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Topic: Fast-food protests underway
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:48 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 12:54 PM

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: laugh

There are many who focus on the here and now, in many regards I do as well, but my passions are for fixing the problem, not putting a bandaid on an arterial wound!

You can not fix the problems and neither can either Party alone, we need to work together and from the looks of government that will NEVER happen.

Not as long as people believe there is no hope.... sorry to say.

I love this country enough to try!

I wish to be part of the "tireless minority building brush fires in the minds and hearts of men", not a country divided by fear, hate or indifference!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:49 PM

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: laugh

There are many who focus on the here and now, in many regards I do as well, but my passions are for fixing the problem, not putting a bandaid on an arterial wound!

You can not fix the problems and neither can either Party alone, we need to work together and from the looks of government that will NEVER happen.

true, but the 'trivial' things can be addressed without requiring the major things be fixed first,,,

So messing it up more before fixing it makes it easier? what

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:50 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 08/30/13 12:53 PM
Some people think that the poor, unemployed and those people on assistance is a problem. They don't think that is "trivial" to give them higher wages and continued gov. assistance.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:51 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 08/30/13 12:52 PM
enough to try

(which unfortunately anyone not believing like you isn't doing,,,)

enough to try,,,,

laugh laugh try to tell everyone else what should be important to them,,,,and totally disregard and trivialize anything that IS important to them because you choose to only focus on big government

newsflash: there are plenty of things to be concerned with in this world, and people can even pick more than one of the things on the list , each to focus on at different points in time

and with that

,,,im outdrinker

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:56 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 01:01 PM

Some people think that the poor, unemployed and those people on assistance is a problem. They don't think that is "trivial" to give them higher wages and continued gov. assistance.

That is the object of a divide and conquer strategy! Worry people on the present to distract from the workings of a bigger, longer lasting and more devistating agenda!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:58 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 12:59 PM

enough to try

(which unfortunately anyone not believing like you isn't doing,,,)

enough to try,,,,

laugh laugh try to tell everyone else what should be important to them,,,,and totally disregard and trivialize anything that IS important to them because you choose to only focus on big government

newsflash: there are plenty of things to be concerned with in this world, and people can even pick more than one of the things on the list , each to focus on at different points in time

and with that

,,,im outdrinker

Silly me to think that our country being run into the ground while people focus on a flesh wound or Hannah Montana being a slut is a trivial matter!

willing2's photo
Fri 08/30/13 01:12 PM
Great news.
The ignorant can go back to work.
Rumor has it, Barry sez, dat check be in da mail.
And Seattle just might raise their minimum wage.
Everyone who wants more, move to Seattle.
Problem solved.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/30/13 01:46 PM

its been explained

you raise the bar of what people are paid, and it works itself out

people ACROSS The board will have more TO SPEND at the mom and pop store,,,,its really not that hard,,,

liberal economics 101...whoa

so, it is 'liberal' to understand having more means having more?


no, it's more liberal not to understand it's meaningless... you pay the workers more, the cost of living goes up to compensate, and they are not making any more money at 15, 20, 35 than they were at 7.25... have you ever been to new york or California? the minimum wage is around 12-15 dollars, and the cost of living is compensated by the wage earned... it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, the cost of living is always adjusted to it..

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/30/13 01:50 PM
Why won't the ones who want a higher minimum wage petition their state governments to raise the minimum wages within their states?

Nothing prevents a state minimum wage from being higher than the federal minimum wage.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 02:21 PM

Why won't the ones who want a higher minimum wage petition their state governments to raise the minimum wages within their states?

Nothing prevents a state minimum wage from being higher than the federal minimum wage.

If I'm not mistaken it is the unions pulling the strings, and a federal vote would broaden their coffers nation wide regardless who suffers from the rest of the results.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 02:42 PM

Why won't the ones who want a higher minimum wage petition their state governments to raise the minimum wages within their states?

