Topic: War on Men | |
THEY SEDUCE ME. oh man. i'm in tears. |
Morally bankrupt<<----<<<This, boys and a clear example of the fundamental dysfunction that Venker speaks of in her excerpt that Dodo has most doggedly gone to the effort of not only finding, but in his charitable wisdom, thought to post here for the 'morally bankrupt', who clearly are waging their own personal vendetta on ageing by trying to re-capture their misspent youth. Armed with a pocketful of Viagra, ‘the morally bankrupt’ are drawn to the innocence of female youth, where they systematically set about filling the sweet minds of said youth on the perils of allowing the clumsy, testosterone charged boys their own age to use and abuse their sweet innocence, whilst outwardly projecting a mix of knowledgeable fatherly figure, and what they naively mistake as being the ‘ultimate cool’. Thus, the die is cast for the ensuing adoration by the innocent for the object of their adoration, only to discover that as they mature, and he begins to tire of her whining and nagging, that it is not her welfare that this ‘wow of a man’ had at heart at all, but the desire to be adored and worshipped as some kind of demi-god, which results in innocence being replaced by resentment. And that, boys & girls is the fundamentals of what is wrong with the small minority of men that Venker has cleverly lassoed as her ‘cash cow’. I draw your attention to the following quote:- Women are bitter because society as a whole doesn't value them as highly as we do men.
To which society does he refer to? De Little boys Club somewhere in De-Nile? Could it possibly be that society that refuses to take responsibility for their act of annihilating the innocence of female youth? And then he goes on to say the following.... I, on the other hand, am only interested in women with the ability to support themselves both emotionally and financially. A woman that doesn't need a man in her life for anything other than sex. In other words, modern woman.
So there you have it...the morally bankrupt definition of ‘modern woman’. Yes boys & girls...according to him, modern woman was born that way. She wasn’t exposed to any predatory or backward thinking Archie Bunker type of She was pulled straight from the womb onto the slab of life with her modern womanly ways already implanted. Just add the morally bankrupt pricks and voila!!...instant ‘modern woman’ It's not a War on's a travesty that somebodys daughter somewhere has or will become prey for the 'morally bankrupt' Are you suggesting that women are in too weak to take care of themselves? That women are born with fewer tools to deal with life than men are born with? That they are unable to meet their own emotional needs? Because that's what you sounds like to me. You see, I hold women to the same standards as I do men. I expect no less from them. Does that make me sexist or misogynistic? I don't think so. It sounds to me like equality. When I say society, I'm talking about America as a whole. If women are paid less it must be because they are seen as having a lower value than their male counterparts. This has nothing to do with what I think. It's simply a fact. But, if men do work harder than women in general, then men, in general, have earned the higher wage they're being paid and women should be looking at themselves to understand why. |
Consider the following hypothetical situation:
A man makes an anti-female sexually-prejudiced comment. A woman responds by condemning the anti-female sexually-prejudiced comment. The man, in turn, responds to the condemnation by claiming that he was misunderstood and, thus, his anti-female sexually-prejudiced comment should be given a pass. Question #1: Is the man right and the woman wrong? Now, consider the opposite hypothetical situation: A woman makes an anti-male sexually-prejudiced comment. A man responds by condemning the anti-male sexually-prejudiced comment. The woman, in turn, responds to the condemnation by claiming that she was misunderstood and, thus, her anti-male sexually-prejudiced comment should be given a pass. Question #2: Is the woman right and the man wrong? Question #3: If your answer to Question #2 is not the same as your answer to Question #1, then why are you using a double standard? By the way, the two above-stated hypothetical situations aren't really hypothetical. Both have occurred on this thread. |
Edited by
Thu 11/29/12 05:51 PM
I’ve taken the liberty of breaking this down so i can answer your questions concisely and clearly.
Are you suggesting that women are in too weak to take care of themselves? That women are born with fewer tools to deal with life than men are born with? That they are unable to meet their own emotional needs? Because that's what you sounds like to me.
