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Topic: War on Men
Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/30/12 07:15 PM

And as for an example which one would you prefer: how to be a father, dating a woman, finding equality between genders, men who want women to be properous, men don't understand women (on some issue yes), shall I continue the list of examples or has societial discussions provided this differences in oponions themself.

You are referring to opinions, not feelings.

Are you saying that men are being told to keep their opinions to themselves and to let women have their way?

WHAT???? where is that planet - I wanna go!!!!!shades winking

I'll drop you off there once my spaceship is working again.

When I say "I'll drop you off", I am speaking literally.
I can't actually land there until the statute of limitations ...err... Never mind.:angel:
Anyway, when you pack for the trip, you probably should pack a parachute.

no photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:56 PM

Your right it was a different person on page 11 I was referring to. My mistake for not being more careful and just glancing at the names. And yes Dodo I realized that once she brought it to my attention and you made your last post before I was able to post my response.

When looking at relationships men have generally been somewhat older than the woman. This is not always the case I agree.

It is my experience personally and with men who have dated older women that sexuallity is part of the attraction. It is common knowledge that women peek in sexuallity around and through their thirties. Men in their early twenties.

You may look at younger men due to life expediency, it really is your choice and decission. I'm not judging you for your decisions on what you chose is right for you and your personal relationship.

And as for an example which one would you prefer: how to be a father, dating a woman, finding equality between genders, men who want women to be properous, men don't understand women (on some issue yes), shall I continue the list of examples or has societial discussions provided this differences in oponions themself.

Yes, we both have "sweet" in our names, but I have a picture and she does not. It should be fairly easy to tell us apart :smile:.

You're still making assumptions about why I date men my age or a little younger. I never once said it had anything to do with life expectancy. Nor did I say you were judging me for my decisions. I also did not say I was dating men in their early 20s. I just think it's weird that you keep coming up with different assumptions.

What were those examples for? "How to be a father" would be giving an example of what? Are you saying that your opinions on how to be a father are ignored? As are your opinions on any of the rest of that list?

no photo
Fri 11/30/12 09:10 PM
well singme you could modify that to always go for the ones who don;t have a lot in the way of life expectancy and a big inheritance.....(kidding)laugh

no photo
Fri 11/30/12 09:23 PM

well singme you could modify that to always go for the ones who don;t have a lot in the way of life expectancy and a big inheritance.....(kidding)laugh

haha. Nah, the older men don't do it for me. :tongue:

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 11/30/12 10:18 PM
Yes, we both have "sweet" in our names, but I have a picture and she does not. It should be fairly easy to tell us apart :smile:.

Yes, but who is sweeter?

SpicyExcel's photo
Sun 12/02/12 08:02 PM

It was not my intention to offened any woman/women in this forum/thread. Only to present the fact/case that men's feelings are being ignored, when it is apparent that men are to suppress them when offened by women base upon the differences' of childhood learning/education. Men that express their feeling openly are generally critizied by both genders, this I don't think can be denied (GENERALLY SPEAKING).

As for age differences, if I am correct women prefer older men because of maturity/life experiences. Women want a man who they understand to some degree, and are not going to demonstrate immature behaviour as frequent as younger men. This hasn't changed the divorce rate in present day society.

Maybe to have a lower divorce rate a greater age difference is successful. This is not about sexuality this is about relationships and what works.

Sexual harassment is only one issue, which is highly publized to develope awareness. The percentage numbers are based on how many people complain not how many people are harassed. Sexual harassment is more than (SEXUAL CONTENT)it also includes OSTRACIZISM in society where people know nothing about an individual they are ostracizing, but follow bad leadership (People complain about bad leadership in many parts of society, but don't provide critical thinking in this area).

I could "BUT WILL NOT" tell you some amazing stories where women are part of sexual misbehaviour towards men. Society is to learn from these mistakes and learn how to prevent this issue and it include's relationships of age differences.

Men fail to report these issue generally, because how society will respond to them. This is learned behaviour by both genders.

