Topic: Fast-food protests underway
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:12 AM

here is a proposal to work with

once we define what qualifies as a 'mom and pop' store, why don't we have a small business min wage, that is separate from the federal min wage

that way the companies that aren't just MOM AND POP cant get away with giving scraps to people who put in hard days at their jobs,,,,

I've got a suggestion for you....

Why don't we just keep gov't out of the business of "ruling" and have them just start "protecting" the rights of any who feel they have been wronged as they are supposed to do. Perhaps then the lobbyists and corporations wouldn't have us in the economy we are in.

People have the ability to say yes or no to an offer, even for employment! If you don't like the wage or contract, move on!

Free markets work creating price stability and growth, gov't regs simply throw a wrench into the whole machine!

Wrap your liberal mind around "freedom and justice" instead of "debt and slavery" for a change..... but we all know by now it's easier to blame racism and others for you.


what 'you all know' about me at this point amounts to CRAP ALL, except that I don't accept the masters logic about how the slaves (who can be of any race or gender) should be grateful master gave them his crumbs,,,,

and how asking for more is lazy, ungrateful, and will completely unravel the fabric of society,,,

It already has unraveled the fabric of society! Look around you!

You are so bent on blaming something or someone for "holding you down", yet you put on blinders and point like that helps, while supporting the very cause of the problem!

Are you truly that confused by life and logic?

willing2's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:16 AM
This is the internet.
Anyone can make claims to whatever fantasy life they choose.rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Check out my pics.
I'm a world renowned ballet dancer.
I have an Uncle who's the queen of England.
Proves nada.

What does show, is that picture, somehow mysteriously erased, that shows a poster-child protester with gold teeth and, I'd have to guess, at least a $50.00 nail job. Yep! She be hurtin' by golly!rofl rofl

I'm the only one on here that I know of, that can afford gold teeth. I have a half dozen in a showcase.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:17 AM
1. I would like for anyone who talks about a "living wage" to define what that is.

2. Each state can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage. If a state's constitution and laws permit it, then a city can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage or any state minimum wage.

3. If the cost of labor for a restaurant goes up, then that additional cost will be passed on to the restaurant's customers. So, how do you suppose that the customers will react to the resulting higher prices?

misswright's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:21 AM

don't I know it

not sure how you managed to take care of kids at all with no help but went to work,,,kids need SUPERVISION from someone..

but in any case

I have worked since I was 18 ( with the exception of three years recently)

never HAVE gotten out of the impoverished class even with a college education (Which now adds INDEBT to impoverished)

haven't seen my wage change since I Was 18,even though I have been 'earning' and trying to 'work my way up'

problem is , its far too acceptable in this economy to tell people they can start at the bottom and 'work their way up', and just leaving them indefinitely 'working at the bottom'

that's bs,,no matter the excuses or the blame game

people should have a more fair shot of 'working their way up', instead of being stuck at the bottom and told to remain grateful about it,,,

,,,on the flip side

my mother, had two children, unmarried, never had ASSISTANCE of any type , went to college , managed to get into a great position at a young age which became a CAREER(something that few obtain anymore)

is extremely intelligent and hardworking, and she sees that its bs to ask someone to work for 7 ror 8 bucks an hour too


my brother who is a doctor,,,etc,,,etc,, etc,,

understands that there is such a thing as a wage being bs,,,and our current wages are just that,,,,

raise the bar so people have a realistic opportunity more often to climb that ladder,, instead of repeating that false ideology of how its not about anything but 'working hard' and 'starting' at the bottom,,,,

,,,my two cents,, and as someone on assistance who hasn't been (smart enough? hard working enough? moral enough?) to have worked her way out of poverty yet

knowing that may make me seem too unintelligent or incapable of logic,,, I threw in examples of a couple people I know personally who were NEVER on assistance and who have done well and happen to share my opinion

I did what working parents do...put him in a good daycare and paid for it, along with the rent and all the other bills, until he became school age. I thought when he got older that I could work OT, 60-70 hrs a week so we could finally get a VCR, have some luxuries we'd been going without. I quickly realized that just because I could work OT didn't mean I're right, a child needs supervision, even a teenager. So back to the strict 40 hrs and living paycheck to paycheck we went.

I finally did go back to school after I got injured and had to resign from my career at 911 and I got my college degree. I graduated with a BS in biobehavioral psychology the same year my son graduated from high school. I owe a ton of money and I'm still in poverty. I will never get out of poverty unless I hit the lottery. My degree hasn't helped me at all in this stagnated economy and again I'm at the bottom looking up. But I raised my son and he's working to support himself now. Am I a failure? A success? I don't know. But I sleep well knowing I worked hard my whole life and that I taught my son to work hard. I know that!

