Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus | |
![]() ![]() ![]() Cowboy, you are made up of a body, soul, and spirit.... all 3 parts of you make up ONLY ONE BEING...not three beings...But ONE. Now.... God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit... 3 persons within One Godhead, making Up ONLY ONE ENTITY or ONLY ONE GOD . See now? ![]() ![]() ![]() My body = a vessel. It by itself has no life. Is a containment for my life. My Soul = My life. This is what is our life, it is what gives us our thoughts. It is "us". This body will die of old age, our souls never will. My spirit = Is a gift given to me by God, it is God. God is in everyone that accepts him into their heart. When one receives the spirit of God, they are made a new creation eg., they are born again. This has absolutely nothing to do with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost being separate entities or one. For example - My body without my soul is dead. The body in itself has no life by itself. My soul will be what goes to heaven, I will receive a new body in Heaven, and or well my body will be rejuvenated. 1 Corinthians. 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. |
I was in NO WAY EXACTLY comparing you to GOD!!!
I was just simply showing you the possiblility of HOW there could be 3 in ONE....and using you as an help you better understand. You are a triune being....are you 3 Cowboys are ONE Cowboy? This make it any clearer now????? |
I was in NO WAY EXACTLY comparing you to GOD!!! I was just simply showing you the possiblility of HOW there could be 3 in ONE....and using you as an help you better understand. You are a triune being....are you 3 Cowboys are ONE Cowboy? This make it any clearer now????? Not exactly, no. I know you weren't comparing me to God lol, didn't take it that way. Just the general idea of three in one, I understand this MorningSong lol. My body will die one day, I could possibly loose the spirit of God one day if I turned my heart away from him. Not saying it will happen or even exactly might lol, but it's still a possibility. I have a spirit because I have accepted the spirit of God into me, God knocked and I allowed him in. My soul is my life source, it is what God breathed into the body after he created the body. |
Well Cowboy, if God knocked on your heart and you
accepted, then you are a child of God. And even though you seem confused, I believe that if you asked Jesus in when He knocked on your heart's door..then he came in. But this confusion is not from God. It is from the enemy trying to confuse you ,because God has a plan for your life. You somehow opened a door to confusion...shut that door now. I am praying a spirit of confusion will be broken off you right now....and will leave you right now in Jesus Name...Amen! Get into a good spirit filled church now, ...get under good teaching. Love You Cowboy. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well Cowboy, if God knocked on your heart and you accepted, then you are a child of God. And even though you seem confused, I believe that if you asked Jesus in when He knocked on your heart's door..then he came in. But this confusion is not from God. It is from the enemy trying to confuse you ,because God has a plan for your life. You somehow opened a door to confusion...shut that door now. I am praying a spirit of confusion will be broken off you right now....and will leave you right now in Jesus Name...Amen! Get into a good spirit filled church now, ...get under good teaching. Love You Cowboy. ![]() ![]() ![]() I appreciate it MorningSong. But I'm not confused. Much love to you and yours morningsong :D |
Well Cowboy, if God knocked on your heart and you accepted, then you are a child of God. And even though you seem confused, I believe that if you asked Jesus in when He knocked on your heart's door..then he came in. But this confusion is not from God. It is from the enemy trying to confuse you ,because God has a plan for your life. You somehow opened a door to confusion...shut that door now. I am praying a spirit of confusion will be broken off you right now....and will leave you right now in Jesus Name...Amen! Get into a good spirit filled church now, ...get under good teaching. Love You Cowboy. ![]() ![]() ![]() I appreciate it MorningSong. But I'm not confused. Much love to you and yours morningsong :D My whole point here is as explained. My body will die one day, no doubt about that. Even when it does I MYSELF will not be dead. My soul will go on even if my body is dead. The spirit in me is not mine, the spirit belongs to God. There was a time when this spirit was not in me, back before I accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savoir. You and your body are not one in exacts, just merely a vessel for your soul. It is the temple of God. this body is not me, it is merely a vessel. It is a vessel to carry my soul through the trials of life. Jesus is the only begotten child of God the father. |
