Topic: the christian god ... loving or evil ??
msharmony's photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:54 PM

a fair question....
the christian god.... is he a loving god or the creator of evil ??

the greatest lie ever told
root of humanities issues
the cause of judgment
the cause of separation
the cause for hatred
justification of murder...

the list goes on and on and on....

Evil is not a term I generally use,
however given the 2 choices I'll
have to go with evil!

is it a JUDGEMENT that something is the 'cause of judgment'?

how ironically circular a statement,,,lol

creativesoul's photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:56 PM
it is a slight difference between knowing a person and knowing a place or thing

people are much more complex, I would imagine, so we can know them in a particular moment and circumstance and still not truly KNOW THEM...

Does knowing their character constitute knowing them?

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:57 PM

a fair question....
the christian god.... is he a loving god or the creator of evil ??

the greatest lie ever told
root of humanities issues
the cause of judgment
the cause of separation
the cause for hatred
justification of murder...

the list goes on and on and on....

Evil is not a term I generally use,
however given the 2 choices I'll
have to go with evil!

is it a JUDGEMENT that something is the 'cause of judgment'?

how ironically circular a statement,,,lol

only in your mind!
I'm off to the beach,
had enough mingle lies
for the day.

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 01:00 PM
The beach?? I'm so jealous.sad It is so hot here in Colorado today.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 06/26/11 01:03 PM

The beach?? I'm so jealous.sad It is so hot here in Colorado today.

gorgeous here...kite festival at the beach
tons of tourists
were even, I'm jealous Adrian loves you and not me

laugh flowerforyou

jrbogie's photo
Sun 06/26/11 02:23 PM

Well, what if God is my pal?

ah, what if? but i don't do hypothetical discussions. convince me that god is your pal and we won't have to deal in the hypothetical.

jrbogie's photo
Sun 06/26/11 02:37 PM

I guess that I find it a rather odd to talk. To say that in order for X to be knowable, X must be met in person, or directly experienced does not seem right. I mean, I know Washington DC is the capital of the USA, and yet I've never met Washington DC, neither have I experienced it directly, nor do I need to in order to know that.

I mean, simply put...

Knowable means able to be known.

you still miss the point. nobody is saying britney or d.c. is unknowable. they are indeed knowable and one must merely experience either to know that they exist. until that happens, all that you really know is that you've read or heard or seen through photos and film that say or show that they exist. that's different than knowing that they exist. we all just knew that millie vanillie, or whoever, could sing great and then they got up on stage and lip synced a song over nationwide television. how many people have actually heard the group sing in person. do you really know that they can sing??? even if you've not experienced people will accept that you know of them based on what you've learned about them but you still do not know without the experience. both britney and d.c. are able to be known as you put it, god is not. all you can know as regards god is that you've read testimony and scripture written by others. nobody has actually experienced god, at least i'm not convinced, and i don't think god can be experienced with the human mind so god is unknowable with the human mind.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 06/26/11 03:21 PM

...we all just knew that millie vanillie, or whoever, could sing great and then they got up on stage and lip synced a song over nationwide television.

No, we did not know that Milli Vanilli could sing great. That was not the case. We thought/believed that. Thought/belief is insufficient for knowledge. Knowledge must be true.

both britney and d.c. are able to be known as you put it, god is not. all you can know as regards god is that you've read testimony and scripture written by others. nobody has actually experienced god, at least i'm not convinced, and i don't think god can be experienced with the human mind so god is unknowable with the human mind.


you still miss the point. nobody is saying britney or d.c. is unknowable. they are indeed knowable and one must merely experience either to know that they exist. until that happens, all that you really know is that you've read or heard or seen through photos and film that say or show that they exist. that's different than knowing that they exist.

I got the point... and have even laid it out for us to look at, several times over. I think that we agree here in some sense Bogie, and the disagreement is a matter of poor language use. I'm not arguing about God's existence. I'm attepting to clear up an epistemological error...

Earlier someone claimed that God is unknowable. That particular claim perked my interest because if it is true, then we cannot know anything about God. If we cannot know anything about God, then the Christian doctrine(and all others for that matter) fail. So, it would make little sense for someone to hold a position that God is unknowable, and still think/believe that the Bible tells us anything about God. But... the claimant later asserted that we could know God's attributes. That claim clearly conflicts with the "unknowable" claim. For if God is unknowable, then God's attributes/character cannot be known.

Now, you're claiming that knowing things about X does not equate to knowing X. I would disagree in general. Knowing things about X is to know X in some way or another, and that does not require direct experience with X. It seems to me that according to your position, in order to know X, one must know X on a personal basis through direct experience.

