Topic: Dear Politicians | |
Dear Politicians,
I keep hearing the phrase “American People” tossed around….here’s a perspective from one American Person. I’m willing to bet I’m not alone. The deficit. There’s only one answer here….cut spending. Use the fine examples provided to you by many ‘American People’. Many of us have had to learn to cut back, clip coupons, buy generic and sale items only, cut back on not only luxury items, but some necessities as well, and if we can’t pay with cash, do without, in short…. live within a budget. We’re buying things we need at garage sales, thrift and second hand stores when we can. We’re buying sale items only, researching to get every ounce of our dollars worth. We’re using things up until their worn out and then finding a way to fix them and use them some more. Many ‘American People’ have elected to take a pay cut so other employees at their place of work can keep their jobs. Many more haven’t got paid overtime, gotten a pay raise, or a cost of living increase in years. A great place to start cutting spending is with your own salaries…not only do most of us feel you are paid waaaaaay too much, we think you should take a pay cut, be willing to do what so many ‘American People have done, who by the way, did not create this deficit in the first place…you did. I work as a medical transcriptionist, predominantly in the psychiatric field. More and more in my work each week I’m transcribing reports about folks with no prior history of depression or suicidal tendencies who are feeling hopeless and helpless, indeed defeated, and feeling that suicide is their only way out. They’ve lost their jobs, with no hope for another one in sight. Many have lost their homes and their families as a result. Indeed, their ‘American Dream’ has been shattered. Some thoughts on a few folks… Joe Biden: Fat cat, blow hard. Perfect example of the problems in Washington. John Boehner: Bless your heart for showing your sensitive side but………time to put aside the tissue box, grab that gavel, roll up your sleeves and get to work! Nancy Pelosi: Pathetic. I can only feel pity for you. Here’s an idea, the next time you have thought, keep it to yourself. First Lady Obama: Dining out, for a lot of folks now is a luxury, a treat, leave our menus the hell alone! It’s none of your business if I chose to eat a Big Mac Meal AND super-size it! Most restaurants already offer healthy alternatives, we’re just chosing not to take part, and that is OUR choice, not yours. The responsibility of seeing to it that kids eat healthy lies with their parents. So…you take care of yours, we’ll take care of ours! President Obama: I can only shake my head at you and repeat the phrases I have so often shouted at the TV every time you speak…. Get a clue. Pick a side. Grow a spine. Stand up something! Your medical bill…I work, but I still can’t afford health insurance and I won’t be able to any more if this bill passes than I can now and that’s the situation many ‘American People’ are facing. Insisting we all get health insurance and then fining us if we don’t only goes to prove how out of touch with the American condition your truly are. Sarah Palin: Folks, leave her alone. Stop picking apart everything she says and does. It just makes you look petty and small, and most of us grew out of that kind of conduct in grade school. I KNOW they are more constructive ways you can spend your time. I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote, haven’t in years, because I, like so many Americans feel if the election process isn’t corrupt, the politicians running for office surely are, and it really makes no difference who we ‘elect’….we’re doomed either way, but ….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her. ‘American People’…the working class, indeed, we are the back bone of this country, but we’re tired, we’re disillusioned, we’re losing faith and we’re fading fast. How much louder to do have to scream…Help Us? One last note, I’m a Veteran. When you finally get around to ‘cutting spending’ leave our benefits the hell alone….we’ve already paid it forward. |
Here's something to ponder, lilbug. Much of that you say is mirrored by what the Egyptian people are saying about their government. In many respects, our situations ARE similar. Perhaps what's needed is a "revolt" similar to the one they're staging in Egypt, but not simply a revolt again the President, but a revolt against ALL elected officials. Just a thought.
