Topic: The THEORY of Evolution.
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Thu 01/24/08 03:56 PM

I have the proof from the Lord my God.....and that is all I need. I have nothing to prove to anyone......My proof is in my life...My proof is through the Lord My God and His words to me....My proof is in the miracles of my life, Everything else is a need to know basis....and you can bet that when I need to know....He will show me. Now some can say....."Oh Debbie what makes you think your so special." that God talks to you.....He talks to everyone.....but some just choose not to listen....again their choice..

if God actually talks to you "feralcatlady" then tell of something God said to you that you just didn't accidently hear coming from your next door neighbor and thought it was God

You know the ancient greeks believed that whenever they had an inspiration it came from the gods, not themselves.

only if that inspriration resulted in something good taking place because of course a God never gives out bad inspiration or takes the blame for it ...

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Thu 01/24/08 03:57 PM
"...only if that inspriration resulted in something good taking place because of course a God never gives out bad inspiration or takes the blame for it ..."

Guess you never read the Iliad...smokin

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Thu 01/24/08 03:57 PM

Well, the bottom line as I showed unequivocally is that a verbatim 6-earth-day-creation interpretation of the Bible = a deceptive God.

So those who proclaim that the Bible must be taken verbatim are proclaiming that God deceives.

And here’s a question for you Spider,…

Why is it that you are so willing to re-translate all other interpretations (such as ‘rest’ actually meaning to simply 'stop creating'), yet, you aren’t willing to re-translate ‘day’ to mean ‘eon’ as Lording has suggested?

Clearly you are writing your own Bible via the interpretations that YOU choose!

Why is it that you cannot see your own folly in this?

You claim to be taking the Bible ‘verbatim’ but then you define what ‘verbatim’ means by your own personal choices in what you decide to accept as a translation from the original tongue. As Lording pointed out, he feels that ‘yon’ translates to ‘eon’, and not to ‘day’.

So you’re creating your own dogma with absolutely no support for your own personal choices for translations.

Moreover, why is it so important for you that the world was actually created in 6 earth days? Why do you feel that this is such a mandatory interpretation? Can you not see how this interpretation leads to a God who deceives?

Seems to me that you would want to favor interpretations that actually agree with Creation itself.

Why choose an interpretation that suggests that God is deceptive when you can just as easily choose an interpretation that favors harmony?

It’s clearly your own personal choice, yet you apparently prefer to take the negative path.

Why is that?

Why do you insist on asking a question if you won't wait for my answer? And it's a good one too!

"yowm" means a period of time. It can be a day, a year or a lifetime. "yowm" could very well mean "eon" in another passage, but not in this one. You see, context is everything.

Read the following, please.

Genesis 1:5
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The bolded text clearly shows that in this context, "yowm" is speaking of one day.

Context is very important when interpreting the Bible.

Also, you, as an educator, should know that language changes over time. Any version of the Bible you use that isn't recently translated might use words that no longer mean what they originally meant. For instance, a few hundred years ago, saying someone was "nice" meant they were very slow intellectually. Saying someone is "gay" has a completely different meaning today than it did 100 years ago. Even in recent translations, you find that the translators are often reluctant to add additional words to get the true meaning, so they might use "rest" instead of "ceased to work". The meanings are very similar, but the difference the difference. happy

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 01/24/08 03:59 PM

Not exactly correct. The covenant states that the sabbath is expressly for worshiping god. All day, sunset to sunset, everything else was forbidden. So even slaves and animals got a day to rest.

You are going to have to show me where that is stated, because it's not in my Bible. On the Sabbath, you are to substitute worship for work, but you aren't limited to just worshipping. Mothers may still care for their babys. Husbands and wives may still make love. The Sabbath is a day without work, not a day of total rest.

Not according to my the way, women don't count..they still get to do all the domestic. The worship of god is the exclusive right of men.

And what do you feel about that?

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Thu 01/24/08 04:02 PM

Not exactly correct. The covenant states that the sabbath is expressly for worshiping god. All day, sunset to sunset, everything else was forbidden. So even slaves and animals got a day to rest.

You are going to have to show me where that is stated, because it's not in my Bible. On the Sabbath, you are to substitute worship for work, but you aren't limited to just worshipping. Mothers may still care for their babys. Husbands and wives may still make love. The Sabbath is a day without work, not a day of total rest.

