Topic: Stop Inulting Zimmerman Jury | |
I realize that 17 sounds young to us old 50 and 60 somethings, but even 15 year old "children" commit crimes and can be taller than George Zimmerman. In fact, the minors in gangs are recruited to do the crimes because the gangs know that old softies like us will exclaim.... "OMG he's just a child!" That does not mean they are not dangerous or that they are innocent children. In other countries 'children' are trained terrorists and suicide bombers. 17 is a young adult. It is not a child, I don't care how old YOU are in comparison. If a 17 year old 5'11" teen who has learned martial arts started beating your head against the sidewalk telling you that you were 'going to die" I don't think you should think twice about him possibly being a minor or care what color skin he has... or the consequences of pulling out your gun and shooting him. this has nothing to do with my age, and everything to do with being a parent a kid in high school is still a kid, Ive raised one,,,, height has NOTHING to do with whether one is still a kid and I still believe the convenient gangsta stereotype of a story z spun is bs,,,,that he wasn't suddenly JUMPED and that his head wasn't slammed into the concrete,,, |
Mr Z showed almost a whole minute of restraint before defending himself. He shot after dead thug told him he was going to kill him. Fortunately,the shot was lucky enough to stop a brave watchman from being murdered by the son of an ex crip. yeah, my accoster held on for about a minute too before the coward ran,,, |
Family of dead thug has a history of gang banging.
That and violence must be a family tradition. Why else would mama name him dead thug? |
If he hadn't gotten killed. It's entirely possible that Trey would have been tried as an adult. That would have been at the discretion of the court. But it's possible that if he had lived that he would be sitting in a prison cell instead of a detention center. Depending on his sentence he probably would have ended up in prison eventually anyway and I'd be willing to bet he could be wishing he was dead once in prison. Even if he had martial arts training. One of my teachers talked about a guy on parole kept on getting in fights and told them to send him to prison because he didn't care. He figured he could fight anyone that came along. So they sent him to prison. Some time later my teach was at the prison and saw the guy and asked him how things were going. I think it had been at most a month and the guy said he had been raped 4 or 5 times. in jail? after being pursued by an adult with a gun? because he busted his nose?,,,Im doubting that,,,, I'm just saying it's possible. You never know, you could have seen a side of that kid that would have you thinking that's where he belonged once he opened his mouth. But especially if race was one of the bigger issues, he could have ended up in jail or prison depending on how he was tried. No matter how unlikely an event might be. I will always acknowledge the possible. |
If he hadn't gotten killed. It's entirely possible that Trey would have been tried as an adult. That would have been at the discretion of the court. But it's possible that if he had lived that he would be sitting in a prison cell instead of a detention center. Depending on his sentence he probably would have ended up in prison eventually anyway and I'd be willing to bet he could be wishing he was dead once in prison. Even if he had martial arts training. One of my teachers talked about a guy on parole kept on getting in fights and told them to send him to prison because he didn't care. He figured he could fight anyone that came along. So they sent him to prison. Some time later my teach was at the prison and saw the guy and asked him how things were going. I think it had been at most a month and the guy said he had been raped 4 or 5 times. in jail? after being pursued by an adult with a gun? because he busted his nose?,,,Im doubting that,,,, You really are naive aren't you? If Treyvon Martin were still alive and the police showed up, Treyvon Martin would go to jail for assualt. You don't get to break someone's nose and beat them down just because they followed you and happened to be armed. Treyvon Martin was not this defenseless little angel like you are trying to paint him out to be. He played an active roll in what happened that night by deciding to confront George Zimmerman instead of trying to continue to get away. George Zimmerman wasn't following Treyvon Martin with his gun drawn. It was concealed and he had a concealed carry permit. |
Edited by
Mon 07/29/13 12:13 PM
