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Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus
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Sat 07/16/11 09:12 AM

In Hebrew, the word "God" (Elohim) is plural. So every type you typed "God", Genesis was talking about the trinity.

"Elohim" was the same as "Nephilim" and the same as "Man"

each referred to identify a specific race of beings

but anyway...if you claim that Genesis was referring to a Trinity...then you have to point out the passage that clearly states this or that which makes some form of reference to three GodHeads

if you can't then you are just making up stuff

2smileloudly's photo
Sat 07/16/11 09:12 AM

Is Jesus God ..

this question seem to be the reason why Christians have split into so many different denominations but it's probably one of the most easiest answers to figure out by simply taking the time to go to "Genesis "In The Beginning"

this is the quest to find exactly where in the bible and which passage that Jesus clearly indisputably makes his first biblical debut ....is it in The Old Testament or only in The New Testament proving once and for all that he isn't God

Because Jesus wasn't "created". Jesus always has been. Genesis is the knowledge of the creation of everything, but again, Jesus wasn't "created" in the time of creation for he always has been.

John 1:1

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

So, no Jesus wouldn't be in Genesis in the creation of everything. Jesus wasn't "created". He was with God our father in the beginning. As we can see in the next verse, Jesus is mentioned in Genesis though. Not the creation of Jesus, cause again he wasn't "created", but nevertheless he is referred to in Genesis fairly early on.

Genesis 3:21

21Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

My head spins at the illogic of the Jesus myth and how believers just fill in the blanks with what they imagine to be true ...bingo, here we go again... imaginary, made up...

"Jesus wasn't "created". He was with God our father in the beginning." I thought God came down to earth and insemminated Mary, giving birth to Jesus... then Jesus died for 3 days.... a monotheistic religion...so I guess the universe had no God for 3 days... but them Jesus floated up to heaven, to sit with God and judge us, answer prayers etc.... (this makes no sense) Oh< I forgot the one ingredient that makes all of this "real"...FAITH !!!!!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 07/16/11 09:13 AM
actually eric clapton is god.....
is that in genesis

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 09:16 AM

In Hebrew, the word "God" (Elohim) is plural. So every type you typed "God", Genesis was talking about the trinity.

"Elohim" was the same as "Nephilim" and the same as "Man"

each referred to identify a specific race of beings

but anyway...if you claim that Genesis was referring to a Trinity...then you have to point out the passage that clearly states this or that which makes some form of reference to three GodHeads

if you can't then you are just making up stuff

Isaiah 44:6
"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me."

Two separate beings speaking as one. This is the father and the son.

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Sat 07/16/11 09:29 AM

Is Jesus God ..

this question seem to be the reason why Christians have split into so many different denominations but it's probably one of the most easiest answers to figure out by simply taking the time to go to "Genesis "In The Beginning"

this is the quest to find exactly where in the bible and which passage that Jesus clearly indisputably makes his first biblical debut ....is it in The Old Testament or only in The New Testament proving once and for all that he isn't God

Because Jesus wasn't "created". Jesus always has been. Genesis is the knowledge of the creation of everything, but again, Jesus wasn't "created" in the time of creation for he always has been.

Cowboy 3 ....didn't "Cowboy 1" recently get into a debate with "MorningSong" in which "Cowboy 2 and Cowboy 1" were trying to claim that Jesus was a creation....when are you ever going to learn that I always remember everything that you 3 Cowboys posts and when you contradict each other

John 1:1

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

sorry but I've looked countless of times but I can never found anything about "The Word" in "Genesis 1" ...John 1:1 is probably a misprint

but anyway "The Word" could be referring to Faith not Jesus

So, no Jesus wouldn't be in Genesis in the creation of everything. Jesus wasn't "created". He was with God our father in the beginning.

see how you contradict your own statements ...first Cowboy 1 claim that Jesus wouldn't be in Genesis but then Cowboy 2 claim but he was with God in the beginning.....so now I have to ask " Cowboy 3"...isn't the beginning Genesis?

As we can see in the next verse, Jesus is mentioned in Genesis though. Not the creation of Jesus, cause again he wasn't "created", but nevertheless he is referred to in Genesis fairly early on.

what you talking about Willis?


Genesis 3:21

21Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

dude we haven't made it there yet ...be patient my son

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 09:41 AM
Edited by funches on Sat 07/16/11 09:43 AM

In Hebrew, the word "God" (Elohim) is plural. So every type you typed "God", Genesis was talking about the trinity.

"Elohim" was the same as "Nephilim" and the same as "Man"

each referred to identify a specific race of beings

but anyway...if you claim that Genesis was referring to a Trinity...then you have to point out the passage that clearly states this or that which makes some form of reference to three GodHeads

if you can't then you are just making up stuff

Isaiah 44:6
"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me."

Two separate beings speaking as one. This is the father and the son.