Not according to my the way, women don't count..they still get to do all the domestic. The worship of god is the exclusive right of men.

Really? That's interesting.

Exodus 20:8-11
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Have you asked your Rabbi why daughters, servants (male and female) and animals don't have to work, but wives do? Aren't all wives someone's daughter? Heck, if I were a wife under that, I would get a job as someone's servant. At least then I would get a day off.

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Thu 01/24/08 04:03 PM

"...only if that inspriration resulted in something good taking place because of course a God never gives out bad inspiration or takes the blame for it ..."

Guess you never read the Iliad...smokin

but remember that old pesty "feel will" clause in which it's the beholder's choice to make the decision to act on that inspiration or not ...that's the loop hole why Gods don't have to take blame

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:05 PM
funches my sweet.....she is Jewish........not Christian......I don't know what they believe as far as free will.......dang you guys are going to scare her away......

laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Thu 01/24/08 04:10 PM

Not exactly correct. The covenant states that the sabbath is expressly for worshiping god. All day, sunset to sunset, everything else was forbidden. So even slaves and animals got a day to rest.

You are going to have to show me where that is stated, because it's not in my Bible. On the Sabbath, you are to substitute worship for work, but you aren't limited to just worshipping. Mothers may still care for their babys. Husbands and wives may still make love. The Sabbath is a day without work, not a day of total rest.

Not according to my the way, women don't count..they still get to do all the domestic. The worship of god is the exclusive right of men.

Really? That's interesting.

Exodus 20:8-11
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Have you asked your Rabbi why daughters, servants (male and female) and animals don't have to work, but wives do? Aren't all wives someone's daughter? Heck, if I were a wife under that, I would get a job as someone's servant. At least then I would get a day off.

notice how its missing "thy wife".... I'm not joking...its your quote. Remember who the lord is talking to, the head of the house, the husband...there are no loop holes in the torah...only badly asked questions.

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Thu 01/24/08 04:15 PM

notice how its missing "thy wife".... I'm not joking...its your quote. Remember who the lord is talking to, the head of the house, the husband...there are no loop holes in the torah...only badly asked questions.

According to Jesus, God was talking to all of Israel. "Thou" was addressing the adult who was hearing / reading the commandments.

Exodus 31:15
Six days may work be done; but in the se31venth is the sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.

Doesn't the above verse imply that women can't work on Sabbath?

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Thu 01/24/08 04:22 PM
Edited by symbelmyne on Thu 01/24/08 04:29 PM
Jesus, the jewish rabbi? Or Jesus, the martyr of christians?
..I ask this not to be trite, it does make a difference in point of view about what it being said....

you dont get to "imply" the meaning of gods word. only not a buffet, you cant pick and choose what is conveniant. If you can't find the the answers you seek in the torah (the old testament) its because you're not asking the right questions.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:29 PM

Genesis 1:5
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The bolded text clearly shows that in this context, "yowm" is speaking of one day.

Context is very important when interpreting the Bible.

If you insist on your interpretation then all you are really saying is that you believe that the God in these stories is a deceitful God.

I won’t argue with that.

In fact, I agree. This God would be a decietful God. :wink:

Time to move on to a better picture. flowerforyou

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Thu 01/24/08 04:31 PM
Dont forget time and place, the only adults around then were men, women, children, slaves, animals...all property of the adults IE men..this DOES make a difference when interpreting scripture.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:37 PM

Dont forget time and place, the only adults around then were men, women, children, slaves, animals...all property of the adults IE men..this DOES make a difference when interpreting scripture.

That's right too! The God in these stories is a male chauvinist pig too. I almost forgot about that. laugh

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Thu 01/24/08 04:43 PM

funches my sweet.....she is Jewish........not Christian......I don't know what they believe as far as free will.......dang you guys are going to scare her away......

laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I may be wrong but I never heard of jewish people running away in horror because someone said the words "Free Will" ...

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:45 PM

C'mon. Why should God even bother with evolution when he could quite easily use an incredibly powerful shrink ray gun on the two (or was it seven?) Seismosaurs, T-rexes, Argentinasaurs, Mastodons, Apatosaurs, Titanosaurs, etc. to shrink 'em down so they could all fit on a 450 ft boat? Any other explanation would require MASSIVE FAITH.


