Topic: Atheist have no chance
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Thu 06/16/11 05:57 PM
Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do.

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Thu 06/16/11 05:59 PM

Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do.

I disagree. I think we all have a divine mission.

Even atheists.

They just don't know what it is yet. bigsmile

wux's photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:06 PM
Atheist? Can't find dates? Don't whine.

Don't whine. Wear atheism on your t-shirt, outside, visible, like your heart.

Sure there are stumbling blocks and obstacles that you must overcome. Nobody said ever that atheism is a bed of roses, only because there is no such thing, as per definition, as "sin", "hell", or "buring in brimestone and hot mod for ever in eternity amen."

That's right. You must take the bad with the good. If you are an atheist who is not only convinced, or convicted, of and for atheism, but you also want to spread the "good news" ("hey, people, you can eat pork, or say "goddammit" and not go to hell in an instant!!"), then you are a little way lke a martyr and you will be respected even by christians for it, albeit very reluctantly. A man who sticks by his principles, and does not falter from his higher ideals in exchange for the call and allure of some carnal fun, then he or she shows he is a mensch, a character, a rock and not a leaf in the storm of ideologies.

Be proud of believing there is no god; wear your loneliness on the sleeve of your t-shirt, and advertise on bench-seats at bus stops: I AM AN ATHEIST AND I AM READY AND WILLING TO SACRIFICE THE BIGGEST JOY IN LIFE POSSIBLE IF IT COMES TO KEEP ON PROCLAIMING MY CREDO.

If this is too wordy for a mall ad, then you are welcome to shorten it. Perhaps take it to an advertising and copyrighting agency. They will turn it into something slogan-ish, a la Nancy Reagan and Coca Cola. I expec to see:
"God? Hell, no!!"
"Just say no to God."
"If you allow now Evangelists to come to your house, talk to you and not be willing to go away, then your children will be next."

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:06 PM

Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do.

I disagree. I think we all have a divine mission.

Even atheists.

They just don't know what it is yet. bigsmile

very good young lady

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:07 PM

Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do.

So, they should preach to everyone, eh?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:08 PM
gotta love generalizations laugh

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:09 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 06/16/11 06:10 PM

Atheist? Can't find dates? Don't whine.

Don't whine. Wear atheism on your t-shirt, outside, visible, like your heart.

Sure there are stumbling blocks and obstacles that you must overcome. Nobody said ever that atheism is a bed of roses, only because there is no such thing, as per definition, as "sin", "hell", or "buring in brimestone and hot mod for ever in eternity amen."

That's right. You must take the bad with the good. If you are an atheist who is not only convinced, or convicted, of and for atheism, but you also want to spread the "good news" ("hey, people, you can eat pork, or say "goddammit" and not go to hell in an instant!!"), then you are a little way lke a martyr and you will be respected even by christians for it, albeit very reluctantly. A man who sticks by his principles, and does not falter from his higher ideals in exchange for the call and allure of some carnal fun, then he or she shows he is a mensch, a character, a rock and not a leaf in the storm of ideologies.

Be proud of believing there is no god; wear your loneliness on the sleeve of your t-shirt, and advertise on bench-seats at bus stops: I AM AN ATHEIST AND I AM READY AND WILLING TO SACRIFICE THE BIGGEST JOY IN LIFE POSSIBLE IF IT COMES TO KEEP ON PROCLAIMING MY CREDO.

If this is too wordy for a mall ad, then you are welcome to shorten it. Perhaps take it to an advertising and copyrighting agency. They will turn it into something slogan-ish, a la Nancy Reagan and Coca Cola. I expec to see:
"God? Hell, no!!"
"Just say no to God."
"If you allow now Evangelists to come to your house, talk to you and not be willing to go away, then your children will be next."

How about a t-shirt that says:


no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:11 PM

Atheist? Can't find dates? Don't whine.

Don't whine. Wear atheism on your t-shirt, outside, visible, like your heart.

Sure there are stumbling blocks and obstacles that you must overcome. Nobody said ever that atheism is a bed of roses, only because there is no such thing, as per definition, as "sin", "hell", or "buring in brimestone and hot mod for ever in eternity amen."

That's right. You must take the bad with the good. If you are an atheist who is not only convinced, or convicted, of and for atheism, but you also want to spread the "good news" ("hey, people, you can eat pork, or say "goddammit" and not go to hell in an instant!!"), then you are a little way lke a martyr and you will be respected even by christians for it, albeit very reluctantly. A man who sticks by his principles, and does not falter from his higher ideals in exchange for the call and allure of some carnal fun, then he or she shows he is a mensch, a character, a rock and not a leaf in the storm of ideologies.

