Topic: Fast-food protests underway
msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:56 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 08/30/13 11:58 AM

newsflash,,, the price of oil goes up regardless of what people are paid

and the price of oil has fluctuated over the years even WHEN minimum wage has been increasing,,,,

as has the price of other things we are connected to,,,

problem is as PRICES go up, people need the money in their pockets to go up to PAY for them

you are right, they are connected, but the rising cost of living is the reason WHY the rising price of wages makes sense

So corporate greed and bank manipulation, regulation and crooked politics isn't the problem?

So drinking more alcohol will cure an alcoholic? Cool!


so keeping the impoverished stagnant will help poverty?....

so what is the SOLUTION? do nothing,,,?

is 'corporate greed' not part of the driving force that pays the bare minimum wage for the maximum profit?

why be so adamant anti corporate and not support ANYTHING pro the individual/worker/employee/citizen

how are those two philosophies reconciled exactly?

its not a problem to add 'mom and pop' to the business types already exempt from min wage laws,,,,

so why fight such a proposal? tell those who are seeing record profits and whose ceos are making ridiculous salaries, and who are charging profitable prices for their services and products to pass that down to the people WORKING to make it happen for them

their employees,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:59 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 12:00 PM

newsflash,,, the price of oil goes up regardless of what people are paid

and the price of oil has fluctuated over the years even WHEN minimum wage has been increasing,,,,

as has the price of other things we are connected to,,,

problem is as PRICES go up, people need the money in their pockets to go up to PAY for them

you are right, they are connected, but the rising cost of living is the reason WHY the rising price of wages makes sense

So corporate greed and bank manipulation, regulation and crooked politics isn't the problem?

So drinking more alcohol will cure an alcoholic? Cool!


so keeping the impoverished stagnant will help poverty?....

so what is the SOLUTION? do nothing,,,?

is 'corporate greed' not part of the driving force that pays the bare minimum wage for the maximum profit?

why be so adamant anti corporate and not support ANYTHING pro the individual/worker/employee/citizen

how are those two philosophies reconciled exactly?

You want to plug the dam with a toothpick rather than fixing the problem with crony capitalism, unions, corruption in politics, etc, etc...

That is only adding to the problem, not working towards a solution!

Turn your passions in the right direction and things might actually change some day!

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:02 PM
so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:07 PM

so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?

Quit glorifying the crown and start working for the rights of the people instead of whining about persecution that doesn't exist in the hearts of most men/women, wanting to pervert our Constitution, give away our rights so easily, and all that you do do, that you now do so well

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:11 PM

so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?

Quit glorifying the crown and start working for the rights of the people instead of whining about persecution that doesn't exist in the hearts of most men/women, wanting to pervert our Constitution, give away our rights so easily, and all that you do do, that you now do so well


wht 'crown' do I glorify,,,,,?

how is seeking a working min wage NOT working for the rights of people?

is tht not included in the pursuit of happiness,,,,?

and why is 'whining about persecution that doesn't exist', any worse or better than whining about 'government conspiracies that don't exist'

as if,,,,,

can we stick to a topic without flying off about how awful the government is and anyone who doesnt agree to make that the ONLY ISSUE of importance,,,

doesn't care about their constitutional rights?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:16 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 12:17 PM

so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?

Quit glorifying the crown and start working for the rights of the people instead of whining about persecution that doesn't exist in the hearts of most men/women, wanting to pervert our Constitution, give away our rights so easily, and all that you do do, that you now do so well


wht 'crown' do I glorify,,,,,?

how is seeking a working min wage NOT working for the rights of people?

is tht not included in the pursuit of happiness,,,,?

and why is 'whining about persecution that doesn't exist', any worse or better than whining about 'government conspiracies that don't exist'

as if,,,,,

can we stick to a topic without flying off about how awful the government is and anyone who doesnt agree to make that the ONLY ISSUE of importance,,,

doesn't care about their constitutional rights?

So the NSA isn't spying on us, the Patriot Act doesn't revoke our rights, war is good, as well as a President killing Americans and brown people at will, corruption in the gov't you seem to praise, under a leader you admire (glorify).... should I go on?

I do not hold any disfavor to you personally, but your opinions I abhor!

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:18 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 08/30/13 12:20 PM

so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?

Quit glorifying the crown and start working for the rights of the people instead of whining about persecution that doesn't exist in the hearts of most men/women, wanting to pervert our Constitution, give away our rights so easily, and all that you do do, that you now do so well


wht 'crown' do I glorify,,,,,?

how is seeking a working min wage NOT working for the rights of people?

is tht not included in the pursuit of happiness,,,,?

and why is 'whining about persecution that doesn't exist', any worse or better than whining about 'government conspiracies that don't exist'

as if,,,,,

can we stick to a topic without flying off about how awful the government is and anyone who doesnt agree to make that the ONLY ISSUE of importance,,,

doesn't care about their constitutional rights?

So the NSA isn't spying on us, the Patriot Act doesn't revoke our rights, war is good, as well as a President killing Americans and brown people at will, corruption in the gov't you seem to praise, under a leader you admire (glorify).... should I go on?

I do not hold any disfavor to you personally, but your opinions I abhor!

where did anyone post ANY OF THE ABOVE,, ?


and how do you reconcile all this passionate belief about a corrupt and terrible government in general when it comes to americans, but REFUSE to accept the same type of caricature in relation to the government and minorities?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:21 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 12:26 PM

so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?

