Topic: Coronavirus | |
Just got an alert on my phone saying Louisiana extended the "stay at home order" till April 30.
Just got an alert on my phone saying Louisiana extended the "stay at home order" till April 30. I'm tired already. I'm not used to staying indoors without going out. |
A human being touching their own face is a spontaneous habit often done without realizing it. Its extremely difficult for anyone to change a natural habit. If you think you have it mastered, put some ink or grease on your hands and fingers and wait a bit while watching TV, then go look in a mirror. True! Do not touch your face is harder than the 10 commandments. Lolz I just touched my eyes now. Hahaha ![]() |
This virus existed before it was discovered in China!Please don't use your ignorance to shift the blame to China.China's achievements can be seen all over the world! Well, It's still Chinese virus because it's originated from China ![]() |
Boil Tumeric powder, ginger, garlic, lemon and onions together. Cover yourself with blanket and inhale for some minutes. That's the cure for corona virus. Please recommend this for anyone who's infected or having the symptoms.
It changes every single day.
sounds tasty! WAITRESS!!!
Boil Tumeric powder, ginger, garlic, lemon and onions together. Cover yourself with blanket and inhale for some minutes. That's the cure for corona virus. Please recommend this for anyone who's infected or having the symptoms. First, post an image of your medical diploma and/or your medical license. |
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Thu 04/02/20 07:19 PM
Glad I have Zero news here in this desert... working all day anyway on the mountain.
I do know what's going on, on the front lines in New Orleans though. Much of the quarter is boarded up, and there's a large group of kids graffiti tagging just about all buildings really late at night, and the mortality rate in Ochsner private hospital from My friend who's a nurse there is up to 60% now. The public hospital is much worse. Long lines on the sidewalk to the entrance, people have apparently passed on the sidewalk... The tent city under I-10 is a disaster, and growing no social distancing. She said that in the hospital, it's kinds like the civil war days when the doc would say, This one, this one, and this one, not those five (beyond medical treatment).... that one on the end, and that's it for this morning. |
Boil Tumeric powder, ginger, garlic, lemon and onions together. Cover yourself with blanket and inhale for some minutes. That's the cure for corona virus. Please recommend this for anyone who's infected or having the symptoms. First, post an image of your medical diploma and/or your medical license. I can't post pictures in the forum not to talk of having a diploma or medical license or medical qualifications. Believe this works. |
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Fri 04/03/20 01:33 AM
Boil Tumeric powder, ginger, garlic, lemon and onions together. Cover yourself with blanket and inhale for some minutes. That's the cure for corona virus. Please recommend this for anyone who's infected or having the symptoms. First, post an image of your medical diploma and/or your medical license. I can't post pictures in the forum not to talk of having a diploma or medical license or medical qualifications. Believe this works. What has medical diploma got to do with herbals that boost up the immune system? Tumeric is widely used as an antiseptic in India. For instance if you have a minor skin cut, tumeric will not only eat up the infection but also the skin. At one time I had applied T powder over an infected spot on face. Next day, dead skin hanging all over my face! Mr. Munster has a clean face. Do not boil tumeric powder. If you inhale tumeric vapor it will certainly burn up lung tissue faster than corona virus can. Instead of inhaling ginger, garlic and onion mix vapor I would recommend stir fry the mix, and pour it in cooked lentils, a pinch of salt. Enjoy with bread. --xx Corona Virus crossed the 1 Million mark yesterday Worldwide: 1,016,000 cases - 53,000 dead - April 3, 2020 That's 5% mortality rate. US cases: 250,000, -------- 6,000 dead That's 3% mortality rate |
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Fri 04/03/20 01:53 AM
Boil Tumeric powder, ginger, garlic, lemon and onions together. Cover yourself with blanket and inhale for some minutes. That's the cure for corona virus. Please recommend this for anyone who's infected or having the symptoms. First, post an image of your medical diploma and/or your medical license. I can't post pictures in the forum not to talk of having a diploma or medical license or medical qualifications. Believe this works. What has medical diploma got to do with herbals that boost up the immune system? Tumeric is widely used as an antiseptic in India. For instance if you have a minor skin cut, tumeric will not only eat up the infection but also the skin. At one time I had applied T powder over an infected spot on face. Next day, dead skin hanging all over my face! Mr. Munster has a clean face. Do not boil tumeric powder. If you inhale tumeric vapor it will certainly burn up lung tissue faster than corona virus can. Instead of inhaling ginger, garlic and onion mix vapor I would recommend stir fry the mix, and pour it in cooked lentils, a pinch of salt. Enjoy with bread. --xx Corona Virus crossed the 1 Million mark yesterday Worldwide: 1,016,000 cases - 53,000 dead - April 3, 2020 That's 5% mortality rate. US cases: 250,000, -------- 6,000 dead That's 3% mortality rate Thanks for the enlightening. I shared the information some folks out there tried and according to them it worked for them. But better to hear from a health professional like you. What! I have believed CNN already that over 100,000 death in the U.S . What's the fake news all over the world? Whom do we believe? |
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Fri 04/03/20 02:53 AM
Since the 9/11 attacks nearly 20 years ago, national security has been dominated by terrorism. But there have been voices over the years who have argued the notion of 'security' should be broadened and the coronavirus crisis has raised a significant question about whether global health security should be a more central part of national security.