Here's something to ponder, lilbug. Much of that you say is mirrored by what the Egyptian people are saying about their government. In many respects, our situations ARE similar. Perhaps what's needed is a "revolt" similar to the one they're staging in Egypt, but not simply a revolt again the President, but a revolt against ALL elected officials. Just a thought. I have to admit that in conversations with friends and folks around here, the idea of a revolt here in the states has certainly come up. I don't agree that our situations are similar to Egypt, however We have not been repressed and we do have liberties, freedom...democracy, and we've taken it for granted, so much so that I'm not certain we could organize ourselves due to our apathy, the 'me' syndrome and just plain reluctance....lack of conviction....laziness.... to get involved with such a demonstration. Sad thing to say. The kind of organization and conviction it takes to do what the Egyptian folks are doing comes from true repression, greed, cruelty and neglect from leaders, truly doing without just basic needs/rights/privileges for years upon years. I don't think enough folks would be willing to really sacrifice to the extent those folks have, leave their jobs, their homes for 3 weeks, do without not only basic needs, but luxuries for that period of time. Just don't think we're 'fed-up' enough to pull it off. |
Edited by
Fri 02/11/11 09:14 AM
Sarah Palin: Folks, leave her alone. Stop picking apart everything she says and does. It just makes you look petty and small, and most of us grew out of that kind of conduct in grade school. I KNOW they are more constructive ways you can spend your time. I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote, haven’t in years, because I, like so many Americans feel if the election process isn’t corrupt, the politicians running for office surely are, and it really makes no difference who we ‘elect’….we’re doomed either way, but ….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her. Reading this post makes me want to say something I always think every time I read or hear a Tea Party supporter, Get a clue. Sarah Palin has to be the most unintelligent woman I've ever heard speak, and Tea Party supporters, the most uninformed and easily manipulated. Don't you know the Tea Party, the ones you think are a grassroots movement of everyday people, are financed and their organizational leaders trained, by the Koch brothers and Robert Murdoch? Three of the richest and politically motivated men in the world. I'm shaking my head now. From one Vet to another, Get a Clue! Please. Why is it that Pessimism seems to be a common trait amongst Tea Partiers? What's wrong with this country is the complacent attitudes taken by the many who never exercised their right to vote. We are not doomed! Now the complacent, non-voters, want to gripe about how things have turned out. |
Sarah Palin: Folks, leave her alone. Stop picking apart everything she says and does. It just makes you look petty and small, and most of us grew out of that kind of conduct in grade school. I KNOW they are more constructive ways you can spend your time. I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote, haven’t in years, because I, like so many Americans feel if the election process isn’t corrupt, the politicians running for office surely are, and it really makes no difference who we ‘elect’….we’re doomed either way, but ….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her. Reading this post makes me want to say something I always think every time I read or hear a Tea Party supporter, Get a clue. Sarah Palin has to be the most unintelligent woman I've ever heard speak, and Tea Party supporters, the most uninformed and easily manipulated. Don't you know the Tea Party, the ones you think are a grassroots movement of everyday people, are financed and their organizational leaders trained, by the Koch brothers and Robert Murdoch? Three of the richest and politically motivated men in the world. I'm shaking my head now. From one Vet to another, Get a Clue! Please. Why is it that Pessimism seems to be a common trait amongst Tea Partiers? What's wrong with this country is the complacent attitudes taken by the many who never exercised their right to vote. Now they want to gripe about how things have turned out. Not sure where I said I was a Tea Party Supporter anywhere. ![]() Please do not insult my vet status. You well know as a fellow vet, those of who have served, are serving, indeed, 'have a clue'. This is not pessimism, it's realism. |
I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote,
Sarah Palin: Folks, leave her alone. Stop picking apart everything she says and does. It just makes you look petty and small, and most of us grew out of that kind of conduct in grade school. I KNOW they are more constructive ways you can spend your time. I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote, haven’t in years, because I, like so many Americans feel if the election process isn’t corrupt, the politicians running for office surely are, and it really makes no difference who we ‘elect’….we’re doomed either way, but ….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her. Reading this post makes me want to say something I always think every time I read or hear a Tea Party supporter, Get a clue. Sarah Palin has to be the most unintelligent woman I've ever heard speak, and Tea Party supporters, the most uninformed and easily manipulated. Don't you know the Tea Party, the ones you think are a grassroots movement of everyday people, are financed and their organizational leaders trained, by the Koch brothers and Robert Murdoch? Three of the richest and politically motivated men in the world. I'm shaking my head now. From one Vet to another, Get a Clue! Please. Why is it that Pessimism seems to be a common trait amongst Tea Partiers? What's wrong with this country is the complacent attitudes taken by the many who never exercised their right to vote. We are not doomed! Now the complacent, non-voters, want to gripe about how things have turned out. And you keep trying to come off as so smart! What is the point of kicking a dead horse exactly? She resigned office! She took the most honorable path she could and people like you STILL hound her. So whats up with your boy Obama? |
I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote,
I've already explained this and said I will gladly vote, given a worthy candidate and an assurance that the election process itself is not corrupt. You can do neither. |
On top of that Optimism is not fixing the problems we need to face in all their dark, ugly glory! Reality is not pretty and Obama needs to step down for his incompetence in impotence!
