Topic: A Challenge to the Unbelievers. | |
I call a temporary cease-fire, so we can all agree that herbs, natural medicine, wine and Pot are all good. And that the IRS (haven't even touched them yet) are very, very bad because they will throw you in jail and seize your car and house for a dime bag. Why don’t you just practice with medicinal herbs and be done with all of this nonsense. If that’s your true calling and it sounds like you are drawn to it. |
You would make a good Mason. This is pretty much what they believe. Lucifer embodies CHANGE, reminds me of Obama. We are headed for change in this country all right. So now you're going to equate Lucifer with Obama? Yes, he matches the Antichrist in some characteristics but I'd hardly call them one and the same. Besides, the Antichrist isn't real. He's a character in a book. Maybe we should be focusing on bringing down Voldemort too. Sauron is on line four and wants to talk with you. And Indiana Jones wants to know if your lunch date with Jessica Rabbit for tomorrow is still on. Please call Yogi Bear if you need to change your reservations. But seriously, you don't really think Obama is the devil, do you? Lucifer didn't want more power, he wan't it all! It was an attempted coup. And you're darn right Yahwehs a dictator, he owns it all. How about if I waltz into your house and start ordering you around - it would be a change wouldn't it - and therefore a good thing. I told you change can be good or evil, but the Bible is a very conservative book that puts a negative label on change all together. In my opinion the Bible is also a very dated book, and many of the teachings in it are no longer culturally relevant. So therefore your change in my house would be an example of bad change, just like oppressing a land or race of people and attempting to convert all of them. And what makes Yahweh a good dictator anyways? He's killed his own people, much like SADDAM HUSSEIN! And cam you blame Lucifer for wanting more power? I want more power. I bet you'd like some more power too. Hell, if I could have it I would take all the power in the world. It's impractical and will never happen but should the opportunity arise I'll take it. I'd rather trust myself with it that some invisible man in the sky who likes to appear in fire and expects way too much from people. Hell, if I lived with a roommate who wouldn't let me touch the lights, the TV, or the food in the fridge and made all of the decisions about the apartment without me then I'd try to seize all the power too. When has Lucifer ever killed anyone? Are you kidding me? Reminds me of a story from the Soviet gulags. A poor prisoner starving to death tried to get a letter off to Stalin asking "Does Stalin know what is going on here, someone should inform him so he can stop this." Go ahead and write a letter to Lucifer. Logic fail. The Bible has no verse in it to my knowledge of Lucifer committing a genocide. And when's the last time that an army in the name of Satan or Lucifer has marched on an opposing religion and spawned a thousand years of bitterness between two races of men? And Joseph Cambell really does write myth, I'll stick with the facts. Like Sgt Joe Friday "Just the facts ma'am." Yeah man, stick with the facts. I would define fact as something that can be proven, tested, and has proof behind it. So not everything you read in a book is fact, even if the book tries to convince you it is. Especially if the book has to try and convince you it is. It's all just writing! That's it! We've been conditioned to take it as fact. But the Lucifer in all of us, the part of us that dares to defy authority, no matter how absolute, is the most beautiful part of the human condition, in my opinion. Without this challenge to authority the French Revolution and the American Revolution would have never occurred. And without this challenge to authority comes a subservient and anti-progressive model of society. So you may bow to your God, you may worship him; nothing I can say or do will change that, and I don't want to because your faith is your own. But I believe that Lucifer is a scapegoat, something the church uses to make concrete the idea of "evil". |
I call a temporary cease-fire, so we can all agree that herbs, natural medicine, wine and Pot are all good. And that the IRS (haven't even touched them yet) are very, very bad because they will throw you in jail and seize your car and house for a dime bag. I agree that the things we are given by nature and life that occurs on this planet is divine, and that we should appreciate the secular miracle of life and diversity on this planet. But synthetic things are not nearly as magical. |
Well actually I had asked Norslyman if he felt the church was justified in torturing and killing women as Witches and I never got a straight answer. I wasn’t really expecting one. I know it says something like "Suffer not a witch to live" - now is that live in your town, your land? Saul made a death threat to all witches in the land, and then goes and visits one himself? I see no record of the Witch of Endor being put to death however. The servent girl in Acts how was bothering the Apostles wasn't referred to as a witch? It just says "a servant girl with a familiar spirit". They didn't kill her. They just cast the spirit out of her. Here's the big one. When Simon the Sorcerer wanted to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit with money, they just cursed him. If ANYONE deserved death it would have been this guy. Look what he went on to do: SIMON MAGUS by Ernest L. Martin What were the origins of Catholic-Babylonian Christianity? What was Simon’s religion before he met Peter? Where did that religion originate? Read in this series of articles the detailed and documented account of Simon Magus and his great COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIANITY! THE FALSE religious system began very early -- almost with Pentecost in 31 A.D. Even in the earliest of Paul’s epistles, he informs us that "the mystery of iniquity DOTH ALREADY WORK" (II Thess. 