Community > Posts By > Bart

Bart's photo
Wed 03/12/25 04:56 AM
Edited by Bart on Wed 03/12/25 05:00 AM

Trump now losing his mind over retaliatory actions from Canada. Raising tariffs to 50% and pledging to kill Canada's automotive industry.

Trump imposes new Canada tariffs, demands it join U.S.

President Trump on Tuesday imposed new retaliatory tariffs on Canada and insisted the only solution was for the country to join the U.S.

Of course Canada is retaliating, including their own tariffs, a general boycott of products from the US, and even imposing surcharges on electricity from Canada to the US--possibly even cutting off that electricity later.

Trump is an imbecile.

Trump and Musk are doing what has needed to be done for many years now. Finally someone whit the backbone to do the right thing. A short term pain for a long term stability. The Democrats have been screaming for years ‘ pay your fair share. So Canada, Mexico and all the other countries that have been taking advantage of us. Those days are over. Every country needs to pay their fair share.. to think we can keep the status quo and sustain that kind of spending is imbecile..

Bart's photo
Tue 03/11/25 06:22 AM
Edited by Bart on Tue 03/11/25 06:23 AM
Why hasn’t the above post been taken down yet . This pervert that posted should be investigated.. Take a hike Moore you sick SOB

Bart's photo
Mon 03/10/25 04:24 PM

There is plenty of gold missing from the Bank of England ... I know some countries that stored their stash there and now finding out the same is missing!!!!
Whats up with this ???

Maybe Trump has a point.. Check Fort Knox contents.

Bart's photo
Sun 03/09/25 06:37 AM
Edited by Bart on Sun 03/09/25 06:38 AM

why would anyone watch the liberal msm . Misinformation specialists . Now we hear how Biden was a figurehead only while others were running the country. Of all the orders signed by Biden during his four years was not him signing it was deep state.. the only order Biden signed was the order saying he would not runn again for president. He has no idea how or what was signed into law during his term but all should be null and void. And the people that were involved in this betrayal of democracy should be in jail or the full punishment of being a traitor to our country..
Firing squad.?

They may be the "liberal msm" but they never had to pay $787.5 million for reporting lies.

And Fox News' lawyers established in court that "no reasonable viewer" should believe them.

Reasonable ? The democrats description of reasonable . If you think men should play against women in womens sport you are reasonable. If you think anybody should be allowed to cross into our country illegally that’s reasonable if you would rather applauded a drag queen or transgendered for their “ bravery” over young folks that overcome tragedy to inspire a nation. If you support wasted spending of tax payers dollars with no accountability , that’s reasonable to democrats..these reasonable democrats want the war to go on for another 5 years.. non serious people have no business running anything.

Bart's photo
Sat 03/08/25 02:13 PM
America first… Trump just revoked 400 million dollars of government funds from Colombia u. for their allowance of terrorism on their campus. The university says that Trump is take those funds back because they won’t subscribe to the maga agenda. They are so full of s* it.. Trump is trying to make education fair and of equal opportunity to all students and stop the agenda of the left to advance the califate..

Bart's photo
Sat 03/08/25 03:43 AM
Edited by Bart on Sat 03/08/25 04:41 AM

Ever see the latest quinnipeac pole that shows 74% support Trumps effort to clean the swamp of waste , 26% support the democrats fighting back against Trump. .. that’s a fact. Your democrat friends are such losers and that’s exactly how they act. Immature adolescents

You been watching Fox News ... all these other outlets have his approval around 50% at best.
why would anyone watch the liberal msm . Misinformation specialists . Now we hear how Biden was a figurehead only while others were running the country. Of all the orders signed by Biden during his four years was not him signing it was deep state.. the only order Biden signed was the order saying he would not runn again for president. He has no idea how or what was signed into law during his term but all should be null and void. And the people that were involved in this betrayal of democracy should be in jail or the full punishment of being a traitor to our country..
Firing squad.?

Bart's photo
Fri 03/07/25 04:42 AM

It’s not that we are upset with you.. how can someone be upset with someone of little intelligence, it’s more like we pity you for not being able to have a clear and intelligent thought.. you espouse the same BS while knowing your party is pure anti American filth. Please don’t expect any empathy from from any American if you find out you are dying of cancer. We promise we will not offer our condolences because your probally lying.. I gave you the benefit of doubt until now, but it’s obvious you are unwilling to to accept common sense over ignorance. Anybody that thinks America is not better off now than anytime under Biden is hopelessly lost in the world of liberal ignorance.