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:25 AM

I graduated with a BS in biobehavioral psychology the same year my son graduated from high school. I owe a ton of money and I'm still in poverty. I will never get out of poverty unless I hit the lottery. My degree hasn't helped me at all in this stagnated economy and again I'm at the bottom looking up.

Uh, did you consider job supply and demand when you chose your major?

willing2's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:32 AM
I recall one Liberal stating she would never take any job that wasn't a living wage. She claimed to be on UI and Social Services while, receiving assistance from family members. Side note, playing, (fraud), the system. Unreported assistance.

Wonder how that's working out for her?

Another Liberal always bragged how well the company he was with was doing and that Barry had helped them tremendously. Half-way through Barry's first term, he got cut and his company moved to Mexico. Not a word from him since. I bet he would love that minimum wage job right about now.

This 15.00 an hour wouldn't be for just fast food places, it would apply to all jobs.

misswright's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:36 AM

I graduated with a BS in biobehavioral psychology the same year my son graduated from high school. I owe a ton of money and I'm still in poverty. I will never get out of poverty unless I hit the lottery. My degree hasn't helped me at all in this stagnated economy and again I'm at the bottom looking up.

Uh, did you consider job supply and demand when you chose your major?

Nah. After 10 yrs doing 911 and listening to really screwed up people, I decided I wanted to know WHAT makes people screwed up to begin with instead of dealing with the consequences after the fact... so I went back to school. I chose the biology side of psychology for my major hoping that Obama would be out, economy would boost, research grants would become available, and I could study brains somewhere in the future. Maybe help cure Alzheimer's or something (which happens to explain why I moved to FL after graduation...thought this would be prime location for that with senior population here!).

Wasn't thinking about how much money I could make when I chose my major...learned to live without much of that by now...just wanted to make a difference in the world before I kick the bucket. Call me a won't be the first. Just ask MsHarmony how foolish I am! laugh

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:38 AM

This 15.00 an hour wouldn't be for just fast food places, it would apply to all jobs.

So true.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:38 AM

1. I would like for anyone who talks about a "living wage" to define what that is.

2. Each state can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage. If a state's constitution and laws permit it, then a city can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage or any state minimum wage.

3. If the cost of labor for a restaurant goes up, then that additional cost will be passed on to the restaurant's customers. So, how do you suppose that the customers will react to the resulting higher prices?

gee, I don't know

I suppose if a person working hard is the way to get paid more

perhaps offering products that are WORTH THE PRICE is a way for customers to pay for them,,,

just a thought,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:40 AM

here is a proposal to work with

once we define what qualifies as a 'mom and pop' store, why don't we have a small business min wage, that is separate from the federal min wage

that way the companies that aren't just MOM AND POP cant get away with giving scraps to people who put in hard days at their jobs,,,,

I've got a suggestion for you....

Why don't we just keep gov't out of the business of "ruling" and have them just start "protecting" the rights of any who feel they have been wronged as they are supposed to do. Perhaps then the lobbyists and corporations wouldn't have us in the economy we are in.

People have the ability to say yes or no to an offer, even for employment! If you don't like the wage or contract, move on!

Free markets work creating price stability and growth, gov't regs simply throw a wrench into the whole machine!

Wrap your liberal mind around "freedom and justice" instead of "debt and slavery" for a change..... but we all know by now it's easier to blame racism and others for you.


what 'you all know' about me at this point amounts to CRAP ALL, except that I don't accept the masters logic about how the slaves (who can be of any race or gender) should be grateful master gave them his crumbs,,,,

and how asking for more is lazy, ungrateful, and will completely unravel the fabric of society,,,

It already has unraveled the fabric of society! Look around you!

You are so bent on blaming something or someone for "holding you down", yet you put on blinders and point like that helps, while supporting the very cause of the problem!

Are you truly that confused by life and logic?

there is no more confusion on my part than on yours

we clearly see the 'realities' of life from different perspectives,,

and, as I Said, I purposely provided two examples of people who did 'climb up', hve no reason to look for blame

very high iq and very successful and hard working, who can see the same perspective I can IN SPITE of their own good fortunes in life,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:42 AM

don't I know it

not sure how you managed to take care of kids at all with no help but went to work,,,kids need SUPERVISION from someone..