2:7). Paul wrote this in 50 or 51 A.D. The plot to supplant the Truth had already begun. In the later epistles of Paul and in those of the other Apostles, we find it gaining considerable momentum. However, even though the Apostles discuss the diabolical system which was arising, THEY NOWHERE MENTION HOW IT STARTED. They had no need in mentioning its beginning -- that had already been done! The book of Acts is the KEY to the understanding of Christian beginnings. Not only does it show the commencement of the TRUE Church, but it equally reveals the origins of the False Church masquerading as Christianity. Indeed, you would think it odd if the book of Acts did not discuss this vital subject. The Book of Acts -- the Key First, let us recall two points of necessary understanding. 1) The book of Acts was written by Luke about 62 A.D.-- some 31 years after the True Church began. Acts recalls ALL events which affected, in a major way, the True Church. It especially tells us about the beginnings of matters relating to Church history. 2) Acts does NOT record every single event relative to the Church, important as one might think them to be. For example, Luke doesn’t mention a single thing about the activities of ten of the original twelve Apostles of Christ. Yet are we to assume that they did nothing important in the history of the Church? Absolutely NOT! They must have done many mighty works. But we can see from this omission that Luke recorded ONLY THOSE EVENTS WHICH WERE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for God’s Church of the future to know. Notice that Luke’s geography leads him towards the Northwest and West of Palestine. He discusses Church history in Asia Minor, Greece and ROME. He wanted to leave us with the truth of what was going on in the West and North because the prophecies showed the false system arising in these localities. All other activities of God’s Church -- all about the other ten Apostles, etc. -- fall into relative unimportance because the trouble wasn’t going to come from Palestine itself. It was to come from ROME and adjacent areas. It is no wonder that Luke spares no pains to tell us the truth of what was really going on in these critical areas, and that is the reason Acts concerns itself primarily with Paul. These are well-known principles that help us understand the overall viewpoint of Acts. With the foregoing in mind, read the incident recorded by Luke, of the first encounter of God’s Apostles with a heretic. This encounter was not with an ordinary run-of-the-mill individual, but with one of the greatest men in the East at that time -- Simon the Magus! The reason Luke describes the intentions of this man so thoroughly is the profound effect this man, and his followers, had on God’s Church in Asia Minor, Greece, and ESPECIALLY ROME. Actually, this man by 62 A.D., (when Luke composed the book of Acts) had caused the True Church so much trouble that Luke had to show the people that he was NOT, as he claimed to be, a part of the Christian Church. All scholars realize that Luke tells about Simon’s beginning because of his later notoriety and danger to the Church. In this regard, notice the comment of Hasting’s Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, Vol. 2, p. 496: "It seems beyond question that Luke KNEW THE REPUTATION which Simon acquired, and that he regarded the subsequent history of Simon as the natural result of what occurred in the beginning of his connection with the Christians." If we assume that Luke recorded this encounter of the Apostles with Simon Magus simply to show that "simony" was wrong, we miss the point completely. There is a score of places in other parts of the Bible to show the error of buying ecclesiastical gifts. Luke was exposing SIMON MAGUS HIMSELF. This IS the important point!! Luke was clearly showing that Simon was NEVER a part of God’s Church, even though by 62 A.D., many people were being taught that Simon was truly a Christian -- taught that he was the HEAD of the only TRUE Christians; the Apostle to the Gentiles! What Luke Tells Us About Simon Magus Notice the points Luke places clearly before us. 1) Simon was a Samaritan, not a Jew -- (Acts 8:9). Remember that the Bible tells us salvation was of the Jews -- not of the Samaritans (John 4:22). 2) Simon Magus greatly used demonic powers to do miracles and wonders (Acts 8:9). 3) The whole population of Samaria (both small and great) gave heed to him (Verse 10). He was looked on as the greatest prophet -- all Samaritans BELIEVED IN HIM! 4) The Samaritans WORSHIPPED him as "the Great One" -- a god. "This man is that power of God called Great [that is the Almighty]" (RSV. Verse 10). Imagine it! They called him god in the flesh! 5) Luke is also careful to inform us that Simon had become firmly established in Samaria as "the Great One" and had practiced his powers "for a long time" (Verse 11). 6) Luke wants us to understand that he nominally became a Christian ("Simon himself believed") and was baptized -- that is, he physically, outwardly "entered" the Christian Church (Verse 13). 7) Simon even recognized that Christ’s power was greater than his but wanted to be associated with that great name (Verse 13). 