Topic: The THEORY of Evolution. | |
TO Abra: I've heard of the Black Sea Deluge Theory, and that the Noah story was just a rip-off of the Epic of Gilgamesh. ![]() I've seen the documentaries on the Black Sea Deluge Theory. However, I was unaware of the Epic of Gilgamesh. So I Googled it. I found a couple religious sites that swear that the Epic of Gilgamesh was copied from Genesis. But then I found a couple of academic sites that say that the tablets containing the Epic of Gilgamesh are the oldest stories on earth. ![]() And the debates go on and on and on. :rolls eyes: I reject the story on the simple grounds that a supreme creator of this universe couldn’t possibly have been that lame to begin with. If God can magically cure cancer then he could have magically given all those sinners heart failure with no problem instead having some guy build an ark then and making a huge flood to flood the entire planet. This folklore was clearly inspired in the minds of men after having seen a large local flood. No question about that one. This is typical mythology. No less absurd than ancient Greek mythology. |
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I study tradional Ifa which in the town of Ode Remo, Ogun state, ijebu rain forest, we have 70 ,000 yrs of oral tradion and utilizes a system of divination. We believe in the big band and evolution but have one GOD and hundred of energie (consciousness) of GOD (Oludumare). I will give detail if requested on creation story and scientific basis thereof. Google Ifa FA for a start. WiLL
the story you maintioned above it not oldiest. You need to look at religious history beyond Christinity which is only about 2000 yrs. Look into other tradional wya of life for answers. ALso look at evolution from a systemic view point than a linear one who purpose in only to progress, etc, Estien theory which recently have been replace by the theory of everything by a Nigerian scientist who was given these truths by IFA edlers of Nigeria. THis scientist is being challenged know because he being black and overcoming evolution theory of everything coming out of notthing. What happened to the Eypitian and African truths? I beleive these provide a better encounter of cration and evolution.
TO Abra: I've heard of the Black Sea Deluge Theory, and that the Noah story was just a rip-off of the Epic of Gilgamesh. ![]() I've seen the documentaries on the Black Sea Deluge Theory. However, I was unaware of the Epic of Gilgamesh. So I Googled it. I found a couple religious sites that swear that the Epic of Gilgamesh was copied from Genesis. But then I found a couple of academic sites that say that the tablets containing the Epic of Gilgamesh are the oldest stories on earth. ![]() And the debates go on and on and on. :rolls eyes: I reject the story on the simple grounds that a supreme creator of this universe couldn’t possibly have been that lame to begin with. If God can magically cure cancer then he could have magically given all those sinners heart failure with no problem instead having some guy build an ark then and making a huge flood to flood the entire planet. This folklore was clearly inspired in the minds of men after having seen a large local flood. No question about that one. This is typical mythology. No less absurd than ancient Greek mythology. Again I say to you all....theory, theory.......and that's all that it is.......Theory. |
Edited by
Thu 01/24/08 08:06 AM
Again I say to you all....theory, theory.......and that's all that it is.......Theory. There you go 'feral'!!! Finally!!! I am ever glad to see you freed-up!!! Theory, hypothesis, parables, stories which are meant to teach moral lessons, etc. As you say so correctly; "... and that's all it is ... THEORY!!!" THAT's WHAT ALL ALL FAITH AND BELIEFS ARE BASED ON!!! Nothing wrong with that, as you know full well. Nothing wrong about stories which are meant to teach moral lessons! None of it should be discarded. Faith and beliefs are the power to make suppositons and theories about what we cannot know in our human dimension. It is of 'essence' for all human beings, whatever the faith or beliefs!!! :) (lots of love and respect to you personally 'feral') |
We cannot please everyone spider... just be at peace within yourself, we can however, peel away that 'mask' which causes negative emotion... lift the worldly fingeprint of human misunderstanding... and look deeper into ourself at life. don't worry "creativesoul" for some odd reason "Spidercmb" even gets perturbed with me sometimes ...and I'm as pure as the driven snow |
We cannot please everyone spider... just be at peace within yourself, we can however, peel away that 'mask' which causes negative emotion... lift the worldly fingeprint of human misunderstanding... and look deeper into ourself at life. don't worry "creativesoul" for some odd reason "Spidercmb" even gets perturbed with me sometimes ...and I'm as pure as the driven snow go figure |
don't worry "creativesoul" for some odd reason "Spidercmb" even gets perturbed with me sometimes ...and I'm as pure as the driven snow NOW THAT, I FIND HARD TO BELIEVE !!! ... THAT 'SPIDERCBM' GETS PERTURBED THAT IS! :) |
