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Topic: What Movies Have You Recently Seen?
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Fri 10/29/10 06:32 AM
My palate is refined and sensitive. laugh

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Fri 10/29/10 06:36 AM

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Fri 10/29/10 07:50 AM
Last movie I saw was Avatar. Not usually a sci-fi buff but that was a good one.

ValentinaSS's photo
Fri 10/29/10 08:34 AM
Has anyone seen Paranormal Activity II? I think I`ll give it a shot

d24's photo
Sat 10/30/10 04:50 PM
Satans Little Helper Good Halloween themed movie

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Sat 10/30/10 04:52 PM

Satans Little Helper Good Halloween themed movie

I've been watching this every Oct since it came out. Loads of fun. And the sister in that costume doesn't hurt.

d24's photo
Sat 10/30/10 05:00 PM

Satans Little Helper Good Halloween themed movie

I've been watching this every Oct since it came out. Loads of fun. And the sister in that costume doesn't hurt.
laugh It has a weird ending. But It Is Great! Have you seen the new Night Of The Demons?

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 08:57 PM

very worthy of comment and quite good, interesting with a good caste

no photo
Sat 10/30/10 09:36 PM
I've seen a movie about a duck.

You_don't_know-me showed it to me. Apparently one of his faves. laugh

no photo
Sun 10/31/10 09:48 AM

Satans Little Helper Good Halloween themed movie

I've been watching this every Oct since it came out. Loads of fun. And the sister in that costume doesn't hurt.
laugh It has a weird ending. But It Is Great! Have you seen the new Night Of The Demons?

Not yet. I'll eventually see it for Tiffany Shepis.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 10/31/10 06:12 PM
Got caught up on some flicks. Here is what I watched over the weekend.

PREDATORS- I had my doubts that Adrien Brody could pull off being an action guy. And, being honest, he does a good job in this movie. His character is more tactical, using speed and his brains moreso than anything else. Good move, as he is no Arnold and cannot go toe to toe with a Predator. I actually like the film because it focused more on the people than it did the Predators. Best fight scene is the Yakuza dude going one on one against a Predator in a swordfight.

JONAH HEX- Honestly, I wouldn't waste my money on this movie. When you have a solid actor like Josh Brolin, and a legendary actor in John Malkovich, you expect (at the very least) a good film. Jonah Hex just stinks. I will give credit to the CGI. Some of it is cool looking. But that's about it. Oh, and Megan Fox just is not that hot to me anymore.

ROBIN HOOD- If Mark Strong is not the best "villain" actor on the planet, then please tell me who is. This dude knows how to play a villain. This movie should have been better. I'm not saying it is bad. Just saying that it should have been better. I'll give credit to Brian Hegeland (wrote the film) as he took a new twist to the tale. It's interesting how this movie plays out. Oh, and the Sherwood kids will freak you out, lol.

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 10/31/10 06:32 PM
Mao's Last Dancer - Stunning!

BellaV's photo
Mon 11/01/10 04:51 AM
I am looking forward to Nov 19th!!! HARRY POTTER!!

MelMaxx's photo
Mon 11/01/10 05:22 PM
Finally saw Hot Tub Time Machine. It was actually pretty good. I LOVED The Hangover and peeps were tellin me I should see HTTM. I'm glad I did, I liked it :smile:

no photo
Mon 11/01/10 06:49 PM
yay, hot tub time machine was funny, seemed like it was written just for john cuzak though.

I just watched paranormal activity, life as a house, and get him to the greek which was funny.

I havent seen the paranormal activity movies and the new one looks good, but need to see the first two first. probably watch the second one this week.

christbud's photo
Mon 11/01/10 08:54 PM

Has anyone seen Paranormal Activity II? I think I`ll give it a shot
I saw it. I like it. Not really my kind of movie, but it made me jump a few times.

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 05:54 AM

Finally saw Hot Tub Time Machine. It was actually pretty good. I LOVED The Hangover and peeps were tellin me I should see HTTM. I'm glad I did, I liked it :smile:

I'm certainly digressing from the topic here, but I just HAD to say that I love your hair on your avatar right now. :smile:

Anyhoo, so I won't be shot down from deviating, I just saw the following movies yesterday:(IMDb)


Um, to sum it up in one word: Blech. That's not to say Parasomnia is terrible, but it stops well short of being the good or great film it had the potential to be.