8) Simon, seeing the potential of the Christian religion waited until the authorities, Peter and John, came to Samaria and then offered to pay them money to OBTAIN AN APOSTLESHIP IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Verses 18-21). Simon Coveted Apostle’s Office Those who carelessly read this section of Scripture may get the mistaken notion that Simon wanted only to buy the Holy Spirit. Yes, he wanted that -- but his main intention went far beyond. He had eyes on becoming an APOSTLE! Peter immediately perceived his intention and said "You have neither PART nor LOT in this matter" (Verse 21). The true Apostles had been chosen after Christ’s death to take PART in the apostleship by LOT (Acts 1:25, 26). Peter was telling Simon he couldn’t buy an APOSTLESHIP. Luke is showing that Simon wanted to be one of the APOSTLES -- a top man in the Christian Church. He was after that office. After all Simon imagined himself to be fully qualified to be an APOSTLE, especially over the Samaritans since they already looked to him as the greatest religious leader of the age. However, Peter rebuked him sternly. 9) Peter perceived that Simon was in the "gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity [lawlessness]" (Verse 23). NOTE: This verse has been misunderstood because the King James Version fails to give the full force of Peter’s accusation. This verse when understood in the manner Peter intended, is one of the most important of the whole chapter. IT IS A PROPHECY! Peter knew the mind of this man and what this man was to become. This is made plain by Sir William Ramsay in his Pictures of the Apostolic Church, p. 60. He says: "Peter rebuked him in strong and PROPHETIC TERMS. The PROPHECY is concealed in the ordinary translation: the Greek means ‘thou art FOR a gall of bitterness and a fetter of unrighteousness [lawlessness]’, i.e., a cause of bitterness and corruption to others." This makes it plain. Peter was uttering a prophecy by the Holy Spirit. He was telling what this Simon was to become; Lange’s Commentary says: "Peter’s words, literally, mean: ‘I regard you as a man whose influence WILL BE like that of bitter gall [poison] and a bond of unrighteousness [lawlessness], or, as a man who has reached such a state’." (Vol. 9, p. 148). Not only was Simon, in Peter’s time, a great antagonist to the Church, but he would be the adversary in the future. This prophecy is the KEY that opens to our understanding the ORIGINS of the heresies mentioned in the letters of the Apostles. Peter clearly knew Simon wouldn’t repent. Verse 22 shows that in the original. Gall of Bitterness Defined It is also interesting to note Peter’s statement that Simon was to become a "gall of bitterness." People today may not realize the exact meaning of such a phrase, but no Jew in the First Century was in any doubt as to its meaning. It was a figure of speech adopted from the Old Testament which denoted going over to the idols and abominations of the heathen. Read Deuteronomy 29:16-18 and see how plainly this figure of speech is used. When the Apostle Peter applied to Simon Magus the phrase "gall of bitterness," he meant that Simon would be the responsible party for the introduction of heathen beliefs and idols into Christianity. The prophecy takes on a new and important scope when we realize this real meaning of Peter’s prophecy. No wonder Jude later says, speaking about the very men who followed Simon Magus (including Simon himself): "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ORDAINED to this condemnation" (Verse 4). We can be confident that Peter recognized that Satan was going to use this Simon Magus as the GREAT PROTAGONIST OF FALSE CHRISTIANITY. The later history of Simon Magus shows that Peter’s prophecy came true in a most remarkable way. Simon Magus Unrepentant 10) Even after Peter’s strong rebuke, Simon DID NOT REPENT! And Peter knew that he wouldn’t! Conclusion: This means that Simon thought he deserved to be an Apostle -- if not the chief Apostle -- in the Christian Church. He became baptized which, in a physical way, made him ostentatiously a "member." It is important to remember that he DID NOT REPENT of his error. There is not the slightest hint that he gave up believing that he had divine right to be an Apostle. He deliberately continued in this error, with his later followers -- calling himself "Christian"! It is because of the later deceptive activities of this would-be Apostle that Luke was compelled to show his ignominious beginning and to reveal what Peter prophesied about him. It is by identifying the real beginning of the great false church system with this Simon that opens up a whole new vista of understanding in regard to the counterfeit Christianity which began even in the infancy of the Church. What Did Simon and the Samaritans Believe? One of the most scholarly of early church historians was Harnack, who wrote an extensive seven-volume work titled The History of Dogma. This man is recognized as one of the top authorities in the world on this subject. He states: "Long before the appearance of Christianity, combinations of religion had taken place in Syria and Palestine, ESPECIALLY IN SAMARIA, insofar as the ASSYRIAN and BABYLONIAN religious philosophy . . . with its manifold interpretations, had penetrated as far as the eastern shore of the Mediterranean" (Vol. 1, pp. 243, 244). Notice he says the Babylonian religion had come ESPECIALLY TO SAMARIA! ! And why not? The Samaritans were largely Babylonian by race. The Bible tells us in II Kings 17:24 that most of the Samaritans had been taken to Samaria from Babylon and adjacent areas. Later on, Ezra informs us that others who were mainly of Babylonian stock came to Samaria (Ezra 4:9-10). These people amalgamated their Babylonian religious beliefs with some of the teachings from the Old Testament. But they NEVER DEPARTED basically from their own Babylonian-Chaldean religious teachings. If anyone doubts that these Samaritans practiced outright paganism under the guise of YHVH worship, let him read the extraordinarily clear indictments recorded in the inspired Word of God (II Kings 17:24-41). So it is a Sorcerer who inspired the killing of witches. |
Is any of that even topic related?