Again I say to you all....theory, theory.......and that's all that it is.......Theory. There you go 'feral'!!! Finally!!! I am ever glad to see you freed-up!!! Theory, hypothesis, parables, stories which are meant to teach moral lessons, etc. As you say so correctly; "... and that's all it is ... THEORY!!!" THAT's WHAT ALL ALL FAITH AND BELIEFS ARE BASED ON!!! Nothing wrong with that, as you know full well. Nothing wrong about stories which are meant to teach moral lessons! None of it should be discarded. Faith and beliefs are the power to make suppositons and theories about what we cannot know in our human dimension. It is of 'essence' for all human beings, whatever the faith or beliefs!!! :) (lots of love and respect to you personally 'feral') With one exception my sweet.....Never in the history of man has God, The Bible, or Jesus Christ ever ever been referred to as a theory.......And just because you don't know and by the theories in no way reflects my position, because for me......"I know, what has been shown to me, and I am at total peace with it" Can you say the same for all the theories you by into....if your at peace with yourself, and how you fit into the whole scheme of things...well good then..... |
Edited by
Thu 01/24/08 09:28 AM
don't worry "creativesoul" for some odd reason "Spidercmb" even gets perturbed with me sometimes ...and I'm as pure as the driven snow
You know Funches, I haven’t read a whole lot of your posts but of the ones I have read I’m inclined to believe your claim. ![]() Seriously. I mean, I know that you have posted some pretty nasty responses to people at times, but in all honesty in those situations it was only because they started it. Or because they jumped into the middle an ‘apparent quarrel’ without genuinely understanding what was taking place. I don’t think that people realize that you are actually trying to help them to realize their own delusions. They think that you are claiming that they are delusional ‘because’ they believe in a god. But that’s not what you saying at all, is it? What you are trying to convey to them that it’s not WHAT they believe in a God that is the delusion, but rather it is the REASONS they believe in a God that are delusional. That’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE! And this is what Voileazur is trying to get across to people too!!!!! With all his exclamation points. ![]() He’s trying to get people to realize that a belief in God is GREAT! But if you’re going to believe in a God at least do it for the RIGHT REASONS! And,... REALIZE the difference between true ‘faith’ and DELUSION! Faith cannot be proven. Faith is irrational. Faith is a personal thing Faith should never be viewed as some sort of absolute truth. Faith cannot be argued on the basis of logic. And finally, having faith in a book does not equate to having faith in a God. Attempting to claim that a book is verbatim truth is not going to make God any more real. If a person is going to have faith they should at least try to understand what faith is! It’s a delusion that a person accepts as their truth. That’s what faith means and it has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not any God actually exists. If people could only realize this, then religion might actually do them some GOOD! And this is Funches message. Funches 3:16 For whosoever recognizes that their faith is indeed based on personal delusion shall have everlasting peace and be eternally loved by all those around them. ![]() |
don't worry "creativesoul" for some odd reason "Spidercmb" even gets perturbed with me sometimes ...and I'm as pure as the driven snow
You know Funches, I haven’t read a whole lot of your posts but of the ones I have read I’m inclined to believe your claim. ![]() Seriously. I mean, I know that you have posted some pretty nasty responses to people at times, but in all honesty in those situations it was only because they started it. Or because they jumped into the middle an ‘apparent quarrel’ without genuinely understanding what was taking place. I don’t think that people realize that you are actually trying to help them to realize their own delusions. They think that you are claiming that they are delusional ‘because’ they believe in a god. But that’s not what you saying at all, is it? What you are trying to convey to them that it’s not WHAT they believe in a God that is the delusion, but rather it is the REASONS they believe in a God that are delusional. That’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE! And this is what Voileazur is trying to get across to people too!!!!! With all his exclamation points. ![]() He’s trying to get people to realize that a belief in God is GREAT! But if you’re going to believe in a God at least do it for the RIGHT REASONS! And,... REALIZE the difference between true ‘faith’ and DELUSION! Faith cannot be proven. Faith [bis irrational. Faith is a personal thing Faith should never be viewed as some sort of absolute truth. Faith cannot be argued on the basis of logic. And finally, having faith in a book does not equate to having faith in a God. Attempting to claim that a book is verbatim truth is not going to make God any more real. If a person is going to have faith they should at least try to understand what faith is! It’s a delusion that a person accepts as their truth. That’s what faith means and it has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not any God actually exists. If people could only realize this, then religion might actually do them some GOOD! And this is Funches message. Funches 3:16 For whosoever recognizes that their faith is indeed based on delusion shall have everlasting peace and be eternally loved by all those around them. ![]() You guys slay me.....for real.....and since you have no clue how or why most believe what they do.......who in essence are the delusional ones. And just as a side not....My faith is absolute, and that Mr. Abra you can take to the bank. |
Debbie believes in the theory of evolution as this GOD SAID AND BANG IT WAS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and isn't that same concept as faith..that believers utter the word faith and bang something magically becomes true ...this places believers into the realm of not wanting to worship God but to be God and practicing witchcraft |
My faith is absolute, and that Mr. Abra you can take to the bank.