I realize that 17 sounds young to us old 50 and 60 somethings, but even 15 year old "children" commit crimes and can be taller than George Zimmerman. In fact, the minors in gangs are recruited to do the crimes because the gangs know that old softies like us will exclaim.... "OMG he's just a child!" That does not mean they are not dangerous or that they are innocent children. In other countries 'children' are trained terrorists and suicide bombers. 17 is a young adult. It is not a child, I don't care how old YOU are in comparison. If a 17 year old 5'11" teen who has learned martial arts started beating your head against the sidewalk telling you that you were 'going to die" I don't think you should think twice about him possibly being a minor or care what color skin he has... or the consequences of pulling out your gun and shooting him. this has nothing to do with my age, and everything to do with being a parent a kid in high school is still a kid, Ive raised one,,,, height has NOTHING to do with whether one is still a kid and I still believe the convenient gangsta stereotype of a story z spun is bs,,,,that he wasn't suddenly JUMPED and that his head wasn't slammed into the concrete,,, I was actually responding to something posted by mantaray: (He was a seventeen yr old!!! ) He was 17, so what??? Everyone knows how old he was and it does not mean is he is “innocent “or that he was non violent or not dangerous. His height and size has everything to do with it because from a distance and in the dark there is no way of knowing his age. Msharmony, you should try to look at this situation without casting yourself as a character, which is what you are doing. Your prejudice is based more on your own personal experience as a mother with a son than as an impartial juror. You are biased and mistaken and should not judge this case based on your imagination or as if Travon Martin was your own innocent child. You can imagine or guess anything you want but your conclusion is not based on fact. It is based on fantasy and guessing. |
I choose to aknowledge that people can be GUILTY of things without being proven guilty, in fact, without ever even being caught so, though I agree with the ideal GOAL in terms of justice of 'innocent til proven guilty' I aknowledge in reality,, proof has nothing to do with whether one is guilty or not,, it doesn't define whether they have done something or not, it only defines if they have left behind enough evidence to prove it,,,, in this case, the testimony and evidence, cause me to conclude that Zimmerman got away with killing an unarmed minor unnecessarily,,, unarmed minor and armed adult are just legal realities and t knew z was a man,, as did z know t was a teen,,, as to being armed,,,who knows what either knew,, except the one who had a gun (of course he was aware he had a gun) Perhaps i am misreading the situation, but i would think it would be difficult to decipher a 17 year old from an 18 year old. Especially in the dark... And unless Z was open-carrying, there is almost no chance T knew of the gun. I am just saying, in the events leading to this shooting, i don't see how age, and who was armed as being relevant (when attempting to think objectively). That being said, i completely agree with not all people found "innocent" in a court of law are actually innocent, and vice versa. |
I was responding to the writer whose commentary blamed Treyvon for not doing what she would do in like circumstance and hence villified him. I was merely stating that a teenager does not have the experience nor the wisdom that an adult has, the law does recognize this, and you can't expect a teenager to process info with the same maturity as an adult. Again, to state that the victim did not respond as you think you would have is not a logical argumant for his guilt, particularly when dealing with a teenager. Z was the adult here, he was armed, he had training to know not to pursue, he had instruction from the authorities not to follow, he had a gun, he was the threat, he knew he could defend himself, he put himself in the position to cause this tragedy and is responsible for his actions. There is no evidence that Treyvon did anything wrong, there is plenty of evidence that Z did everything wrong, including "racial profiling."
I was responding to the writer whose commentary blamed Treyvon for not doing what she would do in like circumstance and hence villified him. I was merely stating that a teenager does not have the experience nor the wisdom that an adult has, the law does recognize this, and you can't expect a teenager to process info with the same maturity as an adult. Again, to state that the victim did not respond as you think you would have is not a logical argumant for his guilt, particularly when dealing with a teenager. Z was the adult here, he was armed, he had training to know not to pursue, he had instruction from the authorities not to follow, he had a gun, he was the threat, he knew he could defend himself, he put himself in the position to cause this tragedy and is responsible for his actions. There is no evidence that Treyvon did anything wrong, there is plenty of evidence that Z did everything wrong, including "racial profiling." No evidence? What about the injuries on Zimmerman? Who do you imagine the aggressor was here? Travon had no injuries other than being shot. Zimmerman only got out of the car, according to him, to look for a street address when the police asked him for one. He claims he was headed back to his car when he was attacked by Travon. This was his story. I watched his video and I believe he was being honest. He was attacked and he was being beaten. He had a banked up nose and cuts on his head. He was the one yelling for help. Innocent child.... I don't think so. I'm glad the jury got it right. |
Edited by
Mon 07/29/13 03:16 PM