Under the last review, an international pandemic was classed as a Tier 1 national security risk in the UK - meaning it was judged to be of the highest priority - but that has not been reflected in the resources or the way in which the issue has been tackled when compared with the other three threats at the same level - terrorism, war and cyber-attacks. But just as in the wake of 9/11, there are people who feel they were not listened to when they warned the lights were blinking red about our health security. For spy agencies, adapting may take a significant gear change. A priority for policy-makers will be knowing the ground-truth about the health situation in another country. For agencies like MI6 and the CIA that recruit human sources, it may mean ensuring you have agents in the right place who can report back on what is really happening. Conspiracy Theorists Unite! A premeditated global pandemic could happen but I imagine it would be a viral agent with a different pathology. (pathology? right word?) There are far more effective viral agents in the world's bio-threat arsenal than COVID 19/Coronavirus. If population control is the reason there are far deadlier and faster spreading viruses available. If global society distress is the goal a computer virus which targets financial and utilities would be more effective. Imagine what would happen if the world had no money, no electricity, clean water, fuel or natural gas. This virus is just another way nature tries to cull an over-populated species. Like other natural culling, we will outsmart it and our population will continue to rise. Our species intelligence, ingenuity and technology exceeds nature's equalization. As our population continues to grow, natural culling will continue to get more virulent. Our high population allows these natural culling attempts to spread faster. Luckily, we have been able to stay just ahead of the onslaught. At 8 billion people. At 14 billion people (20-30 years?) who knows how we will fare? In this BBC news article, the BBC is not suggesting a conspiracy theorists view, it is raising the question regarding the possible need for added national security, as the title suggests. Coronavirus: How will it change national security and spying? It is saying that every country needs to be aware of the facts regarding a health epidemic in another country, that true facts need to be obtained at the very start for global health security, to enable policy makers to make the right decisions. I agree with you there are good reasons to believe there will be future pandemics. So, we should take every precaution and action necessary to ensure that we have all the true facts about any outbreak of disease in order to prevent or minimise it's effects. In my opinion, the true facts at the beginning of this outbreak in China seem to have been sadly lacking, helping to create this Pandemic we are now in. |
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Fri 04/03/20 03:05 AM
What has medical diploma got to do with herbals that boost up the immune system? Tumeric is widely used as an antiseptic in India. For instance if you have a minor skin cut, tumeric will not only eat up the infection but also the skin. At one time I had applied T powder over an infected spot on face. Next day, dead skin hanging all over my face! Mr. Munster has a clean face. Do not boil tumeric powder. If you inhale tumeric vapor it will certainly burn up lung tissue faster than corona virus can. Instead of inhaling ginger, garlic and onion mix vapor I would recommend stir fry the mix, and pour it in cooked lentils, a pinch of salt. Enjoy with bread. How is it with chicken & rice? |
I'm thinking a different type of virus.
