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Topic: Supermodel Kathy Ireland Lashes Out Against Pro Choice
yellowrose10's photo
Wed 05/20/09 08:52 AM

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 05/20/09 08:53 AM

Roe V Wade...the courts found it legal. and again..until someone gets pregnant especially do to bad circumstances...it's not clear cut. as much as people want to say "this is what I would do" they don't really know.

that is because they argued the wrong argument

if they argue the proper argument it will be overturned imo

like i said in the past i really do not care but if you want to argue it the argument i have been using has yet to be defeated with a legitimate point

scientist can't agree one whether the fetus is more than a group of cells or whether it is a person until a certain point.

people kill brain cells with drugs all the time...is that really any different if one believes the fetus isn't more than cells especially the first trimester?

now that is a perfect example of an interpretation

what kind of cells are they

and were they created

of course cells were created or they wouldn't be there lol

but as far as a fetus...this is where the debate comes into play and scientists can't even agree about it

franshade's photo
Wed 05/20/09 08:54 AM

Roe V Wade...the courts found it legal. and again..until someone gets pregnant especially do to bad circumstances...it's not clear cut. as much as people want to say "this is what I would do" they don't really know.

that is because they argued the wrong argument

if they argue the proper argument it will be overturned imo

like i said in the past i really do not care but if you want to argue it the argument i have been using has yet to be defeated with a legitimate point

your opinion is an interpretation - not fact :wink:

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/20/09 08:57 AM

Roe V Wade...the courts found it legal. and again..until someone gets pregnant especially do to bad circumstances...it's not clear cut. as much as people want to say "this is what I would do" they don't really know.

that is because they argued the wrong argument

if they argue the proper argument it will be overturned imo

like i said in the past i really do not care but if you want to argue it the argument i have been using has yet to be defeated with a legitimate point

your opinion is an interpretation - not fact :wink:

show me wher i stated my opinion

that if they use the correct argument they will win yes that is an opion (but fact no less)

show me where i used opinion in the argument as i presented it

every point i made is backed by fact (show me one that is not)

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:00 AM

Roe V Wade...the courts found it legal. and again..until someone gets pregnant especially do to bad circumstances...it's not clear cut. as much as people want to say "this is what I would do" they don't really know.

that is because they argued the wrong argument

if they argue the proper argument it will be overturned imo

like i said in the past i really do not care but if you want to argue it the argument i have been using has yet to be defeated with a legitimate point

scientist can't agree one whether the fetus is more than a group of cells or whether it is a person until a certain point.

people kill brain cells with drugs all the time...is that really any different if one believes the fetus isn't more than cells especially the first trimester?

now that is a perfect example of an interpretation

what kind of cells are they

and were they created

of course cells were created or they wouldn't be there lol

but as far as a fetus...this is where the debate comes into play and scientists can't even agree about it

but what kind of cells are they (you failed to answer that)

are they feline cells k nine cell amphibion cells


oh yeah they are human cells

shall i go back to the definition of man/men

and rights endowed by their creator

franshade's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:00 AM

Roe V Wade...the courts found it legal. and again..until someone gets pregnant especially do to bad circumstances...it's not clear cut. as much as people want to say "this is what I would do" they don't really know.

that is because they argued the wrong argument

if they argue the proper argument it will be overturned imo

like i said in the past i really do not care but if you want to argue it the argument i have been using has yet to be defeated with a legitimate point

your opinion is an interpretation - not fact :wink:

show me wher i stated my opinion

that if they use the correct argument they will win yes that is an opion (but fact no less)

show me where i used opinion in the argument as i presented it

every point i made is backed by fact (show me one that is not)

if they used the correct argument
an opinion not a fact
literal translation :smile:

franshade's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:03 AM
adj - Is a zygote or an embryo a human being?

lilith401's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:05 AM
Holy Moly quoting. No need to quote everything. It is so annoying. You can delete all but the last few lines, the ones you want to respond to. Try it... maybe you'll like it.

franshade's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:06 AM

Holy Moly quoting. No need to quote everything. It is so annoying. You can delete all but the last few lines, the ones you want to respond to. Try it... maybe you'll like it.

I'll try "almost" anything once pitchfork

twice if I like it :banana:

Hiya doll

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:13 AM
adj...since we were talking about people..I thought you knew I was referring to people's cells. since science can't agree on the subject....should we get rid of radiation that kills cancer cells??? get rid of drugs that kills brain cells?

again...until you are in that position (which as a man you won't be) you don't know what you would do

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:13 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 05/20/09 09:16 AM

adj - Is a zygote or an embryo a human being?

as soon a a human cell is created

it is a cell of a human (thus back to the def of man/men)

and the doi protects their right to life upon being created by their creator

what they are not created till they are born uh if that was the case there would be no embryo an embro is a human (man/men) creation when it is inside a human (man/men)

it matters not the development stage but only that it was created

the plural of man

man (mn)
n. pl. men (mn)
1. An adult male human.
2. A human regardless of sex or age; a person.

