Topic: islam is not radical religion | |
Mohammad was more than illiterate. He was a Pedophile. At least Jews didn't marry until they were 12 classically. With that aside, he also HATED Jews from the beginning. He was a merchant who sold God especially. What if I told you I had Allah tell me the Quaran was Wrong! What if this really were true that God himself spoke to me one day and told me to guide Islam in the right direction? I know this is a huge assumption but let us say I DID SPEAK with God and he said everything all of us humans knew was wrong and I needed to set mankind straight? I like to think a lot of Catholic Priests stand before god after death and feel a cold shiver go down their sines when they realize their acts are going to bit them in the *** later. You seem to go on a lot about Adultery when Islam sees sexual congress differently from the west. To you and the Christians all sex outside of marriage is Adultery. If God gave that to us and it has been around since before we come from the Garden of Eden then why is it so bad since marriage is a human construct and has nothing to do with actual procreation or natural order? first you need to show adult mind here. And take muhammd name with respect, and if you are so brave, insult muhammad in front of a muslim. I neva insult your religious leader or any book here. Adultery is forbedden in islam in any form. If a muslim doing it not mean islam allowed him for it. If quran is not the book of god. I will chalange all the world bring two page like quran. Bring any change in quran. I am not an arbic . I cant speak arbi. I challange you, lets show me and memmorize your religious book in 10 years. And i will memmorize quran in only ten months. This is the fact of quran. And only islam is acceptable to god. You seem to forget that Islam is the youngest Religion,and actually came into existence by pre-empting Judaism,Christianity,plus a few Pagan Religions in the Region! Correction, Scientology is the youngest religion!!! And that is a recognized religion. Church of Satan is also pretty young and a touch older than Scientology! As far as I can see Scientology is not a religion. it is rather a Science based pursuit of the knowledge necessary to raise mankind in the Spritual Realm. However when you can 'remember' the womb you know the Truth of the Water of Life...that the Well of Life has the Stone of Adam upon its entrance. At that point you realize you need God to take the next leap. Because it was God that placed you in the Well. |
Mohammad was more than illiterate. He was a Pedophile. At least Jews didn't marry until they were 12 classically. With that aside, he also HATED Jews from the beginning. He was a merchant who sold God especially. What if I told you I had Allah tell me the Quaran was Wrong! What if this really were true that God himself spoke to me one day and told me to guide Islam in the right direction? I know this is a huge assumption but let us say I DID SPEAK with God and he said everything all of us humans knew was wrong and I needed to set mankind straight? I like to think a lot of Catholic Priests stand before god after death and feel a cold shiver go down their sines when they realize their acts are going to bit them in the *** later. You seem to go on a lot about Adultery when Islam sees sexual congress differently from the west. To you and the Christians all sex outside of marriage is Adultery. If God gave that to us and it has been around since before we come from the Garden of Eden then why is it so bad since marriage is a human construct and has nothing to do with actual procreation or natural order? first you need to show adult mind here. And take muhammd name with respect, and if you are so brave, insult muhammad in front of a muslim. I neva insult your religious leader or any book here. Adultery is forbedden in islam in any form. If a muslim doing it not mean islam allowed him for it. If quran is not the book of god. I will chalange all the world bring two page like quran. Bring any change in quran. I am not an arbic . I cant speak arbi. I challange you, lets show me and memmorize your religious book in 10 years. And i will memmorize quran in only ten months. This is the fact of quran. And only islam is acceptable to god. I will not respect ANY FALSE SHEPHERD! I will not respect ANY SHEPHERD! Take the Adult mind here? I knew the Bible backwards and learned that Christianity perverted it's own teachings. I have not insulted Mohammad. I stated facts. If I called him a camel (insert a derogatory word for sexual congress) that would have been an insult. I despise the pope. Several of them were indeed homosexuals and two of them on par with Caligula. Please do not try to compare education here. I read the Quaran and it is just as messed up as the Bible is. Have you read the Book of Mormon? I have. How many other philosophies have you studied besides