Edited by
Tue 01/13/09 11:37 AM
This information is better. Less dry.
The Malleus Maleficarum (The Witches' Hammer) was a thorough witch-hunter's manual. It was written in the witch mania during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Contained in it were complete instructions on the prosecution of witches. First published in Germany in 1486, it quickly proliferated into many editions spreading throughout Europe and England. The impact of the work was felt in witch trials on the Continent for almost 200 years. A basic tenet is that not to believe in the existence of witchcraft is a heresy since God acknowledged witches. The sexism of the Malleus Maleficarum is unmistakable: Although the work states both men and women can become witches, women are more susceptible. Several reasons for this are given: "Because the female sex is more concerned with things of the flesh than men"; being formed from a man's rib they are "only imperfect animals" and "crooked" whereas man belongs to a privileged sex from whose midst Christ emerged. The authors' main reason for the increase in witchcraft among women laid in the "vile contention between married and unmarried women." And, "They warned against the 'spitefulness of womankind.'" The authors protested they were not misogynists but their entire work contained a pathological hatred of women. And the reader having a psychoanalytical viewpoint would readily agree when coming on their lengthy commentaries on witches' ability to hamper the generative powers of men, and to disturb sexual relationships in general. Malleus Maleficarum is presented in three parts, each proposes questions and allegedly answers them by opposing arguments. Part I attempts to describe how the Devil and his witches cooperate, with "the permission of Almighty God," to perpetrate many evils on men and animals including tempting them with incubi and succibi, instilling hatred; obstructing or destroying fertility; and the metamorphosis of men into beasts. The work is based on the authors' premise that Gods permits these acts; otherwise, the Devil would have unlimited power and destroy the world. Part II describes witches casting spell, bewitching, and doing their maleficia, and how such actions might be prevented or remedied. A great deal of attention is given to the Devil's pact, an agreement signed between the witch and the Devil. The authors reasoned men did not have the power to work magic on their own accord; such power was given to them by Satan. Briefly, a pact was signed between the witch and the Devil which obligated both parties to do certain things for each other. The witch renounces Christ, to whom she has belonged to since her baptism, and signs her immortal soul over to Satan, who in return supposedly makes all forbidden things available to her. This act, in and of itself, was blasphemous and a betrayal of God. The evidence of witches and their maleficia presented within the work is derived from confessions obtained during inquisitions conducted by Sprenger and Krammer themselves and from other material on witchcraft written by other ecclesiastical writers. Much of this evidence consisted of stories of spell casting, pacts, sacrificing of children and copulating with the Devil. It should be noted here that even the people were astonished, and reasonably so, at Pope Innocent VIII's admission in his Bull that men and women could have sexual relationships with demons. Part III deals with the legal procedures for prosecuting a witch. This includes rules for taking testimony, admitting evidence, procedures for interrogation and torture and guidelines for sentencing. Hostile witnesses were permitted to testify because everyone hated witches. Torture is dealt with matter-of-factly, if the accused did not confess after a year or so in prison, then torture could be applied as an incentive. So, confessions attained by torture were valid. Judges were permitted to lie to the accused, promising leniency if they confessed, reasoning that is was done in the best interest of the society and state. For some crimes light sentencing was prescribed, but, according to the authors' acknowledged purpose of executing as many witches as possible, most of the instructions on sentencing pertained to death. The Malleus Maleficarum clearly contains contradictions such as when its states the Devil through witches afflict mostly good and just people, but later they state, only the wicked are vulnerable. At one point the judges are said to be immune from the witches curses or spells; while in another portion of the work, the authors, admonish the judges to protect themselves with salt and the sacraments. It was instructed that a witch be shaven of all her hair, hair was thought to be magical; and the witch should walk naked, backward toward the judges to prevent her or him from giving them the evil eye. The Malleus Maleficarum was immediately successful throughout Europe. Fourteen editions were published by 1520; and another sixteen appeared by 1669. It became the primary guidebook for the inquisitors and judges and later writers used it as the basis for their own works. One of the most important things, it was considered, that the book did was to link witchcraft to heresy. In England the book was not as enthusiastically accepted, perhaps because of the English Protestant Church. The foreign-language editions were only prevalently found in libraries and among scholars. The first English edition did not appear until 1584. But, the English writers absorbed the material into their own. The