Ever hear the allegory about the boy who cried wolf? The president repeated numerous lies and exaggerations in a 90-minute, rambling monologue, and I'm supposed to sort out the truth buried in that heap of garbage? Neat.

Ever see the latest quinnipeac pole that shows 74% support Trumps effort to clean the swamp of waste , 26% support the democrats fighting back against Trump. .. that’s a fact. Your democrat friends are such losers and that’s exactly how they act. Immature adolescents

Bart's photo
Thu 03/06/25 04:42 AM
Edited by Bart on Thu 03/06/25 05:01 AM

What an idiotic statement. Can you tell if someone has cancer or not? You may surmised, you may guess but unless you have been told differently, if it's stated someone has or had cancer, you take their word for it. Did you even research the kid before making such a stupid remark?

Meh. Don't care. Trump lies so much and about so many things, it's wasted time chasing them all down. Go ahead and be upset with me for not blindly accepting the story, but maybe you should be more concerned when the president is so disconnected from facts that he cannot be believed by people. That's the time we're living in.

And if you're that upset about childhood cancer, maybe ask why the Trump Administration tried to block funding for cancer research.

It’s not that we are upset with you.. how can someone be upset with someone of little intelligence, it’s more like we pity you for not being able to have a clear and intelligent thought.. you espouse the same BS while knowing your party is pure anti American filth. Please don’t expect any empathy from from any American if you find out you are dying of cancer. We promise we will not offer our condolences because your probally lying.. I gave you the benefit of doubt until now, but it’s obvious you are unwilling to to accept common sense over ignorance. Anybody that thinks America is not better off now than anytime under Biden is hopelessly lost in the world of liberal ignorance.

Bart's photo
Wed 03/05/25 04:10 PM

Well, Some got put out for causing disturbance.

We saw how Trump made the democrats look totally insignificant, he turned their childish tantrum into a huge embarrassment for themselves. No one to blame but themselves.. and they have already started blaming each other. They just lost any gain they may have had from their last talking point..

Bart's photo
Wed 03/05/25 03:06 PM

State of the union: Trump lies so much, people can't tell whether the kid even had cancer.

What an idiotic statement. Can you tell if someone has cancer or not? You may surmised, you may guess but unless you have been told differently, if it's stated someone has or had cancer, you take their word for it. Did you even research the kid before making such a stupid remark?

Of course he didn’t. It’s easier for some to just push the lies if it makes Trump look bad. They actually hate Trump more than they love America.

Bart's photo
Wed 03/05/25 09:18 AM
:thumbsup:. 100%…

Bart's photo
Wed 03/05/25 04:49 AM
Edited by Bart on Wed 03/05/25 04:52 AM

Off topic: You posted this during Trumps address to Congress. You didn't watch it?

I watched a little bit, but during the few minutes I did, he was just lying a bunch, and whining about Democrats, and repeating stuff he's been saying for weeks. Maybe the speech got better, later on, but I didn't stick around for it.

Lol, I think it was the unethical antics staged by the democrats that made you stop watching. Any decent democrat should have been embarrassed by how their side of the room acted. I’m so proud of Mike Johnson for taking charge and throwing Rep. Green out of the chamber for his rudeness.

Bart's photo
Wed 03/05/25 04:34 AM
Edited by Bart on Wed 03/05/25 04:42 AM
The Word is that democrats sink to a new low. After watching their inactions at the president speech to congress, you got to ask yourself do democrats stand for anything decent? Imagine not acknowledging a 13 year old boy that has surviving cancer 8 years longer than he was given to live. After the cop loving youngster was given a honorary membership to the US secret service that brought joy to him and the dems sat on their hands and ignored him. Same with showing empathy to families of victims murdered by illegal aliens. Millions of Americans and others around the world has seen first hand just how dispicable and disgusting the Democratic Party is. They offer nothing of value .

Bart's photo
Tue 03/04/25 01:27 PM
Edited by Bart on Tue 03/04/25 01:29 PM

People with active brain cells don’t need a dictionary , and they don’t need to listen to the misinformation coming from the dems and their comrades in the msm. We see everyday how the dems support men playing in womens sports, putting sex devices in elementary schools. Allowing cop killers out on our streets. Spending billions of our tax dollars on immoral issues that disgrace the American people. And their fight to destroy the American way. I hope they all pack their bags and get the F out of this country... Americans are smart( most of them anyway) and we will not beau down or subscribe to the rants and fear mongering that is coming from the dip s* it’s on the left.. The republicans are in charge now , so the dems need to sit back, shut up and observe how much better this country is going to perform under Trumps plan.