Edited by
Tue 09/20/11 07:59 AM
But regsrdless of how you look at it, you are STILL a
triune being( consisting of body, soul, spirit), which makes up ONLY ONE Cowboy. or, One Human being Only. Same with God.....3 separate persons (not 3 separate entities )in One Godhead.... ....making up ONE God Only. Or....making up One Entity only. Or....making up One Supreme Being Only. Or......making up ONE GOD ALMIGHTY (consisting of the 3 persons in One God) Still....JUST ONE GOD . This help make things more clear now?? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
So with that being said, yes the father son and holy ghost are one god. They can not be one entity for while Jesus the son was on the cross, a voice came from the heavens saying "This is my beloved son, in whom I"m well pleased". And Jesus continuously mentioned his father in third party form of way eg., saying "my father this, my father that". omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent. look up those words if you don't know the meaning. if you say they can not be one entity, than you have just put a limit on what god can do Jesus didn't know the time of judgement day, which means that Jesus is not omniscient Jesus had to be anointed with the holy spirit, which means that Jesus himself is not omnipotent Jesus presence didn't exist everywhere, which means that Jesus was not omnipresent if Jesus is part of a whole then the whole clearly has a weak link and this is why God would have those same limitations |
For example - My body without my soul is dead. The body in itself has no life by itself. My soul will be what goes to heaven, I will receive a new body in Heaven, and or well my body will be rejuvenated. 1 Corinthians. 52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. you only have a soul while you are alive, once you die the soul becomes a spirit ...a soul applies to those of flesh and blood when God created Man he created him as a living soul this was why I asked the question "if Man is a living Soul then what would be a dead soul"... a dead soul or an undead soul would be a spirit |
Well Cowboy, if God knocked on your heart and you accepted, then you are a child of God. And even though you seem confused, I believe that if you asked Jesus in when He knocked on your heart's door..then he came in. But this confusion is not from God. It is from the enemy trying to confuse you ,because God has a plan for your life. the only enemy would be common sense since faith demands that it not be used but thats only applies when the existence of God is indispute when debating the bible and if the existence of God or that God had a son is not indispute, then the bible no longer is a book of faith it becomes a book of logic in which all the answers are set neatly in place For Example: no one should need faith to believe that Jesus is or isn't God since the answers are right there in the bible...God is all knowing and Jesus didn't know the time of judgement day which means that Jesus is not all knowing and therefore can't be God no matter what the excuse one use as to why Jesus didn't know the time of judgement day, all it does is prove why Jesus isn't God or a God or didn't have the powers of a God Another Example: to claim that the holy spirit is a god or seperate godhead entity of a whole, would make The Holy Spirit the Father of Jesus ...Jesus would therefore be the son of the holy spirit and not the son of The Father.. you have religions that worship only The Father as God and religions that only worship Jesus as God...but where are the religions that only worship the holy spirit as God it's because the holy spirit is not a God but the will of God |
| about starting a whole brand
new are part of the family on here too, ya know!!! ![]() How about a question/answer series...where we actually have to back up alll answers with biblical answers straight from scripture every time...........meaning we all have to do our homework!!! Would be a grrat learning series... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
| about starting a whole brand new are part of the family on here too, ya know!!! ![]() How about a question/answer series...where we actually have to back up alll answers with biblical answers straight from scripture every time...........meaning we all have to do our homework!!! Would be a grrat learning series... ![]() ![]() ![]() it's to many unanswered questions in this thread for example if the holy ghost is a God...then who is the actual Father of it "The Father aka Yahweh" or is it The Holy Ghost aka The Holy Spirit" if you claim that both are the Father then that mean there are two Fathers in Heaven ..and this goes against The Christian Belief even if both are acting as one they would both still be the Father of Jesus and