English based their witchcraft trials more on maleficia than heresy, probably because they felt themselves considered heretics too. Up to the present the Malleus Maleficarum has been denounced not only by pagans but churchmen alike. Even the atheists must have laughed at it, and even felt a twinge of anger toward it. The book has been denounced as a "'monstrosity full of intellectual debauchery' proceeding out of 'stupidity bordering on idiocy.'" But such a description does not accurately describe the malignancy of the work. What the work represents is a "...diabolical state of mind into which not a ray of Christian charity falls, not a trace of New Testament spirit. Its pages are haunted by primitive fanaticism, by the triumph of Satanism." Much has been written about the Inquisition, the witch hunts and the witch mania that spread throughout Europe, England, and later America. Perhaps the 'Malleus Maleficarum' played part in causing this terrible phenomena. But those having thoroughly studied this historical period know that the 'Malleus Maleficarum' did not cause it all. There were other factors and most important among them was the power and control of the Church. Eliminating heretics was one way to strengthen Church control and it also provided another to strengthen the Church by the confiscation of the victim's property. Usually the confiscated property was divided three ways: by the Inquisition members, the church officials, and the state treasury. The confiscation of the condemned person's property was based on medieval and feudal laws which were present in England, France and Germany. Even the dead were not safe. If a suspicion aroused that a dead person may have been a heretic the body could be dug up and burned. His property was then confiscated. Records show many women and children were left penniless from such confiscation. Added to this the Church and state kept strict accounts of the prisoner's incarceration, trial and execution costs. If the value of his confiscated property was not enough to cover these costs, then his heirs had to pay the difference. The families of the victims suffered too. The confiscation of property became a lucrative business which Popes and bishops protested against, but did not stop for centuries. This was one of the reasons that the Spanish Inquisition was not looked upon favorably by Roman, the Spanish rulers did not divide the spoils of confiscated property three ways; just two, between the Inquisitors and the state. Even then the state did not even know if it received its fair share because the Inquisition being an arm of the government paid no taxes nor gave any accounting of the property confiscated during the peak of its power. When the confiscation of property was stopped, the witch mania soon ended. One can ask did the Inquisition with the help of the 'Malleus Maleficarum' accomplish its mission of eliminating heretics on the pretense of saving souls. Many millions were killed, and many innocent victims suffered, most agree. But, in the final analysis one must ask, how can the killing or burning of a body bring salvation to a soul? The body, most will agree, is physical while the soul is spiritual. It departs the body upon death. No mortal is sure where it goes. No, other reasons must stand for the Inquisition and the writing of the Malleus Maleficarum. A.G.H. |
You're missing my point. I'm going purely by what the bible says. I can't go by what these people wrote because they were part of/or influenced by the Catholic church, which was itself founded by Simon the Sorcerer - a true witch.
Since its apparent you’ve never read the bible I thought I would help you out here.
For worshipping other gods If there be found among you ... that ... hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them ... Then shalt thou ... tone them with stones, till they die. Deuteronomy 17:2-5 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers ... thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 13:5-10 For witches and wizards A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27 |
Edited by
Tue 01/13/09 11:54 AM
You're missing my point. I'm going purely by what the bible says. I can't go by what these people wrote because they were part of/or influenced by the Catholic church, which was itself founded by Simon the Sorcerer - a true witch. Catholics believe in Christ. Why would they kill their own if that were the case? Are you stoned right now? |
in the days of past knowing, many things were defined as evil, making the sight of many peoples as evil, but "IF" there be any god, and "IF" there be any greater purpose, and any greater peace for the weary heart, that be tired of the constant true unknowing of the purpose of all things, the "evidence" longed for of greater answer, from something greater than self, rent the viel the mind, and the hearing of how and why all things as evil did ever occur, and such was allowed, flood the heart with peace that surpass any fear of anything mortal as evil for eternity, and remove any sight from the heart that god find waiting, and the kingdom of all goodness from within, tell each second, how what look as evil be not evil, and only sick and dying and confused and distraught and mierable and feeble and loathing of self, from all things taken into the mind fromt he sight of all things created only by mankind itself, and the solving of all that was once evi be commenced, and the tears of humankind be wiped away one by one until all be completed, and the garden once spoken be as completed.....