His wife likewise is a BUGIE azzed Ghetto Tramp who got lucky through her liar of a husband. Now she has all the answers to the issues facing American Families? She is maki9ng America look bad just the way she talks and carries herself. I can't wait to see what she has to say about starvation in America! I am sure she will say something like, "Let them eat cake!" On top of that if she was told the people are revolting she would answer that we are! Frankly the DNC acts like they are the answer to all of America's woes... N O T ! They are a lot of the reason why we are here in the muddy in the first place! |
I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote,
….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her.
Sarah is Miss Tea Party! No one else would have her represent them. Not even the Pubes. She's an embarrasment to them and the only reason they picked her for their VP running mate was to counter the womens vote Hillary drew to the Obama campaign. Once again, The Tea Party, and all of it's organazational leaders are paid for and trained by Koch Industries, the Koch brothers, and Robert Murdoch. The Tea Party is a Republican creation designed to distract the dissatisfied Republican voters, after the catastrophic eight Bush Admin years, in an attempt to save their party seats. A con I think will come back to bite them. Why else would they allow them to run on their ticket? |
The deficit.
Increased, from a budget surplus when Bush took office, five times over the span of the Bush Admin. |
Many of us have had to learn to cut back, clip coupons, buy generic and sale items only, cut back on not only luxury items, but some necessities as well, and if we can’t pay with cash, do without, in short…. live within a budget. We’re buying things we need at garage sales, thrift and second hand stores when we can. We’re buying sale items only, researching to get every ounce of our dollars worth. We’re using things up until their worn out and then finding a way to fix them and use them some more.
Many ‘American People’ have elected to take a pay cut so other employees at their place of work can keep their jobs. Many more haven’t got paid overtime, gotten a pay raise, or a cost of living increase in years. A great place to start cutting spending is with your own salaries…not only do most of us feel you are paid waaaaaay too much, we think you should take a pay cut, be willing to do what so many ‘American People have done, who by the way, did not create this deficit in the first place…you did. This has been happening for years. You can't blame the current Admin for this. Esp. considering the last one nearly ruined the country. Remember Obama was left this mess. He didn't create it! Despite this however, If you are working overtime without getting paid for it. Either your employer is breaking the law, or you have only your self to blame. That isn't anyone's fault but your own. Report your employer, it's a law. Grow a spine and stand up for your rights. This is the reality! |
Fanta, if you insist on picking apart my OP, and using it to drive home your own political views, you will miss the whole point of is neither Republican or Democratic..or Tea is a perspective from an American citizen's point of view...period.
