Topic: Atheist have no chance | |
Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do. So, they should preach to everyone, eh? I don't preach to everyone. That would get annoying. Not only for them but for me. Mostly I have people ask me if I am a Christian. I honestly don't know why but it happens a ton. But I will say this, I get along with people who are on spiritual paths. You don't have to walk hand in hand when you are spiritual cause a lot of times your spirits and souls do the talking. I have close friends up here where we don't talk the Christian talk at all but we know where our paths are. A lot of times you don't see deeply spiritual people fight as much as those pounding their hands and head against the wall to get across their point. There's no need to is there? And yet, there are wars fought because of religion. Yep, religion is quite different from spiritual. |
Edited by
Thu 06/16/11 07:51 PM
oh by the way just in case i'll let yall know,when a woman is yelling "OH MY GOD" in bed with me i do forgive her
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oh by the way just in case i let yall know,when a woman is yelling "OH MY GOD" in bed with me i do forgive her ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I want to add, it seems rather juvenile and unchristlike for anyone to email someone that they are a demon,,thats not really acceptible in my opinion likewise, its probably not very 'christian' to be dating just for the hell of it, so many christians probably are hoping for a long term relationship, in which it would be important to share a similar path and values Yep, kinda makes it tough to pray with one praying to God and the other praying to the great space of nothingness. |
another question might be WHY would someone with an absolute belief there is NO GOD, want to date someone who , for instance, believes christ died on the cross and the bible is the word of God? I wonder if this wouldnt be such a question to ponder if there were other criteria like 'Im a drinker and when I mention this to health nuts they for some reason arent interested in me' or 'I think parents are useless, and when I Mention this to people who love their parents,, they for some reason arent interested' its hard to ask person 2 to feel 'compatible' with person 1 who is going to deny the relevance or logic of person 2's deepest held beliefs and values,,, Good questions, MsH. I dated many Christian women. Some take their faith to the fullest extent, and they don't put out, no matter how good looking they are. But some very very relgious Catholic women put out, in fact, they were going through a "rebellious" phase in life, which came out as promiscuity and spending oodles of their money, but they never lost their strong, very basic and deep-seated and also penetrating faith. One even used a condom, one Catholic. So... why would I or wouldn't I date a christian? It's a balance of things. Some things make me want to date a woman, and some don't; if the sum total of these vectors are positive, in the direction of wanting to date her, then I want to date her, otherwise no. For instance, I dated a woman who was a drunkard, a valium addict, and a physician, a very old and used up body, but a brilliant mind and the kindest of demeanours. I dated her, was very happy with her. I dated a Finnish cleaning lady. She had no language skills to speak of, she was poor and uneducated, and she was totally gorgeous and fantastic in bed, with a well-toned, sexy body. Her son and I got along great, he was a math genius in highschool. I was happy with her. You start to see the picture. If the woman is smarter than unkind, better looking than a poor student, and is Christian, I still want to date her if we can have good conversations. If the woman is christian, and it stops her short of going to bed with me, and says it will never happen, I don't wish to be dating her. Christianity in a woman alone is not a deciding factor by itself, unless the extremety of her Christianness makes important parts of the dating unattainable by reasonable measures. Right now I share an apartment with a black man from ethiopia, who is Coptic Christian, he's 28, and a real, proper gentlemen. I consider him my best friend at this point in my life. And his devout christianity and my conviction to atheism bothers neither of us, and we don't try to convert the other, either. It is a true, human friendship, not based on ideology but on proximity of values and ability to express ourselves, and readiness to truly understand the other when we discuss anything from politics to philosophy to anthropology to the human condition, whether it be on a personal, experiential level, or otherwise. I am very happy to be living with him. I am not gay; I have no knowledge of his being gay. He is very-very relgious. |
oh by the way just in case i'll let yall know,when a woman is yelling "OH MY GOD" in bed with me i do forgive her ![]() As well you should you bad boy. |
I scream my own name.