That's the sound of your own mind...not mine. Because i suggested no such did. I did however, suggest that morally bankrupt men such as yourself prey on and contribute toward corrupting the fresh minds of young impressionable girls who have yet to experience lifes ups and downs. I don't understand what gives you the right to impose your sexual needs upon these girls, and then expect them not to be bitter or resentful later on in life when they see it for what it actually was? You see, I hold women to the same standards as I do men. I expect no less from them. Does that make me sexist or misogynistic? I don't think so. It sounds to me like equality.
There is no equality when there is a huge age difference of 20-30 years life experience on young impressionable girls who are barely out of high school, now is there? Being an ‘elder’ ought to know better. When I say society, I'm talking about America as a whole. If women are paid less it must be because they are seen as having a lower value than their male counterparts. This has nothing to do with what I think. It's simply a fact.
Would you care to re-phrase that last paragraph? Because i’m confused about the part where you say “If women are paid less it must be because they are seen as having a lower value than their male counterpart”...and the follow up with “this has nothing to do with what i think. It’s simply a fact” Please clarify whether “ it must be” or “it’s simply a fact”. But, if men do work harder than women in general, then men, in general, have earned the higher wage they're being paid and women should be looking at themselves to understand why.
I agree with whoever works the hardest deserves the higher wage. That’s just plain old fair to me, and should have nothing to do with gender. I'm curious you have any daughters? |
And now for reality Street from Andy's perspective.
First of all what am I looking for in a woman: Age, between 18 and 28 although I may go as far as 31. Why? I have not had any kids, And I am in no rush to have them. I would like to have at least a couple of years getting settled in with a woman getting to know her better before "Nesting." I do want to have my own family and to start a family with a woman older than 31 makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever. Past 31 means I am inheriting all the baggage and bad programming and idealism an older woman will shove down my throat which is mostly HER SELF INTEREST! Younger women don't quite think of themselves as selfishly as older women do! Next, the woman I am seeking should not have any kids yet. Why? First of all I am not picking up after someone else's failed responsibilities. Likewise in past experience the kids are the ultimate focus of her life and me, I am just there to make HER Life easier. Been there and done that. Also there is the issue that a woman who has kids that child or children are the ultimate focus of their life. This can be very emasculating. If it is not MY child she is fawning over and wrecking dates and other social stuff over then it is wrecking my happiness and harmony! I cannot again allow myself to be put into a position like that again. Next the woman I am seeking HAS TO HAVE SOME KIND OF TALENT. Why? Intelligence and talent go hand in hand. That means a lot of different things. Can she sing, can she cook (for real), can she make clothing, does she administrate so well she manages businesses, does she speak four languages? Talent a a lot of different things. It means that children born of a union with me means I am sharing MY intelligence and MY survivability with her capacities and if Mendel and fate shine on us our children would be FAR better than the rest of us. Does the age gap issue bother me? After having my age and appearance (as in looking FAR younger than I really am) held against me all my life the rest of the world can kiss my hairy white American AZZ! There are no rules to love and there are no rules to relationships. All we have is fake morality and hypocritical standards to go by. I may be 47 but I am so sick of people wanting to put me to pasture when I still look younger than I really am! The fact in REAL LIFE is that older males are proven survivors and younger males are usually are not as strong or smart as older males. Look at other animal life and notice that it is the older males breeding and not the younger ones! Only self indulgent humans think otherwise! And another fact, MONEY ALWAYS SEEMS TO MATTER TO BOTH SIDES! I am not out to recapture my past glories. There was no Past Glory for me. Just one continuing day after day of struggling to get ahead alone. I have had my share of relationships and learned from every one of them. And what I have learned makes everything my school and church and parents taught me was all a lie. I want to start a family not tainted with the dysfunction of a past failed relationship especially involving kids! I am sick of fixing everyone else's dysfunction. I want a fresh go at the experience of a family life with someone who never had her own attempt fail. I could care less if she dated someone else before me. That doesn't mean anything to me. Previously married though... That starts to set off the early warning system I have in my head. FUCQ THE WORLD. AND FUCQ EVERYONE THAT HAS TO LOOK AT ME AND CALL ME A PERVERT! I am not abducting teenage girls and raping them! I am not feeling up pre-teen girls. I have never abused the trust of any woman! I ain't porking fat ugly women just to get my rocks off in desperation and loneliness. But I have had time to live and learn and learned I like the mind set AND COMPANY of younger women rather than that of women near or at my age bracket and I am supposed to be a pervert because of who I wish to share life with? The world is just too filled up with screwed up jealous monkeys! You want to call someone a pervert, how about this... ![]() Or this... ![]() Someone is in a rush to get there before the hair! And a classic... ![]() So please... The Constitution says "Life, Liberty, And the Pursuit of Happiness." Way too many people like to piss on the other guy's lawn here! I am not casting my pearls before swine any more... Been there, Done that... |
Edited by
Thu 11/29/12 06:21 PM
But, if men do work harder than women in general, then men, in general, have earned the higher wage they're being paid and women should be looking at themselves to understand why.
