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Topic: the christian god ... loving or evil ??
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Tue 06/28/11 12:08 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 06/28/11 12:09 PM

It really bothers me than anyone would correlate any of the orgasmic experiences that can follow from spiritual practices as an actual 'state of higher consciousness' or evidence of such. What is the basic purpose of a spiritual practice? What are the qualities that we would correlate with an 'enlightened person' ? If nirvana were real, what would we expect to follow from experiencing or achieving or arriving at nirvana?

Its too easy to induce a variety of extremely pleasurable experiences through meditation, and these experiences do not necessarily broaden a persons perspective, or bring greater compassion for other humans, or reduce our tendency to be reactive to others, or increase our ability to see others points of view, or bring greater peace or love into our lives, or give us a more accurate picture of ourselves, or any of the 'good' things which can come from a spiritual practice.

If we believe these experiences are evidence of a higher state of consciousness, these experiences can bring arrogance, presumption, and can lead someone away from the path of greater self understanding. This situation can lead to people making a game out of their meditation practice, using it as an escape from the pains of experience, a way to get high.

I don't know about nirvana, but i have known quite a few people who believed that this... this all consuming orgasmic pleasure was nirvana... put simply they were not sane. Like many people, they were petty, reactive, frightened...and deluded into thinking they were 'on a different plane' than other people. 'Spiritual practice' induce pleasure experiences are not evidence of any kind of 'higher state' of consciousness - not one of any value.

Not to worry massagetrade. I don't equate orgasm with enlightenment.
And that is certainly not my point.

I don't even know of anyone who does, and I have never been lucky enough to experience orgasm just by meditating.

I require some sort of vibrator or physical stimulation. laugh laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 06/28/11 01:55 PM

Well it started out as sarcasm, but it is actually starting to make sense.

Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, is said to have claimed that she had never "known" a man.

She apparently "knew" God.


Truly. flowers

There are a lot of problems associated with the concept of demigods, which of course is precisely what Jesus would be in these fables.

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 02:13 PM

Well it started out as sarcasm, but it is actually starting to make sense.

Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, is said to have claimed that she had never "known" a man.

She apparently "knew" God.


Truly. flowers

There are a lot of problems associated with the concept of demigods, which of course is precisely what Jesus would be in these fables.

How many years of "bible study" do you have under your belt and you still don't know that Jesus isn't and never was thought of as a Demi-God?

You should look up "hypostatic union", that should clarify things a bit for you.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 06/28/11 02:20 PM
massage trader wrote:

It really bothers me than anyone would correlate any of the orgasmic experiences that can follow from spiritual practices as an actual 'state of higher consciousness' or evidence of such. What is the basic purpose of a spiritual practice? What are the qualities that we would correlate with an 'enlightened person' ? If nirvana were real, what would we expect to follow from experiencing or achieving or arriving at nirvana?

Its too easy to induce a variety of extremely pleasurable experiences through meditation, and these experiences do not necessarily broaden a persons perspective, or bring greater compassion for other humans, or reduce our tendency to be reactive to others, or increase our ability to see others points of view, or bring greater peace or love into our lives, or give us a more accurate picture of ourselves, or any of the 'good' things which can come from a spiritual practice.

If we believe these experiences are evidence of a higher state of consciousness, these experiences can bring arrogance, presumption, and can lead someone away from the path of greater self understanding. This situation can lead to people making a game out of their meditation practice, using it as an escape from the pains of experience, a way to get high.

I don't know about nirvana, but i have known quite a few people who believed that this... this all consuming orgasmic pleasure was nirvana... put simply they were not sane. Like many people, they were petty, reactive, frightened...and deluded into thinking they were 'on a different plane' than other people. 'Spiritual practice' induce pleasure experiences are not evidence of any kind of 'higher state' of consciousness - not one of any value.

I personally feel that all the concerns you've voiced here are highly subjective to your very own perspective of what you consider things like "enlightenment" and "nirvana" to be.

You ask, "If nirvana were real, what would we expect to follow from experiencing or achieving or arriving at nirvana?"

That is an extremely controversial question even among the Eastern Mystics.

Nirvana basically means "To snuff out" like when you put out a candle. It doesn't actually refer to a concept of paradise like the Christian heaven.

With respect to the Eastern philosophies the idea was to escape the cycle of karma, and that would be the concept of "nirvana".

Of course, as I say, that concept itself is highly controversial even among the mystics. Precisely what "nirvana" abstractly represents, and how it should be conceptualized is different between many different forms of even Buddhism.

Mahayana Buddhism tended to be based on an idea of an eternal spiritual existence beyond this world. So from there perspective "nirvana" could be viewed a little bit like the Christian concept of an eternal paradise. Although typically the Buddhists don't believe that anything is static, and therefore no state of being can be eternal because then it would be static. So even after nirvana is reached it is believed that the spirit once again returns to the cycle of reincarnation.

The idea being that an ant was once a human king, and a human king will once again be an ant. It's just a never-ending cycle.