Islam? I challenge you to read what the others say. I mean read on the Hindi religion. Likewise try understanding Buddhism. There is more out there than Christianity and Islam. And I would state facts about Mohammad in any Islamics face and be fully ready to make war upon that man or group. I am sick of having to be told to live in fear of anyone including God or Allah or whatever you choose to call him. Do you think I would face any Islamic without knowing that because of your own DAMN BIBLE we are at war with each other and I did not declare it? I will do whatever it takes to defend myself from Islam but I will not take the first shot nor will I turn the other cheek. When Islam turns away from Mohammad and accepts a more tolerant teaching leaving the Holy War behind I will then be at peace with Islam. Until then I have the eyes of suspicion upon all Islamic no matter how friendly or peaceful they appear. So don't threaten me. I have faced down Islamics twice my size. Do not assume I am going to fear any man or God. I grew up in fear. I am not afraid any more. What Islam will not teach you is that evil is part of man like good is. Even Christians get this so wrong. We are good and evil. We need to learn to live in balance and find the better way instead of trying to force each other to God's (Allah's) will. Islam is morally bankrupt like Christianity and Islam will be its own undoing. Real education did and is doing Christianity in. It can also be the undoing of Islam. That is why so many Islmaics fear Western education? whta bibile you gona teach me. This bibile who make by your owen. This bibile which differnt version presnt in every country. You not in front of me i will show how to respect of muhammad. How is possible to bring change in quran. Only in pakistan 25 lakh people who memmorize the quran. Leave this all its all bull ****, i challange all the christan and jew of the world memmorise me bibile in ten years. And i will memmorize the quran in 5 month. Common christan . If quran is fals i will fail to memmorise it. If bibile was fals you will be fail to memmorse bibile. You show just fals and null hypothesis. Lets common to pritical life memmorize the bibile and show me. Common, common , common. All the christan please accept my challange Oh BUT TO laugh OUT LOUD. You sound JUST like a real hard core Irish Catholic! I had studied the bible for SIX YEARS AND FOUGHT WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FOR 3 1/2 years of my life. I KNEW IT BETTER THAN MOST CATHOLIC PRIESTS AND STILL KNOW IT BETTER THAN MOST PRIESTS OF ANY CRISTIAN FAITH. Again I read your Quaran. I READ IT! I don't need to memorize it or any other book proclaiming to be God's Word. Here are some facts I know you don't like: 1: Islam claims to be descendants of Abraham. If so the Jews are your Brothers and your Holy War is Brother murdering Brother in the name of God. 2: Even in Islam it says "Only Allah is perfect. Everything done by the hand of man is flawed." And your "Perfect" word of God is inscribed by the hand of man. Anything can be twisted to fulfill someone's personal beliefs. The Quaran is innately flawed by its own teachings. You just either refuse to see that or have not come across something that will make you see the big questions your own religious leaders fear. 3: Islam declares Holy War on all not of Islam or accepting its faith. I turned my back on Christianity. What makes you think I will embrace Islam? Because someone commands me to do so? And you think you can teach me respect? PLEASE! Your faith does not respect me! Respect is given where it is offered. 4: The Quaran spells it out pretty clearly to lie, chat, steal from, murder, threaten, oppress and do whatever you can to infidels as long as you have enough of your own on your side. Otherwise you are to act like you are people of peace. Examples of this, Egypt when Mubarak was ousted. All that violence against Christians. How about Indonesia? They recently had several waves of violence against Christians. 5: Mohammad was a MAN and nothing more. Your reverence for him is the same as a Christian worshiping Jesus. Your faith puts a man so high upon a pedestal that he has become deified. Therefore you likewise vicariously worship Mohammad and sin against the very god you worship. Again you are going to teach me respect? Jesus committing suicide was not respectful. I do not respect his death at all. It had no real purpose other than to lead to more misery and blood shed. Again man perverted a good idea. I respect the teachings of Jesus a lot. But worship him and accept him as my savior? Not in this life time. But hat does Mohammad bring to the table? LIE, Cheat, Steal, Kill??? You wish to bring religion to the table notice how I am not tossing any bible verses around? Why? BECAUSE I ROSE ABOVE BLIND FAITH! I ROSE ABOVE FEAR! I CHOOSE TO BE LIKE GOD IF IT IS EVER POSSIBLE