![]() It is possible that a woman may choose to work fewer hours, to work during a limited time of the day or to turn down a higher-paying position so that she can spend more time at home with her children, but her doing so doesn't mean that she doesn't work as hard as a man. |
And now for reality Street from Andy's perspective. First of all what am I looking for in a woman: Age, between 18 and 28 although I may go as far as 31. Why? I have not had any kids, And I am in no rush to have them. I would like to have at least a couple of years getting settled in with a woman getting to know her better before "Nesting." I do want to have my own family and to start a family with a woman older than 31 makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever. Past 31 means I am inheriting all the baggage and bad programming and idealism an older woman will shove down my throat which is mostly HER SELF INTEREST! Younger women don't quite think of themselves as selfishly as older women do! Next, the woman I am seeking should not have any kids yet. Why? First of all I am not picking up after someone else's failed responsibilities. Likewise in past experience the kids are the ultimate focus of her life and me, I am just there to make HER Life easier. Been there and done that. Also there is the issue that a woman who has kids that child or children are the ultimate focus of their life. This can be very emasculating. If it is not MY child she is fawning over and wrecking dates and other social stuff over then it is wrecking my happiness and harmony! I cannot again allow myself to be put into a position like that again. Next the woman I am seeking HAS TO HAVE SOME KIND OF TALENT. Why? Intelligence and talent go hand in hand. That means a lot of different things. Can she sing, can she cook (for real), can she make clothing, does she administrate so well she manages businesses, does she speak four languages? Talent a a lot of different things. It means that children born of a union with me means I am sharing MY intelligence and MY survivability with her capacities and if Mendel and fate shine on us our children would be FAR better than the rest of us. Does the age gap issue bother me? After having my age and appearance (as in looking FAR younger than I really am) held against me all my life the rest of the world can kiss my hairy white American AZZ! There are no rules to love and there are no rules to relationships. All we have is fake morality and hypocritical standards to go by. I may be 47 but I am so sick of people wanting to put me to pasture when I still look younger than I really am! The fact in REAL LIFE is that older males are proven survivors and younger males are usually are not as strong or smart as older males. Look at other animal life and notice that it is the older males breeding and not the younger ones! Only self indulgent humans think otherwise! And another fact, MONEY ALWAYS SEEMS TO MATTER TO BOTH SIDES! I am not out to recapture my past glories. There was no Past Glory for me. Just one continuing day after day of struggling to get ahead alone. I have had my share of relationships and learned from every one of them. And what I have learned makes everything my school and church and parents taught me was all a lie. I want to start a family not tainted with the dysfunction of a past failed relationship especially involving kids! I am sick of fixing everyone else's dysfunction. I want a fresh go at the experience of a family life with someone who never had her own attempt fail. I could care less if she dated someone else before me. That doesn't mean anything to me. Previously married though... That starts to set off the early warning system I have in my head. FUCQ THE WORLD. AND FUCQ EVERYONE THAT HAS TO LOOK AT ME AND CALL ME A PERVERT! I am not abducting teenage girls and raping them! I am not feeling up pre-teen girls. I have never abused the trust of any woman! I ain't porking fat ugly women just to get my rocks off in desperation and loneliness. But I have had time to live and learn and learned I like the mind set AND COMPANY of younger women rather than that of women near or at my age bracket and I am supposed to be a pervert because of who I wish to share life with? The world is just too filled up with screwed up jealous monkeys! You want to call someone a pervert, how about this... ![]() Or this... ![]() Someone is in a rush to get there before the hair! And a classic... ![]() So please... The Constitution says "Life, Liberty, And the Pursuit of Happiness." Way too many people like to piss on the other guy's lawn here! I am not casting my pearls before swine any more... Been there, Done that... Ok Rumplestiltskin....rant away and puck the world all you like. I'm sure the potential female that you seek is just swooning right now. *blink blink* |
You want to call someone a pervert, how about this...
