on the 'web', to get millions of people to believe the complete 'crap' that Barrack Obama is a 'Muslim', the further crap that he took oath of office placing his hand on the Qu'ran (so deviously untrue), and the grand finale of all crap, that he is a dangerous terrorist , serving ISLAM , and has sworn to destroy the US from within (imagine that in 2008) !!! And I'll spare you the othe 'christian' e-mail, which claims that B.O. is an 'alien'!!! If people read an anonymous e-mail, and buy its crap as the 'gospel truth', what do you think people do with the 'gospel truth', and what do you think people do with these fundamentalist false prophets lies !!! They buy the crap as though it were the 'gospel truth'!!! The 'gospel truth' as spread by these fundamentalists false prophets are lies, and must be denounced. The discovery and understanding of the processes of evolution represent one of the most powerful achievements in the history of science. Regardsless of what these 'delusionists' may come up with to confuse the issue, evolution science successfully explains the diversity of life on Earth, and has been confirmed repeatedly through observation and experiment in a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. Evolutionary science provides the foundation for modern biology. It has opened the door to entirely new types of medical, agricultural, and environmental research, and has led to the development of technologies that can help prevent and combat disease. If 'evolutionary science' wasn't based on such an impressive mountain of evidence and facts, and millions of hard, living, and manifest scientific discoveries which have improved our lives, we wouldn't need a bunch of 'delusionists' to shut the store down, it wouldn't have opened in the first place. Regrettably, effective science education in our schools is being undermined by efforts to introduce non-scientific concepts about evolution into science classrooms. That is causing a huge 'confusion' prejudice to millions of kids going through our school systems as we speak. We have stated it repeatedly, Science and Religion Offer Vastly Different Ways of Understanding the World. Maybe those ways are complimentary in the end, but they are not compatible. And there is nothing wrong with that. Science and religion address separate aspects of human experience. Many scientists have written eloquently about how their scientific studies of biological evolution have enhanced rather than lessened their religious faith. And many religious people and denominations accept the scientific evidence for evolution. Our education system and our society as a whole are best served when we teach science, not religious faith, in science classrooms. These false debates on these forums, are stricly the 'delusional' result of 'obsessive-compulsive-apologetics-fundamentalists'. Arguing with them is a profound waste of time, but denouncing their fanatical and damageable acts remains IMO, the right thing to do!!! Religious delusions don't move societies forward!!! |
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Mon 01/28/08 08:17 PM
Hey Abra,
I meant it in the way that Christ meant it as the example he left for the world. Like Buddaha and Dali Lama means it. It was a compliment. WonCaveMan |
Hey Abra, I meant it in the way that Christ meant it as the example he left for the world. Like Buddaha and Dali Lama means it. It was a compliment. WonCaveMan In that case I'm sincerely humbled. Namaste ![]() |
No worries, Abra.
spider: If creationists hold onto irreduciblity notions they are grasping thin air... ![]() Irreducibility theory fleets in and out of material existence... ![]() I never said I believe in ID, I was just pointing out the logical fallacies in Abra's posts. |
You must be doing something right!!! You've got one junior, and one senior 'fundie-in-training' on your tail. That is quite an honor. I've lost count of the ... '... Abra's wrong! Another gratuitous assertion by Abra! Completely untrue! Strawmen fallacy! or '... coughing up total BS from Abra! You have no clue what you are talking about! You clearly are 100% ignorant! You also are completely ignorant! ... and of course, the end of the road for all 'fundies', the idiotic line they throw when they have nothing else to say: ... I am 'just hard at work' pointing out 'Abra's LOGICAL FALACIES! Isn't that something, coming from otherwise 'unstupid' people whom claim Noah's ark and the great flood actually took place!!! The senior 'fundie-in-training' was moralizing someone earlier with the following invitation : "... Slow down your desire to find offense and actually take the time to understand what other posters are saying...". That must become a compulsory daily lesson in 'mirror work' for both our 'fundies-in-training'. Anyhow, CONGRATULATIONS 'ABRA'! ![]() ... and keep up the good work. |
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Tue 01/29/08 07:35 AM
... I am 'just hard at work' pointing out 'Abra's LOGICAL FALACIES! It seems the "logical fallacies" is a contradiktion in terms, of is it oxy-moronic? Cavemon Wonton |