You still don’t get it do you Debbie? No one is questioning your ‘faith’ here. ![]() But if you believe that your ‘faith’ applies to me, then you have serious problems. ![]() That's all we're really trying to get across to you hon. ![]() |
My faith is absolute, and that Mr. Abra you can take to the bank.
You still don’t get it do you Debbie? No one is questioning your ‘faith’ here. ![]() But if you believe that your ‘faith’ applies to me, then you have serious problems. ![]() That's all we're really trying to get across to you hon. ![]() I don't care if you have no faith....that is obvious but what I have a problem with is this Abra. Faith cannot be proven. IT'S PROVEN TO ME Faith [is irrational. AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THIS AS YOU HAVE NONE. Faith is a personal thing VERY MUCH SO, AND AGAIN SINCE YOU HAVE NONE YOU THEREFORE HAVE NO CLUE, AND THEREFORE CAN NOT SPEAK OF WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW. Its kinda like people *****ing all the time about the state of our country, but they choose to not vote....They have no right to ***** if they don't vote..... Faith should never be viewed as some sort of absolute truth. AND AGAIN ABRA, YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE AND THEREFORE THIS IS LAME FOR YOU TO SAY. Faith cannot be argued on the basis of logic. NEED NONE, AND IF YOU ASK ANYONE WITH IT.....THEY WILL SAY THE SAME. That’s what faith means and it has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not any God actually exists. And this comment, again cannot be an authority on what you don't know. Without God abra their is no need for faith so that just makes that sentence all the more lame. |
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Statement Of Faith
I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. ~ (NKJV) With that said, here are 10 fundamental beliefs I have as a Christian. As professing Christians we should share these beliefs, for they are the foundation of our Faith. * I believe in One God who created the universe and everything in it. (Isaiah 43: 10-13; Isaiah 44: 24; Deut. 6: 4; 1 Corinthians 8: 4-6) * I believe that God became flesh, in Jesus Christ. So He is One with God. (John 1: 1-5; Isaiah 9: 6-7) * I believe Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. In saying this, I believe Mary was a virgin when she 'gave birth'. (Luke 1: 26-38) * I believe Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, that we may be forgiven. And that He was bodily raised to life on the third day. (Luke 23: 33-34; Luke 24: 1-7; Isaiah 53: 3-7) * I believe we shall have 'eternal life' by accepting God's plan of Salvation which is accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. (1 John 5: 10-12; Romans 10:9; 1 Timothy 2:5) * I believe in being 'baptized' by full-immersion after receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I do not believe that water baptism saves a person. Salvation is a free gift by accepting Jesus. (Romans 6: 3-4; Matthew 28: 19; Ephesians 2: 8-10) * I believe in the 'Baptism of the Holy Spirit', and speaking in tongues. (John 1: 33; Acts 1: 5-9, 2: 1-18; 1 Cor. 14: 2-4, 14-19) * I believe that the word of God (the Bible) is the only authority, and is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is the only truth that we must live by. I do not believe or accept any other teachings and beliefs, there is only 'One Truth'. (2 Timothy 3: 16-17; Hebrews 4: 12; 1 Peter 1: 25; Mark 13: 31) * I believe that Jesus Christ will come back again to gather up His Church. (Acts 1: 11; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18) * I believe there is a real 'Heaven' and a real 'Hell'. And where we spend our eternity is determined by which one we choose while we're alive. There are no second chances after 'Death'. (Revelation 21: 22-27, 20: 10-15; Hebrews 9: 27-28) |
don't worry "creativesoul" for some odd reason "Spidercmb" even gets perturbed with me sometimes ...and I'm as pure as the driven snow
