Topic: What is feminism to you? | |
To me feminism means anti misogyny, or should mean that. What does feminism mean to you personally? Would humanism be a better word for anti misogyny than feminism?
it means to uplift women to a hgherr level...
I only learnt about a few months ago that feminism is still going, albeit in a different form that in the 60s-70s. The third wave or something?
To me it has a negative connotation. Probably due to things I have picked up as a child, not sure. Somehow it feels very one-sided to me. Whether it is, I don't know. I've never been busy with feminism. To me it feels like something that was/is needed to bring about change, but it isn't 100% the right way to go about things. I've come to associate it with 'men-haters'. Again probably due to stuff I picked up in the past. Someone here once called me a feminist, and it seriously pissed me off. |
'Feminism' to me refers to the the physical looks...actions and impressions that one observes when watching a woman that obviously enjoys being a woman. "Her inate feminism was readily apparent."
With the slippery fluidity of our language, the word has taken on a slew of meanings from fashionable idiom, nothing wrong with this; but sometimes makes for confusion if used in the wrong part of speech. |
I only learnt about a few months ago that feminism is still going ...I've come to associate it with 'men-haters'.
That is probably due to feminism being promoted by misandrists. Just saying. |
It means nothing. I love men. I hope this is not another man baiting thread.
Edited by
Fri 04/17/15 05:38 AM
To me feminism means anti misogyny, or should mean that. What does feminism mean to you personally? Would humanism be a better word for anti misogyny than feminism? I grew up with feminism and watching - participating with women around me adjusting to it .....sometimes embracing its more radical elements but usually not. Basically in brief, it's knowing that on a human level there is no natural "superiority" based on gender. No man is superior or "in charge" simply because he is a man and no woman is inferior, bad, or flawed simply because she is a woman (and vice versa). Equal pay for equal work is the most important tenet of feminism. We are not there yet and there is no excuse for that. But we are getting closer. To me it has nothing to do with hating or baiting a gender. It is simply the dry subject of equality. Those of you who were not alive before feminism will not get this. But some woman had to fight so that you can do most of the things you do now w/put even thinking about going to college, working at ANY job (not just "women's work), getting a divorce or staying single WITHOUT a stigma attached, wearing slacks, speaking up .....all of these wholly or in part exist for women wholly or at least on an improved level (equal to men) because a few women in the 70s fussed a little. :) |
I didn't use to finish sentences, but now I
It means nothing. I love men. I hope this is not another man baiting thread. If you love men then why wouldn't you want this thread to bait them lol? |
Feminism has been around a lot longer than the 70's. I would say the suffragettes were feminists and there are probably other examples throughout history. A feminist promotes the right for women to choose how to live their life. I don't really associate it with men-hating or bra-burning (I love men but I do have some sympathy for the bra burners - damn uncomfortable things). Its girl-power. Change that tyre, drive that truck, be in the armed forces, be president or prime minister or whatever. A feminist has true grit - independence - she's confident but can also be very feminine. For me, feminism and femininity are synonymous.