What a naive statement.
Why do you think there are fossils of dragonfiles with HUGE wingspans?
why is it that in the old testament people lived to extraordinary age?

Do you have any idea what the climate difference was between pre and post-flood?

like I said, this is outlined in Sylvia's book.

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:46 PM

funches my sweet.....she is Jewish........not Christian......I don't know what they believe as far as free will.......dang you guys are going to scare her away......

laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I may be wrong but I never heard of jewish people running away in horror because someone said the words "Free Will" ...

Well it might be nice to see how she stands on it first.....

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:49 PM

Heres an easy blood clot solution for you and remember I am no scientist.

Long ago before blood coagulated. There were 1 million mice. As you will even agree these 1 million mice are not all exactly the same. (That would be ridiculous.) Now all 1 million mice get cut all at once by some bizarre angry mice cutting beast. The 10 or 12 mice that just happen to bleed a little slower have a much better chance at staying alive and passing on that gene. The ones that bleed like a fountain die in seconds and do not pass on their genes. Now let that happen over a few million generations and Ta-da Coagulation.

There you go easy as that I proved that wrong in 15 seconds of thinking.

So in your concept you're assuming that the mice were able to evolve to rondent form without being attacked ever and only when they were WARM BLOODED ANIMALS did the mutation of blood clotting form?

Im no scientist either but I think I beat your personal-best of 15 seconds there.

and about the Jesus thing;

You had a post which stated :"Im waiting for my apology"
in which my reply included debunking your half-assed attempt at debunking Jesus.

THEN, after you saw this, you wen back and edited you post to a


and proceeded to hide from the fact that your claim was obliterated.

You're right, I just might go over and re-open that thread so that everyone can see.

You didn't ask me to explain how all things evolved to that point you gave a very specific task of Blood not being able to coagulate. I started with an animal full of blood and showed you how it comes to coagulate. Simple problem simple solution, to late to change the parameters now.

You concept is insane!
do you not see the flaws in it?
its alll goood if you make assumptions like THAT but you have to be REALISTIC - which you are not.

It's not my concept its yours here are your words

Now, if you have NO blood clotting system and you cut yourself; you bleed to death.
So if we "evolved" to get more and more complex; tell me how did the lifeforms evolve to create the ability of blood clotting?
if in order to DO this, you need to experience it right?
no experience = no call to evolve into a superior species right?

but if you dont have a blood clot system and you get cut, you bleed to death.
Remind me, can your species evolve into a stronger, fitter life form if you (the one that experienced and therefore the catalyst for evolution along your offspring) are dead?

There are no flaws in it. Your assumptions are the ones I used. I worked within your parameters. If it will make you feel better lets put it this way.

I believe that God made everything up to the point of the mice with non-coagulating blood and then let them evolve from there. He had no idea what would happen just let evolution work.

YOUR concept of the MICE is flawed.
Your mice were able to survive 'MILLIONS' (since thats how long its supposed to take to evolve from whatever amoeba to a mammal) of years WITHOUT getting CUT....then suddenly, they are wounded and some survive passing on the gene.

Millions of years. and they didnt get cut during their entire evolutionary process?
You concept goes hand in hand with straight-jackets.

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:51 PM

funches my sweet.....she is Jewish........not Christian......I don't know what they believe as far as free will.......dang you guys are going to scare her away......

laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I may be wrong but I never heard of jewish people running away in horror because someone said the words "Free Will" ...

Well it might be nice to see how she stands on it first.....

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

well you may have a point....ok then I guess the best thing to do is to "google cut and paste" the entire dictionary and e-mail it to her and she can cross off the ones that are not politically correct to the Jewish religion

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:54 PM

Dont forget time and place, the only adults around then were men, women, children, slaves, animals...all property of the adults IE men..this DOES make a difference when interpreting scripture.

Ok now I indicating in old testament days.....Well with the coming of Jesus Christ that changed everything.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:56 PM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Thu 01/24/08 04:58 PM
UNtamed a true person seeking knowledge reads more than one book,even ones that don't agree with his preconceived notions.
evolution has more basis in fact then a man screwing his sister and producing genetically mutated offspring.I also can't believe one couple could produce so many children in such a short time yet you buy this.Did it ever occur to you that God has a hand in evolution?After all we are God's ant farm...drinker