You know Funches, I haven’t read a whole lot of your posts but of the ones I have read I’m inclined to believe your claim. ![]() Seriously. I mean, I know that you have posted some pretty nasty responses to people at times, but in all honesty in those situations it was only because they started it. Or because they jumped into the middle an ‘apparent quarrel’ without genuinely understanding what was taking place. I don’t think that people realize that you are actually trying to help them to realize their own delusions. They think that you are claiming that they are delusional ‘because’ they believe in a god. But that’s not what you saying at all, is it? What you are trying to convey to them that it’s not WHAT they believe in a God that is the delusion, but rather it is the REASONS they believe in a God that are delusional. That’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE! And this is what Voileazur is trying to get across to people too!!!!! With all his exclamation points. ![]() He’s trying to get people to realize that a belief in God is GREAT! But if you’re going to believe in a God at least do it for the RIGHT REASONS! And,... REALIZE the difference between true ‘faith’ and DELUSION! Faith cannot be proven. Faith is irrational. Faith is a personal thing Faith should never be viewed as some sort of absolute truth. Faith cannot be argued on the basis of logic. And finally, having faith in a book does not equate to having faith in a God. Attempting to claim that a book is verbatim truth is not going to make God any more real. If a person is going to have faith they should at least try to understand what faith is! It’s a delusion that a person accepts as their truth. That’s what faith means and it has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not any God actually exists. If people could only realize this, then religion might actually do them some GOOD! And this is Funches message. Funches 3:16 For whosoever recognizes that their faith is indeed based on personal delusion shall have everlasting peace and be eternally loved by all those around them. ![]() BY JOVE I thinks he's got it |
don't worry "creativesoul" for some odd reason "Spidercmb" even gets perturbed with me sometimes ...and I'm as pure as the driven snow
You know Funches, I haven’t read a whole lot of your posts but of the ones I have read I’m inclined to believe your claim. ![]() Seriously. I mean, I know that you have posted some pretty nasty responses to people at times, but in all honesty in those situations it was only because they started it. Or because they jumped into the middle an ‘apparent quarrel’ without genuinely understanding what was taking place. I don’t think that people realize that you are actually trying to help them to realize their own delusions. They think that you are claiming that they are delusional ‘because’ they believe in a god. But that’s not what you saying at all, is it? What you are trying to convey to them that it’s not WHAT they believe in a God that is the delusion, but rather it is the REASONS they believe in a God that are delusional. That’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE! And this is what Voileazur is trying to get across to people too!!!!! With all his exclamation points. ![]() He’s trying to get people to realize that a belief in God is GREAT! But if you’re going to believe in a God at least do it for the RIGHT REASONS! And,... REALIZE the difference between true ‘faith’ and DELUSION! Faith cannot be proven. Faith is irrational. Faith is a personal thing Faith should never be viewed as some sort of absolute truth. Faith cannot be argued on the basis of logic. And finally, having faith in a book does not equate to having faith in a God. Attempting to claim that a book is verbatim truth is not going to make God any more real. If a person is going to have faith they should at least try to understand what faith is! It’s a delusion that a person accepts as their truth. That’s what faith means and it has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not any God actually exists. If people could only realize this, then religion might actually do them some GOOD! And this is Funches message. Funches 3:16 For whosoever recognizes that their faith is indeed based on personal delusion shall have everlasting peace and be eternally loved by all those around them. ![]() BY JOVE I thinks he's got it But it's all wrong.....Because you can't speak about something you know nothing of. |
Frankly, I don't really care where we came from...I'm more concerned about where we are heading...
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