Topic: the christian god ... loving or evil ??
msharmony's photo
Sat 06/25/11 09:56 AM

See that? You're doing it again...

I don't consider "knowing about" something to be the same as "knowing" something.

Can we know something about X and X be unknowable?


I know about Britney Spears, but I dont KNOW Britney Spears
I know about Columbus, but I dont KNOW Columbus

I think you can read and hear information about a person but still not KNOW the person

ah, but what do you really KNOW about britney and chris? i'm sure you've had the experience to read about them or seen movies and shows about them so obviously you know what you've seen, read and heard. but that's all you really know is it not? i KNEW for certain that columbus discovered america in my early school years because if i KNEW anything different i would not have got that "a" in history. learned later that no, leif erickson and others where here before. so what do you actually know about chris and britney to be absolutely certain?

lol, thats the point,,,,I dont 'know' them, but I know of them.

jrbogie's photo
Sat 06/25/11 10:01 AM
lol. ok you win, because you stay nice but i think you don't know of them you've only read and heard of them. what you actually know is what you've heard and read. take that. lol.

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/25/11 10:03 AM
laugh laugh

creativesoul's photo
Sat 06/25/11 11:19 AM
Is Britney Spears unknowable?

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/25/11 11:25 AM

Is Britney Spears unknowable?

nope, not for everyone, but for most,,,,the opportunity to get to know her probably wont arise,,,

creativesoul's photo
Sat 06/25/11 11:31 AM
The we, meaning you and I, agree. God is knowable according to the Christian doctrine.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 06/25/11 11:48 AM
The odd thing here is how we are talking about X.

Britney Spears is a celebrity in American culture. We know that. She is a female of the human species. We know that. She was/is an entertainer. We know that. Given all of this, we know things about Britney Spears. It is because of the fact that we can know things about her, that it makes no sense to say that she is unknowable.

The same holds true for anything that X represents... including God.

If we can know anything about God, then God is knowable. God cannot be both, knowable and unknowable, at the same time.

no photo
Sat 06/25/11 03:26 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 06/25/11 03:27 PM

That would depend on how you define "know."

In the Bible the word is used to mean "known sexually."

If a woman is a virgin she is said to have never "known" a man.

Okay, this is a joke:

If I do ever see "Jesus" and I'm suppose to get to "know" him....

well you fill in the blanks.bigsmile

Kleisto's photo
Sat 06/25/11 03:44 PM


That would depend on how you define "know."

In the Bible the word is used to mean "known sexually."

If a woman is a virgin she is said to have never "known" a man.

Okay, this is a joke:

If I do ever see "Jesus" and I'm suppose to get to "know" him....

well you fill in the blanks.bigsmile

lol Jeannie I'm shocked at you! laugh :wink:

creativesoul's photo
Sat 06/25/11 04:39 PM



Very clever.

jrbogie's photo
Sun 06/26/11 04:13 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Sun 06/26/11 04:37 AM

Is Britney Spears unknowable?

nothing that can be experienced is unknowable.

jrbogie's photo
Sun 06/26/11 04:20 AM

The we, meaning you and I, agree. God is knowable according to the Christian doctrine.

actually god is much less knowable than even britney. as msharmoney said, britney is unknowable to all but a few. those few have had the experience of meeting her. but who has met god??? christian doctrine, something you learned, something written by humans, is no different than hollywood doctrine which can be found in the writings of people magazine, rolling stone, the celebrity gossip colums, etc.

jrbogie's photo
Sun 06/26/11 04:31 AM
Edited by jrbogie on Sun 06/26/11 04:35 AM

The odd thing here is how we are talking about X.

Britney Spears is a celebrity in American culture. We know that. She is a female of the human species. We know that. She was/is an entertainer. We know that. Given all of this, we know things about Britney Spears. It is because of the fact that we can know things about her, that it makes no sense to say that she is unknowable.

you perhaps have had the experience to have read or heard of britney so you can KNOW what you've read or heard but you still do not know britney unless you've had the experience of meeting her. does that make her unknowable? of course not but it does mean that you actually don't KNOW anything about britney. all you really know is what you've read and heard about her.

god on the other hand is unknowable at least in a functioning human mind. perhaps you may think that you have experienced god or that others have experienced god but you'd be hard pressed to convince me. but were you able to convince me then i'd agree that god is knowable. but until you can do that i see religions stating that we will finally know god to be true after we die when we'll need salvation. but after we die we no longer possess a funtioning human mind so as long as we live, god remains unknowable as any afterlife is likewise unknowable. you can read about it, hear about it, even watch videos and tv programs about it, but you cannot actually know about god as the few who call britney "pal" know about her.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 06/26/11 05:46 AM
Well, what if God is my pal?

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:33 PM

Well, what if God is my pal?

I believe in the reality of human imagination as a valid "experience" of human existence.

Therefore, if you imagine that God is your pal and you believe in this imagination, then that is indeed part of your reality.

In that sense your "relationship" with your God is as real as your imagination (which I have already acknowledged to be part of the reality of your human experience)

So if you imagine that God is your pal. I accept that this is your reality.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:42 PM
I guess that I find it a rather odd to talk. To say that in order for X to be knowable, X must be met in person, or directly experienced does not seem right. I mean, I know Washington DC is the capital of the USA, and yet I've never met Washington DC, neither have I experienced it directly, nor do I need to in order to know that.

I mean, simply put...

Knowable means able to be known.

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:44 PM

I guess that I find it a rather odd to talk. To say that in order for X to be knowable, X must be met in person, or directly experienced does not seem right. I mean, I know Washington DC is the capital of the USA, and yet I've never met Washington DC, neither have I experienced it directly, nor do I need to in order to know that.

I mean, simply put...

Knowable means able to be known.

it is a slight difference between knowing a person and knowing a place or thing

people are much more complex, I would imagine, so we can know them in a particular moment and circumstance and still not truly KNOW THEM...

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:46 PM

I guess that I find it a rather odd to talk. To say that in order for X to be knowable, X must be met in person, or directly experienced does not seem right. I mean, I know Washington DC is the capital of the USA, and yet I've never met Washington DC, neither have I experienced it directly, nor do I need to in order to know that.

I mean, simply put...

Knowable means able to be known.

I am unknowable because I am celibate.bigsmile

No way Jose'laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:49 PM

a fair question....
the christian god.... is he a loving god or the creator of evil ??

the greatest lie ever told
root of humanities issues
the cause of judgment
the cause of separation
the cause for hatred
justification of murder...

the list goes on and on and on....

Evil is not a term I generally use,
however given the 2 choices I'll
have to go with evil!

no photo
Sun 06/26/11 12:52 PM


That would depend on how you define "know."

In the Bible the word is used to mean "known sexually."

If a woman is a virgin she is said to have never "known" a man.

Okay, this is a joke:

If I do ever see "Jesus" and I'm suppose to get to "know" him....

well you fill in the blanks.bigsmile

lol Jeannie I'm shocked at you! laugh :wink:

why are you shocked. is it because she is being sacrilegious (be honest)