according to the belief the holy spirit is not the father or a Father if you claim that The Holy Spirit was doing the Will of The Father, would indicate that the Holy Spirit lack "Will" of it's own and is not equal to could also indicate that "The Father" lack power of his own and need The Holy Spirit to accomplish his wishes just as Moses was powerless without some force helping him "who is the father of Jesus" why The Trinity doesn't work and cause the bible to collapse into a book of lies also another question is "Are Adam and Eve of the same blood" and actually brother and sister which would mean that it was God intentions to thrust Man into sin with the command "Be Fruitful and Multiply" which could have only been accomplished by incest which is a sin buy anyway this thread was started to show that Jesus is not in Genesis, and I'm only at passage Genesis there's a powerful bunch of passages left...which I have to go through one by one |
| about starting a whole brand new are part of the family on here too, ya know!!! ![]() we are family... I got all my sisters and Me oops..I hope that wasn't the theme song for The Men of Genesis ..bringing up the question...where the heck did Cain's wife come from? |
Edited by
Sun 09/25/11 08:13 AM
Back then, man wae genetically pure....and lived
up to be 950 years. Adam and Eve had many children, who also lived up to be 950 or so years old...and married among themselves. Later, God gave Moses a law that forbade inner family marriage to continue any longer..but this was not prohibited by God in the early beginningg.... because back then, man's genetic code was still pretty pure....but later that changed as man became less pure in his genetic code. When and who did Cain marry? Was it when he was 100 , 200, 500 or 600? Who knows....but by then there were also many other brothers and sister living also....and living to the ripe old age of 950 years also.... All married each other..which was the norm back then. We ALL are the decendants of Adam and Eve. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Back then, man wae genetically pure....and lived up to be 950 years. Adam and Eve had many children, who also lived up to be 950 or so years old...and married among themselves. Later, God gave Moses a law that forbade inner family marriage to continue any longer..but this was not prohibited by God in the early beginningg.... because back then, man's genetic code was still pretty pure....but later that changed as man became less pure in his genetic code. When and who did Cain marry? Was it when he was 100 , 200, 500 or 600? Who knows....but by then there were also many other brothers and sister living also....and living to the ripe old age of 950 years also.... All married each other..which was the norm back then. We ALL are the decendants of Adam and Eve. ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm not sure if Moses and Crew were discussing the finer points of how it was ok to have sex with family members because of their genetic purity..I also doubt if they knew anything about genetics beyond inserting a tallywhacker into a woman's forbidden fruit which is why I have to take you up on your offer that you presented in the post below POSTED BY MORNINGSONG: How about a question/answer series...where we actually have to back up alll answers with biblical answers straight from scripture every time...........meaning we all have to do our homework!!! Would be a grrat learning series so MorningSong...can you present a biblical answer straight from the bible and not from one of those Satan Website as to why incest is deemed a sin, and then we can see if it has anything to do with genetics... if you can not present any, then that is evidence that God's command to "Be Fruitful and Multiply" was God thrusting Man into sin also whenever the point in time that God himself deem that incest is a sin, would be the point in time that God himself deem Man as a sin since all of Man would be the descendents of Adam and Eve and therefore all of Mankind would be a product of incestous relationships now do you see why some Christians try to claim that God created man twice...once in Genesis 1:26 and the second creation of man in Genesis 2:7 but either way it does not dismiss the fact that Adam and Eve was of the same blood and this would be incest in which Jesus would be a product of this is why it can be said that Jesus died for his sins and not the sins of Mankind because of the fact that incest is a sin and all of Man is a product of incest...this is why it's no way that Jesus could have died for the sins of Mankind pertaining to the sins of Adam and Eve |
well I guess since there are no disputes of Adam and Eve being of the same blood resulting in all of Mankind being a product of incest and therefore full filling God's Divine Plan that he be the one to first thurst Man into sin ...