Be proud of believing there is no god; wear your loneliness on the sleeve of your t-shirt, and advertise on bench-seats at bus stops: I AM AN ATHEIST AND I AM READY AND WILLING TO SACRIFICE THE BIGGEST JOY IN LIFE POSSIBLE IF IT COMES TO KEEP ON PROCLAIMING MY CREDO.

If this is too wordy for a mall ad, then you are welcome to shorten it. Perhaps take it to an advertising and copyrighting agency. They will turn it into something slogan-ish, a la Nancy Reagan and Coca Cola. I expec to see:
"God? Hell, no!!"
"Just say no to God."
"If you allow now Evangelists to come to your house, talk to you and not be willing to go away, then your children will be next."

How about a t-shirt that says:


"And can't dance..."

lol, sorry, had to say it!

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:12 PM
rofl rofl rofl waving

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:17 PM

Yeah, RKISIT, I've been finding that too. They want to convert you, or want you to shut up and not speak to them about atheism.

Ahh, well, such is life. I'd rather be a single hypocritical atheist then date a hypocritical Christian.

LOL. You are an endless fount of amusement to me.

You want to "speak to them about atheism", but you don't want them to speak to you about Christianity?

I fixed your last sentence for you.

Really?! huh Fixing my sentence for me?! That brings up a WHOLE other issue, and so many boys are good at that too! indifferent

To clarify, if someone wants to discuss their religion with me, then turn-about being fair play, I get to discuss mine with them. I have no interest in converting someone, however, I do enjoy discussing the various and assorted beliefs of the world, and while certain religious groups want to consider theirs the be all and end all, I am certainly aware that theirs is generally the newest in a line of different beliefs. To sit there and tell me that I can't speak to them about my views while they can preach and nag to me, isn't going to cut it, especially with faith that's the equivalent of children. I wouldn't put up with an attitude like that from a child, and I certainly wouldn't put up with that attitude from someone of a relatively young faith.

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:19 PM

hmmmm How about these RKISIT?

Agrees with the first, and prefers using the guys name during the second. A bit more meaningful then calling out to a random non-existent god...

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:20 PM
Edited by singmesweet on Thu 06/16/11 06:21 PM

Yeah, RKISIT, I've been finding that too. They want to convert you, or want you to shut up and not speak to them about atheism.

Ahh, well, such is life. I'd rather be a single hypocritical atheist then date a hypocritical Christian.

LOL. You are an endless fount of amusement to me.

You want to "speak to them about atheism", but you don't want them to speak to you about Christianity?

I fixed your last sentence for you.

Really?! huh Fixing my sentence for me?! That brings up a WHOLE other issue, and so many boys are good at that too! indifferent

To clarify, if someone wants to discuss their religion with me, then turn-about being fair play, I get to discuss mine with them. I have no interest in converting someone, however, I do enjoy discussing the various and assorted beliefs of the world, and while certain religious groups want to consider theirs the be all and end all, I am certainly aware that theirs is generally the newest in a line of different beliefs. To sit there and tell me that I can't speak to them about my views while they can preach and nag to me, isn't going to cut it, especially with faith that's the equivalent of children. I wouldn't put up with an attitude like that from a child, and I certainly wouldn't put up with that attitude from someone of a relatively young faith.

But according to spider, there is nothing to discuss about atheism. whoa

wux's photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:20 PM
Edited by wux on Thu 06/16/11 06:22 PM

Or calling yourself "athiest" rather than "non religious" or "other"?

For me, when a person makes it a point to label themselves atheist, my impression is that they are flat out making a statement I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, PERIOD.

I love that word to describe something describable.

"And sometimes we have to ask ourselves: what are we? Are we men, or are we "other"?"


Sweetie, that accountant who is asking you for a date at your firm... is he handsome and looks like a good future husband for you?

I don't know, Mommy. He is sort of... he's more like... he is "other". Sorry, Mum, that's what describes him the best.


You swear on god to say the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Erm... I would rather say "I swear on "other"." That would be more in line with my spiritual convictions.

Your honour, the vitness requests a procedural change.

Granted. (Gravel thump.)

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:21 PM

Yeah, RKISIT, I've been finding that too. They want to convert you, or want you to shut up and not speak to them about atheism.

Ahh, well, such is life. I'd rather be a single hypocritical atheist then date a hypocritical Christian.

LOL. You are an endless fount of amusement to me.

You want to "speak to them about atheism", but you don't want them to speak to you about Christianity?

I fixed your last sentence for you.