Quit glorifying the crown and start working for the rights of the people instead of whining about persecution that doesn't exist in the hearts of most men/women, wanting to pervert our Constitution, give away our rights so easily, and all that you do do, that you now do so well


wht 'crown' do I glorify,,,,,?

how is seeking a working min wage NOT working for the rights of people?

is tht not included in the pursuit of happiness,,,,?

and why is 'whining about persecution that doesn't exist', any worse or better than whining about 'government conspiracies that don't exist'

as if,,,,,

can we stick to a topic without flying off about how awful the government is and anyone who doesnt agree to make that the ONLY ISSUE of importance,,,

doesn't care about their constitutional rights?

So the NSA isn't spying on us, the Patriot Act doesn't revoke our rights, war is good, as well as a President killing Americans and brown people at will, corruption in the gov't you seem to praise, under a leader you admire (glorify).... should I go on?

I do not hold any disfavor to you personally, but your opinions I abhor!

where did anyone post ANY OF THE ABOVE,, ?


and how do you reconcile all this passionate belief about a corrupt and terrible government in general when it comes to americans, but REFUSE to accept the same type of caricature in relation to the government and minorities?

slaphead Good golly miss molly! Who do you think you have been having all these discussions with over the weeks, months and years? rofl

My passion is my belief in America, ALL it's peoples, and the documents , herats, lives and souls who have given so much to keep her the shining jewel she is(was).

To me, it's far more than wages, black, white, brown, red, purple, blue or green! I'm red, white and blue thru and thru, and it is leadership and representation that is the problem, NOT THE MINOR TRIVIALITIES!

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:25 PM
a forum full of posters

I hope no one is expecting me to remember every topic and recall it whenever it is randomly inserted into other threads and topics,,,

and still,,,my question stands,,,

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:27 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 12:28 PM

a forum full of posters

I hope no one is expecting me to remember every topic and recall it whenever it is randomly inserted into other threads and topics,,,

and still,,,my question stands,,,

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

You don't remember your own stances on subjects or matters? noway

That doesn't sound very dedicated ....too much of anything!

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:30 PM

a forum full of posters

I hope no one is expecting me to remember every topic and recall it whenever it is randomly inserted into other threads and topics,,,

and still,,,my question stands,,,

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

You don't remember your own stances on subjects or matters? noway

That doesn't sound very dedicated ....too much of anything!

if I am ASKED My views, I can certainly 'remember' them

but none of what you posted was a view I have expressed anyhow,, so again, its off topic and going off on wild tangents,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:34 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 12:34 PM

a forum full of posters

I hope no one is expecting me to remember every topic and recall it whenever it is randomly inserted into other threads and topics,,,

and still,,,my question stands,,,

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

You don't remember your own stances on subjects or matters? noway

That doesn't sound very dedicated ....too much of anything!

if I am ASKED My views, I can certainly 'remember' them

but none of what you posted was a view I have expressed anyhow,, so again, its off topic and going off on wild tangents,,,

Not so! You asked: "so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?"

I replied

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:35 PM

a forum full of posters

I hope no one is expecting me to remember every topic and recall it whenever it is randomly inserted into other threads and topics,,,

and still,,,my question stands,,,

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

You don't remember your own stances on subjects or matters? noway

That doesn't sound very dedicated ....too much of anything!

if I am ASKED My views, I can certainly 'remember' them

but none of what you posted was a view I have expressed anyhow,, so again, its off topic and going off on wild tangents,,,

Not so! You asked: "so which problems can/should I try to fix BEFORE Getting around to being concerned about the wages people are paid for an honest days work?"

I replied


so did I....

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:35 PM

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: laugh

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:38 PM
your reply: Quit glorifying the crown and start working for the rights of the people instead of whining about persecution that doesn't exist in the hearts of most men/women, wanting to pervert our Constitution, give away our rights so easily, and all that you do do, that you now do so well

another nonsensical response that didn't answer the question at all

so I will ask for clarification again:

what 'crown' are you talking about?

and what specifically is 'working for the rights of people' if that doesn't include concern about them being paid fair and livable wages?

or is it code for working for less governments so states can just do whatever they want to their statees without federal interference or regulation

yep,,, I remember how that went in history,, doesn't sound like such a swell idea to me


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:38 PM

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: laugh

There are many who focus on the here and now, in many regards I do as well, but my passions are for fixing the problem, not putting a bandaid on an arterial wound!

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:39 PM

They don't realize that these type jobs are for after school or for college students. They are part-time low skill jobs. Come on, they want to make a career out of Burger King? I feel for them but they should put their efforts in finding a real job or education.

Who do you think works there when the kids are in school?

:thumbsup: laugh

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:40 PM

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: laugh

There are many who focus on the here and now, in many regards I do as well, but my passions are for fixing the problem, not putting a bandaid on an arterial wound!

well, they do put a covering over the wound to prevent infection,, its not really an EITHER/OR scenario,,,

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:41 PM

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: laugh

There are many who focus on the here and now, in many regards I do as well, but my passions are for fixing the problem, not putting a bandaid on an arterial wound!

You can not fix the problems and neither can either Party alone, we need to work together and from the looks of government that will NEVER happen.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 12:43 PM

what has any of that to do with raising the minimum wage
and where, IN THIS THREAD< is anyone speaking any of what you are 'responding' to?

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: laugh

There are many who focus on the here and now, in many regards I do as well, but my passions are for fixing the problem, not putting a bandaid on an arterial wound!

You can not fix the problems and neither can either Party alone, we need to work together and from the looks of government that will NEVER happen.

true, but the 'trivial' things can be addressed without requiring the major things be fixed first,,,