I don't think anyone is trying to be a hypocrite, just trying to express their life experiences to others for a open discussion on how to improve our lives and create a successful society. And life experience does not have to be considered as one's immediate life, but also include's what they've learned in the community around them that they know as fact, "NOT ASSUMPTION".

What feelings do you believe that men have that are being ignored?

And why are you assuming that women go for older men? Older men can absolutely be immature, just as younger men can be mature. I don't prefer older men. I actually prefer men my age or a bit younger.

I've seen people already change their photo ID for there post already and I mistook your names at a glance which I stated.

I wasn't trying to imply I understood why you dated men younger or closer to your age. I was trying to understand which one of these choices of your's; attracts you to men in this age group. I was only asking/giving ideals so you would provide a reasonable understanding. As I said before it is your choice and it really doesn't make any difference to me at all.

I did not say you were dating any man in their twenties. This your assumption. You don't need to take offence about me judging you since I never thought that at all.

It's not my opinion on how to be a father that is being ignored. It is the general perception by women; towards men that they don't care about their children with the societial changes that have occured over the last forty years. I don't have children. Nor am I telling parents how to be a parent; before you think I'm assuming on parenthood.

I've seen poor father stewardship and great father stewardship. I've seen men almost homeless with the cost of two households. Not saying support isn't required. The point of it is. Where are societies family values' and how do people return to a home/family that isn't adding to the divorce rate. Relationships are failing due to broken homes, both for children and adults.

And our age group is setting this example for young adults and children. That it is OK to have multiple relationships as a parent that creates no stability. Where are the younger generations going to learn about family stability unless direction/assistance is given. Adult women and men argue far to much and think the grass is ALWAYS green on the other side. Sometimes it is, but at what COST.

How many forty or better year relationships would you assume are going to exsist when (general middle age adults now) adults reach retirement.

Laws' changed for easier divorece's, because of unreasonable circumstances. This was to help find equality for genders.

A lot of men want women to know; that men really do care about the female gender. Men just don't like being attacked, because at times our opinion or knowledge does not allow us to agree with how EQUALITY is being roll-reversed. Sometimes the wrong group of people are being attacked (men or women). Some people want something for nothing. NOT STATING YOU! THING ABOUT PSYCHOLOGIST/PSYCHIARTIST ECT. THEY MAKE MONEY OFF OTHER PEOPLES' KNOWLEDGE AND OTHER TIMES THEIR HELP MAY BE NEEDED. THESE DATING SITES MAKE MONEY.

And NO I am not saying women should not be treated equal to men. I'm all for equality even if some women/men don't see the problems (including myself). Their are many facts' to every issue.

EG. wealthy man marry's poorer woman---wealthy women marry's well to do men. You look at women who are well off, many of them don't want a relationship with a man that is struggling in life finacially ect. Women deserve wealth, but fail sometimes to see the qualities that poorer men have. These men are judged by finances, degree of education; not what they can add to a relationship, family, or what the woman wants/needs to make her feel cared for.

Historically woman married wealthy men for a few reasons such as wealth, intelligence ect. In this instance women generally were somewhat younger than the man, but not always.

Look at the problems in society today. How, are we as adults too make it better.

These issues are so large it comes back to how does society bring men and women back to what is important in relationships.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/02/12 08:18 PM

EG. wealthy man marry's poorer woman---wealthy women marry's well to do men. You look at women who are well off, many of them don't want a relationship with a man that is struggling in life financially etc. Women deserve wealth, but fail sometimes to see the qualities that poorer men have. These men are judged by finances, degree of education; not what they can add to a relationship, family, or what the woman wants/needs to make her feel cared for.

huh Where do you get the idea that women "deserve" wealth?
No, they don't. They don't "deserve" it any more than men do.

You do have a point about a double standard being in play when it comes to a person's financial status.

It isn't unusual for a single woman to seek a man who can afford to give her the kind of lifestyle that she wants.

It has been socially acceptable (in the USA at least) for a man to date a woman who has a lower income level than his.