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 09:56 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 10:39 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 10:44 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus


This is boring. You think you are being clever, but you are simply boring the hell out of me.

donthatoneguy's photo
Sat 07/16/11 10:46 AM

actually eric clapton is god.....
is that in genesis

No but Phil Collins was! \m/ hehehehe

RKISIT's photo
Sat 07/16/11 10:47 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus


This is boring. You think you are being clever, but you are simply boring the hell out of me.
what you couldn't find it in wiki or google?laugh drinker

donthatoneguy's photo
Sat 07/16/11 10:50 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus


This is boring. You think you are being clever, but you are simply boring the hell out of me.
what you couldn't find it in wiki or google?laugh drinker

Apparently. When Spider can't answer a question, he "gets bored" or starts arguing semantics because wiki doesn't go in-depth.

no photo
Sat 07/16/11 10:59 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus


This is boring. You think you are being clever, but you are simply boring the hell out of me.
what you couldn't find it in wiki or google?laugh drinker

No, I don't need wiki or google. Funches is playing a game, he's not serious. He's a smart guy and he knows that some Christians wouldn't see his game. You see, the Bible is huge. It's full of a lot of information. The trinity isn't explicitly discussed but in a single verse. It's certainly not discussed in depth in the first 2 chapters of this giant book we call the Bible. That's why I'm bored. He plays a game of taking scriptures out of context (the context being the whole bible) in an attempt to trip up Christians.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself, continue to think that I use wiki or google as a source. I'm sure that a person with a superior intellect is quite intimidating to those floating around average. laugh

RKISIT's photo
Sat 07/16/11 11:07 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus


This is boring. You think you are being clever, but you are simply boring the hell out of me.
what you couldn't find it in wiki or google?laugh drinker

No, I don't need wiki or google. Funches is playing a game, he's not serious. He's a smart guy and he knows that some Christians wouldn't see his game. You see, the Bible is huge. It's full of a lot of information. The trinity isn't explicitly discussed but in a single verse. It's certainly not discussed in depth in the first 2 chapters of this giant book we call the Bible. That's why I'm bored. He plays a game of taking scriptures out of context (the context being the whole bible) in an attempt to trip up Christians.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself, continue to think that I use wiki or google as a source. I'm sure that a person with a superior intellect is quite intimidating to those floating around average. laugh
thanks for the superior intellect comment about me,although i think your a little smarter than the the floating around average.drinker

s1owhand's photo
Sat 07/16/11 02:15 PM

Genesis 1
In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth..

Since Jesus is God then here is your reference to Jesus in Genesis.
Doesn't matter what you call God. It's still God.


where in Genesis 1 does it mention your statement "since Jesus is God" ...

next someone probably say "since Satan is God"....or "since Elvis is God" ...

the quest of the thread is to find out which passage in the bible that Jesus clearly and indisputably makes his biblical debut ...not to make up stuff


In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth..

This is the "debut" of God in Genesis yep that would be the first line of the first verse...


no photo
Mon 07/18/11 08:33 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus


This is boring. You think you are being clever, but you are simply boring the hell out of me.

so I guess that's a "NO"...that you can't point out anywhere in those passages anything about Jesus or three God heads

I suppose Truth can be boring ...I could make up stuff that's not in Genesis in an attempt to make it more exciting or to delude myself and others like you are trying to do....but just as Satan... I can only present to you The Truth

no photo
Mon 07/18/11 08:38 AM

Two seperate beings?....aren't there supposed to be three of them ...SpiderCmb .....you are jumping back and forth.....where is there any evidence of the Trinity or three Godheads in the passages that were presented so far

The trinity is three parts, The Father, The Son and they share Holy Spirit. Each of us has our own spirit, but God and Jesus are perfect in that they share the same spirit. Their Spirit is itself it's own person. Marriage itself is a reflection of the trinity. You have the husband and the wife and the bible encourages them to be joined in the same spirit.

Spidercmb...what you are saying is simply not in Genesis ...so far I have present 13 passages from Genesis which constitute 2 days of Creation ....where in those passages and two days of Creation does it states anything about a Trinity or three God heads or Jesus


This is boring. You think you are being clever, but you are simply boring the hell out of me.
what you couldn't find it in wiki or google?laugh drinker

No, I don't need wiki or google. Funches is playing a game, he's not serious. He's a smart guy and he knows that some Christians wouldn't see his game. You see, the Bible is huge. It's full of a lot of information. The trinity isn't explicitly discussed but in a single verse. It's certainly not discussed in depth in the first 2 chapters of this giant book we call the Bible. That's why I'm bored. He plays a game of taking scriptures out of context (the context being the whole bible) in an attempt to trip up Christians.

But if it makes you feel better about yourself, continue to think that I use wiki or google as a source. I'm sure that a person with a superior intellect is quite intimidating to those floating around average. laugh

if it can't be found in wikipedia then they will try to google it, if it can't be found in google then they will go to their favorite Christian Satan Website to find a way to explain it, if the website can not explain it then they blame it on the poster

no photo
Mon 07/18/11 08:46 AM

Genesis 1
In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth..