On the plus side, it has a great baddie in Patrick Kilpatrick who does a brilliant job projecting menacing and evil, I could easily see him having what it takes to play a truly memorable baddie on a par with Hannibal Lecter. There are some beautiful visuals in the dream sequences, in fact if the film had decided to explore that terrain more it might have been something better. The actual concept of devious misuse of hypnosis is great too.

Although I understand suspension of disbelief is necessary for immersion in any good story, it's the mark of a good story that it succeeds in letting you do that. If you find yourself being annoyed at what you find illogical or just plain silly, then the story is losing you and that's what kept happening to me with this film. I don't want to get into spoiler territory, but I will say the setup at the ending was particularly ludicrous and disappointing, not too mention the varying mental age of a character that is only supposed to have experienced a few years of life.

All in all, there is the germ of a great idea here in diabolically misused hypnotism, but sadly this film fails to realize it into anything special.

The Graveyard

A teenage prank at a cemetery results in the death of a friend. Five years later, the group reunites at the camp near the cemetery after their ringleader is paroled from prison in an attempt to put the past behind them. Unfortunately, a (surprise!) masked killer arrives to make sure that doesn't happen. On the plus side, the film has decent production values. It looks okay, and the direction is smooth and professional, as evidenced by the simple but adequate shot selection. There is also enough gore and gratuitous nudity to satisfy fans of the genre. However, the script dooms the production. As a mystery, the film has the complexity of an episode of "Scooby Doo." What we're left with is a boring "Friday the 13th" ripoff, but without the thrill of discovery we experienced when the first cycle of masked killer films arrived. That said, there is always room for good ripoff, but this isn't one. The problem is the writing. I never believed any of the characters for a second. Their only bond, other than the accidental killing, seemed to be their antipathy for each other. I don't believe these people would have gotten together for a reunion to "help" their "friend" who went to jail. Their motivations were inconsistent at best. And, boy oh boy, were they stupid. Not one of them exhibited even a modicum of common sense. Worse still, the characters were so bland that I could hardly tell them apart. By the end of the film, I could only associate names with one or two of the characters. If the writing exhibited the professionalism of the cinematography, this film would have had potential, but alas....

I was also disappointed by the box art. I picked this film up because I was in the mood for a creepy cemetery film, but so little of the film took place in the cemetery that I felt ripped off.

I was disappointed. I expect a little more from Lion's Gate.

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Tue 11/02/10 06:04 AM


Autumn starts as dead leaf fall from a tree, as it gently & slowly spirals to the ground billions of people worldwide suddenly & unexpectedly just collapse & die, as the leaf lands only a handful of human beings are left alive on Earth. In an American city Michael (Dexter Fletcher) saw his class of school-kids die before his very eyes but is one of the few survivors, after hearing some music on the radio he heads for the radio station where several other people are gathered drawn there by the music. Not knowing what happened everyone is scared & in a state of panic & at first decide to stick together but as the millions of dead bodies begin to rise & come back to life the fear of disease convinces several of them to head for the most isolated place they can find, Michael, Carl (Dickon Tolson) & Emma (Lana Kamenov) decide to live in a farmhouse in the country but more & more zombie gravitate there as they seem to regain their intelligence & soon the survivors realise they are after them...

This Canadian production was co-edited, co-written, co-produced & directed by Steve Rumbelow & don't be fooled by the glowing comments that tell you not to be fooled by the negative comments (that sort of makes sense) as Autumn really does deserve all the bad press & bad reviews that it is getting & will undoubtedly continue to get as more & more people are unlucky enough to endure it's near two hour duration. Based on the novel by David Moody who co-wrote the screenplay Autumn feels like so many much better apocalyptic end of the world type zombie films but without any of the horror or threat or budget. Autumn most closely resembles 28 Days Later... (2002), it's sequel 28 Weeks Later (2007) & the Will Smith flick I Am Legend (2007) in the sense that the world population has been all but wiped out by some sort of virus or disease & a handful of survivors must fight hordes of zombies as well as figure out how to find food & secure shelter although there are bits of Night of the Living Dead (1968) as well with it's isolated farmhouse setting. Overall Autumn is a poor effort from supposedly good source material with poor character's who make stupid decisions & are just plain idiotic at times (have none of them ever seen a zombie film before?) & a plot which is never really explained & some poor scripting like the fence that keeps all the zombies out is only a flimsy wooden one that is only waist high so you could probably fall over it, they don't seem to stock up on much food, they don't seem bothered in getting any protection like guns & there are inconsistencies like these zombies are supposedly flesh eaters yet at the end one moment Michael can walk past them to turn the generator on yet seconds later they attack & kill Carl. At almost two hours in length it's really boring, virtually nothing happens with a small number of people living in a farmhouse for the majority of the running time doing nothing in particular & a very sudden & abrupt climax which is always very frustrating unless it's some cool twist which this ain't. While the basic plot is alright it's nothing we haven't seen before & because the zombies don't become any sort of threat until the last third there's no tension & the film just plods along until a pointless David Carradine cameo & a crap ending.