Republicans are in charge, all right, so now they'll have no excuse as the economy collapses. Watch inflation hit double digits and see if anybody believes it's Biden's fault, this time.

Get your head out of the fog.. Things are already better, company’s are coming back to the US. Men are getting out of womens sports. The waste of tax dollars are now exposed and can be fixed. SS will be better off when the waste and fraud are non existent. Gas is already coming down. Eggs are high because Biden ordered millions of chicken killed…people have a better feeling of the direction we are now headed. And the more the dems scream and rant the same narrative that lost the last election for them , the better the the rest of us are for the next election.. they just don’t quite get it… and if they think they can interrupt our democracy for their beurocracy they are sorely mistaken…

Bart's photo
Tue 03/04/25 09:57 AM

So what is your alternative? WWIII ?. Trump wants to avoid that . Besides , how much of a deterrent would France be? They have had to be bailed out of every war they have been involved in by either the US in one way or the other. If nato forces show up on Russias doorstep it would raise those stakes of escalating WWIII. .. I think Trump is playing the long game by negotiating with Putin and maybe break the alliance they have with China. That is the biggest threat to the U.S. .

By some accounts, it's already WW3. Russia has brought Belarus and North Korea into the conflict. Many other countries side with Ukraine. And while Trump claims to want to end it, he's not really helping. Trump should know that Ukraine needs security guarantees, but doesn't offer any beyond his own belief that Russia will not try anything while Trump is in office. Never mind that Russia started planning to invade Ukraine while Trump was in office last time, and without guarantees, there's nothing stopping Putin from doing it again, even while Trump is in office. And what do you think Russia could get up to in 3½ years?

You miss the point of the mineral deal. With American interests and personal in Ukraine Russia would be hard set to invade and endanger American lives or interests. It was said by others here and laid out by Trump what the gaurentee would be( as far as you can gaurentee something like that. It’s was Ukraines best option. And it will happen after zellenskyy apologizes .. and while Putin may have been planning the invasion, it’s something he’s been planning since he’s been president. It happened under Biden’s watch not Trumps…

Bart's photo
Tue 03/04/25 09:11 AM

Again, how is having a government-issued I.D racist and how does it disenfranchised minorities?

I never said having government ID is racist.

Requiring particular government ID just to vote is disenfranchising voters because those ID cards aren't free to the public. They cost money just to apply, and require specific documentation that may not be available, and cost more money to produce. It looks like you've never had to request a certified copy of your birth certificate. Also, government offices where those IDs are issued are often under-staffed and crowded, and going to get that card can take all day or several days. If you're working a full-time job, it may not be practical to take one or more days off just to put that together.

All for your statistically insignificant vote.

Sounds like typical liberal excuse to avoid being accountable for yourself and dependent on others to get you through life.. sit on your fat *** and get free stuff delivered to your doorstep is no way to go thru life. Some states let you use a electric bill as a form of identification. Don’t minorities have electric bills. The arguement that minorities shouldn’t have to do like every other citizen has to do is mind numingly stupid….

Bart's photo
Tue 03/04/25 08:08 AM

*** Russia will not cease fighting. The other alternative is Zelensky.
What's is your solution? Keep supplying Zelensky with weapons? Sure, keep prolonging the war and if Europe goes all in maybe it will be another path to Wprld War 3. Trump doesn't want any part of that. For the first time, Zelensky left the US without a blank check. The bank is closed.

The solution is to get security guarantees. All Trump could give was "Well, Putin didn't break any promises with me."

You say the bank is closed, but it's not up to you. There are other European countries that know they're next, once Putin is done in Ukraine, so the EU is gathering to put up a permanent security force in Ukraine, on top of any cease fire that Putin can promise, since Putin's reneged on his Ukraine peace agreements dozens of times.

If Zelensky signs an economic/mineral deal it gives the US incentive to negotiate a ceasefire with Ukraine with a further deal on the table to end the war. With American businesses setting up shop in Ukraine and American citizens pouring in, any American hair touched by Russian weaponry will see American miltary on Putin's frontstep. Russia is not ready for that nor does it want it. The mineral deal and the ceasefire deal will put Russia on pause for now.

