Topic: Does no mean no? | |
This came up in another thread, but I thought it could use a thread of it's own. No means no. Do you agree with that? If not, why? What circumstances would make you not agree with it? |
This came up in another thread, but I thought it could use a thread of it's own. No means no. Do you agree with that? If not, why? What circumstances would make you not agree with it? No period? Should someone take a pregnancy test? |
lol well no doesn't mean yes. People, especially women when it comes to men; see to try to mind read or do other things to get the answer they want.
no means no |
Unless you noticed we are all animals unless you know something I don't. I also am saying is women need to be careful. I also am saying women need to think more before just jumping into situations. I am also saying that women need to communicate better with us. I am also saying, and I am going to use bold letters here so you MIGHT get me finally, "don't cry if you are told that touching a flame will burn you and you get burned touching the flame!" You want to go to a bar? DON'T GO ALONE! DON'T GO WEARING A MINISKIRT AND NO PANTIES! DON'T ACT LIKE YOU ARE IMMUNE FROM ANIMAL INSTINCT! So you are going to still dog me with your ignorance and blindness? AGAIN ![]() What part of I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR PEOPLE WHO PUT THEMSELVES IN DANGER AND GET THEMSELVES HURT do you seem to have a hard time understanding? So are you going to twist my words up some more or are we going to have a repeat like we did in another topic you tried to dog me in? If you're no different than a dog or a bear, then something is missing. All I can do is go by what you've written here in the forums. You're placing all the blame on women and none on men. Yes, women need to be careful and try not to put themselves in dangerous situations. Sometimes they end up in situations they shouldn't, though. Men need to be responsible enough to control themselves. What you've been saying is that you just can't control yourself. If you really can't control yourself around women, there might be some deeper issues there. You know it comes easy to put words in my mouth, isn't it? There is not one single human here who is any different from a Bear, Wolf, or sheep. We all do all the same things in life, eat sleep crap, reproduce, and fight. Humans are the only creature I can think of with enough ego to think we are any better or any different from the rest of the occupants of this Biosphere. Now, you say I am placing the burden of culpability exclusively on a woman's shoulders. When she plays the tease YES I DO! If she is stalked, or deceived into a position of weakness I DO NOT! I have no sympathy for weakness or stupidity! Here is MY dilemma. I have to sit on a jury for a rape case. ten men argue that one woman went in and acted like a loose whore, naw, whores get paid, she is acting like a total slut and she gets drunk and shoots her mouth off. NOW lo and behold camera footage shows her acting like a total slut along with other women complaining in the case as witnesses she was acting like a total slut. So am I supposed to punish the men any harder for her actions? If they did indeed rape her they deserve punishment but the difference is does the punishment fit the crime? If you instigate someone into criminal behavior and you are harmed by it, you got what you deserve but the punishment should reflect that a wrong in the face of a wrong is still wrong! I have to come down on these men but how? 1 year of prison? 10 years of prison? What is fair? First offense I would say 30 days and lecture the woman about her conduct and flatly tell her one more incident like that and I would toss the case right out the door! Now compare this to a serial rapist who makes it a point of breaking into women's homes and raping them behind a gun? This is a case where I would personally want the death penalty applied. Is that too harsh? According to some liberals here it is. So life in Prison? Three hots and a Cot for life? So we have to pay this man's living for 30 or more years? Why not kill the deviant off and spare us the cost of housing him when he will not redeem himself? Now how about a teen age punk who forces himself on a 12 year old girl? Prison (Juvie Hall) till he is 21? And if he does it again when he gets out? Frankly I would feel this kid needs to be beaten viciously and tossed into military boot camp where he either flies straight or finds himself with a gun in his hand being used as cannon fodder intentionally! So you want to complicate this by making me out to be a bad guy? Well, pardon me from bringing up the hard cold truths about life... Nothing is black and white until it is proven to be so. I don't get to have things my way. We have a system of laws which are abused and distorted by context. Sorry I can't see the glass as half full. And at least Animal behavior makes a lot more sense to me than Human behavior! |
There is no "instigating people into criminal behavior". People need to own their behavior and quit blaming it on everyone else.