A woman could be unemployed and living with her parents, and she'd still be considered dating material.

Yet, the same is not true when the genders are reversed.

SpicyExcel's photo
Sun 12/02/12 08:26 PM

EG. wealthy man marry's poorer woman---wealthy women marry's well to do men. You look at women who are well off, many of them don't want a relationship with a man that is struggling in life financially etc. Women deserve wealth, but fail sometimes to see the qualities that poorer men have. These men are judged by finances, degree of education; not what they can add to a relationship, family, or what the woman wants/needs to make her feel cared for.

huh Where do you get the idea that women "deserve" wealth?
No, they don't. They don't "deserve" it any more than men do.

You do have a point about a double standard being in play when it comes to a person's financial status.

It isn't unusual for a single woman to seek a man who can afford to give her the kind of lifestyle that she wants.

It has been socially acceptable (in the USA at least) for a man to date a woman who has a lower income level than his.

A woman could be unemployed and living with her parents, and she'd still be considered dating material.

Yet, the same is not true when the genders are reversed.

Do you understand now. I was trying to be gentle in this discussion.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 12/02/12 09:32 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Sun 12/02/12 09:34 PM
Well, I must qualify the arguments of income disparity from both sides of the issue.

<--- putting on the devil horns for the moment... pitchfork

With "Poor" people, men and women, something I noticed is how "Poor" people know the "Name brands," SO DAMN WELL. They even spend the money trying to look Flash or Funky funky fly fresh. Living in Los Angeles County I see this first hand having worked for a very broad income span of clientele. Now in this I have seen a variety of life styles from where "She" is the breadwinner and in others "He" is the bread winner. Now in the case of where she is the bead winner and the husband is the one doing the domestic work for the house in an inversion of what we were told a traditional household was like, but a lot of people do not see this inverted dynamic much. More often than not when a woman's income surpasses a man she leaves.

But in the cases of "trophy" marriages well, they married for their reasons but the one not working REALLY DOESN'T WORK OR WILL OR WANT TO WORK! Some people really like being kept. Men and women. (SCUM!!! cough cough) (YES I SAID IT! I WILL SAY IT AGAIN {pointing at people who are 'kept'} SCUMBAG! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE DAMN IT! Back to the topic) Well, here is something they don't teach you anywhere, just because it costs a lot doesn't mean it really is worth the cost! If you are not aware of the concept of a White Elephant look it up especially where Holland is concerned.

You see Money is my worst enemy. With me it is feast and famine. But then again it is me alone up against the world. It isn't like it is two people here against the world. Now in qualification of the argument I am presenting here I am enterprising and have things I am doing to "get ahead" but they consume all my money and a lot of time in the hopes of making more money in the future. That is what investment really is all about. Between bills, necessities, and getting a new business up and running plus dealing with other people's bad scheduling and bad timing, and the head games investors play I don't have time or money to be a "Fun" person.

This has played havoc with the idea of me actually meeting a woman of means because I cannot give up what I am doing just to be a trophy. I have my own fortune and future to secure and will not depend on someone else to save me. I am not out to impose on anyone and there lies a distinct problem money has created in this world. Unlike some pretty boy who relies on his looks and charm to get ahead I have to use my whits and skills. In the case of the male side of this only one thing compensates for looks, MONEY and some real bullfrog looking men manage to secure relationships with woman way out of their league otherwise after woman who thinks they have a chance of "marrying" such a "nice" guy. Other men use drugs to secure relationships. Meth is real popular and surprisingly white powders in general are real popular with women.