There are posts on the Autumn message board asking if this was filmed on a mobile phone & while I wouldn't be that cruel I can see where people are coming from as it looks really cheap & like it was shot on a camcorder with jerky hand-held shakiness & bad colour & lighting. Personally I hate the look of video when it's this cheap & wish filmmakers would go back to using good old film. There's virtually no gore whatsoever since the zombie don't become killers until the second half of the film & even then they kill a poodle & that's about it apart from some scenes of people coughing up blood at the start & some poorly made-up zombies. Autumn tries to create a sense of apocalypse at the start & it show's one whole street wrecked which they keep showing throughout the film when the makers need to show some carnage & you can tell it's the same street because that bloody school bus parked across the train tracks is always there. There are no scares, no tension, no atmosphere & there's no sense of global disaster since we see so little of anything.

Shot in Ontario in Canada the film looks bland & is badly made throughout as the zombie extras try desperately not to break the flimsy fence down merely by leaning on it! The acting is OK, I can't believe Dexter Fletcher got involved with this although maybe he just wanted to see Canada & get paid for it but whats even more baffling is how the filmmakers persuaded the late David Carradine to appear in a bad cameo.

Autumn is a apocalyptic end of the world seen it all before zombie flick that makes the fatal mistake of not having any killer zombies in it right up until the end, at almost two hours most people will have a hard time staying awake through this one be it zombie, horror or post apocalyptic fans.

In a nutshell:

Watching this movie is as painful as a colonoscopy without lube while a bull-dyke squeezes your balls, and a fat, pustule-laden toothless meth-whore drags her skanky toe-jam greasy-cheese stuffed toe-nails across a slate chalk-board, while Paris Hilton sings a Celine Dion cover track of an Inuit throat-singer with laryngitis while Britney sings backup.

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Tue 11/02/10 06:15 AM
Edited by red_lace on Tue 11/02/10 06:15 AM

30 Days of Night: Dark Days

The original 30 Days of Night, while not exactly ground-breaking, was enjoyable. I loved the atmosphere of it. I also appreciated the fact that they didn't rely too heavily on CGI.

It's about a woman, after surviving the incidents in Barrow, Alaska, relocates to Los Angeles, where she intentionally attracts the attention of the local vampire population in order to avenge the death of her husband, Eben.

This flick certainly has its moments. You just have to accept Kiele Sanchez in Melissa's role. She does an adequate job. Obviously Josh Hartnett isn't in it, but his character is still very much present in essence and there are still some other familiar actors amongst the cast. I'm a big fan of Mia Kirshner who plays a demonic, Bathory-like queen of the damned and Harold Perrineau (Matrix 2 & 3, 28 Weeks Later, TV's LOST & OZ) who has a rather interesting part to play. I don't want to spoil it. The blood and gore factor is pretty much equal to it's predecessor. There are some very creative methods of liquidizing a vampires skull to ensure that it's really dead. Once again they don't over-rely on CGI.

You'll be pleased to know that the creators of the original comic book series are involved with this straight-to-DVD sequel. I'm not familiar with the comics, but I know enough to guarantee you a 30 Days of Night Trilogy. This isn't just a sequel for the sake of it. Further installments were always inevitable. See also "Blood Trails" and "Dust to Dust".

Essentially, this a worthy follow-up. It's got enough cool bits to keep your attention for 90 mins.

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:24 AM

I expect a little more from Lion's Gate.

slaphead That's your first mistaketongue2

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