BECAUSE AS A CHILD OF GOD I HAVE A BIRTHRIGHT TO BE LIKE MY FATHER IF NOT BETTER! I have done my share of book study to learn there is FAR more to this life, and the whole of what we are immersed in to know no one book or person has the answer. This is why Islam will never be great no matter how much it wants to bend or twist history. Even for all ts power the Catholic Church is a relic fading into obscurity slowly. All Islam will do is drag us into the new dark ages. I would like to know why I should respect a religion that does not have any respect for me? Again, I read your Quaran. I have good reason to fear Islam. And Islam's track record is not good either. Islam has to build a Mosque on anyone else's holy ground. Islam has to wipe everyone else off of the face of the planet and make it your own. Yeah, mother nature is going to Eff Islam up soon enough! There are forces on this world far greater than your Allah. Pray to him when a 30 meter wall of water descends on you from a Tsunami kicked off by a huge earthquake or when a super volcano goes off and the sky goes black. Things will be fine for the first two weeks until things start dying off. After 30 days the real desperation of the situation will reveal itself and where will Allah be for Islam when starvation begins to grip us all? I have seen the face of the devil and it is in the reflection of every man and woman walking this world. I have even seen it in my own reflection. But rather than hate him, to break the hate cycle I decided to embrace him. And In that I found a strange sense of peace knowing I cannot change evil but it can be directed to not be such a burden. I control myself. Allah has no control on me. Frankly every step I walk is in God's temple but Islam and Christianity defile God's work with your structures. You cover up God's perfection and God's creation for our own. Instead of being Stewards of God's temple we try to steal it in God's name. Both your faiths defile God's Gifts to us! And the teachings of Islam likewise pervert God's will! We are supposed to grow as people and a species. Instead we kill each other over trivial differences and stupid philosophies. But what is worst is Islam has no intention of breaking the Hate cycle! Yeah, talk to me more about respect... |
Mohammad was more than illiterate. He was a Pedophile. At least Jews didn't marry until they were 12 classically. With that aside, he also HATED Jews from the beginning. He was a merchant who sold God especially. What if I told you I had Allah tell me the Quaran was Wrong! What if this really were true that God himself spoke to me one day and told me to guide Islam in the right direction? I know this is a huge assumption but let us say I DID SPEAK with God and he said everything all of us humans knew was wrong and I needed to set mankind straight? I like to think a lot of Catholic Priests stand before god after death and feel a cold shiver go down their sines when they realize their acts are going to bit them in the *** later. You seem to go on a lot about Adultery when Islam sees sexual congress differently from the west. To you and the Christians all sex outside of marriage is Adultery. If God gave that to us and it has been around since before we come from the Garden of Eden then why is it so bad since marriage is a human construct and has nothing to do with actual procreation or natural order? first you need to show adult mind here. And take muhammd name with respect, and if you are so brave, insult muhammad in front of a muslim. I neva insult your religious leader or any book here. Adultery is forbedden in islam in any form. If a muslim doing it not mean islam allowed him for it. If quran is not the book of god. I will chalange all the world bring two page like quran. Bring any change in quran. I am not an arbic . I cant speak arbi. I challange you, lets show me and memmorize your religious book in 10 years. And i will memmorize quran in only ten months. This is the fact of quran. And only islam is acceptable to god. You seem to forget that Islam is the youngest Religion,and actually came into existence by pre-empting Judaism,Christianity,plus a few Pagan Religions in the Region! Correction, Scientology is the youngest religion!!! And that is a recognized religion. Church of Satan is also pretty young and a touch older than Scientology! As far as I can see Scientology is not a religion. it is rather a Science based pursuit of the knowledge necessary to raise mankind in the Spritual Realm. However when you can 'remember' the womb you know the Truth of the Water of Life...that the Well of Life has the Stone of Adam upon its entrance. At that point you realize you need God to take the next leap. Because it was God that placed you in the Well. Weird as this sounds they do have status as a religion. Tax exemptions and all. |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon.
