Topic: WYSIWYG’s
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Thu 11/17/11 08:00 PM
I think I might be pregnant!

I had a coke and my tummy got big.

no photo
Thu 11/17/11 08:02 PM
no idea if I am a what u see is what u get person

I am not easy to be close to so perhaps eventually I am that way

but I think many people are not sure what they are seeing when they see me, and I agree with them. I am not sure of that eitherlaugh

no photo
Thu 11/17/11 08:45 PM

no idea if I am a what u see is what u get person

I am not easy to be close to so perhaps eventually I am that way

but I think many people are not sure what they are seeing when they see me, and I agree with them. I am not sure of that eitherlaugh

If you're unsure of yourself here and don't know if you're really being yourself, others won't be able to either.

Tulareman's photo
Fri 11/18/11 02:13 AM
I always say what I mean, and mean what I say on here and in person.

wux's photo
Fri 11/18/11 07:00 AM
Edited by wux on Fri 11/18/11 07:04 AM

I think I might be pregnant!

I had a coke and my tummy got big.

Hm... (says dr. Sherlock Holmes,) those are two lines. There has got to be something in-between. I got it!! A line has to be in there, not written.

Watson, I think the unwritten line reads to the initiated, that the guy quenched his thirst.

(That's brilliant, dr. Holmes.)

(Dr. Holmes quickly sticks up his head:) Watson, who said that just now? That I am brilliant?

(You did, dr. Holmes.)

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 08:38 AM

I was just having one of my random thoughts along the lines of… how well someone can really get to know someone just by reading what they write.

I think you can get to know someone quite well by what they write.
It just takes a lot of reading between the lines.

Normally I would have agreed with you until I dawned on me that some people do not always say that they feel or mean.

Can you only read between the lines if you assume what a person writes is how they really feel?

Had to think about this and although I does depend on your interpretation of what's being written because being able to read between the lines is a skill.

Reading between the lines does not mean making assumptions about what
the person means to say. It means reading with a little thought what they do say. Someone may try and hide behind what they are
saying. But the fact that they are saying what they are saying
tells a lot about them.

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 08:45 AM

I fake it till I make it.

I am kind of honest here.....sometimes.

If I like people, I am completely honest with the cool cats and dolls here. (probably a bit too honest)

But, for the petty douche bags, it ain't gonna do any good to be confrontational and point out thier stupidity so, I either ignore them or vaguely acknowldge thier existance.

......pretty much like real life.

I am more honest with myself than I am with others..

I'm relatively new on here so until proven otherwise, I'm still willing to give people the benefit of doubt even if I disagree with their opinion(s).

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 08:47 AM

no idea if I am a what u see is what u get person

I am not easy to be close to so perhaps eventually I am that way

but I think many people are not sure what they are seeing when they see me, and I agree with them. I am not sure of that eitherlaugh

Are you the same online as you are offline? Are the comments/opinions you express on this site the same that you would give in person?

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 08:48 AM

I am not restricting myself in terms of toning down. But I still don`t give myself. I don`t, and that is so because I don`t know myself. I can`t give what I don`t know for its substance and essence. Whatever I give is not me, not mine to give, in fact, my entire existence is a theived, stolen property. I did not steal it, but I know that all I know is that I don`t know myself.

So... toning is really down the very long list of important things to do about, with, by, and for myself. First things first: I must find out A.S.A.P. who I am, why I am here, and what planet I come from.

I would take me a while to think up some of your comments :smile:. It probably comes naturally - I'm gonna leave as it even though I realise that it (my comment) can be taken out of context laugh

42, if you don`t mind, I`ll take your response out of context and consider it a compliment to me.

(You should consider this as a compliment to you.)

Was very definitely a compliment to you flowerforyou I was referring to the double entendre :smile:

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 08:53 AM

I don't think of it as getting to know the complete person and No, maybe you can't know every nuance of thier soul.

I agree. You're not going to get to know the complete person online but you can get a jist of the cut of their jib to come to a decision...good or bad.

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 09:00 AM

I was just having one of my random thoughts along the lines of… how well someone can really get to know someone just by reading what they write.

I think you can get to know someone quite well by what they write.
It just takes a lot of reading between the lines.

At times, reading between the lines harms things more than helps, as some people read things that aren't there. I'd rather just ask someone what they mean, than try to figure out out and assume incorrectly.

To a certain extent, I agree with you Sing but IMO there does come a point when you're reading what isn't there.

Asking does elimate this but you could be assuming that people are inately honest and will answer your questions honestly.

My mad Aussie ex, really nice guy but he wouldn't know honestly if it came up and bit him.

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 09:01 AM

i've read every post on here, and still don't know what this thread is about....spock what huh

It may not be a coincidence that most of the posts have been from women… :tongue: :smile: flowerforyou

oh, no wonder i am confused...

Are you still confused?

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 09:21 AM

i've read every post on here, and still don't know what this thread is about....spock what huh

It may not be a coincidence that most of the posts have been from women… :tongue: :smile: flowerforyou

oh, no wonder i am confused...

Are you still confused?
he's been confused all his life laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/18/11 12:57 PM
One of the reasons why I like using the forums is you get to see what people are like over time. The true personality eventually comes out. Also, you get to see what a person's view point is on a wide variety of subjects that wouldn't necessarily come up in conversation for a much longer period of time.

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 12:59 PM

One of the reasons why I like using the forums is you get to see what people are like over time. The true personality eventually comes out. Also, you get to see what a person's view point is on a wide variety of subjects that wouldn't necessarily come up in conversation for a much longer period of time.
of course some of us don't have view points...whoa

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/18/11 01:00 PM

One of the reasons why I like using the forums is you get to see what people are like over time. The true personality eventually comes out. Also, you get to see what a person's view point is on a wide variety of subjects that wouldn't necessarily come up in conversation for a much longer period of time.
of course some of us don't have view points...whoa

You're a're not allowed to have one. :wink:

no photo
Fri 11/18/11 01:03 PM

One of the reasons why I like using the forums is you get to see what people are like over time. The true personality eventually comes out. Also, you get to see what a person's view point is on a wide variety of subjects that wouldn't necessarily come up in conversation for a much longer period of time.
of course some of us don't have view points...whoa

You're a're not allowed to have one. :wink:
I guess I'm a perfect man then laugh

soufiehere's photo
Fri 11/18/11 01:04 PM

of course some of us don't have view points...whoa

That's okay.
It is made up for by the ones who have multiple
Sybil-like viewpoints.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/18/11 01:04 PM

One of the reasons why I like using the forums is you get to see what people are like over time. The true personality eventually comes out. Also, you get to see what a person's view point is on a wide variety of subjects that wouldn't necessarily come up in conversation for a much longer period of time.
of course some of us don't have view points...whoa

You're a're not allowed to have one. :wink:
I guess I'm a perfect man then laugh

Well, I already told you that! love :wink:

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/18/11 01:04 PM

of course some of us don't have view points...whoa

That's okay.
It is made up for the ones who have multiple
Sybil-like viewpoints.