yea, for there are many anti christ gone out into the world, that say some are of christ, some be not of christ, and some be the only christ, as yea, all be children just as christ, and each mortal walk each footstep passing thru the exact emotional feeling of ones called christ gone on before, and in the days coming forth when the mind no longer find or have peace from the thinking it be the only thing that know of god or be of god, or truth, or wisdom, or good answers, the weeping for the stumbling of all others cast the body to the ground, with the sight of all the speaking and defining how all others were not of god, and the full sight of the pain caused unto all others along the path overtake, and the sight of self pain no longer be the only great guide of all decisions, and peace be found within as the sight of all others as wrong that garnered all things be displaced, and the anti-force that stop all power already flowing into the human body, from all the definitions of evil, that corrupt and dilute and restrain the eternal never ending power, the damn that blocked be broken, and the power of infinite power that flow into the human body, spark the same spark thruout the body that created all life, and the voice of the stranger that knows all but speak thru fear, begin to reveal the tale of all things from beginning to ending, and complete the singuler unique purpose of each more life, and the purpose of the entire body of the family of humankind, be now released unto the weeping heart that know not....... for if there be no need, there be no want, and if there be no want, then there be self satisfaction, and if there be self satisfaction with all things already known, then what more can be known? |
Edited by
Tue 01/13/09 12:53 PM
You're missing my point. I'm going purely by what the bible says
Then that’s a complete waste of time. All it will tell you in the bible is to stone all Witches and Wizards to death. Witchcraft PREDATES the bible. It was also a practice of women primarily. If you are going to ignore this historical evidence then I can’t help you. |
I think there is a difference between what the bible consideres as a witch and the practice of the craft...
the craft is practiced by men as well as women... so then what is it that the bible consideres a witch? |
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Tue 01/13/09 01:31 PM
I did say "primarily." The bible refers to the males as “sorcerers” presumably. Women made up the majority of the practitioners of the Craft from ancient times. They were also the ones to endure the blunt end of the torture and execution at the hands of the church later.
Am I sensing some romantic tension between Nerdsleyman and Krimsa? Ha Ha just thought I would break things up a bit.
Since its apparent you’ve never read the bible I thought I would help you out here. For worshipping other gods If there be found among you ... that ... hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them ... Then shalt thou ... tone them with stones, till they die. Deuteronomy 17:2-5 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers ... thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 13:5-10 For witches and wizards A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27 I would have to say that this was for OT times only. My speculation would be that since a lot of the bible had not yet been written, and the messiah had not yet come, YHVH had to be extremely protective(jealous) of his people until the time of messiah. The entire nation of Israel fell into the worship of other gods at times, so clearly these laws were not carried out to the letter, otherwise NOBODY would be left. Instead, YHVH would let other nations enslave them until they repented. It seems a gray area. I really would like to know how often people were stoned. Too bad there is no exact written record. Clearly after Yashua came and the church was given power over all unclean spirits(disciples were amazed at this), it makes more sense to just target the spirit and not the person. Which is what they did with the servent girl. They didn't kill her did they? And like I said, why did they not kill Simon the Sorcerer? Suppose they knew someone else would just take his place. They expanded the defenition of a witch to include midwives. Just as they are going to expand the defention of a terrorist to include anyone who disagress with the government, which will be primarily but not exclusively Christians. It will be by the guillotine this time apparently, as Rev speaks of the endtime saints who were beheaded. Sounds better than burning at least. |
Edited by
Tue 01/13/09 06:06 PM
I would have to say that this was for OT times only.