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. Because you have not read any other book besides the Quaran. I have read the Bhagva Ghida, the Book of Mormon, Three versions of the Holy Bible, I have read a number of texts on Taoism and Buddhism, and I have recently read your Quaran. My challenge to you is read what the others say and then look inward to yourself and start asking some of the tough questions. Why is it right to call some one who practices a different faith from you an Infidel? You are trying to hide behind the same logic as any hard core Christian. All you can do is hide behind your book for safety when I hide behind NO BOOK. I read them. I remember enough without paraphrasing to know Mohammad was a messed up individual who teaches hate through his Quaran. Heck, this goes hand in hand with the fact that Christianity is twenty shades of screwed up too. I do not follow he bible. I follow truth and truth can be found in the Quaran BUT THE QUARAN IS NOT THE TRUTH! You will find pieces of it in all faith practices. This is what I follow... 1. Give respect until disrespect is shown. 2. Come in peace but be prepared to make war. 3. Do no wrong to others but do not let others wrong you. 4. Do not trust the words of any man to be the words of God. God can Speak for himself. 5. Live in peace with others unless they chose not to live in peace with you. Then make their lives a living hell. 6. All people get a second chance. After that there is no more forgiveness. 7. I may not be right and no man is ever right all the time. But don't be afraid to speak your mind. And never accept anything blindly. 8. If I have to live in fear of someone or something I will face it down and if attacked I will defend myself to the maximum capacity of my being. We should never have to live in fear. 9. If any man raises a hand to me I will strike him down as if I was the flaming sword in God's own right hand. 10. Blind Faith is stupid. Have faith in yourself and a whole new world opens up for you. 11. Peace for the sake of peace is suicide. 12. We are both good and evil and our actions determine whether what we do is god or bad. 13. Love life for the gift it is and then you are worshiping God. Celebrate life with your fellow man and you praise God. 14. Love the world we walk on for it is God's temple. No Mosque or Church does God any justice. So call me a Christian. Please! Do so. I for the most part was Excommunicated anyways. I have no need to accept a challenge that is such a waste of time. I am not trying to convert you or anyone to Christianity. I want you too see the hypocrisy of your faith like I have done so to so many Christians. Some of them get their own faith right but they are so few. I have good reason to fear Islam. You just live in an area that is pro Muslim and I can see you are not about to accept MY challenge to rise above your book and see what others see from a different point of view. I turned my back on Christianity a long time ago. What makes you think I want you to convert? Quit being a lemming and freedom opens up to you. Otherwise you are just one of the masses who will run blindly off of a cliff with all the others. I am not blind. I can see just fine! |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. ![]() ![]() |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. ![]() ![]() i dont hate the jew are the christian. I doing MSc with a teacher. And he is a christian. In my country. Christian. Hindu. Shia, sikh, ahmadi all are present. But the think is that first you people use muhammad(PBUH) with disrespect and its your hobby to insult muhammad and quran. But the brivity is not that to insult muhammad behind a wall, the brivity is that insult muhammad in front of a muslim. And its not the business of a muslim to insult your religious leader I am not here to preach the islam, to pritically show the truth common accept my challange. |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. ![]() ![]() i dont hate the jew are the christian. I doing MSc with a teacher. And he is a christian. In my country. Christian. Hindu. Shia, sikh, ahmadi all are present. But the think is that first you people use muhammad(PBUH) with disrespect and its your hobby to insult muhammad and quran. But the brivity is not that to insult muhammad behind a wall, the brivity is that insult muhammad in front of a muslim. And its not the business of a muslim to insult your religious leader I am not here to preach the islam, to pritically show the truth common accept my challange. i fail to see what anyone else thinks of mohammad has anything to do with anything... are you people looking for a fight? if you said something bad about jesus, would people get in line to kill you? thats a fanatical thought process, and not doing anything to help you tell how good islam is... think