So here is where the poor men are separated from the real men. A real man works towards a better future even if the odds are stacked against him. A real man doesn't step on the backs of others to get ahead. A real man doesn't hide from women behind a mask of lies. A real man does not stand in the way of a woman making a fortune for herself. A real man is not a parasite. If she asks me how much I make I have to say it varies. Most guys will lie to a reasonable extent. If he is making say 50K a year he will say he makes "almost 100K a year." And then after she has had sex with him and the truth comes out she either thinks his lies are romantic (GOD DAMN YOU HOLLYWOOD FOR MAKING THIS IDEA POPULAR THAT IT IS ROMANTIC TO LIE TO PEOPLE! YOU SUCK!) But in reality women feel deceived and suddenly all of us men are liars.

pitchfork Now for women:pitchfork

Mother nature is a woman and a real Bytch some times! Don't get me wrong. I respect and love mother Nature and it is true that only the strong survive. But this is the world of man kind. We are supposedly ruled by a god of love (cough cough, in a world where men wear dresses, cough cough). But where love is concerned let us evaluate what is a woman and what is a poor woman. We are supposed to have such high vaunted values of love. But when you look at what most women love in a man it is security and are controllable.

How someone takes care of themselves speaks volumes as well. Some of the things women fixate on and spend money on are baffling to me. Women can be overly appearance conscious. But true beauty cannot be painted on. What makes an obese woman think she is sexy wearing a string bikini? obese may be sexy in Mexcio and in Quest For Fire but not in a society where we preach the values of health consciousness.
Funny how fat a lot of poor people are... men and women but for now the focus is on women. I have seen thick women who are successful but they are likewise conscientious of themselves and at least DO something about it.

Likewise I have seen how messed up a poor person's house is and again a poor woman doesn't do good to take care of herself. The condition of your home speaks volumes and at least mine is not the neatest but it is kept clean. And when I can keep my house better than a woman what does that say? It says to me all these values I was taught as a boy are really a lie! I know people grappling with poverty and they at least to manage to keep their house clean and organized. It isn't piled with crap and they don't have the latest Big Screen TV and PS3. I am amazed how some people cannot afford to pay for squat but hey have the flash car and all the expensive fresh clothing. And then there are the regulation boob jobs and cosmetic surgery. A poor person is just that...

Again back to the relationships of others. One former client of mine was very wealthy and his wife was not. She however was running a foundation for advancing recycling and has been doing it for the last ten years. It is a non profit and she really did work to that end of making it happen. I serviced the fish tank in her office for a while. Another case where "She" didn't work the man's wife was seriously involved in social outreach. He husband is a career city worker. She is deeply involved with their church but for her lack of a job or income she tries to make a difference in people's lives. But I have seen other cases where the house is a mess and the woman lives alone. Gee, I wonder why. And then there was another former customer who lives behind the gates where his wife is a former model who does nothing but shop. Pretty but useless. But for a guy who is all about his image she is perfect!

Now the thing is women can more easily slide along on their backs because the males all want to breed with as many females as possible. That is just basic human nature and animal nature. But treatment usually is corresponding to the base of the relationship. Usually a "Bought" woman is treated like property and some women actually find comfort in thinking they are wanted like a car or a piece of jewelry. What motivated the two people to be with each other in the first place is what is the core of most problems with humanity and our relationships. (Sorry if I may be coming off coarse here but blunt and to the point is not being insulting. If you are feeling insulted, well, that was not my intention and you need to get over yourself before reading on thank you! Not aiming this at anyone in particular. I just know when I play devil's advocate people get offended.)

I know this is a little confusing but I am trying hard to cram a lot of info into as short a dissertation as I can provide.

In the end of all my long words every last one of us wants to see what we want to see. And that is why suffering is prolonged. I think that is why in a image conscious society people want to drive...

where I am more...

SOMETIMES I wish I were more like this though...

But I can fit in tight places! And thank freaking GOD I an not one of these...

or WORST!!!


What I ain't,

What I am,

What I am glad as hell I am not...

Now I for sure know I don't want this for a wife!

And thankfully I do offer something besides "Love and affection" and being "Trustworthy." I offer a lot more. I offer this...


I know I don't want to be a source of frustration... never did want to be that.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 12/04/12 09:30 PM
This has played havoc with the idea of me actually meeting a woman of means because I cannot give up what I am doing just to be a trophy.

If you can't give up what you are doing to become a wealthy woman's trophy, then I can. bigsmile

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