the free dictionary

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,

it does not say all men that are born it says all men

a human cell is a human (note #2 regardless of age)

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:20 AM
Main Entry: 1hu·man
Pronunciation: \ˈhyü-mən, ˈyü-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English humain, from Anglo-French, from Latin humanus; akin to Latin homo human being — more at homage
Date: 14th century
1: of, relating to, or characteristic of humans
2: consisting of humans
3 a: having human form or attributes b: susceptible to or representative of the sympathies and frailties of human nature <such an inconsistency is very human — P. E. More>

an embryo doesn't possess this yet. the arguement is they are cells...just like brain cells, cancer cells etc

usuing this arguement...we need to stop drugs, radiation and anything else that destroys cells.

but again...you haven't responded to what i said about you don't know and to not judge others when you aren't in that situation

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:22 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 05/20/09 09:23 AM

Main Entry: 1hu·man
Pronunciation: \ˈhyü-mən, ˈyü-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English humain, from Anglo-French, from Latin humanus; akin to Latin homo human being — more at homage
Date: 14th century
1: of, relating to, or characteristic of humans
2: consisting of humans
3 a: having human form or attributes b: susceptible to or representative of the sympathies and frailties of human nature <such an inconsistency is very human — P. E. More>

an embryo doesn't possess this yet. the arguement is they are cells...just like brain cells, cancer cells etc

usuing this arguement...we need to stop drugs, radiation and anything else that destroys cells.

but again...you haven't responded to what i said about you don't know and to not judge others when you aren't in that situation

""1: of, relating to, or characteristic of humans""

if you check the dna of an embryo does it have dog dna or human dna

franshade's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:22 AM

adj - Is a zygote or an embryo a human being?

as soon a a human cell is created

it is a cell of a human (thus back to the def of man/men)

and the doi protects their right to life upon being created by their creator

what they are not created till they are born uh if that was the case there would be no embryo an embro is a human (man/men) creation when it is inside a human (man/men)

it matters not the development stage but only that it was created

the plural of man

man (mn)
n. pl. men (mn)
1. An adult male human.
2. A human regardless of sex or age; a person.

the free dictionary

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,

it does not say all men that are born it says all men

a human cell is a human (note #2 regardless of age)

adj - you skirted the question.

Do you believe that a zygote or an embroy are human beings, not human cells, was my question.

Human cells can be made from stem cells and can be made in a laboratory setting.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:23 AM
<----running to the store...play nice lol (psst...get him fran lol)

lilith401's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:23 AM
Hi Fran!!

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:24 AM

<----running to the store...play nice lol (psst...get him fran lol)

dream on my dear

besides i have things i need to do as well

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou for all of you

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:26 AM

adj - Is a zygote or an embryo a human being?

as soon a a human cell is created

it is a cell of a human (thus back to the def of man/men)

and the doi protects their right to life upon being created by their creator

what they are not created till they are born uh if that was the case there would be no embryo an embro is a human (man/men) creation when it is inside a human (man/men)

it matters not the development stage but only that it was created

the plural of man

man (mn)
n. pl. men (mn)
1. An adult male human.
2. A human regardless of sex or age; a person.

the free dictionary

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,

it does not say all men that are born it says all men

a human cell is a human (note #2 regardless of age)

adj - you skirted the question.

Do you believe that a zygote or an embroy are human beings, not human cells, was my question.

Human cells can be made from stem cells and can be made in a laboratory setting.

and we are talking about embryo cells (now who is doing the interpreting)

Winx's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:27 AM

adj - Is a zygote or an embryo a human being?

Fran and I discussed this once upon a time.laugh

Fertilization in the uterine tube. 24 hours later - zygote.

Then they divide into more cells (cleavage) and become blastomeres.
Then they cleavage some more and three days later it becomes a solid ball of 16 cells called a morula. Then it becomes a blastocyst.

The blastocyst goes into the uterine cavity and remains unattached for about 3 days. About the sixth day, the blastocyst begins to attach itself to the uterine lining. That is the period of cleavage - the first week of implantation.

The embryonic stage is the 2nd week to the 8th week. It doesn't have an umbilical cord and hasn't used anything from the mother yet.

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:31 AM

adj - Is a zygote or an embryo a human being?

Fran and I discussed this once upon a time.laugh

Fertilization in the uterine tube. 24 hours later - zygote.

Then they divide into more cells (cleavage) and become blastomeres.
Then they cleavage some more and three days later it becomes a solid ball of 16 cells called a morula. Then it becomes a blastocyst.

The blastocyst goes into the uterine cavity and remains unattached for about 3 days. About the sixth day, the blastocyst begins to attach itself to the uterine lining. That is the period of cleavage - the first week of implantation.

The embryonic stage is the 2nd week to the 8th week. It doesn't have an umbilical cord and hasn't used anything from the mother yet.

and all these names are they creations

and what are they creations of

dogs cats humans horses cows ?????????

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