about that... |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. ![]() ![]() you gonna teach me respect, check your previous text u called muhammad is a SHEPHERD. so muses(PBUH) also rise the sheep of OF yaquoob(PBUH) so i have respect for muses its beter burn in fire . To call muses is SHEEPHERD. I LIKE to burn in fire but i will neva use a bad word for jesus. Beter u cut my toungue before i call muses or jesus with a bad word.. This is called respect and love. |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. ![]() ![]() you gonna teach me respect, check your previous text u called muhammad is a SHEPHERD. so muses(PBUH) also rise the sheep of OF yaquoob(PBUH) so i have respect for muses its beter burn in fire . To call muses is SHEEPHERD. I LIKE to burn in fire but i will neva use a bad word for jesus. Beter u cut my toungue before i call muses or jesus with a bad word.. This is called respect and love. umm.. so are going to have andy killed because he called mohammad a shepherd? jesus called himself a Shepherd, and everyone else was part of his flock. you do know that a shepherd is a sheep-herder, not much else. not an insult, but you seem to think it is... |
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. ![]() ![]() you gonna teach me respect, check your previous text u called muhammad is a SHEPHERD. so muses(PBUH) also rise the sheep of OF yaquoob(PBUH) so i have respect for muses its beter burn in fire . To call muses is SHEEPHERD. I LIKE to burn in fire but i will neva use a bad word for jesus. Beter u cut my toungue before i call muses or jesus with a bad word.. This is called respect and love. umm.. so are going to have andy killed because he called mohammad a shepherd? jesus called himself a Shepherd, and everyone else was part of his flock. you do know that a shepherd is a sheep-herder, not much else. not an insult, but you seem to think it is... what he say he say i dont respect of a sheepherd i know the meaning. But he use this word here a fun. Musa was also a sheepherd he rise the sheep of yaquoob but my islam dont teach me to use such a word for muses. He also called muhammad is liar. Adulter omg.. |
Edited by
Mon 04/09/12 02:39 PM
Whta are you saying about islam and quran its your fals perception only.If quran is fals book, and bibile is true book so why you not accept my challange. I give you ten years memmorise the bibile. Bring only one word change in quran. I challange all the christian of the word, All the jew of the word. I know u And i can bring change in bibile in ten U had study bibil for six years now you gonna to write new version of bibile and than you will be say this is the book of Which you gonna teach. The bibile you write in your charch. The bibile you write in your home. The first thing is that even bibile word are not present in your bibile. And you claim that cheistian follower of jesus. The jesus sayd that i am not the son of god. I am only messenger of god. You are not the follower of jesus . The fact is that you are the follower of the bibile whoich you write in your owen home. U dont need to mammorise any book. The fact is that u cant even if you give your wohle to it there is force on the earth greater that allah. So called that force to memmorise the bibile for Call that force to bring a word change in quran.. I challange that force. Stop your blindy hypothesis. If bibile is true book of god so memmorise me your bibile if you memmorise the bibile i will leave my islam and accept christian religion. If bibile and quran both are book of god. So why i can memmorise the quran even arbic is not my languge even i cant write the arbic even i can speak the arbic . And why not the bibile. This is the huge fact. Please stop your blind and shety hypothesis accept my challange if you win i will accept christian releagon. so why is it that you people hate Christians and Jews so much? i don't care if you accept Christianity or not, you pray to your god just like they do, but why all the fussing over which god is better? if you want to preach Islam, then do it... just don't be mad when people do not want to listen. ![]() ![]() you gonna teach me respect, check your previous text u called muhammad is a SHEPHERD. so muses(PBUH) also rise the sheep of OF yaquoob(PBUH) so i have respect for muses its beter burn in fire . To call muses is SHEEPHERD. I LIKE to burn in fire but i will neva use a bad word for jesus. Beter u cut my toungue before i call muses or jesus with a bad word.. This is called respect and love. umm.. so are going to have andy killed because he called mohammad a shepherd? jesus called himself a Shepherd, and everyone else was part of his flock. you do know that a shepherd is a sheep-herder, not much else. not an insult, but you seem to think it is... what he say,, he say i dont respect of a sheepherd i know the meaning. But he use this word here for fun. Musa was also a sheepherd he rise the sheep of yaquoob but my islam dont teach me to use such a word for muses.(pbuh) He also called muhammad is liar. Adulter omg..check his post in every post he will insult muhammad(pbuh) |