Im afraid not. The term burning times has come to refer to "any threatened return of prejudice against or persecution of Witches and neo-Pagans by other religious groups, law enforcement agencies, employers, politicians and others." (See: Helms Amendment) Historically the term designated, especially for witches, the period within Western history in which there occurred intense burning, also the various types of murdering of witches. This period is known for its vindictive witch-hunts which extended from the mid-15th century to the early 18th century. The idea of burning witches, one of the cruelest forms of execution, is said to have originated with Saint Augustine (354-430), who said "that pagans, Jews, and heretics would burn forever in eternal fire with the Devil unless saved by the Catholic Church." Witches, also were classed as heretics, during the time of the Inquisition. Heretics were not only disbelieves of the church doctrine, but, many also were accused of beings servants of the Devil by forming compacts with him to get his help. The accused were sentenced to execution by burning when found guilty of heresy, and few escaped this conviction of the church, which practically controlled every aspect of human life, because "Fire itself is the element of purification, and nothing less than fire could negate the evil that was said to be witches." The 16th century demonologist, Jean Bodin, stated in De la Demonomanie des Sorciers: Even if the witch has never killed or done evil to man, beast, or fruits, and even if he has always cured bewitched people, or driven away tempests, it is that he has renounced God and treated with Satan that he deserves to be burned alive...Even if there is no more than the obligation to the Devil, having denied God, this deserves the most cruel death that can be imagined. However, all witches were not burned at the stake. It seems various countries had their preferred forms of execution. Hanging was preferred in England and the American colonies. In France, Scotland and Germany it was the custom to first strangle the condemned witches, as an act of mercy, before sending them to the hanging stand or garroting, and then cremating them to ashes. Many witches were burned alive, needless to say. It is alleged by church authorities that many who were burned had either recanted their confessions at the last moment or did not repent for their crimes. The burnings were executed by civil authorities because the church would have no part in the murdering of people. An elaborate accounting system connected with the burnings was established which included expenses for the trail and the prisoner's incarceration in jail. Some trial in Scotland show that the burning of a witch consumed 16 loads of peat plus wood and coal. This debt was attached to the condemned person's estate or relatives. If the debt was so large, more than the person's estate value, or more than one generation of relatives could pay off, then it was carried over to the next generation. It might be asked who collected this money? Usually it was collected by three parties in the time of the Inquisition: the Church, the Inquisitors, and the civil authorities. Here might be added two interesting details which helps to explain the popularity and the terminus of the Inquisition. The Church did not favor the Spanish Inquisition because the Royalty did not give a proportion of the property of the condemned to the church, and when the Papacy said such property could no longer be confiscated the Inquisition abruptly ended. Witch lynchings and burnings continued infrequently into the late 19th century in England, Europe and Latin America. There are no reliable accounts as to the exact number of witches executed. Only estimates can be made. During the 150 year period of the Inquisition, in Germany where the most fierce witch hunts occurred, the minimum estimates range from 30,000 to 100,000. A witch burning was a great public spectacle. Most of the village's population turned out to witness it. It has been pointed out that more burnings occurred in small hamlets than larger towns or cities because in the villages people were more superstitious. Also, neighbor was more likely to spy and tell on neighbor. This did occur, especially during the torturing of the witches. Many said their neighbors were witches in order to escape more suffering. Usually the burning occurred shortly after sentencing. The interval between was just long enough to hire the executioner, construct the execution site and gather the fuel. However, in Scotland, the burning was preceded by days of fasting and preaching. The witch was strangled first, sometimes not completely. Then she was drugged unconscious or semiconscious to where she was tied to a stake or dumped into a barrel of tar and set afire. If the witch was not dead and managed to escape the flames then onlookers would shove her back into the fire. A.G.H |
And since you keep insisting that you will ONLY look within the bible (which is absurd in my opinion) especially when you are dealing with the mystical arts and the practice of herbal medicine which predates Christianity and the bible by several thousand years, here you go.
“When you come into the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire [an ancient occult practice], or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination [detestable] to the LORD…” -Deuteronomy 18:9-12a |
Lots of people suffered under the Inquisitions. And they have never really gone away! I'm sure you and I would have both been burned. I just have to keep making the point that these crimes were carried out by the Catholic church, which is really Babylonian Mystery Religion dressed up to look like the Church. It was founded by Simon the Sorcerer, and he was the first Pope. Peter the apostle was never even in Rome! You could view the New World Order as a modern day Inquisition. We should ALL recognize that fact, no matter what our faith. They don't care WHAT we believe, as long as we submit to THEM.