it is for those that wish to blame Man for original sin is it not your belief that it's impossible for something to be created unless God creates it first....why would that not also apply to original sin now that we got that out of the's now time to once again continue the biblical quest to find out where in the Genesis is Jesus or at best to pin point the exact passage where Jesus indusputably unquestionably unchallengeably made his first biblical debut in the bible |
well I guess since there are no disputes of Adam and Eve being of the same blood resulting in all of Mankind being a product of incest and therefore full filling God's Divine Plan that he be the one to first thurst Man into sin ... it is for those that wish to blame Man for original sin is it not your belief that it's impossible for something to be created unless God creates it first....why would that not also apply to original sin now that we got that out of the's now time to once again continue the biblical quest to find out where in the Genesis is Jesus or at best to pin point the exact passage where Jesus indusputably unquestionably unchallengeably made his first biblical debut in the bible is it not your belief that it's impossible for something to be created unless God creates it first....why would that not also apply to original sin God did not "create" sin. Sin is disobedience to God. Yeah therefor he did in a sense "create" sin, but only because he has a will and sin is going against the will of God. - In Genesis, He is the Creator God. - In Exodus, He is the Redeemer. - In Leviticus, He is your sanctification. - In Numbers, He is your guide. - In Deuteronomy, He is your teacher. - In Joshua, He is the mighty conqueror. - In Judges, He gives victory over enemies. - In Ruth, He is your kinsman, your lover, your redeemer. - In I Samuel, He is the root of Jesse. - In 2 Samuel, He is the Son of David. - In 1 Kings and 2 Kings, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. - In 1st and 2nd Chronicles, He is your intercessor and High Priest. - In Ezra, He is your temple, your house of worship. - In Nehemiah, He is your mighty wall, protecting you from your enemies. - In Esther, He stands in the gap to deliver you from your enemies. - In Job, He is the arbitrator who not only understands your struggles, but has the power to do something about them. - In Psalms, He is your song–and your reason to sing. - In Proverbs, He is your wisdom, helping you make sense of life and live it successfully. - In Ecclesiastes, He is your purpose, delivering you from vanity.. - In the Song of Solomon, He is your lover, your Rose of Sharon. - In Isaiah, He is the mighty counselor, the prince of peace, the everlasting father, and more. He’s everything you need. - In Jeremiah, He is your balm of Gilead, the soothing salve for your sin-sick soul. - In Lamentations, He is the ever-faithful one upon whom you can depend. - In Ezekiel, He is your wheel in the middle of a wheel–the one who assures that dry, dead bones will come alive again. - In Daniel, He is the ancient of days, the ever- lasting God who never runs out of time. - In Hosea, He is your faithful lover, always beckoning you to come back–even when you have abandoned Him. - In Joel, He is your refuge, keeping you safe in times of trouble. - In Amos, He is the husbandman, the one you can depend on to stay by your side. - In Obadiah, He is Lord of the Kingdom. - In Jonah, He is your salvation, bringing you back within His will. - In Micah, He is judge of the nation. - In Nahum, He is the jealous God. - In Habakkuk, He is the Holy One. - In Zephaniah, He is the witness. - In Haggai, He overthrows the enemies. - In Zechariah, He is Lord of Hosts. - In Malachi, He is the messenger of the covenant. In the New Testament: - In Matthew, He is king of the Jews. - In Mark, He is the servant. - In Luke, He is the Son of Man, feeling what you feel. - In John, He is the Son of God. - In Acts, He is Savior of the world. - In Romans, He is the righteousness of God. - In I Corinthians, He is the rock that followed Israel. - In II Corinthians, He the triumphant one, giving victory. - In Galatians, He is your liberty; He sets you free. - In Ephesians, He is head of the Church. - In Philippians, He is your joy. - In Colossians, He is your completeness. - In I Thessalonians, He is your hope. - In II Thessalonians, He is your glory. - In I Timothy, He is your faith. - In II Timothy, He is your stability. - In Titus He is your reason for serving. - In Philemon, He is your benefactor. - In Hebrews, He is your perfection. - In James, He is the power behind your faith. - In I Peter, He is your example. - In II Peter, He is your purity. - In I John, He is your life. - In II John, He is your pattern. - In III John, He is your motivation. - In Jude, He is the foundation of your faith. - In Revelation, He is your coming King. |
God did not "create" sin. if you claim that God did not create sin...then you must also believe that God is not the creator or everything this goes against basic Christian belief can you name other things that you claim that God did not create? |
God did not "create" sin. if you claim that God did not create sin...then you must also believe that God is not the creator or everything this goes against basic Christian belief can you name other things that you claim that God did not create? Sin is not an object, it is not an emotion, it is not something created other then by the person doing the action. "Sin" is disobedience to God. It is going against his will and what he wants. Again, yes he created sin in the long run by having a will and giving the people free will to choose to obey or not obey. He created the possibility of sin, again not sin itself for sin is going against his will. |
Sin is not an object, doesn't matter what sin is ...the point is that it's impossible for it or anything to exist unless God first creates it Cowboy...the only way you can prove your point is to admit that you believe that God is not the creator of everything |