Okay, get ready. Here it comes. I'm not a feminist because
Okay, get ready. Here it comes. I'm not a feminist because I'M TOO PRETTY TO WORK Your choice ![]() |
To me feminism means anti misogyny, or should mean that. What does feminism mean to you personally? Would humanism be a better word for anti misogyny than feminism? First word that comes to mind fanatical ....sometimes. |
To me feminism means anti misogyny, or should mean that. What does feminism mean to you personally? Would humanism be a better word for anti misogyny than feminism? Feminism to me is NOT having to use the word. Or this one.... Machismo- noun 1-a strong sense of masculine pride: an exaggerated masculinity 2- an exaggerated or exhilarating sense of power or strength 3-an attitude, quality or way of behaving with traditional ideas about men being very strong & aggressive. Synonyms- virility macho manhood masculinity Antonyms- femininity muliebrity womanhood womanliness |
Okay, get ready. Here it comes. I'm not a feminist because I'M TOO PRETTY TO WORK ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/17/15 10:13 AM
To me feminism means anti misogyny, or should mean that. What does feminism mean to you personally? Would humanism be a better word for anti misogyny than feminism? Once upon a time I think the need for the so called "feminism movement" was needed today honestly I see this quip being thrown around when someone pisses in some else's cherrio's to the point I am sick of the site of it. I find this a catch all for what ever a persons agenda is. I do believe in equal pay for equal work. To many times I have seen though where a woman has screamed I am a woman and not being treatedly fairly.. I need these exceptions etc... I personally love being a woman, I raised my kids by myself due to my husband passing away.. I worked damn hard in my career and I also have enjoyed the company of some damn fine men in my life whether socially or academically. I personally am sick to death of labels. I feel as a whole society has so many labels on people that we tend to forget we are people... All trying to do our best in this world. Sorry wasn't trying to rant just one of my pet peeves... |
Feminism has been around a lot longer than the 70's. I would say the suffragettes were feminists and there are probably other examples throughout history. A feminist promotes the right for women to choose how to live their life. I don't really associate it with men-hating or bra-burning (I love men but I do have some sympathy for the bra burners - damn uncomfortable things). Its girl-power. Change that tyre, drive that truck, be in the armed forces, be president or prime minister or whatever. A feminist has true grit - independence - she's confident but can also be very feminine. For me, feminism and femininity are synonymous. Yes, but to me there's another thing going on now. Now you often are EXPECTED to do 'man things', which to me isn't right either. Much of the old roles were okay in principle, just the part that women were regarded 'inferior', and thus a lack of respect, was missing. And that's where I and feminism don't see eye to eye (I think). To me it's about MUTUAL respect and equality. But to me that does NOT mean a woman is supposed to do man's work and vice versa. If she (or he) chooses to do so, fair enough. But these days women are expected to be able to do whatever a guy can do, but sorry to say: man and woman ARE different! Not just physically, but also how we are wired emotionally, mentally etc. To me the equality is about embracing each other INCLUDING these differences, and respecting them. Respecting that I cannot do the physical hard work a bloke can do, without ridiculing me for it. Respecting that a guy may not be able to make a 6 course meal and have the food of each course ready at the same time etc etc etc. We ARE different, we are supposed to be different, because when we are whole as a man and as a woman, we complement each other. That's the idea ... And to me feminism always slightly reeks of women being able to do whatever a bloke can do (and vice versa). Why? Unisex is wrong. Maybe my view of feminism is askew, but all in all I think I'm on a different track than feminists, even though there are similarities and overlaps of course. To me it's about equality without losing the typical masculine/feminine qualities. |
To me feminism means anti misogyny, or should mean that. What does feminism mean to you personally? Would humanism be a better word for anti misogyny than feminism? Once upon a time I think the need for the so called "feminism movement" was needed today honestly I see this quip being thrown around when someone pisses in some else's cherrio's to the point I am sick of the site of it. I find this a catch all for what ever a persons agenda is. I do believe in equal pay for equal work. To many times I have seen though where a woman has screamed I am a woman and not being treatedly fairly.. I need these exceptions etc... I personally love being a woman, I raised my kids by myself due to my husband passing away.. I worked damn hard in my career and I also have enjoyed the company of some damn fine men in my life whether socially or academically. I personally am sick to death of labels. I feel as a whole society has so many labels on people that we tend to forget we are people... All trying to do our best in this world. Sorry wasn't trying to rant just one of my pet peeves... Exactly my point- " as a society we have too many labels" Psychologically - the more we say, hear, read something, the more it exists & the bigger issue it could be. |
I think most have it about right, there are things and types of work that just don't suit females. I remember many years ago, I went on a blind date with my buddy, my date told me quite proudly that she was a Bricklayer, she looked like a Full-Back for the Greenbay Packers, you would have been proud of me...I didn't run until the dinner was over and I picked up the tab.