Imagine a country makes mass produced communications devices with built in data loggers and bugs, for a world wide market. Then creates the conditions where masses of people are suddenly using these devices as untrained novices, for working from home and doing internet banking etc. without knowing they are compromised. Imagine the inflows of data from these millions of insecure devices, of personal information which can be used for anything. Targeted advertising, draining your bank account, mapping your friends networks and tracking your movements, profiling you, almost anything. Recently 2 of my computers are playing up. Gremlins or commies ? |
Boil Tumeric powder, ginger, garlic, lemon and onions together. Cover yourself with blanket and inhale for some minutes. That's the cure for corona virus. Please recommend this for anyone who's infected or having the symptoms. First, post an image of your medical diploma and/or your medical license. I can't post pictures in the forum not to talk of having a diploma or medical license or medical qualifications. Believe this works. What has medical diploma got to do with herbals that boost up the immune system? Tumeric is widely used as an antiseptic in India. For instance if you have a minor skin cut, tumeric will not only eat up the infection but also the skin. At one time I had applied T powder over an infected spot on face. Next day, dead skin hanging all over my face! Mr. Munster has a clean face. Do not boil tumeric powder. If you inhale tumeric vapor it will certainly burn up lung tissue faster than corona virus can. Instead of inhaling ginger, garlic and onion mix vapor I would recommend stir fry the mix, and pour it in cooked lentils, a pinch of salt. Enjoy with bread. --xx Thanks for the enlightening. I shared the information some folks out there tried and according to them it worked for them. But better to hear from a health professional like you. ![]() |
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Fri 04/03/20 06:05 AM
I could not find my other ? are they telling you a certain area not just a state wide ... like maybe a city and who they might have been in contact with ... so they could get tested ... I heard states where having to fight over the equipment they needed + to the highest bidder ... and the President held out on the blue states to better his election and will give more to GOP states ... I like that our governor changed to a GOP now ... Personalty I think our state has been doing well ... mainly becouse of our governor... and he is doing ever thing he can to keep WV safe ... we will peak but not sure when that will be possibly this mnth ... sad for the kids ... but they really are our future ... so best keep then safe
![]() I hate we are going into allergy season to ... UG ... |
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Fri 04/03/20 11:33 AM
checkout a youtube video of a nyc doctor discussing steps that he strongly recommends to prevent the spread of covid19 and protect yourself and those around the youtube app search for "nyc front lines doctor explains how easy"...
Everybody continues to travel. The headline from my town newspaper, which came out yesterday, said "Sheriff urges residents of other counties to stay home."
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Fri 04/03/20 03:36 PM
The virus is very contagious and it can survive up to days on any surface. I can't confirm this but the source was from one of the Researchers of WHO. If this is true, then most likely we will see majority of people infected because supply chains of goods and services would most likely be infected.
The internet age has given us ability to gain tremendous knowledge but also the circulation of fake new(sometimes a threat to life), propaganda, hate speech etc. Many people are sharing their own self made vaccine formulae from taking a hot gargle to kill the virus, or to eat specific plant to keep the virus away. I can only imagine how much these fake news would impact the lives of paranoid people when they don't seek medical care but these fake mantras from online gurus. Then there are some religious groups who preach people to end the lockdown in order to kneel before the lord in submission. I would support arrest of these people for making the life of entire human race in danger. I also noticed Authoritative governments are doing better than other governments to contain the virus. Its something to do with law and order. If we can all stay disinfected in our homes until a vaccine is tested and mass produced, we might as well make it. The situation is going to get worse by coming month i suggest everyone stock up medicines especially and some medical equipments just in case because in future it may not be available when several hundred millions are infected. The hospitals will be overloaded. The government would most likely tell citizens to keep themselves at home even if infected. The governments will have to choose who gets to live and who gets to die. The bottom section of social classes would be first to die of virus. But there is a chance that they will not die vain and they may protest for healthcare as a right and law and order would be broken into chaos. I really hope this doesn't happen but if it happens then I hope we learn a lesson. Even with free healthcare, italy and spain couldn't stand a chance. Maybe we are too late now? There are reports of riots in italy already. Some anarchist groups are coming into light. Stay safe everyone and Lets keep our mind sane in this lockdown by being on here sharing our thoughts. ![]() |