but in any case

I have worked since I was 18 ( with the exception of three years recently)

never HAVE gotten out of the impoverished class even with a college education (Which now adds INDEBT to impoverished)

haven't seen my wage change since I Was 18,even though I have been 'earning' and trying to 'work my way up'

problem is , its far too acceptable in this economy to tell people they can start at the bottom and 'work their way up', and just leaving them indefinitely 'working at the bottom'

that's bs,,no matter the excuses or the blame game

people should have a more fair shot of 'working their way up', instead of being stuck at the bottom and told to remain grateful about it,,,

,,,on the flip side

my mother, had two children, unmarried, never had ASSISTANCE of any type , went to college , managed to get into a great position at a young age which became a CAREER(something that few obtain anymore)

is extremely intelligent and hardworking, and she sees that its bs to ask someone to work for 7 ror 8 bucks an hour too


my brother who is a doctor,,,etc,,,etc,, etc,,

understands that there is such a thing as a wage being bs,,,and our current wages are just that,,,,

raise the bar so people have a realistic opportunity more often to climb that ladder,, instead of repeating that false ideology of how its not about anything but 'working hard' and 'starting' at the bottom,,,,

,,,my two cents,, and as someone on assistance who hasn't been (smart enough? hard working enough? moral enough?) to have worked her way out of poverty yet

knowing that may make me seem too unintelligent or incapable of logic,,, I threw in examples of a couple people I know personally who were NEVER on assistance and who have done well and happen to share my opinion

I did what working parents do...put him in a good daycare and paid for it, along with the rent and all the other bills, until he became school age. I thought when he got older that I could work OT, 60-70 hrs a week so we could finally get a VCR, have some luxuries we'd been going without. I quickly realized that just because I could work OT didn't mean I're right, a child needs supervision, even a teenager. So back to the strict 40 hrs and living paycheck to paycheck we went.

I finally did go back to school after I got injured and had to resign from my career at 911 and I got my college degree. I graduated with a BS in biobehavioral psychology the same year my son graduated from high school. I owe a ton of money and I'm still in poverty. I will never get out of poverty unless I hit the lottery. My degree hasn't helped me at all in this stagnated economy and again I'm at the bottom looking up. But I raised my son and he's working to support himself now. Am I a failure? A success? I don't know. But I sleep well knowing I worked hard my whole life and that I taught my son to work hard. I know that!

I sleep well with that same knowledge

however, it doesn't make me capable of turning a blind eye from how things 'should be' , because I Am able to realize how things 'are'

they aren't as they should be,, rather I sleep with a clear conscience at night or not

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:47 AM

I graduated with a BS in biobehavioral psychology the same year my son graduated from high school. I owe a ton of money and I'm still in poverty. I will never get out of poverty unless I hit the lottery. My degree hasn't helped me at all in this stagnated economy and again I'm at the bottom looking up.

Uh, did you consider job supply and demand when you chose your major?

Nah. After 10 yrs doing 911 and listening to really screwed up people, I decided I wanted to know WHAT makes people screwed up to begin with instead of dealing with the consequences after the fact... so I went back to school. I chose the biology side of psychology for my major hoping that Obama would be out, economy would boost, research grants would become available, and I could study brains somewhere in the future. Maybe help cure Alzheimer's or something (which happens to explain why I moved to FL after graduation...thought this would be prime location for that with senior population here!).

Wasn't thinking about how much money I could make when I chose my major...learned to live without much of that by now...just wanted to make a difference in the world before I kick the bucket. Call me a won't be the first. Just ask MsHarmony how foolish I am! laugh

If you were hoping to receive a research grant from the federal government, then weren't you hoping to become a dependent of the federal government? Are there private sources of research grants?

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:48 AM

I graduated with a BS in biobehavioral psychology the same year my son graduated from high school. I owe a ton of money and I'm still in poverty. I will never get out of poverty unless I hit the lottery. My degree hasn't helped me at all in this stagnated economy and again I'm at the bottom looking up.

Uh, did you consider job supply and demand when you chose your major?

yes, I first got paralegal certified, I moved, and NOONE would hire me in a state 2000 miles from the school I attended, there were always a half dozen other applicants FROM the area from area schools and who had acquired some previous experience (networking, knowing the right folks at a young age)

then, I worked office, believing I could 'work my way up',,

then I got trained in administrative assistant(secretary)which people ALWAYS need,,, still, competition was stiff in my small town, and it never came to fulfillment or employment

so, I continued in office, where I was too 'valuable' to lose in the positions I held,,,,

then, I went back to school for teaching,,,only with an associates with which I could do now as a substitute and am considering,,,,but the lack of a regular schedule is somewhat a dealbreaker for me as a single mom

,,,,yep, paralegal was supposed to be high demand, but nothing
secretary was supposed to be high demand, but nothing
now , I may try teaching, but honestly, Im so fed up with the bs of groveling for scraps, Im leaning more towards finding self employment in something thts going to actually bring us OUT of the struggling financial status we are in,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 10:55 AM

1. I would like for anyone who talks about a "living wage" to define what that is.

2. Each state can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage. If a state's constitution and laws permit it, then a city can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage or any state minimum wage.

