Community > Posts By > Mr Good Guy

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 03/15/25 09:38 AM

in America to be clear, why is so many relationships suffering from lack of intimacy and can it be turn around?
Both parties are too obese and can't stand seeing each other naked.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 03/15/25 09:36 AM

I have not seen this Realms. Is this just for the guys?
Should be at the top of the page, between "match" and "community". At least it is on my end. But don't worry, you're not missing much.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 03/15/25 09:34 AM

I guess you guys are right. but the amount of barely or not even legal kids here is alarming. Will I be arrested for pedophilia if the guy is 17??
On this site, evidently no as there is no adult supervision.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 03/15/25 09:33 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Sat 03/15/25 09:35 AM

There's as many men masquerading as wanting something serious as there are women claiming to have low body counts.

good point... fair point actually

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 03/14/25 07:13 PM
How about this "realm"........"People of the opposite sex within 1 hour of my location who are ready, willing, and able to meet in person"?

Will never happen because the room would be empty.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 03/14/25 12:06 PM
There's as many men masquerading as wanting something serious as there are women claiming to have low body counts.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 03/13/25 11:24 AM
So I was poking around this new section and noticed many have posted on there months ago. So its either been active in other countries (outside the USA) already or those posting dates were just made up.

Regardless, as usual mingle hasn't addressed the REAL issues on this site, mainly LOCATION AND FAKES. What good does this new section do anyone if we're all reading messages from people thousands of miles away and there's nobody close to our own locations??

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 03/12/25 09:20 PM
I'm convinced this site is run by AI only or some 12 yr old kid. No adults around whatsoever.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 03/12/25 11:41 AM

mmmmm, I just clicked on it, and it seems to be some new types of forums, a sort of revamp of the way the site is set up now. Who knows???

I really wish Admin or whoever would spend half as much time getting rid of obvious fake profiles and people selling child porn as they do making "improvements" to a site which at one time was pretty entertaining.
Days to take down someone selling child porn (its still up!) but boy they can charge people's credit card within seconds.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 03/11/25 04:19 PM

Thank you Robin and did so Mr Good Guy:thumbsup: . It would help if you two did too. Thank you! There’s only one word for a guy like that PERVERT!
I've done so, multiple times. Mingle management, as usual, is non existent or asleep at the wheel.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 03/11/25 04:12 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Tue 03/11/25 04:16 PM
It's been reported all day yet Mingle has yet to take it down. The scumbags name is "Moore" and he's posted 8 times already today in various forums/sections here about child porn. Why are all his multiple posts selling child porn still up?!!

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 03/11/25 04:09 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Tue 03/11/25 04:10 PM
Jesus Mingle, How freaking long does it take for you to remove CHILD PORN sellers from your website even after being reported multiple times? This garbage has been here all day long.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 03/11/25 09:09 AM

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 03/11/25 08:29 AM
I already reported him and I suggest everyone else do as well. Looking forward to him being in prison soon

Mr Good Guy's photo
Mon 03/10/25 10:14 AM

I have had all kinds of women .... but somehow it never worked out ... I find North American women to selfish and too independent ... and they are not afraid to say they don't need a man ( yesh! There are a few exceptions) European women are beautiful and kind and know how to treat a man ... but by far the Scottish women are the best ... especially the ones with red hair and green eyes ( my fantasy)
But they all have one thing in common ... after awhile they want you to change .. and if you don't ... well .... there is the road ....
Have you spent any time in SouthEast Asia and the women in some of those countries (Thailand, Phillipines, etc)? Highly recommended!

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 03/08/25 08:36 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Sat 03/08/25 08:36 AM
All that written then gone within 15 minutes. Weird

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 03/07/25 10:19 PM
uh, ok yolo

Mr Good Guy's photo
Fri 03/07/25 08:34 AM

It’s not that we are upset with you.. how can someone be upset with someone of little intelligence, it’s more like we pity you for not being able to have a clear and intelligent thought.. you espouse the same BS while knowing your party is pure anti American filth. Please don’t expect any empathy from from any American if you find out you are dying of cancer. We promise we will not offer our condolences because your probally lying.. I gave you the benefit of doubt until now, but it’s obvious you are unwilling to to accept common sense over ignorance. Anybody that thinks America is not better off now than anytime under Biden is hopelessly lost in the world of liberal ignorance.

Ever hear the allegory about the boy who cried wolf? The president repeated numerous lies and exaggerations in a 90-minute, rambling monologue, and I'm supposed to sort out the truth buried in that heap of garbage? Neat.
You mean the monologue you claimed not to have watched other than the very beginning yet failed to comment on the rude and disrespectful behavior of Democrat congressman Al Green in those same very first moments? That "monologue"?

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 03/06/25 08:44 AM
All the girls your age know better and are rejecting you so often you finally opened it up to 80 year olds? That's pretty sad for a 23 yr old.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 03/06/25 08:27 AM

Hello there I'm Marjorie 20 years old I have already a daughter.I was looking for someone who can help me financially.
Maybe think of these things BEFORE having children?

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