I never have 'gotten' the notion of folks holding onto their political parties at all cost. I don't care what your political affiliation is, hell, I don't care if you have two heads are green and eat with your toes..just, for heaven's sakes, BE a person of your word, have the best interest of the people of this country in mind and heart. Do that, and I'm all for ya. |
Edited by
Fri 02/11/11 10:36 AM
Sarah Palin: Folks, leave her alone. Stop picking apart everything she says and does. It just makes you look petty and small, and most of us grew out of that kind of conduct in grade school. I KNOW they are more constructive ways you can spend your time. I probably should have prefaced all of this with the fact that I don’t vote, haven’t in years, because I, like so many Americans feel if the election process isn’t corrupt, the politicians running for office surely are, and it really makes no difference who we ‘elect’….we’re doomed either way, but ….if she runs for presidency, I will, with wings on my feet, run to register to vote, for the first time in decades, to vote for her. Reading this post makes me want to say something I always think every time I read or hear a Tea Party supporter, Get a clue. Sarah Palin has to be the most unintelligent woman I've ever heard speak, and Tea Party supporters, the most uninformed and easily manipulated. Don't you know the Tea Party, the ones you think are a grassroots movement of everyday people, are financed and their organizational leaders trained, by the Koch brothers and Robert Murdoch? Three of the richest and politically motivated men in the world. I'm shaking my head now. From one Vet to another, Get a Clue! Please. Why is it that Pessimism seems to be a common trait amongst Tea Partiers? What's wrong with this country is the complacent attitudes taken by the many who never exercised their right to vote. Now they want to gripe about how things have turned out. Not sure where I said I was a Tea Party Supporter anywhere. ![]() Please do not insult my vet status. You well know as a fellow vet, those of who have served, are serving, indeed, 'have a clue'. This is not pessimism, it's realism. The progressive liberal and 'liberal affiliated' will always attempt to put down posters and attempt to profess a 'smarter than thou' attitude. For some reason, they are allowed this leeway. |
Many of us have had to learn to cut back, clip coupons, buy generic and sale items only, cut back on not only luxury items, but some necessities as well, and if we can’t pay with cash, do without, in short…. live within a budget. We’re buying things we need at garage sales, thrift and second hand stores when we can. We’re buying sale items only, researching to get every ounce of our dollars worth. We’re using things up until their worn out and then finding a way to fix them and use them some more.
Many ‘American People’ have elected to take a pay cut so other employees at their place of work can keep their jobs. Many more haven’t got paid overtime, gotten a pay raise, or a cost of living increase in years. A great place to start cutting spending is with your own salaries…not only do most of us feel you are paid waaaaaay too much, we think you should take a pay cut, be willing to do what so many ‘American People have done, who by the way, did not create this deficit in the first place…you did. This has been happening for years. You can't blame the current Admin for this. Esp. considering the last one nearly ruined the country. Remember Obama was left this mess. He didn't create it! Despite this however, If you are working overtime without getting paid for it. Either your employer is breaking the law, or you have only your self to blame. That isn't anyone's fault but your own. Report your employer, it's a law. Grow a spine and stand up for your rights. This is the reality! I never anywhere in there 'blamed Obama'. Indeed, it took years of corrupt politicians to get us where we are. Many employers don't even offer overtime any longer, which is how many folks were able to afford a little extra, and the ones that do have found ways around officially labeling it 'overtime.' So yeah, I don't need to grow a spine, I'm out here workin' it, living it. |
I'm an unaffiliated Voter who has always voted since I was old enough. Until Bush's second election that vote has always gone Republican.
The reality of those years and the ones since, (party of no), have convinced me that the Republican party is a domestic threat to the freedoms and lifestyle of the American People. A domestic threat graver than the foreign one we face from Al Queada. The Tea Party's creation is just one more proof of that threat. They are a guise, a distraction, a con. One I will not be fooled by and will continue to enlighten their supporters to. |
Edited by
Fri 02/11/11 10:36 AM
And that's a truth you'll never get from Fox News!
Fox News is but a tool used by Robert Murdoch and the Republican Party to brainwash those Americans foolish enough to watch. |
Edited by
Fri 02/11/11 10:42 AM
This is the reality about the Tea Party lilbug. Read it if you care about the reality! And feel free to comment openly and truthfully after you read the OP. Please. |
OBAMA in 2012.
Stick him out. The Pubes are waiting like wolves at the edges of the firelight, hoping and counting on their cons to work, in order for them to regain power from the People. |
Fanta, in true Fanta fashion, you have held so steadfastly to driving home your own political views that you are oblivious to the real meaning of the OP have single-handedly hijacked my topic.