3. If the cost of labor for a restaurant goes up, then that additional cost will be passed on to the restaurant's customers. So, how do you suppose that the customers will react to the resulting higher prices?

gee, I don't know

I suppose if a person working hard is the way to get paid more

perhaps offering products that are WORTH THE PRICE is a way for customers to pay for them,,,

just a thought,,,

So you would rather pay $80,000 for a "better" VW instead of just buying a Porsche?

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:00 AM

1. I would like for anyone who talks about a "living wage" to define what that is.

2. Each state can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage. If a state's constitution and laws permit it, then a city can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage or any state minimum wage.

3. If the cost of labor for a restaurant goes up, then that additional cost will be passed on to the restaurant's customers. So, how do you suppose that the customers will react to the resulting higher prices?

gee, I don't know

I suppose if a person working hard is the way to get paid more

perhaps offering products that are WORTH THE PRICE is a way for customers to pay for them,,,

just a thought,,,

So you would rather pay $80,000 for a "better" VW instead of just buying a Porsche?

bad example for me

Id rather pay what I could afford and what was WORTH what I could afford

IF I could afford 800000 for a vw, I wouldn't pay it because I wouldn't feel (in its CURRENT models) that its worth it

honestly, I probably wouldn't pay 80000 for a car period, Im just not into being flashy and don't see the need, ID rather use that money traveling or something,,,lol

now, that doesn't mean tht VW couldn't PRODUCE A car that I would consider worth it though,,,

willing2's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:00 AM
$1.00 menu
Now only $15.00
Free toy $5.00 more.

Liberal logic

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:02 AM

$1.00 menu
Now only $15.00
Free toy $5.00 more.

Liberal logic

doubling the min wage (nearly) isn't logical, I agree

raising it one or two dollars is,,,,

in this economy, there shouldn't be any job (Besides maybe the kind that's paid in cash to kids for house and lawn chores)

that's under 10 per hour,,,

misswright's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:04 AM

I sleep well with that same knowledge

however, it doesn't make me capable of turning a blind eye from how things 'should be' , because I Am able to realize how things 'are'

they aren't as they should be,, rather I sleep with a clear conscience at night or not

We agree! :banana: Things are not as they should be!

We should live in a world where those with more choose to give to those with less and do so because it's the right thing to do not because the government forces them to. We should live in a world free from hunger and violence and war and death from cancer and unfairness, etc., etc. It's not going to happen! The world will NEVER be as it should be.

We have to deal with it how it is and do the best we can, as individuals, as a nation, as human beings all on one planet. It's bad and getting worse here in America. We have gone from the land of the free to the land of the freebies. I don't like it. grumble

We strongly disagree on how to change things. You say you see things for how they are? You see things through your own lens. That's the great thing about perspective...2 people can look at the exact same thing and see something completely different. I see it through my own lens. I respect you as a person and think you are a good honest hard-working woman, intelligent in many regards but ignorant in others.

We can respectfully agree to disagree, no?

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:07 AM
always giving respect to those who show respectflowerforyou

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 08/30/13 11:08 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 08/30/13 11:12 AM

1. I would like for anyone who talks about a "living wage" to define what that is.

2. Each state can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage. If a state's constitution and laws permit it, then a city can have a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage or any state minimum wage.

3. If the cost of labor for a restaurant goes up, then that additional cost will be passed on to the restaurant's customers. So, how do you suppose that the customers will react to the resulting higher prices?

gee, I don't know

I suppose if a person working hard is the way to get paid more

perhaps offering products that are WORTH THE PRICE is a way for customers to pay for them,,,

just a thought,,,

So you would rather pay $80,000 for a "better" VW instead of just buying a Porsche?

bad example for me

Id rather pay what I could afford and what was WORTH what I could afford

IF I could afford 800000 for a vw, I wouldn't pay it because I wouldn't feel (in its CURRENT models) that its worth it

honestly, I probably wouldn't pay 80000 for a car period, Im just not into being flashy and don't see the need, ID rather use that money traveling or something,,,lol

now, that doesn't mean tht VW couldn't PRODUCE A car that I would consider worth it though,,,

Ok, so you would rather pay $20 at a mom and pop (which sells a million less burgers a year) for a burger than $10 at a Mickey D's? Or do I have your opinion of "better" confused with quality?

Your "puppy mill" logic astounds me!