![]() ![]() Also, that reminds me of the end of the movie The Wild, Wild West, during which Salma Hayek's character tells West and Gordon that the scientist they rescued isn't her father as she first reported, but instead is her husband. Anyway, the age gap between a man and a woman isn't the main topic of this thread. Other threads address that issue. I'm using this thread to promote the ending of a sexual double-standard that I have seen expressed in this thread and in other threads. |
You keep changing the goal posts Dodo...i am under the impression this thread is to discuss the reasons why men have had enough of women telling them there is something fundamentally wrong with them. The age difference is all relevant as far as i'm concerned, but i wasn't the one that incited that discussion....i was merely trying to address the potential long term issues that these girls may take with them to maturity because of know...being one of the reasons why they seem bitter later on 'n' all.
What i see though, is a clear lack of respect for women in this thread, and an excuse to verbally tear strips from them. Paybacks??....come on now. P.S: I think the men that target younger women do so because the ladies their own age can spot their bullsh!t and steer well clear of them. But that's just my opinion. |
Andy, no one called you a pervert for wanting a younger woman. If you want to have children you have no choice but to find a woman much younger than yourself. I'm not sure why you're so angry.
P.S: I think the men that target younger women do so because the ladies their own age can spot their bullsh!t and steer well clear of them. But that's just my opinion. I think that is true of TexasScoundrel who has openly stated he uses women for sex. But, in spite of Andy's anger (not sure what that's all about) he has stated that he wants a family and that would require a younger woman if he wants biological children. |
You keep changing the goal posts Dodo...i am under the impression this thread is to discuss the reasons why men have had enough of women telling them there is something fundamentally wrong with them. . . . . . What i see though, is a clear lack of respect for women in this thread, and an excuse to verbally tear strips from them. Paybacks??....come on now. That "lack of respect for women" that you see is being condemned, isn't it? I am all in favor of it being condemned. Now, how about addressing the sexual double-standard that I mentioned earlier. When a man expresses anti-female sexual prejudice, that prejudice is quickly condemned by (as far as I can tell) every woman here. However, when a woman expresses anti-male sexual prejudice, that prejudice doesn't receive as much condemnation. Instead, a man (or a male Melmacian) is criticized for complaining about the latter prejudice. On page 1 of this thread, I state that this thread was created in part in response to anti-male sexual prejudice that is expressed in another thread. I tried to bring that expression of sexual prejudice to the attention of everyone by responding within that thread, but my response was ignored. |
P.S: I think the men that target younger women do so because the ladies their own age can spot their bullsh!t and steer well clear of them. But that's just my opinion. I think that is true of TexasScoundrel who has openly stated he uses women for sex. But, in spite of Andy's anger (not sure what that's all about) he has stated that he wants a family and that would require a younger woman if he wants biological children. FWIW, my late wife was age 40 when she became pregnant with my son. |
Edited by
Thu 11/29/12 08:54 PM
P.S: I think the men that target younger women do so because the ladies their own age can spot their bullsh!t and steer well clear of them. But that's just my opinion. I think that is true of TexasScoundrel who has openly stated he uses women for sex. But, in spite of Andy's anger (not sure what that's all about) he has stated that he wants a family and that would require a younger woman if he wants biological children. FWIW, my late wife was age 40 when she became pregnant with my son. I have not read this whole thread. I think women in present day society want their sexuality respected since they were surpressed for many years and did not share equality with men, or have respect from men in positions' of power. Women probabaly feel a lack of respect from men. This issue is an area where presently men need to hold their tongue since we are to pay for the past surpression of womens rights. I agree it's bull, but how will men prove to women that we have an understanding of there needs. As for age differeces how is a man who does not have children, but wants a family supposed to create a family. If you start dating a woman in their mid forties, there not going to want children at that age unless it's an accident or you've had a relationship thats grown over a few years. These are two diffierent issues one a person has children and a family and the other they do not have children and want a relationship where they can create their own family. |
"What say you?"