Really?! huh Fixing my sentence for me?! That brings up a WHOLE other issue, and so many boys are good at that too! indifferent

To clarify, if someone wants to discuss their religion with me, then turn-about being fair play, I get to discuss mine with them. I have no interest in converting someone, however, I do enjoy discussing the various and assorted beliefs of the world, and while certain religious groups want to consider theirs the be all and end all, I am certainly aware that theirs is generally the newest in a line of different beliefs. To sit there and tell me that I can't speak to them about my views while they can preach and nag to me, isn't going to cut it, especially with faith that's the equivalent of children. I wouldn't put up with an attitude like that from a child, and I certainly wouldn't put up with that attitude from someone of a relatively young faith.

But according to spider, there is nothing to discuss about atheism. whoa

laugh laugh laugh

I think he's right.

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:22 PM

Ah, so you're one of those who thinks it's ok for christians to talk about christianity to everyone, but not ok for atheists to do the same.

Projection? That's cute. Projection is completely new and nobody who was obviously losing an argument has ever used it in desperation.

EquusDancer thinks it's okay to preach Atheism, but it's not okay to preach Christianity. That's called a double standard or hypocrisy.

Not that it's relevant to the discussion, but since you brought it up...I think everyone should be able to freely talk about their beliefs. I've had nice conversations with Muslims, Hindus and Christians of various sects and we've always found a way to be polite and find common ground. I find the dogmatic atheists (the one who have turned atheism from a rejection of the belief in a God into a religion with them as it's zealots) to be very difficult to have a civil conversation with. All they want is for everyone else shut up while they pontificate on how there is no God and only stupid and uneducated people say there is a God.

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:25 PM

Atheist don't have a devine mission Christians do.

So, they should preach to everyone, eh?

Everyone who wants to listen, yes.

wux's photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:25 PM

How about a t-shirt that says:


That's so true!! I have yet to meet a shirt with a soul.

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:25 PM

laugh laugh laugh

I think he's right.

Of course I'm right.

no photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:26 PM

Ah, so you're one of those who thinks it's ok for christians to talk about christianity to everyone, but not ok for atheists to do the same.

Projection? That's cute. Projection is completely new and nobody who was obviously losing an argument has ever used it in desperation.

EquusDancer thinks it's okay to preach Atheism, but it's not okay to preach Christianity. That's called a double standard or hypocrisy.

Not that it's relevant to the discussion, but since you brought it up...I think everyone should be able to freely talk about their beliefs. I've had nice conversations with Muslims, Hindus and Christians of various sects and we've always found a way to be polite and find common ground. I find the dogmatic atheists (the one who have turned atheism from a rejection of the belief in a God into a religion with them as it's zealots) to be very difficult to have a civil conversation with. All they want is for everyone else shut up while they pontificate on how there is no God and only stupid and uneducated people say there is a God.

Actually, she didn't say preach. She said talk about. There's a difference. Since you said everyone should be able to freely talk about their beliefs, I don't see why you had a problem with what she said. I also believe the same. However, I prefer not to be preached to and there are some christians who can't have a conversation about beliefs without preaching and trying to convert.

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 06/16/11 06:32 PM

I've been an Atheist for more than 20 years. I have, from time to time, come across people that seemed to fear (I don't think that's too strong of a word) me. As if having no relationship with god means I must be completely without morals and may kill them for the slightest infraction. However, this is not the norm.

I haven't had any trouble finding women to date. In fact, it's never been an issue for me. I have dated Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and many others.

Perhaps you take Atheism to seriously?
i'm not a secular atheist,it's just most not all chrirstians freak when they see i'm an atheist on my profile,i have even gotten emails from christian calling me demonic(well actually i like that)but it's the point alot do look at us atheist as freaks.

Really? They call you "demonic?"

Could it have something to do with the weird demonic looking picture in your profile? Or calling yourself "athiest" rather than "non religious" or "other"?

For me, when a person makes it a point to label themselves atheist, my impression is that they are flat out making a statement I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, PERIOD.

Then on top if it, a scary looking picture.... well all I can say is quit whining.

Well yes, that's basically what the word "a theist" means. "No god" or "without god". Though in all honesty, you'd be surprised how many people don't have a clue what it really means. EVERY single Christian guy I've spoken with wanted me to explain it. The one Muslim guy I spoke with seemed to think he could convert me, but I've never actually been bothered by any other Muslims, so they seem to have a better idea.

What I tend to find, and MANY other atheists as well, is that you're okay as a person, can be good friends, etc. UNTIL they find out that you're an atheist. Heck, I've been called a "good Christian" too many times to count. Then they get all upset and start calling someone immoral, and yes, demonic, as if you've suddenly sprouted 10 heads, or turned purple. I haven't changed. I'm still the same person I was.

As far as RKISIT's pictures, people are always going to find some other excuse to use. Or combine. Or pull out of their ***!

I get the whole preferences thing. I have no problems with that as I have my own preferences, and I am upfront on my profile about it. But, if you want to natter religious beliefs at me, then I get to come back at you for it.