i fail to see what anyone else thinks of mohammad has anything to do with anything... are you people looking for a fight? if you said something bad about jesus, would people get in line to kill you? thats a fanatical thought process, and not doing anything to help you tell how good islam is... think about that... ifi say bad thing about jesus OMG. People gonna kill me?.Beter you burn me in fire even if i have a bad thaught about jesus are muses in my mind. |
i fail to see what anyone else thinks of mohammad has anything to do with anything... are you people looking for a fight? if you said something bad about jesus, would people get in line to kill you? thats a fanatical thought process, and not doing anything to help you tell how good islam is... think about that... ifi say bad thing about jesus OMG. People gonna kill me?.Beter you burn me in fire even if i have a bad thaught about jesus are muses in my mind. thats nice you don't think bad of Jesus, but that is not my point. if you were to say something bad about him, nobody here would send out a goon squad to kill you. if someone here was to say anything about mohammed, the clerics in Islam would send the goons out to kill them. i realize that not Muslims are not the same, but their is a lot of radical muslims that would do it. can you tell me why this is a practice in Islam? |
I just read all of this....
and I remembered why I don't post here anymore. Antagonism and disdain and disrespect for the people who are some of the brightest minds that our species has to offer...theologians, of truth. Men who cannot see past themselves. There is a damned good reason that my friendship with between me and is private. I don't want someone elses opinion screwing it up. It will probably be another year or two before I post in here again....just know...that what I have read on both sides is enough to know that I would be better off damned. At least I would still have the option of being a good man. Damn the rules....just be good men. |
i fail to see what anyone else thinks of mohammad has anything to do with anything... are you people looking for a fight? if you said something bad about jesus, would people get in line to kill you? thats a fanatical thought process, and not doing anything to help you tell how good islam is... think about that... ifi say bad thing about jesus OMG. People gonna kill me?.Beter you burn me in fire even if i have a bad thaught about jesus are muses in my mind. People will cut your face off if you say anything bad about Jesus, people will cut your face off if you say anything bad about Mohammed. Neither religion is better than the other when you look at history, although Islam is causing the most trouble in the world today(or should i say Islamic people?). Either way, religion keeps proving itself to be a poisonous thing much more than a nice loving peaceful thing. |
Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me. A stranger appears and says to me: "My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly." This stranger is a theologian.
-- Denis Diderot, Addition aux Pensees philosophiques, from John Daintith, et al, eds. The Macmillan Dictionary of Quotations (2000) p. 34, quoted from R, Rotando, in a personal letter to Cliff Walker (December 17, 2001) From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step. -- Denis Diderot, Essai sur le Mérite de la Vertu (1745) The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has killed a great many philosophers. -- Denis Diderot, Observations on Drawing Up of Laws (1774), repr. in Lester G Crocker, ed, Selected Writings, ed. (1966), quoted from The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations The most dangerous madmen are those created by religion, and ... people whose aim is to disrupt society always know how to make good use of them on occasion. -- Denis Diderot, Conversations with a Christian Lady (1777), repr. in Lester G Crocker, ed, Selected Writings, ed. (1966), quoted from The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations There is not a Musselman alive who would not imagine that he was performing an action pleasing to God and his Holy Prophet by exterminating every Christian on earth, while the Christians are scarcely more tolerant on their side. -- Denis Diderot, Conversations with a Christian Lady (written 1774; published 1777), repr. in Lester G Crocker, ed, Selected Writings, ed. (1966), quoted from The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations That ole Frenchman had something there! ![]() |
i agree well said,