I scream my own name. Loud and proud right? I usually get told "shut up your no God". keeps me humble |
A belief in a god can't be proven wrong, no way. A beleif in no god also can't be proven wrong, no way. But the Bible and its definition of God as a Christian god can very easily be proven to be riddled with gaping logical impossibilities, which necesseraly render the bible not to be believed. But please don't lose heart, Christians; all scriptures, of all religions, are riddled with logically impossible stuff. In the Hindu religion, for instance, the Creator gets born to a couple, a relgular earthling couple, and later in his life the creator, when he is old enought to be able to know this, goes back in time to tell his parents to travel to such and such city to conceive him, nine months of course before his birth. And I imagine that still later in his life he creates the world that contain his own parents, who will later birth him. The Hindus beieve that this is the absolute truth. Christians believe that God forgave everyone, as he has said, he advises to not judge as he has also forgiven everyone, and then God also says to us better to avoid sin coz we'll be judged and punished for our sins -- which, he just finished saying, have been forgiven. The Christians believe that this is the absolute truth. I took a comparative religions course in college, and enjoyed going to the Buddhist temple (they are essentially an atheistic belief system) and a Hindu temple. At the Hindu temple, the monk explained a broad overview of their views, and when I asked his view on atheism, he just responded that all paths return to God. An atheist has to walk his/her path as well, and as long as one follows the basic moral tenets of being a good person, then they're still working for God. I thought it was interesting. Do you believe that Christianity teaches the same thing? Personally, no. With a Hindu, one could be Christian and still be Hindu. With a Christian, it's always said that the only way into Heaven is by acknowledging Jesus and His dying for one's sins. Otherwise, one is going to the Christian Hell. I know a very few Christians who still feel so long as you're good, you have a chance, but it's slim to none, if they're honest about it. I said Christianity, not Christians... One has to acknowledge Jesus in Christianity. So, still no. Like the OP, you have made up your minds about Christians... Oh well.... Just don't call me close-minded. (or Christians in general, because I am one) Shrugs. So show me different beliefs in Christianity that state otherwise. I'm open to all sorts of things. Having done all kinds of reading, and researching, I don't see any proof of a Jesus, the Jesus Christ that makes Christianity Christianity, of even having existed. This thread would not be the proper place for me to show you. A question in General Religion or a private email would be more appropriate. I'd be willing to bet you'd re-think your stance of never dating a Christian if you knew that they agreed with you on core principals. |
Peter, are we talking core Christian principles or core principles such as "do unto others..." which are older than Christianity. There are plenty of core principles in all faiths which have been usurped and linked to Christianity, even though they are far older.
Edited by
Thu 06/16/11 08:40 PM
Don't give up. You will never find what you seek. It walks up
quietly behind you and smacks you with a sledge hammer of love True that. Love can sneak up on us and surprise us. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Peter, are we talking core Christian principles or core principles such as "do unto others..." which are older than Christianity. There are plenty of core principles in all faiths which have been usurped and linked to Christianity, even though they are far older. No we are not. I really don't want to turn this thread into a discussion of religion. Wrong place... |
Right now I share an apartment with a black man from ethiopia, who is Coptic Christian, he's 28, and a real, proper gentlemen. I consider him my best friend at this point in my life. And his devout christianity and my conviction to atheism bothers neither of us, and we don't try to convert the other, either. It is a true, human friendship, not based on ideology but on proximity of values and ability to express ourselves, and readiness to truly understand the other when we discuss anything from politics to philosophy to anthropology to the human condition, whether it be on a personal, experiential level, or otherwise.
I am very happy to be living with him. I am not gay; I have no knowledge of his being gay. He is very-very relgious. ![]() |
I have never heard of the Coptic Egyptian Church. That is extremely interesting.
