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Topic: Trump Won
Mortman's photo
Wed 11/06/24 11:26 PM
Creating a new thread to cover this, since nobody else did, and it's a pet peeve of mine when people change the subject of threads to talk about something new:

Donald Trump wins 2nd term in historic return to White House

The biggest thing I see in the election results is that the Democrat got about 14 million fewer votes than the last candidate. Too many Democrats staying home, having forgotten what a disaster Trump was last time.

What do you think?

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 11/07/24 02:30 AM
I think that more people who actually cared about the direction , the county was headed, showed up to vote .. Hoping for the same here in the Great White North!!!!

Bart's photo
Thu 11/07/24 04:45 AM
I think the democrats are so out of touch with the issues that effect most of us. It’s the most simple issues like the price at the grocery stores, the xtra cost of everything we all need just to keep living . People have many issues they fight to promote. But when things hurt our personal lives , we find a way to fix it. That’s why the vote turned out like it did.

Slimme's photo
Thu 11/07/24 04:51 AM
The biggest thing I see in the election results is that the Democrats saw many of their Hispanics, Blacks and Asian voters voting for the bread and butter issues that matters to them and their country and not for identity or race politics that the Democrats are known for. Not to mention the Amish community who voted for the first time in history as they were fed up with constant raids and threats on their agricultural way of life from the present government and federal authorities.

Don's photo
Thu 11/07/24 06:12 AM
America has followed the strange guy with the sweeties.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 11/07/24 07:50 AM
I think I'm done with you and your foolishness so won't be wasting the next 4 years rehashing your Trump Derangement Syndrome going forward.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 11/07/24 11:11 AM

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 11/07/24 11:13 AM

Creating a new thread to cover this, since nobody else did, and it's a pet peeve of mine when people change the subject of threads to talk about something new:

Donald Trump wins 2nd term in historic return to White House

The biggest thing I see in the election results is that the Democrat got about 14 million fewer votes than the last candidate. Too many Democrats staying home, having forgotten what a disaster Trump was last time.

What do you think?

Best Candidate for President of the USA Won.


no photo
Thu 11/07/24 12:33 PM
People who voted with their pocketbooks made the difference.

Mortman's photo
Thu 11/07/24 12:57 PM
People who voted with their pocketbooks made the difference.

Good point. Billionaires like Musk and Thiel threw hundreds of $millions at the Trump campaign, and Trump's campaign, by itself, was a mess. The doddering old fool kept blabbering in his "speeches" and bitched and moaned about his gripes, but never really had a plan beyond tax cuts and eliminating government regulations. So we can expect that their businesses will be left unregulated while the national debt balloons like never before.

Bart's photo
Thu 11/07/24 01:30 PM

People who voted with their pocketbooks made the difference.

Good point. Billionaires like Musk and Thiel threw hundreds of $millions at the Trump campaign, and Trump's campaign, by itself, was a mess. The doddering old fool kept blabbering in his "speeches" and bitched and moaned about his gripes, but never really had a plan beyond tax cuts and eliminating government regulations. So we can expect that their businesses will be left unregulated while the national debt balloons like never before.

Unregulated sounds a whole lot like less government intrusion into private corporations and their ability to produce in mass quantity. Drill baby drill… no need to buy our oil from other country’s when we should be supplying our country with our resources, the oil under our feet. Enough there to last a several generations.. the cheaper to ship the cheaper the prices on everything.. within less than 24 hrs. of his becoming president elect the stock market reached a record high..

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 11/08/24 10:18 AM

Kamala was not liked as much as she thought.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 11/08/24 10:21 AM

Democrats spent Millions and still LOST.

They also wasted Millions of taxpayers money on everything else they could think of.

Slimme's photo
Fri 11/08/24 01:54 PM

People who voted with their pocketbooks made the difference.

Good point. Billionaires like Musk and Thiel threw hundreds of $millions at the Trump campaign, and Trump's campaign, by itself, was a mess. The doddering old fool kept blabbering in his "speeches" and bitched and moaned about his gripes, but never really had a plan beyond tax cuts and eliminating government regulations. So we can expect that their businesses will be left unregulated while the national debt balloons like never before.

And Gates and Soros funded Harris campaign. What exactly is your point? Political parties around the world received donations from businesses and businessmen for their election campaigns.

no photo
Fri 11/08/24 09:02 PM
People who voted with their pocketbooks made the difference.

In case there's a misunderstanding, what I mean by to vote with one's pocketbook, is to vote based on how one thinks the decision will affect one's financial situation.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 11/09/24 12:05 PM
Kamala Harris's Marxist leaders planned to line their pockets should she win. She was a Puppet for all the Marxist agendas.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 11/09/24 12:08 PM

Trump Won because of being competent to be the President of the USA!

Bart's photo
Sat 11/09/24 02:49 PM

People who voted with their pocketbooks made the difference.

Good point. Billionaires like Musk and Thiel threw hundreds of $millions at the Trump campaign, and Trump's campaign, by itself, was a mess. The doddering old fool kept blabbering in his "speeches" and bitched and moaned about his gripes, but never really had a plan beyond tax cuts and eliminating government regulations. So we can expect that their businesses will be left unregulated while the national debt balloons like never before.

The national debt ballon like never before… well except for the last four years . Lol..I’m thinking the democrats will never win another election if they don’t pull their head out of their bunuuchi, and forget about their cultural ideology , and hear what the people are complaining about.. But the message I’m hearing from the dems, are keep fighting for the same ideas that 77 million people reject. Keep it up and just slowly fade away..please…

dust4fun's photo
Sun 11/10/24 09:01 AM

Creating a new thread to cover this, since nobody else did, and it's a pet peeve of mine when people change the subject of threads to talk about something new:

Donald Trump wins 2nd term in historic return to White House

The biggest thing I see in the election results is that the Democrat got about 14 million fewer votes than the last candidate. Too many Democrats staying home, having forgotten what a disaster Trump was last time.

What do you think?

14 million less, well old people are dying off, less people went to the polls, less illegal aliens were able to vote, less dead people voted, and less fraud took place? Kamala is a babbling idiot, the election was between dumb n dumber and I guess dumb won out over dumber. It is so sad that the American people have to chose between 2 POS for president, but then again I see more selfishness, entitlement, lack of common sense in people every day. I voted for the best person on the ticket and it certainly was not Harris or Trump. But people are easily brainwashed and unable to think for themselves.

Bart's photo
Sun 11/10/24 10:00 AM

Creating a new thread to cover this, since nobody else did, and it's a pet peeve of mine when people change the subject of threads to talk about something new:

Donald Trump wins 2nd term in historic return to White House

The biggest thing I see in the election results is that the Democrat got about 14 million fewer votes than the last candidate. Too many Democrats staying home, having forgotten what a disaster Trump was last time.

What do you think?

14 million less, well old people are dying off, less people went to the polls, less illegal aliens were able to vote, less dead people voted, and less fraud took place? Kamala is a babbling idiot, the election was between dumb n dumber and I guess dumb won out over dumber. It is so sad that the American people have to chose between 2 POS for president, but then again I see more selfishness, entitlement, lack of common sense in people every day. I voted for the best person on the ticket and it certainly was not Harris or Trump. But people are easily brainwashed and unable to think for themselves.

Good point about the fewer number of voters, but the rest of your post is way off base in my opinion. 77million people voted for Trump and how many for Stein or whoever your choice was. And we are brainwashed? At least you didn’t vote for Kamala..:thumbsup:

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