Since Trump is taking Putin's side--preaching Kremlin talking points, it's unlikely that Ukraine will work with Trump, and will be taking cover from the EU. Trump's made the economic deal with the US impossible, so France, UK and Germany will increase their cooperation. France suggested sending troops to Ukraine, even before Trump's meltdown, last week. Now that the minerals deal is off, and Trump's losing his mind, it's pretty clear that Europe are on their own for a while.

It's one thing to have hatred for a person. It's another when your anger and ego consumed you so much that you write off all paths to peace just to continue a war and further drag your country down to a poverty-stricken level while millions of your men continue to die.

What goodness do you see in Putin? The guy invaded Ukraine, and his country's combat losses are estimated to exceed a million soldiers, not to mention equipment. It's not just the economics of the Ukrainian people, but Putin invaded, killing hundreds of thousands and actually kidnapping tens of thousands of children off to Russia. Now, what "path to peace" do you think Russia could agree to, beyond total capitulation from Ukraine?

So what is your alternative? WWIII ?. Trump wants to avoid that . Besides , how much of a deterrent would France be? They have had to be bailed out of every war they have been involved in by either the US in one way or the other. If nato forces show up on Russias doorstep it would raise those stakes of escalating WWIII. .. I think Trump is playing the long game by negotiating with Putin and maybe break the alliance they have with China. That is the biggest threat to the U.S. .

Bart's photo
Tue 03/04/25 04:37 AM
Edited by Bart on Tue 03/04/25 04:47 AM

I don't think people in the "other universe" read dictionarys, or anything else relevant to this world and what is happening in it.

People with active brain cells don’t need a dictionary , and they don’t need to listen to the misinformation coming from the dems and their comrades in the msm. We see everyday how the dems support men playing in womens sports, putting sex devices in elementary schools. Allowing cop killers out on our streets. Spending billions of our tax dollars on immoral issues that disgrace the American people. And their fight to destroy the American way. I hope they all pack their bags and get the F out of this country... Americans are smart( most of them anyway) and we will not beau down or subscribe to the rants and fear mongering that is coming from the dip s* it’s on the left.. The republicans are in charge now , so the dems need to sit back, shut up and observe how much better this country is going to perform under Trumps plan.

Bart's photo
Mon 03/03/25 04:24 AM
Voter I’d laws are necessary because of the rampant I’d theft that has invaded our most basic aspects of life. There is no valid excuse to not have some type of I’d. It doesn’t slow anyone down from buy liquor or beer. It’s just a democrat talking point to help them cheat for their representatives.. mail in voting is another democrat ploy for cheating and being the lazy bums most of them are. We should go back to standing in line to vote w/ exemptions for the elderly or handicapped. It’s called your patriotic duty.

Bart's photo
Sun 03/02/25 06:05 AM

You have just proven the intent of the military industrial complex. A month's war serves no one but 2 years of war feeds everyone. As long as the war continues "the West gets valuable military intelligence on weapons development and Russia (and China) 's military capabilities. We see how good Iran's drones and North Korea's artillery are, too. We assess their communications and tactics...", and the only outcome will either Ukraine will be decimated or a stalemate which we are at now for over a year while millions of men continue to died on the battlefield and by the way China already knows the US will come to Taiwan's aid if there is military conflict. They aren't deter by the West helping Ukraine. Asking Putin to give up territory is like beating a dead horse.

Not going to happen. Putin will bankrupt his country first with this war before retreating from occupied territory.Meanwhile Ukraine will continue to drain the coffers of the West. If Putin is open to peace talks including Zelensky the conflict will end, if Zelensky is adamant to continue fighting on the advice of the warmongers Russia will continue fighting. Anyone thinking Ukraine stands a chance defeating Russia is living a piped dream.

You understand that they're fighting in Ukraine, right? This isn't up to Zelensky to stop fighting. They have to get Russia to stop fighting. And it's not that Putin says he wants peace, but what are they going to do about guarantees about peace? Ukraine could agree to a cease fire tonight, but that wouldn't stop Putin from invading in another few months or years. Russia and the US agreed to guarantee Ukraine's security back in 1994 when Ukraine gave up their nukes. Then in 2014, Putin annexed Crimea. How's that for peace?

Because Obama was a pus is why crimea got taken over. Trump is trying to end this war , Biden never tried to end it because he or his team didnt have the mental capabilities to negotiate like a sensible leader. And now we hear how the democrats advised zelenskyy right before his meeting with Trump to not take the deal they had already agreed to… democrats are the worst .

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