Topic: Nice Guys
c91827's photo
Sat 07/02/11 09:41 PM
I'm not saying that ever jerk is getting action but you tell me who gets more women the idiots from the Jersey Shore or Jared from subway?

no photo
Sat 07/02/11 10:45 PM

The nice guys are not getting laid. If they are so interesting why don't you explain it for us.

Well, I can give you some examples IRL. My ex is a pretty nice guy and he's pretty popular because he respects women and doesn't expect them to serve him.

My son is 30 and lives with his longtime gf. They both work; he's a welder and she's a student nurse. He has changed diapers and fed the babies from day one; he knows how to clean up after himself, he's a pretty fair cook and can even sew on a button or two when needed. His momma taught him to be self-sufficient. And since they have two kids, I imagine he's gotten laid at one time or another.

I think nice guys are interesting. I don't want someone who lives off of me, cheats on me, lays his hands on me or treats me like dirt. What self-respecting woman would? Actually, I was married to one of those when I was younger and I gave him the boot. Good riddance.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 07/02/11 10:50 PM

There are all types of dating sites online

for the elite, for the rich, for interracial, for booty calls, for asians, for latinas, for phillipine, for over forty, for college students,,,etc,,,

where is the dating site for 'nice guys'? Im working on it as we speak, I never imagined it would be so hard to find even one....

until then,, NICE GUYS,, where are you at? Post your story and be counted......

They don't exist aside from to manipulate the system in their favor and eventually disappoint you with their lack of manliness.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/02/11 11:09 PM

The nice guys are not getting laid. If they are so interesting why don't you explain it for us.

well, perhaps its something to do with having a goal of 'getting laid'

c91827's photo
Sat 07/02/11 11:37 PM

It comes down to this. You always hear women talking about how they need to meet a nice guy when in fact the world is full of them.

In this forum alone all the girls are saying how they love nice guys while all the guys are saying hey I'm a nice guy.

Women don't want a nice guy. They want a guy that will put up with there sh*it. To listen to them go on about nothing. We are expected to jump through hoops. You take a good man as a right until he either decides you are not worth the effort and becomes a jerk or you cheat on him with a jerk because he offers you something different.

msharmony's photo
Sat 07/02/11 11:54 PM
in three pages, I only noticed MAYBE two or three posts with any guy claiming to be 'nice'

I am aware nice guys are out there, or I would not have asked that they come forward in this thread

its disturbing to see how few of the posts are actually 'nice' guys posting as opposed to people posting about how they are no 'nice' guys or how women are responsible

no photo
Sun 07/03/11 12:13 AM
Let's see:

Two of the guys who said they're nice are 30, the age of my son.
One is 20.
The last one is taken.

So far I've met two nice guys from my state that live within a reasonable distance and I'm chatting with them both. I plan to meet them both in the future. Right now, I'm just looking for friends to hang out with, as I stated in my profile.

I hope more nice guys will post here.

Chazster's photo
Sun 07/03/11 12:30 AM
I would think I was a nice guy. I mean how many guys would turn down sex from their ex just because they like a girl who they are not even dating yet but thinks he would be betraying her if he slept with his ex. Hmmm. Sounds like a nice guy to me XD.

c91827's photo
Sun 07/03/11 12:31 AM
There he is ladies now go get him!!!!!

Chazster's photo
Sun 07/03/11 12:33 AM
Edited by Chazster on Sun 07/03/11 12:34 AM

There he is ladies now go get him!!!!!

I have a gf. lol That was a past event I was referring to and fyi I didn't get that girl that I didn't sleep with my ex for.

actionlynx's photo
Sun 07/03/11 01:14 AM
My response to this topic is already posted in another thread. :tongue:

no photo
Sun 07/03/11 05:02 AM
I am not a nice guy.

I am honourable, but that doesn't make me nice.

I don't play nice laugh

burgundybry's photo
Sun 07/03/11 06:24 AM
Edited by burgundybry on Sun 07/03/11 06:24 AM

watch from the 1:40 mark until about 2:10

thats the problem, :wink: laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 07/03/11 06:48 AM
This is a reminder the forum threads are for question and answers it is not to direct your response towards other members and these forums are Rated PG.

I have at this time deleted several post. Please make sure that your post are within the Topic. Always be considerate to other members these forums are for all to enjoy and at no time to be used to degrade others..

Site Mod

navygirl's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:02 AM
Edited by navygirl on Sun 07/03/11 08:08 AM

There are more nice guys out there than jerks the problem is you are not noticing them because they are boring. Instead you want an interesting guy with an edge that can keep you stimulated.

This nice guy thing is no more than a phase that will pass. Even if you do decide to give a nice guy a chance you will end up bored and leave him for a guy like me who will make you get your own towel to wipe off your stomach.

So you're basically saying that the jerks are the interesting guys? I don't agree with that.

Yeah, I think that statement is silly too. If a guy is overly nice; he can be a doormat, if he is a jerk; no intelligent woman wants that extreme either. Guys need to find that balance and of course that depends on the woman they date. I dated a nice guy and yes he was whiny, insecure, jealous, smothering, and this drove me crazy. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing for me. I am extremely independent and I personally can't stand a guy that is attached to my hip which is usually a "nice" guy. When I believed in dating, I just wanted a guy to treat me with respect without having to kiss my butt to proclaim he is a nice guy. JMO

Totage's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:03 AM
"I thought you were a nice guy."

"I am a nice guy, just a different kind of nice guy."

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:07 AM
A lot of nice guys/gals get treated badly and become jaded. This makes those people not want to be nice anymore if all that awaits them is scorn and heartache. Jmo.

prashant01's photo
Sun 07/03/11 08:09 AM

where is the dating site for 'nice guys'? Im working on it as we speak, I never imagined it would be so hard to find even one....

kakhet kalasa aani gavala valasa

no photo
Sun 07/03/11 11:19 AM
Edited by Up2Us on Sun 07/03/11 11:28 AM
Well, I'm a nice guy: (My story)

I wanted to meet this one nice young lady from Vegas.
She use to be a singer & in a group.
Was married at one time, but it didn't work out.
He developed issues later in their relationship, and they separated.
She's highly intelligent, which I really find attractive.
She is also gorgeous..... :smile:
I would wait a life time for her.
I would honor her, be naturally caring,
patient, and give my heart freely & openly.
She just isn't interested in me. :cry:

no photo
Sun 07/03/11 11:53 AM

There are all types of dating sites online

for the elite, for the rich, for interracial, for booty calls, for asians, for latinas, for phillipine, for over forty, for college students,,,etc,,,

where is the dating site for 'nice guys'? Im working on it as we speak, I never imagined it would be so hard to find even one....

until then,, NICE GUYS,, where are you at? Post your story and be counted......

There is a perception in many places that "nice guy" equates to "doormat." No one ever admits to looking for a doormat, even when they really are (and lots of them really are). So a site for them might be a bit of a stretch, if no one wants to admit to being one and no one wants to admit to looking for one. It would be like starting a dating site for terrorists.