Since Jesus is God then here is your reference to Jesus in Genesis.
Doesn't matter what you call God. It's still God.


where in Genesis 1 does it mention your statement "since Jesus is God" ...

next someone probably say "since Satan is God"....or "since Elvis is God" ...

the quest of the thread is to find out which passage in the bible that Jesus clearly and indisputably makes his biblical debut ...not to make up stuff


In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth..

This is the "debut" of God in Genesis yep that would be the first line of the first verse...


yep s1owhand.....you finally learned the real first line of the bible....see I told you that John 1:1 was a misprint

I should get paid teaching you guys your religion

no photo
Mon 07/18/11 09:09 AM
things to ponder

in Genesis 1:1, God created the Heavens and The Earth...so wouldn't anything other than the Earth constitute as being the Heavens or in that case Heaven ...

would Man first attempt to go into space or the Heavens be the repeat of the story "The Tower of Babel" and wouldn't "The Mir" be the actual Tower of Babel that suceeded beyond the story in the bible

so therefore wouldn't anything beyond Earth as in Heaven such as God and Angels constitute as being Aliens

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 07/18/11 03:55 PM

Is Jesus God ..

this question seem to be the reason why Christians have split into so many different denominations but it's probably one of the most easiest answers to figure out by simply taking the time to go to "Genesis "In The Beginning"

this is the quest to find exactly where in the bible and which passage that Jesus clearly indisputably makes his first biblical debut ....is it in The Old Testament or only in The New Testament proving once and for all that he isn't God

Because Jesus wasn't "created". Jesus always has been. Genesis is the knowledge of the creation of everything, but again, Jesus wasn't "created" in the time of creation for he always has been.

Cowboy 3 ....didn't "Cowboy 1" recently get into a debate with "MorningSong" in which "Cowboy 2 and Cowboy 1" were trying to claim that Jesus was a creation....when are you ever going to learn that I always remember everything that you 3 Cowboys posts and when you contradict each other

John 1:1

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

sorry but I've looked countless of times but I can never found anything about "The Word" in "Genesis 1" ...John 1:1 is probably a misprint

but anyway "The Word" could be referring to Faith not Jesus

So, no Jesus wouldn't be in Genesis in the creation of everything. Jesus wasn't "created". He was with God our father in the beginning.

see how you contradict your own statements ...first Cowboy 1 claim that Jesus wouldn't be in Genesis but then Cowboy 2 claim but he was with God in the beginning.....so now I have to ask " Cowboy 3"...isn't the beginning Genesis?

As we can see in the next verse, Jesus is mentioned in Genesis though. Not the creation of Jesus, cause again he wasn't "created", but nevertheless he is referred to in Genesis fairly early on.

what you talking about Willis?


Genesis 3:21

21Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

dude we haven't made it there yet ...be patient my son

Cowboy 3 ....didn't "Cowboy 1" recently get into a debate with "MorningSong" in which "Cowboy 2 and Cowboy 1" were trying to claim that Jesus was a creation....when are you ever going to learn that I always remember everything that you 3 Cowboys posts and when you contradict each other

I understand why you don't grasp the bible now. You get confused with your own prejudice thoughts on things when reading something. I would like for you to pay real real close attention to the following statement which was what you were responding to with the quoted statement.

"Jesus wasn't "created" in the time of creation for he always has been."

Jesus has always been. Jesus was NOT created in the creation of the world which is what Genesis is. God nor Jesus was created in or before Genesis, they have always been. The word was with God in the beginning. The word was made flesh eg., Jesus. Yes, I do realize I had stated that Jesus was "created" in previous discussions. I admitted to my fault. Unlike you, I learn. I'm not hard headed nor am I prideful thinking I know it all. So yes, let it be clear. Jesus the word in flesh has always been, he was not "created". He was with God in the beginning. So now can we move on to a "discussion" rather then the bickering and arguing you like to do please?

sorry but I've looked countless of times but I can never found anything about "The Word" in "Genesis 1" ...John 1:1 is probably a misprint

but anyway "The Word" could be referring to Faith not Jesus

Might wanna look again with open eyes and not a closed mind. No the specific wording "the word" is not in Genesis. But Jesus is.
Genesis 18

1And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
John 1:14

14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

The flesh that was made from the word is Jesus Christ if you care to continue reading. Jesus is our lord. So therefore in Genesis 18:1 Jesus is mentioned, Jesus the word in flesh, the only begotten child of our father, our lord.

see how you contradict your own statements ...first Cowboy 1 claim that Jesus wouldn't be in Genesis but then Cowboy 2 claim but he was with God in the beginning.....so now I have to ask " Cowboy 3"...isn't the beginning Genesis?

No, again you twist my words. Jesus isn't in the CREATION in Genesis. Jesus is in Genesis as previously mentioned.

dude we haven't made it there yet ...be patient my son

??? We aren't there? Were we not talking about Genesis? Were we not talking about the creation? The entire book of Genesis is knowledge of our creation.

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