Who me? What say I? wellll - most everybody on here seems to know more than I do about a war on men, and I usually have no idea what is going on so that doesn't surprise me. But, if there is a war on men, Can we take CAPTIVES?!?!?! ![]() |
Women complain that men don't understand their needs and wants. Which is true to some degree, but many men have attemped to understand what women want or need.
Men due look at the changes in society, for the better we must say, and feel that if a man speaks againts an issue that women feel is solely their issue. We as men are critized for understanding want a man needs or wants in a similar or the exactly same issue that women desired equality for in the past. |
Firstly, I'm not responsible for any other person's emotions. Yes you are. As human beings we are responsible for the emotions we cause others to have by our actions. Secondly, I don't "hit on" young women. I simply start a conversation, joke around a little and THEY SEDUCE ME. I don't lie to them. I don't lead them on. I make it clear from the start all we're doing is having sex. I tell them I'm not exclusive with them and they are aware of my reputation for promiscuity. I understand this is what you tell yourself to justify your actions but it doesn't make it right. This kind of thing is not limited to men or even men of a certain age. Women can be equally guilty of using men in a way that does serious emotional damage. I have two sons ages 17 and 21 (my step son) and I have already seen what an immature, fickle young lady can do to a poor boy's heart. I watched my step son be used by this girl and it broke my heart. And his. ![]() So using people, whether it is for sex or whatever the reason is, is a truly despicable thing to do and you ARE responsible for the damage you cause. |
P.S: I think the men that target younger women do so because the ladies their own age can spot their bullsh!t and steer well clear of them. But that's just my opinion. I think that is true of TexasScoundrel who has openly stated he uses women for sex. But, in spite of Andy's anger (not sure what that's all about) he has stated that he wants a family and that would require a younger woman if he wants biological children. FWIW, my late wife was age 40 when she became pregnant with my son. I had my last child at 36 and it was not easy. Of course everyone is different and it is possible. But it is not ideal. He's still going to have to find a woman in her 30's in order for them to spend a couple of years together before starting a family. I'm just saying I get his reasoning. |
Everything else aside, I agree that there is a double standard that exists when it comes to making demeaning statements about men and women. It's okay to put down men but not okay to out down women. This is a general statement that describes what I see in society today. It's not right and it should change.
My official statement on the matter. |
Firstly, I'm not responsible for any other person's emotions. Yes you are. As human beings we are responsible for the emotions we cause others to have by our actions. Secondly, I don't "hit on" young women. I simply start a conversation, joke around a little and THEY SEDUCE ME. I don't lie to them. I don't lead them on. I make it clear from the start all we're doing is having sex. I tell them I'm not exclusive with them and they are aware of my reputation for promiscuity. I understand this is what you tell yourself to justify your actions but it doesn't make it right. This kind of thing is not limited to men or even men of a certain age. Women can be equally guilty of using men in a way that does serious emotional damage. I have two sons ages 17 and 21 (my step son) and I have already seen what an immature, fickle young lady can do to a poor boy's heart. I watched my step son be used by this girl and it broke my heart. And his. ![]() So using people, whether it is for sex or whatever the reason is, is a truly despicable thing to do and you ARE responsible for the damage you cause. ![]() |