If you think humans are akin to animals then I suggest you advocate for locking up drunk "horny" men in exhibits like lions so stupid drunk women don't get raped..... and they don't have to be punished in our prisons. I'll pay to see the drunk rapists in the zoo and I'll try to control my animal impulse to poke them with sticks :) |
There is no "instigating people into criminal behavior". People need to own their behavior and quit blaming it on everyone else. If you think humans are akin to animals then I suggest you advocate for locking up drunk "horny" men in exhibits like lions so stupid drunk women don't get raped..... and they don't have to be punished in our prisons. I'll pay to see the drunk rapists in the zoo and I'll try to control my animal impulse to poke them with sticks :) ![]() ![]() |
There is no "instigating people into criminal behavior". People need to own their behavior and quit blaming it on everyone else. If you think humans are akin to animals then I suggest you advocate for locking up drunk "horny" men in exhibits like lions so stupid drunk women don't get raped..... and they don't have to be punished in our prisons. I'll pay to see the drunk rapists in the zoo and I'll try to control my animal impulse to poke them with sticks :) SURE! Uh huh... Doing meth Amphetamine is illegal. So knowing it is illegal but choosing to try it at the insistence of someone you know... Now that lets say that leads to a lifetime of crime to support the habit, was it the person who had it and offered it not guilty in the long run for knocking down the first domino? Again, drape on T Bone underwear stuffed with milk-bone dog biscuits and dance a Flipziggie or two in a cage full of lions and you get eaten do I blame the lions for being lions? Now lets make this better, what if those lions were well fed and knew not to eat people but that same a fore mentioned person were to still bait lions assuming they are not in the mood for a little different flavor of meat and they still get ate am I supposed to feel sympathy? Acting like a drunk slut in a bar full of drunk men is BEGGING to get attacked. Self control or NOT! Rape is wrong. No means no. BUT I HAVE NO, ONE MORE TIME... I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR STUPIDITY AND PEOPLE WHO PUT THEMSELVES "IN THE LINE OF FIRE." Sorry life from the fire side is too much for some of you... ![]() This paraphrasing me is getting old. I AM DRACONIAN! I would feel sympathy for a woman who had to fight off an attacker and lost. At least she put up a fight. Date rape is inexcusable as well. Ummmmmmmmm, I may be human but I am also a SMARTER than average animal. When a woman does stupid shyte and she pays should I feel sorry for her? Why? You want to get mad at someone. How about this guy? ![]() Ever hear of Rape Rock? Just in case this is Al Dulche of the band The Mentors. Some of his hits are songs like: The 4 F Club Service Me Or be Smacked All Women Are Insane Fagbasher Donkey Dick And there are song titles I would make moderators mad at me if I put them here. You want to talk about guttural? You make me sound like this guy. He made money being a sick perverted pig. I have far more class than Al Dulche but NO, I am a Misogynistic A-hole from the dark ages... Yep, I am a bad guy! ![]() ![]() Everyone thinks they know me so well. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
as a survivor, I totally agree with Andy about the 'self' responsibility of our choices and actions as women,,,,
although his wording is harsh,,, |
No definitely means no.
No definitely means no. I almost thought you were swallowed by a worm hole and dumped in a Minecraft world where everything is squares! ![]() ![]() |
I find it a load of donkey stuff that anyone buys into the concept that Men (or women for that point) have a point of no return.
Or if you happen to be in the line of fire once they get to that point wheater it under the influnce of drugs, alcohol, social pressure, or even depravation that you have somehow abdicated your right to say NO is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. No Means NO. Wheather it is pre announced, suggested, hinted at or Yes was out right said only seconds prior NO STILL MEANS NO when it comes from the partner you are with. And any person that can't "shut er down" gets to pay the price. Wheather you are aquaintence, lover,or spouse thankfully in the eyes of the law NO MEANS NO. NO EXCEPTIONS, no quaifications, and no maybe if's. Do I like the fact that some people do stupid stuff and put themselves in harms way taking un-necessary chances with even MORE STUPID people NO. For years I have tried to get the the point across that what happens is not always what is right and being a prick tease is a dangerous game and an easy way to get yourself hurt. Do people, should people, have the right to be unforgiving to someone that plays start/stop? I think so. I kow if I find myself in the position that someone is being a physical terrorist in the sexual arena I would drop them like a HOT ROCK. That says a heck of a lot about a peson's character and mental/emotional maturity that changeing the time or the situation is probably not going to change and should be a HUGE Red flag on the relationship. |
I find it a load of donkey stuff that anyone buys into the concept that Men (or women for that point) have a point of no return. Or if you happen to be in the line of fire once they get to that point wheater it under the influnce of drugs, alcohol, social pressure, or even depravation that you have somehow abdicated your right to say NO is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. No Means NO. Wheather it is pre announced, suggested, hinted at or Yes was out right said only seconds prior NO STILL MEANS NO when it comes from the partner you are with. And any person that can't "shut er down" gets to pay the price. Wheather you are aquaintence, lover,or spouse thankfully in the eyes of the law NO MEANS NO. NO EXCEPTIONS, no quaifications, and no maybe if's. Do I like the fact that some people do stupid stuff and put themselves in harms way taking un-necessary chances with even MORE STUPID people NO. For years I have tried to get the the point across that what happens is not always what is right and being a prick tease is a dangerous game and an easy way to get yourself hurt. Do people, should people, have the right to be unforgiving to someone