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Topic: Married men in sexless marriage on dating sites looking for
no photo
Thu 12/27/18 10:38 PM
Go to a bar late night, you will find several "fun girls" to choose... SMH

Rooster35's photo
Thu 12/27/18 11:09 PM
What about married women in sexless relationships, where are they supposed to go to find "fun guys" then ?


oldkid46's photo
Fri 12/28/18 06:52 AM
This is where Craigslist use to come in.

Daisy's photo
Fri 12/28/18 07:00 AM
Not sure beside all this freedom on earth people still choose to live behind bar of meaningless marriage and sexless relationships.
Is it some new Disorder we are not aware off...or this is reactions of overdoing something or nervous brake down hiding place behind so called marriage or relationship.

oldkid46's photo
Fri 12/28/18 07:44 AM
The pain and cost of parting ways contributes to the issue. Add in the difficulty of some people being able to be independent and people hang on for as long as they can.

rifai's photo
Fri 12/28/18 07:45 AM

no photo
Fri 12/28/18 11:06 AM
Only single men should be seeking women.

Rooster35's photo
Fri 12/28/18 11:12 AM
Edited by Rooster35 on Fri 12/28/18 11:13 AM
Right, Toody. These pickup artists are going to put us single men out of business laugh


no photo
Fri 12/28/18 12:15 PM
a sexless marriage .. how awful !!!!

no photo
Fri 12/28/18 12:20 PM

Right, Toody. These pickup artists are going to put us single men out of business laugh



oldkid46's photo
Fri 12/28/18 12:24 PM

Only single men should be seeking women.

and married men AND women should be keeping their spouse sexually satisfied.

TMommy's photo
Fri 12/28/18 05:36 PM
Edited by TMommy on Fri 12/28/18 05:37 PM
your sexual satisfaction is your own business
it is NOT someone else's job to make you happy

that is not owed to you in any way shape or form

having an active sex life with a partner
or not having one

does not give you someone to blame
does not excuse you
for choosing to cheat

no photo
Fri 12/28/18 05:58 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 12/28/18 06:06 PM

Only single men should be seeking women.

and married men AND women should be keeping their spouse sexually satisfied.

Married means married, until you get divorced. Sex or not

no photo
Fri 12/28/18 06:07 PM

And after a night of booze and parting you turn to her in the bed at 6am... and get a rude awakening... the booze wore off.

a true " Jesus Christ!!"moment ;)

oldkid46's photo
Fri 12/28/18 06:26 PM
Based on a couple of very recent posts on this topic, after a couple months of "NO" it is either to the marriage counselor or the attorney!!

Rock's photo
Fri 12/28/18 07:03 PM
Sexless marriage?

I've never heard of such a thing. devil

Rooster35's photo
Sat 12/29/18 01:35 PM

Based on a couple of very recent posts on this topic, after a couple months of "NO" it is either to the marriage counselor or the attorney!!


no photo
Sat 12/29/18 05:48 PM
Married men/women on dating sites looking for someone? Not cool.

Sxyflirt's photo
Sun 12/30/18 10:38 PM

a sexless marriage .. how awful !!!!

tell me about it

no photo
Sun 12/30/18 10:53 PM

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