Nothing prevents a state minimum wage from being higher than the federal minimum wage.

that would be an idea

as would be petitioning FEDERAL to make more exemptions (not every type of business is beholden to minimum wage rates) for those types of businesses they are so sure will 'suffer'

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 02:44 PM

its been explained

you raise the bar of what people are paid, and it works itself out

people ACROSS The board will have more TO SPEND at the mom and pop store,,,,its really not that hard,,,

liberal economics 101...whoa

so, it is 'liberal' to understand having more means having more?


no, it's more liberal not to understand it's meaningless... you pay the workers more, the cost of living goes up to compensate, and they are not making any more money at 15, 20, 35 than they were at 7.25... have you ever been to new york or California? the minimum wage is around 12-15 dollars, and the cost of living is compensated by the wage earned... it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, the cost of living is always adjusted to it..

and what to they do to compensate when the cost of living goes up all on their own when there has been no wage increase because BUSINESS has a sellers market that puts them in the position to set the standards?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 03:12 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 03:14 PM

its been explained

you raise the bar of what people are paid, and it works itself out

people ACROSS The board will have more TO SPEND at the mom and pop store,,,,its really not that hard,,,

liberal economics 101...whoa

so, it is 'liberal' to understand having more means having more?


no, it's more liberal not to understand it's meaningless... you pay the workers more, the cost of living goes up to compensate, and they are not making any more money at 15, 20, 35 than they were at 7.25... have you ever been to new york or California? the minimum wage is around 12-15 dollars, and the cost of living is compensated by the wage earned... it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, the cost of living is always adjusted to it..

and what to they do to compensate when the cost of living goes up all on their own when there has been no wage increase because BUSINESS has a sellers market that puts them in the position to set the standards?

Such idiotic moves as this one have caused those problems, allowing corporate monopolies on their basic needs supplies, and idiotic voters whose intelligence level stops at "MORE MONEY!".

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/30/13 03:59 PM

its been explained

you raise the bar of what people are paid, and it works itself out

people ACROSS The board will have more TO SPEND at the mom and pop store,,,,its really not that hard,,,

liberal economics 101...whoa

so, it is 'liberal' to understand having more means having more?


no, it's more liberal not to understand it's meaningless... you pay the workers more, the cost of living goes up to compensate, and they are not making any more money at 15, 20, 35 than they were at 7.25... have you ever been to new york or California? the minimum wage is around 12-15 dollars, and the cost of living is compensated by the wage earned... it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, the cost of living is always adjusted to it..

and what to they do to compensate when the cost of living goes up all on their own when there has been no wage increase because BUSINESS has a sellers market that puts them in the position to set the standards?

its called "find a new job"

TJN's photo
Fri 08/30/13 04:05 PM

Why won't the ones who want a higher minimum wage petition their state governments to raise the minimum wages within their states?

Nothing prevents a state minimum wage from being higher than the federal minimum wage.

that would be an idea

as would be petitioning FEDERAL to make more exemptions (not every type of business is beholden to minimum wage rates) for those types of businesses they are so sure will 'suffer'

So pick winners and losers?

no photo
Fri 08/30/13 04:56 PM

its been explained

you raise the bar of what people are paid, and it works itself out

people ACROSS The board will have more TO SPEND at the mom and pop store,,,,its really not that hard,,,

liberal economics 101...whoa

so, it is 'liberal' to understand having more means having more?


no, it's more liberal not to understand it's meaningless... you pay the workers more, the cost of living goes up to compensate, and they are not making any more money at 15, 20, 35 than they were at 7.25... have you ever been to new york or California? the minimum wage is around 12-15 dollars, and the cost of living is compensated by the wage earned... it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is, the cost of living is always adjusted to it..

and what to they do to compensate when the cost of living goes up all on their own when there has been no wage increase because BUSINESS has a sellers market that puts them in the position to set the standards?

its called "find a new job"

It think the best to come out of this is....
if 7.25 hr dos not suit you. get out and find a job that is better. I did and thousands others did too.

willing2's photo
Fri 08/30/13 05:09 PM
I know, I won't be doing fast food any longer.

Never know which one the workers might be pissed about not gettin dey double raise and be spittin AIDS into the fries or milkshake.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 06:11 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 06:19 PM

I know, I won't be doing fast food any longer.

Never know which one the workers might be pissed about not gettin dey double raise and be spittin AIDS into the fries or milkshake.

Hell willing, the GMOs and MSGs they put in that crap will kill ya deader than aids will these days! tongue2

Give ya ghonaherpasyphallaids and the black groaners!

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