that plays start/stop? I think so. I kow if I find myself in the position that someone is being a physical terrorist in the sexual arena I would drop them like a HOT ROCK. That says a heck of a lot about a peson's character and mental/emotional maturity that changeing the time or the situation is probably not going to change and should be a HUGE Red flag on the relationship. Big words with the whole thing that there is a huge difference between taking unnecessary risks and ignoring additional factors germane to making a situational judgement. We know Alcohol can and does impair judgement. Likewise in a party situation I can likewise include other drugs into the picture. Also within relationships there are dynamics that when they change so does attitude, behaviors, and communication. Now why is it women who are physically abusive attracted to men who likewise are physically abusive? Some relationships crave the abuse. Like it or not there are facts that many over look. people get involved with each other for all the wrong reasons. A one night stand becomes a fake facade of a relationship that for the moment seems right but later on it isn't? Or maybe that financial security looks good. Too many people paint in shades of black and white what is gray. A dirty fact of life women refuse to get is rape is a reproductive strategy good or bad! Strength still does play into this. Animal nature likewise still does play into this. Right, wrong, or Andy is just a bastard does not matter. Life itself could care less. Rape sucks but if you are so concerned with it train to defend yourself. Strengthen your bodies! Train your minds to be in control of insane situations. Why perpetually live in the victim place? These arguments become "all men are bastard" arguments anyways and then we see a stratification of two kinds of men here, those that will disagree and be civil about it (which at times I barely qualify as Civil but hey, 'bite me, bite you back,' eh) and those who just kiss azz and agree hoping for the sympathy ticket. Andy cannot see life in the terms of human good and evil. There is strategy, maneuvering, and life itself is full of need and one of those is to propagate against some really hostile odds. Life itself changes and operates by some pretty honked up rules that at times are very arbitrary! And there are ways of cheating in life. I didn't make up the rules. I didn't make up a rule book for life. But other people live in some pretend world fabricated to please their senses. You know it is people who make my ability to see good and evil so blurry. Bad side, rape is violence. Good side, it guarantees humanity goes on in the next generation. At least I didn't say, "if rape was bad god would prevent it." Want to discuss some real fake morality there? I think I can speak these words with rather strong conviction, 'control is just an illusion.' In the scope of the world let alone the universe we are only in control of ourselves barely! Are some of you not glad to not be trapped in Blue Meanie land? I sure am NOT! ![]() |
This came up in another thread, but I thought it could use a thread of it's own. No means no. Do you agree with that? If not, why? What circumstances would make you not agree with it? I have found that when a woman says no she sometimes means not yet or not here. |
Still means no doesn't mean later down the road some people ask for things to quickly. You need to get to know people.
Still means no doesn't mean later down the road some people ask for things to quickly. You need to get to know people. That is why I say bad communication on both parts is part of the problem. |
Anytime a woman says no, she means it.
Think of it this way, if the man wanted to stop a sexual act from happening he could do it easily. She deserves the same. I don't care how "slutty" she acted all night. I don't care if she's nude, in bed with a nude man on top of her about to enter her. If she says stop, it's the man's obligation, his duty to stop. |
Edited by
Wed 12/26/12 06:42 AM
Anytime a woman says no, she means it. Think of it this way, if the man wanted to stop a sexual act from happening he could do it easily. She deserves the same. I don't care how "slutty" she acted all night. I don't care if she's nude, in bed with a nude man on top of her about to enter her. If she says stop, it's the man's obligation, his duty to stop. its an obligation if there is successful communication, and the man hears and UNDERSTANDS that 'no' was communicated,,, |
Anytime a woman says no, she means it. Think of it this way, if the man wanted to stop a sexual act from happening he could do it easily. She deserves the same. I don't care how "slutty" she acted all night. I don't care if she's nude, in bed with a nude man on top of her about to enter her. If she says stop, it's the man's obligation, his duty to stop. its an obligation if there is successful communication, and the man hears and UNDERSTANDS that 'no' was communicated,,, So, if he's deaf he gets a pass? If she's so drunk or stoned she's passed out he can do what he wants with her? Hogwash. Unless she able to clearly communicate she DOES want sex, a gentleman stops. |
Anytime a woman says no, she means it. Think of it this way, if the man wanted to stop a sexual act from happening he could do it easily. She deserves the same. I don't care how "slutty" she acted all night. I don't care if she's nude, in bed with a nude man on top of her about to enter her. If she says stop, it's the man's obligation, his duty to stop. its an obligation if there is successful communication, and the man hears and UNDERSTANDS that 'no' was communicated,,, So, if he's deaf he gets a pass? If she's so drunk or stoned she's passed out he can do what he wants with her? Hogwash. Unless she able to clearly communicate she DOES want sex, a gentleman stops. no, its wrong in my opinion to do anything with an incapacitated person,, that falls under mentally unstable to give consent and if hes deaf, wth would saying 'no' do for him?' I suggest a woman at least be aware whether the man can HEAR Before she lays down with him, and if he cant, she should probably find some means of communicating besides her auditory voice,,, |
Still means no doesn't mean later down the road some people ask for things to quickly. You need to get to know people. That is why I say bad communication on both parts is part of the problem. ![]() |