What I am saying, and it seems that we agree on this point, is that one cannot possibly know something about X if X is unknowable.

To your point...

Does direct personal experience with X equate to knowing X?

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 04:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 06/26/11 04:45 PM
Earlier someone claimed that God is unknowable. That particular claim perked my interest because if it is true, then we cannot know anything about God. If we cannot know anything about God, then the Christian doctrine(and all others for that matter) fail. So, it would make little sense for someone to hold a position that God is unknowable, and still think/believe that the Bible tells us anything about God. But... the claimant later asserted that we could know God's attributes. That claim clearly conflicts with the "unknowable" claim. For if God is unknowable, then God's attributes/character cannot be known.

I concur. To say that God is unknowable defeats the whole idea of religion. Even if a person believes they have had a personal experience with or of "God" how can they be sure it was actually God?

Has "God" been defined?

All we can know is what other people think they know about God.

"Come to my Church and meet Jesus."

"Really? Jesus goes to your church? That's impressive. Do you supposed I might get a picture and an autograph? Wait! Let me go get my camera!!"

creativesoul's photo
Sun 06/26/11 04:49 PM
I see where you're coming from Jb, but the sarcasm does not go over well with people who've invested all of their self-worth in their religious beliefs.

Know whatta mean?

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 05:28 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 06/26/11 05:31 PM

I see where you're coming from Jb, but the sarcasm does not go over well with people who've invested all of their self-worth in their religious beliefs.

Know whatta mean?

True, but that is what I feel like saying to people who ask me to come to THEIR CHURCH and "meet Jesus" as if he was there. I'm sorry, that's just my gut reaction. I've never really said that to anyone.

That I can remember... I'm getting pretty old and forgetful though.huh

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 05:48 PM

Nite spider.


I haven't forgotten about you, I have been busy. I think I have the gear shifting problem licked in my boat and now I'm going to see Bad Teacher with a friend. I'll reply to the post later in the week, if you still want an answer.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 06/26/11 06:37 PM
No worries Spider... at your liesure.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:10 AM

What I am saying, and it seems that we agree on this point, is that one cannot possibly know something about X if X is unknowable.

To your point...

Does direct personal experience with X equate to knowing X?

yes. personal experience is all we can know absolutely. everything is unknown. god has not been experienced by anybody nor do i think such and experience possible so god is unknown and unknowable.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 06/27/11 08:41 AM

What I am saying, and it seems that we agree on this point, is that one cannot possibly know something about X if X is unknowable.

To your point...

Does direct personal experience with X equate to knowing X?

yes. personal experience is all we can know absolutely. everything is unknown. god has not been experienced by anybody nor do i think such and experience possible so god is unknown and unknowable.

The walk with God is a personal walk, he is right there next to you if you invite him to come a long with you. If you seek the knowledge you wish to have, you will receive it. Everything is knowable.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:13 AM
I don't know bogie. It seems to me that if direct personal experience of X equaled knowing X, then we - as humans I mean - could not be wrong about anything we've experienced. We know that that is not the case.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:21 AM
More to the OP's question...

the christian god.... is he a loving god or the creator of evil ??

Why can't it be both?

RKISIT's photo
Mon 06/27/11 09:59 AM
god was a procrastinator too i might add he told everyone in the eastern hemisphere he was the almighty and obey or be punished,but he forgot to do this in the western hemisphere...oh wait what was i thinking i forgot this happened when the earth was flat,my bad,so he told people on the top portion of earth he was the almighty but didn't worry about the people underneath the flat "Planet"?

no photo
Mon 06/27/11 01:29 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/27/11 01:33 PM
A friend of mine, who is a pastor, sent me a link to a book that asks the question about God not being a moral monster.

I sent him a reply, that I did not believe God was a "moral monster" because I consider the Bible to be a work of Fiction.

He hasn't responded to me yet.

I can't wait. tongue2

I don't intend to read the book.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 06/27/11 01:36 PM

I don't know bogie. It seems to me that if direct personal experience of X equaled knowing X, then we - as humans I mean - could not be wrong about anything we've experienced. We know that that is not the case.

not sure what you mean by being "wrong about anything we've experienced." wrong in what way??? what we experience is what we experience. if you mean that we interpret our experiences wrongly then an interpretation of what we experienced is not the absolute knowledge i'm referring to. hundreds of years ago folks would watch sailors dissapear over the horizon never to return. we interpreted our experience of watching a ship dissapear as it falling off the edge of the earth so we knew back then that the earth was flat. so in that case those folks on the beach were wrong in their interpretation of what they experienced. the ship did not fall off of a flat earth yet they did experience the ship dissapearing over the horizon. that the ship dissapeared over the horizon is all that they actually knew.