I was responding to the writer whose commentary blamed Treyvon for not doing what she would do in like circumstance and hence villified him. I was merely stating that a teenager does not have the experience nor the wisdom that an adult has, the law does recognize this, and you can't expect a teenager to process info with the same maturity as an adult. Again, to state that the victim did not respond as you think you would have is not a logical argumant for his guilt, particularly when dealing with a teenager. Z was the adult here, he was armed, he had training to know not to pursue, he had instruction from the authorities not to follow, he had a gun, he was the threat, he knew he could defend himself, he put himself in the position to cause this tragedy and is responsible for his actions. There is no evidence that Treyvon did anything wrong, there is plenty of evidence that Z did everything wrong, including "racial profiling." There are times when something is wrong but not illegal. For example, consider the following statements that Zimmerman made to the 911 police operator: "This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something." "He's got his hand in his waistband." "Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is." "These (expletive) they always get away." In short, Zimmerman had already decided that Martin was a bad guy before Zimmerman got out of his vehicle. When you read the transcript of Zimmerman's 911 call, you discover that Martin acted like he was afraid of Zimmerman before Zimmerman started following Martin. |
Edited by
Mon 07/29/13 03:21 PM
I was responding to the writer whose commentary blamed Treyvon for not doing what she would do in like circumstance and hence villified him. I was merely stating that a teenager does not have the experience nor the wisdom that an adult has, the law does recognize this, and you can't expect a teenager to process info with the same maturity as an adult. Again, to state that the victim did not respond as you think you would have is not a logical argumant for his guilt, particularly when dealing with a teenager. Z was the adult here, he was armed, he had training to know not to pursue, he had instruction from the authorities not to follow, he had a gun, he was the threat, he knew he could defend himself, he put himself in the position to cause this tragedy and is responsible for his actions. There is no evidence that Treyvon did anything wrong, there is plenty of evidence that Z did everything wrong, including "racial profiling." There are times when something is wrong but not illegal. For example, consider the following statements that Zimmerman made to the 911 police operator: "This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something." "He's got his hand in his waistband." "Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is." "These (expletive) they always get away." In short, Zimmerman had already decided that Martin was a bad guy before Zimmerman got out of his vehicle. When you read the transcript of Zimmerman's 911 call, you discover that Martin acted like he was afraid of Zimmerman before Zimmerman started following Martin. Burglars and thugs are supposed to be afraid of someone watching them. Neighborhood watch captains are supposed to observe and make determinations whether he feels a person looks suspicious or 'up to no good." Body language says a lot too. If Travon was just headed in the direction of home, (not sneaking around going in and out from behind the buildings) he would not have looked suspicious. |
Burglars and thugs are supposed to be afraid of someone watching them.
Martin wasn't a burglar or a thug at the time that Zimmerman saw him. |
Burglars and thugs are supposed to be afraid of someone watching them.
Martin wasn't a burglar or a thug at the time that Zimmerman saw him. Dead thug got killed after committing attempted murder. |
Edited by
Mon 07/29/13 04:02 PM
Burglars and thugs are supposed to be afraid of someone watching them.
Martin wasn't a burglar or a thug at the time that Zimmerman saw him. Previous to the incident, stolen items and burglary tools were found in his locker at school... so um..... yes he was. At the time of the incident he was suspended. He was also in possession of items commonly used to make "Lean." If he was just going about his business, headed home, he would not have been afraid of being watched and he would not have looked suspicious or been so paranoid. He was hanging around, going in and out from behind the buildings etc. Probably casing the joint for his next break-in. Very suspicious. |
0 crime reported in that neighborhood since the thug was killed.
Makes ya wanna go hmmm. |
Edited by
Mon 07/29/13 05:16 PM
Don't waste your time on something that will never be accomplished or resolved. You weren't there and you didn't know either of them. Stop wasting your time. Geeeezzzz!
![]() It's OVER PEOPLE! |
Edited by
Mon 07/29/13 05:19 PM
I wish you people would stop beating horses. Its so mean.
Edited by
Mon 07/29/13 05:31 PM
Will this make it to 999 posts?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Who will have the last word? ![]() ![]() |
0 crime reported in that neighborhood since the thug was killed. Makes ya wanna go hmmm. Yeah, right. And you know this how? |
0 crime reported in that neighborhood since the thug was killed. Makes ya wanna go hmmm. Yeah, right. And you know this how? Investigate it and prove me wrong. |