there is entirely too many christian women in this country.also most judge atheist as vile creatures or have the "OH HELL NO" attitude towards atheist.i actually have no problem dating christian women i agree. i put agnostic on my profiles, but it seems that you have to have something to worship other than women in order to be dating material. not all of us are bad. i grew up going to church and decided as an adult that i didn't completely go along with what i was exposed to. i still have morals and such. but you would think that because i don't believe in something, anything, that i'm some psychopathic murderer when i'm not busy being a responsible adult. you don't have to be religious to know that treating people poorly is wrong. . . . I can't speak for anyone else, but I am a Christian woman, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't treat an atheist or agnostic any different unless we were clashing because of it. If I were in a club and met a guy, spent some time with him and then he asked me out, I wouldn't say "Well, first I have to know if you are an atheist or agnostic." It wouldn't come up. If we began to date regularly and religion kept coming up and seemed to be a problem, then I would want to talk about it. Are you saying that this is happening here on mingle or everywhere? When I decide if I want to date someone it goes by common interests first so you have a place to start. i put it on my profile on any site i'm on. i'm not ashamed to say that i think a certain way even if it's not what a large portion of society says i should think. i've never had anyone openly disqualify me because i didn't believe the way they did, but someone did express to me that they wouldn't date someone who wasn't a christian because they didn't want to be in love with someone who (in theory) wasn't going to the same place as them when they die. they believed in heaven and hell and that only god's people would get to go to heaven and non-believers wouldn't, so there's no point in being with a non-believer. the way i look at it, people believe that something is going to happen to them when they die, but they have no absolute proof. also, no one can predict the direction a person's life may take. a person who is not a believer today, may change their mind in the future. therefore, why not let that person into your life? would you not want to be there for them when they make that transition? personally, the only thing that would seriously bother me is if i was dating someone who was constantly trying to convert me. if she had any respect for me as an individual, she'd respect my decision after i told her i wasn't interested. i'm not a person who tries to pull people away from their beliefs, and i don't want someone to try to pull me from mine. . . . |
after a certain point in life when we become alright on our own,,we can loose our motivation to wait for someone to transition,,,,
as maya said, if someone shows you who they are believe them and at this point its a pretty reasonable concept for me to follow ,,,as opposed to hoping they will transition into someone else |
Yeah, RKISIT, I've been finding that too. They want to convert you, or want you to shut up and not speak to them about atheism. Ahh, well, such is life. I'd rather be a single hypocritical atheist then date a hypocritical Christian. LOL. You are an endless fount of amusement to me. You want to "speak to them about atheism", but you don't want them to speak to you about Christianity? I fixed your last sentence for you. Trying to convert someone is much difference than speaking to them about something such as atheism or christianity. one of the best talks i had was with a christian member of my fraternity in college. he asked my my viewpoint and how i had come to it and left it at that. he just was curious and never once tried to push his faith on me. awesome dude. i totally respect him. . . . |
after a certain point in life when we become alright on our own,,we can loose our motivation to wait for someone to transition,,,, as maya said, if someone shows you who they are believe them and at this point its a pretty reasonable concept for me to follow ,,,as opposed to hoping they will transition into someone else you don't have to hope for them to change. to me, by denying them you deny the possibility for them to change. as if they are incapable. i guess if you're planning on sitting around reading the bible together, dating a non-christian might not work for you. . . . |
Edited by
Fri 06/17/11 01:18 AM
For me, when a person makes it a point to label themselves atheist, my impression is that they are flat out making a statement I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, PERIOD. is it then less wrong for a person to say that they do believe in god? if one doesn't believe in god should that person instead say "i'd rather not say what i believe" to appease the believers? is being an atheist any different from being jewish, muslim, hindu, or a believer in any other of the countless religions out there? why should an atheist have to hide what they believe? . . . |
after a certain point in life when we become alright on our own,,we can loose our motivation to wait for someone to transition,,,, as maya said, if someone shows you who they are believe them and at this point its a pretty reasonable concept for me to follow ,,,as opposed to hoping they will transition into someone else you don't have to hope for them to change. to me, by denying them you deny the possibility for them to change. as if they are incapable. i guess if you're planning on sitting around reading the bible together, dating a non-christian might not work for you. . . . it depends upon what you mean by 'deny' being friends generally entails keeping seperate lives, LTR leading to marriage generally entails joining a life different standards for different situations if it is just a situation of 'hanging out' (platonic) , than its merely a friendship and anything goes if its a situation of 'dating' (hoping to become non platonic), than its something more serious where there does have to be a compatibility of values,,,, |