However, the type of Buddhism that would support "orgasmic nirvana" would be more like Tantra Buddhism which has a different view of life altogether actually.

Let's not forget that the foundational principles of all these philosophies is that all these things are truly unknowable, so in the end they must all confess that they are just speculating anyway. laugh

You say: "If we believe these experiences are evidence of a higher state of consciousness, these experiences can bring arrogance, presumption, and can lead someone away from the path of greater self understanding."

How can you say that?

Before you can make such a statement you'd have to claim to know precisely what the "self" is. Otherwise how can you know if something is leading someone "away" from self understanding?

Don't forget, in mysticism the higher state of consciousness is the self. It's not a separate distinct deity.

So people can argue (and have argued) that if orgasmic bliss is one of the 'Greatest Pleasures' we can know, then perhaps it also equates to the closes experience to what our TRUE SELF actually is.

Perhaps, in our truest unadulterated state there is nothing but pure bliss?

Even the Christians hold that there is no greater bliss than to wallow in the love of God.

That's a fairly widely-accepted view right there. And the total opposite of that bliss would be the total separation from God.

In Eastern Mystic circles we are God. So the closer we are to bliss the more in tune we are with are true nature. The less blissful state of mind that we sink too, would represent the least harmony with our true self which is God.

So in a very real sense it's the same view as the Christians. The only real difference is that the Christians have ultimately separated themselves from God and view God as a separate entity, whilst the Eastern Mystics recognize that this is ultimately no possible because to do so would require that we be completely separate entities in our own right then.

In other words, if our consciousness is not "God" then it must be something ELSE. And that would imply that there exist consciousnesses that are not part of the cosmic MIND.

And that would be impossible from the Mystic's point of view.

Jeanniebean wrote:

I have never been lucky enough to experience orgasm just by meditating.

I have. bigsmile flowers

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 02:30 PM
Jeanniebean wrote:

I have never been lucky enough to experience orgasm just by meditating.

Abracadabra said

"I have."

Well your are a man. laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 06/28/11 02:32 PM

Well it started out as sarcasm, but it is actually starting to make sense.

Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, is said to have claimed that she had never "known" a man.

She apparently "knew" God.


Truly. flowers

There are a lot of problems associated with the concept of demigods, which of course is precisely what Jesus would be in these fables.

How many years of "bible study" do you have under your belt and you still don't know that Jesus isn't and never was thought of as a Demi-God?

You should look up "hypostatic union", that should clarify things a bit for you.

Bible study?

What are you calling "bible study"?

If you're talking about Christian propaganda that treats every word of the Bible as though is is some sort of "Gospel Truth" and makes outrageously irrational justifications for it, then no, I wouldn't even waste my time on that kind of "bible study".

And yes, I'm perfectly aware that the Christians are in total denial of the fact that Jesus is a demigod in these fables.

But that doesn't change the fact that this is precisely what he is claimed to be. A child of a human mortal woman who was impregnated by a God.

That's what a demigod is.

Demigod - the offspring of a mortal female that has been impregnated by a God.

This was a very common mythological theme back in those days and Jesus is just one more example of these kinds of superstitions.

Therefore Jesus is a demigod by the very meaning of the term.

Christians refuse to call Jesus a "demigod" because they have an extremely desperate need to make him into something special and different from all the other myths of those ancient times. But in reality it's just the same superstitious myth. There's nothing new there.

Jesus is just another example of a demigod in ancient mythologies.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 06/28/11 02:34 PM

Jeanniebean wrote:

I have never been lucky enough to experience orgasm just by meditating.

Abracadabra said

"I have."

Well your are a man. laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

Well, not only that but I think of God as a woman too. bigsmile

So that helps as well. :wink:

creativesoul's photo
Tue 06/28/11 02:42 PM
Sounds like a porno-spiritual poem in the making...

Better put it in the X-rated forums.

laugh drinker laugh

no photo
Tue 06/28/11 04:17 PM

Jeanniebean wrote:

I have never been lucky enough to experience orgasm just by meditating.

Abracadabra said

"I have."

Well your are a man. laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

Well, not only that but I think of God as a woman too. bigsmile

So that helps as well. :wink:

Oh well, if God is a woman, then no wonder I didn't get turned on.


no photo
Tue 06/28/11 09:46 PM

Not to worry massagetrade. I don't equate orgasm with enlightenment.
And that is certainly not my point.

I don't even know of anyone who does, and I have never been lucky enough to experience orgasm just by meditating.

Yes, I was spring boarding off your words onto another tangent, a pet peeve of mine. And sadly, I have known deluded people who equate such experiences with enlightenment.

no photo
Wed 06/29/11 08:57 AM

Not to worry massagetrade. I don't equate orgasm with enlightenment.
And that is certainly not my point.

I don't even know of anyone who does, and I have never been lucky enough to experience orgasm just by meditating.

Yes, I was spring boarding off your words onto another tangent, a pet peeve of mine. And sadly, I have known deluded people who equate such experiences with enlightenment.

I think it is because for some people, an orgasm is the closest thing to heaven they can imagine or experience.laugh

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