Portugal was created in 1139 More countries mean MORE WARS so the Vatican created the country of Portugal in 1139. Beginning around 800 A.D., Vikings began attacking the coast of Spain. Out of this Viking enclave was created the country of Portugal with military help from Papal England. Not only was there constant warfare between the Roman Catholics and the Moors but now was added an additional country to fight. The constant warfare hardened the people so that by the time of the discovery of the New World a horrible engine of destruction was created which was called the Spanish Inquisition. Surrender of the Moors to Ferdinand and Isabella in Jan. 1492, after occupying Spain for 781 years. The Moors surrendered to Ferdinand and Isabella in Jan. 1492, after occupying Spain for 781 years.....What a coincidence!!!! The constant conflict created a hard cruel ruthless Spanish citizenry which was epitomized by the Spanish Inquisition. This allowed for the redeployment of the Spanish army to the New World just in time to block the English and French colonization!! Pope Alexander VI gave the entire New World to the Spanish Inquisition!! Now that Satan had created his masterpiece called the Spanish Inquisition, it was time to present it to the world. Pope Alexander VI. 1431 to 1503. Pope from 1492 to 1503. Satan gave Rodrigo Borgia 12 years in the Papacy to accomplish his mission!! That mission was to steal the entire New World from John Cabot and England and give it to the Spanish Inquisition... Pope Alexander VI published a Bull giving the entire New World to Spain and absolutely forbidding ANY other nationality from even visiting the western continent without a license from Ferdinand and Isabella . . . and their successors!! The Italians have a tradition that Borgia was so wicked that even the devil was ashamed of his behavior and came for him before the 12 years were up!! His grandson, Don Francis Borgia, was the co-founder of the Jesuits. The main mission of the Jesuits —besides fighting the Reformation — is to ensure that the Bull of Borgia is implemented in the New World. The economic, military and "educational" arm of the Spanish Inquisition!! The "Federal" Reserve Bank is the economic arm of the Spanish Inquisition. This Bank uses USURY and the printing press paper money system as a weapon to destroy the Protestant U.S. Republic and its God given Constitution: Spanish Inquisition Bank a.k.a. the "Federal" Reserve Bank headquarters in Washington City on Constitution Avenue!! He who pays the piper calls the tune so the Spanish Inquisition "Federal" Reserve Bank has a virtual economic stranglehold on the entire country. Usury is a form of economic warfare and is strictly prohibited by the Bible. God did permit usury in the Bible but that was to help destroy the 7 wicked nations that inhabited the Promised Land. Once those nations were destroyed, usury was strictly forbidden by the Scriptures. The Pentagon is the military arm of the Spanish Inquisition in the U.S. and around the world. The Pentagon in Washington City is the war making arm of the Spanish Inquisition. The Pentagon is the military arm of the Spanish Inquisition. Since the Civil War, the U.S. has faced no threat of foreign invasion so a peacetime standing army is like a leech draining the financial lifeblood of the nation. During the 19th century, the Spanish Inquisition used Great Britain as their substitute or surrogate in order to conquer and destroy other nations. Now they are using the U.S. Republic in the exact same manner. Spanish Inquisition dupes Darwin and Darby!! When is comes to "education" the Spanish Inquisition is absolutely ruthless. They used Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Einstein to attack the FIRST book of the Bible and Darby to attack the book of Revelation—the LAST book of the Bible. In the secular realm they used DARWINISM or EVILution to destroy faith in the Genesis and scientific account of Creation. All the schools under their control teach Darwinism or the theory that the earth is millions of years old and that man came from monkeys. Charles (ape-man) Darwin. (1809 to 1882). This deadly Spanish Inquisition Jesuit has sent millions of soul to hell believing that they were just animals that time and chance happened to place on this small planet. He stole his theory from ancient Egypt where monkeys were a vital part of the Pharaonic religion. EVILution destroys faith in God and the Bible. With no fear of a coming judgment, politicians and others have no qualms about taking bribes from the "Federal" Reserve Bank in order to deliver the country to the Spanish Inquisition. Darwin lied and denied the existence of giants and he claimed to have found the missing link in Patagonia, Argentina. John Nelson Darby John Nelson Darby is known as the father of FUTURISM or Dispensationalism. Unlike Darwin, who convinced the world that the Genesis account of Creation happened in the distant PAST, Darby convinced the world that the Book of Revelation—the last book of the Bible— applied only to the distant FUTURE or the last 7 years before the end of the world. John Nelson Darby. (1800 to 1882). Prior to Darby, all Protestant Christians believed that the Book of Revelation was a history of the Christian congregation from the first century to the end of time. They believed that the great falling away happened soon after the end of the apostolic age and that the Papal dynasty answered in every way to the great apostasy or falling away predicted by the Apostle Paul. They believed that the Pope was Antichrist and that the Papal dynasty was the Whore of Babylon vividly described in Revelation chapters 17 and 18. Since Antichrist would not be revealed until years in the future, the Christians were lulled into a deep sleep and stopped preaching like Saint Martin Luther and the early Reformers. Jesus said that His followers were the SALT of the EARTH and the LIGHT of the world. Thanks to Darby, the salt has lost his savour and is good for nothing but to be trampled underfoot of the great Papal wild beast from hell. Here is an apt description of most of the Christian congregation today: "His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber." (Isaiah 56:10). And again: "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue (spit) thee out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:16). Like Darwin, Darby did a tremendous job for the Spanish Inquisition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |