Topic: A Challenge to the Unbelievers. | |
most of you WILL worship him at that point because he'll be doing a lot of "good" works - just like the Masons pretend to do (and like the Red Cross).
Are you an insane person? |
it is very odd how people never find them selves devoting all that sweet free time to a person who they will probably never meet.
That is the whole point of this post. There are real people that you can see who rule this world and they just so happen to worship the Devil. And you're afraid of us? The very people trying to expose them? Reminds me of when Yashua was casting devils out of people and they accused him of having a devil himself. Things don't change much do they? Yes, Satan has been defeated. His sentence has not been carried out yet. We still have to go through Jacob's Trouble (Tribulation). Then you WILL get to actually see him as the False Messiah (AntiChrist). Sad thing is, most of you WILL worship him at that point because he'll be doing a lot of "good" works - just like the Masons pretend to do (and like the Red Cross). Many will perish because God doesn't interfere with our free will. It's our choice to make. The Devil DOES like to have total control over one's will. Addictions, habits, and eventually demonic possession. Apparently you're perfectly happy with the present state of the world. False Messiah won't have to do much of anything to buy your soul. That to me is just another interpretation or version to me. I do not believe in devils nor antichrists, and I don't worship people, no matter how nice they may be or seem. So you just make assumptions, that I would worship anyway. If I won't worship a god its hardly likely I will worship anyone. It seems God wants as much control as the devil, so I am not impressed by either. And why would I believe that a god would give free will then punish you for using it, makes no sense to me. I do not fear any god or devil. Nor do I much care for any god that would play such games with his own so called creation. Sorry just don't buy it, and not threats to my soul will change that... Also it seems pretty damn nasty to me to fault people if they are fooled by someone who does good works. God never showed himself so how the heck would anyone recognize an antichrist or the real christ for that matter, that's just more than I can accept. Let me just condemn those poor slobs because they took some ones word.. Wow now that's a god I can believe in.. NOT I can't be bought, period.... |
There is no devil anyway. The Christians merely commandeered the character "Pan" from a Midsummer's Night Dream.
There is no devil anyway. The Christians merely commandeered the character "Pan" from a Midsummer's Night Dream. good call i didnt think of that |
I’m not making a joke either. Pan was part of the imagery utilized for Satan. It was Pan and The Pagan "Horned God"
and if you compair pan to any rendering of satan in old paintings they look similar
Yeah very similar. Although Pan was "mischievous" and very horny to be honest. He liked human women. He wasn’t evil. He was more silly and got into trouble. But he strongly resembled what the Christians would describe Satan as appearing like. Cloven hooves and all that jazz.
Back on topic of the elite who rule the world:
The bible condemns usary (charging interest). This is the international banksters #1 weapon. This is why you end up paying $400,000 for a house worth $100,000. This is why we are having a housing crisis which will bring down the entire economy (which has all been planned that way). Ending usary alone would improve peoples lives tremendously world wide. The bible condemns sorcery. Which can be translated pharmekia - or the pharmaceutical industry. They suppress all natural cures and promote only their drugs which they make huge profits on. Heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death. Both of which are easily preventable. #3 leading cause - adverse reactions to drugs! Any doctor who has ANY success curing cancer naturally will get a SWAT team visit and put out of business. They are getting all the kids on Ritilan and Prozac as young as 5 yrs old! The bible condemns porn. This is an epidemic in our country. USA is the #1 producer and consumer. Does this help society? THEY do everything to promote it because it destroys the family unit. This bailout thing is a sick inside joke. Israel was THE example of a sound healthy country. They kept a national identity. THEY are doing everything they can to destroy us through illegal immigration. They could close the border in a second if they wanted to. They want us to come down to Mexicos level, instead of a strong nation helping Mexico come up to ours. I could go on. But these are some major issues that affect us all. Please don't tell me you blame the Christians for all these things. Please don't tell me we wouldn't be better off doing things the bibles way. Do you know anybody losing their house? Anybody with cancer? Oh, well just blame those pesky Christians. |
The bible condemns sorcery.
I will take these one at a time but I have the most familiarity here. You do understand that the practice of "sorcery" and Witchcraft was very often the traditional use of herbal medicines? This is what the Christians condemned and murdered thousands of people for in both the US (Salem, Massachusetts 1692) and to a much greater extent, Europe. |
The bible condemns usary (charging interest).
Christians don't charge interest? So no banks are being run by Christians then? Is that what you're saying? The bible condemns sorcery. Which can be translated pharmekia - or the pharmaceutical industry.
So your against modern medicine? Exactly what are you proposing here? We go back into the dark ages because you believe in a demon? I could go on. But these are some major issues that affect us all. Please don't tell me you blame the Christians for all these things. Please don't tell me we wouldn't be better off doing things the bibles way. Do you know anybody losing their house? Anybody with cancer? Oh, well just blame those pesky Christians.
I could argue that Christianity is indeed responsible for the mindset of modern cultures. In fact, I strongly feel that way. I think pagan religions that revere the earth are much more likely to be more earth-friendly then Christians who act like it's just a toy for them to play with until Jesus comes back. Unfortunately we'll never know because the Mediterranean religions pretty much dominanted things. Although, even an atheist would be a fool to believe that mankind would just naturally be good if there no religion. But the cold hard fact of the matter is that Christianity has been around for over 2000 years and it clearly hasn't been a good example. It's a proven failed philosophy. It already had it's chance and failed. NEXT! |
The bible condemns sorcery.
I will take these one at a time but I have the most familiarity here. You do understand that the practice of "sorcery" and Witchcraft was very often the traditional use of herbal medicines? This is what the Christians condemned and murdered thousands of people for in both the US (Salem, Massachusetts 1692) and to a much greater extent, Europe. That's so true. The sorcerors, shamans, and witches were the most godly people of all and the Christians condemned and murdered them. I wouldn't be at all suprised to discover that Christianity is Satan. They destroy everything that is divine and holy. |
If it wasn't for Drugs I would have been dead before my 10th birthday, I agree that we use pills to frequently in our society but I'm glad some men in the past took the time to research and discover the drugs that keeps me alive, If it was up to natural remedy I would be dead now.
Edited by
Sun 01/11/09 04:35 PM
Well Abra pretty much covered it but I will also add:
The bible condemns porn.
All the bible did throughout was condemn the free expression of sexual intimacy and female sexuality in general. It was reassigned as "evil" and should be suppressed at all costs. If you need any reminding of this just give the word and I will begin posting the passages starting with the lovely Saul Paul. What happens when you tell people something is verboten? Well they want more of it and they will pay a much higher price for it and it becomes sought after. Christianity is the number one practiced religion in the US today. The United States is also one of the largest producers of pornography in the world today. Do you not see the link here? |
I want to do something I would call backwards-evangelism. I'm asking the question: Why is it, that whenever you trace back the ruling elite and powerful people who run this world, they are always into the occult? The Masons are the most obvious example. When you reach the 33rd level, they basically admit that they worship Lucifer. It is UNDENIABLE that there is a pentagram and a suare&compass "written" into the street design of DC. It is UNDENIABLE that there is a "shaft of Baal" (Washington monument) there and at the Vatican. Hope I don't have to spell out what it symbolizes. It is UNDENIABLE that the rich and powerful attend the Bohemian Grove where there is a giant stone Owl (Molech). So it doesn't really matter if YOU believe there is a real Devil or not. THEY believe and take THEIR religion very, very seriously. Which is stealing, killing, and destroying you and me - the sheep. We are all in the same boat - the powerless when it comes to this world system. You cannot deny that this world is messed up because THEY are in power - it effects everybodys daily lives (right now the economy). You can't "wish" them away by not believing they exist. There is only one way they are going to be defeated, and that is the return of Yahshua to rule and reign for 1000 years. "We battle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers." Let me here your explanation as to why the world is in the state that it is. No offense but sounds like someone has been studying at the hands of the super paranoid religious. They use fear to bring people in to the fold and it does work unless the people are strong enough to resist the contagious insanity. To answer your question in a factual manner, those who are alike watch out for their own. Uberelite or uber powerful people watch, cover and assist those like themselves to continue to remain in control, it really has nothing to do with a devil or god for that matter. |
The bible condemns sorcery. I will take these one at a time but I have the most familiarity here. You do understand that the practice of "sorcery" and Witchcraft was very often the traditional use of herbal medicines? This is what the Christians condemned and murdered thousands of people for in both the US (Salem, Massachusetts 1692) and to a much greater extent, Europe -------------------------------------------------- Genesis says that "every herb bearing seed is given for the service of man". The bible is 100% pro herbal medecine and natural healing. Sorcery would be the "hard" drugs that can open the mind to demonic influences and the "chemical" unnatural modern drugs that don't cure anything, just mask the symptoms. Whoever is wiping out herbalists and natural healers CANNOT call themselves a true Christian. During WWII not one bombing raid targeted the drug companies like Bayer (a pretty important target wouldn't you think) - these Nazis eventually formed our modern Pharma industry. But a town like Dresden, known for it's high population of herbalists, was fire bombed into oblivion. I agree with you guys on this issue. Again, the true/false Christian argument. I forgot to add that the CIA ships in most of the hard drugs into this country. They were also behind the acid craze of the 60's and Tim Leary was their asset. The safe things like Pot (natural and herb bearing seed) are outlawed so that they get more business. They are about to do the same with vitamins with the CODEX laws. It will start with regulation and turn into outlawing. Vit C illegal? Someday yes. And when they bring in the free health care, you will play by THEIR rules. You sneek some vitamins on the side? Bye bye coverage, they'll throw you out on the streets, or even in prison. It's all in the book "Brave New World" by Aldox Huxley. A COMPLETELY DRUGGED and controlled society. Tell me THAT doesn't scare you. |
I guess I'm confused by the OP. If there is evil running the world and if evil is responsible for this government, where is Gods army?
Certainly the Bible indicates that God never lets such horror go unpunished. God even has humans do the dirty work, He just just has to whisper in someone's ear that he wants that person to form a holy army. What happened? God just lets his people flounder in the midst of all this tempation, this evil? Is there a single human who can resist it? If no human can resist it, then we may as well concede that the devil has won, and throw away the old worn out religious doctrine. In fact throw it all away, now we might be free to begin an unfetterd life, and cast both God and the devil into the ring alone.... |
First of all, when you want to quote someone, hit that red "quote". Do you see it in the bottom right? Otherwise that will become tedious and confusing to deal with.
Edited by
Sun 01/11/09 06:31 PM
Genesis says that "every herb bearing seed is given for the service of man". The bible is 100% pro herbal medecine and natural healing. Sorcery would be the "hard" drugs that can open the mind to demonic influences and the "chemical" unnatural modern drugs that don't cure anything,
If the bible was so "pro medicinal herbs" why were they killing both males and females as "sorcerers" and Witches? You can’t have it both ways here. And do you not understand where we actually get "hard drugs" from? Pharmaceuticals are routinely derived from PLANTS. They are recombined and chemicals are added as stabilization compounds. You need to brush up on some of this if you are going to study natural medicines. "The compound from which the active ingredient in aspirin was first derived, salicylic acid, was found in the bark of a willow tree" How do you think pre-historic women (and later midwives) were able to induce abortions when the woman’s life was in danger or it was bad timing? You guessed it. Medicinal herbs. The practice of Witchcraft. Whoever is wiping out herbalists and natural healers CANNOT call themselves a true Christian.
Its a little late for that isnt it? Tell that to the women who were hung and tortured as Witches. Maybe you can find their relatives. Witches could be characterized by any or none of the following: were healers using folk medicine, herbal cures, spells (these women were generally out spoken and were relatively influential) provided gynecological services; midwife, contraception, abortion (some) practiced infanticide (some) practiced the old fertility cult religions |
Back on topic of the elite who rule the world: The bible condemns usary (charging interest). This is the international banksters #1 weapon. This is why you end up paying $400,000 for a house worth $100,000. This is why we are having a housing crisis which will bring down the entire economy (which has all been planned that way). Ending usary alone would improve peoples lives tremendously world wide. The bible condemns sorcery. Which can be translated pharmekia - or the pharmaceutical industry. They suppress all natural cures and promote only their drugs which they make huge profits on. Heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death. Both of which are easily preventable. #3 leading cause - adverse reactions to drugs! Any doctor who has ANY success curing cancer naturally will get a SWAT team visit and put out of business. They are getting all the kids on Ritilan and Prozac as young as 5 yrs old! The bible condemns porn. This is an epidemic in our country. USA is the #1 producer and consumer. Does this help society? THEY do everything to promote it because it destroys the family unit. This bailout thing is a sick inside joke. Israel was THE example of a sound healthy country. They kept a national identity. THEY are doing everything they can to destroy us through illegal immigration. They could close the border in a second if they wanted to. They want us to come down to Mexicos level, instead of a strong nation helping Mexico come up to ours. I could go on. But these are some major issues that affect us all. Please don't tell me you blame the Christians for all these things. Please don't tell me we wouldn't be better off doing things the bibles way. Do you know anybody losing their house? Anybody with cancer? Oh, well just blame those pesky Christians. I don't know a time when the elite didn't rule the world in one way or the other... It's been known for quite a while now that pharmas can't make money off of herbs they can not patent, so of course they would like to find a way around that. Yes they want to do away with self remedies, so their drugs are the most popular. It's difficult to get information on herbs that isn't some how dismissed by drug companies that don't want us healing our selves. hurts their bottom line. And of course they want to dominate, what company today doesn't want to dominate. At the same time the herbal and alternative health companies take advantage of our vanity and fears by selling us things we don't need. So greed and abuse go both ways. There seem to be enough bucks in both camps to prevent either from dominating, so I highly doubt we will ever see a point where we can not find the herbs we need. Though they will be come too expensive for most folks eventually at the rate we are going. I do agree that interest rates are insane, but when was there a time in recent history that they weren't. Maybe it would be a good idea for our system to completely collapse in order to bring about real change in the way things work. I don't know enough about it to make that judgment. I don't know the advantages to porn but it's easy to see the ugly side of it, but then again I don't know much about it over all, other than it's worth billions of dollars and it's disgusting that children and young women are exploited by it. But I agree there is a connection between religion and why we are obsessed with it. I also think we have become desensitized in our modern world, we can't have normal sexual feelings with out help in some fashion, due to anxiety, church dogma, sexual abuse, working too much and on and on, it's no wonder it's so lucrative. |