Topic: what is the first thing you thikn Obama will do once in Offi
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Wed 11/05/08 02:21 PM

OBAMA will...

Squelch any dissenting POV with the "Fairness" ehem choke gag... Doctrine. Yep! The DEMS want to take away free speech rights of any oppostion.

Raise taxes....

Raise gas & energy prices...

Sounds like a good start to me!!! laugh laugh

Me too! God I love socialism drinker drinker drinker rofl rofl rofl

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:40 PM
Please let me remind you these forums are to be keep in a debate style form. At no time are members allowed to attack other members for their opinion. With that said please go back to the topic in hand.

There has been some post removed due to attacking. Please keep your responses in a civil manner and directed towards the subject not another member.

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Tanzkity's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:14 PM

GET OUR MEN/WOMEN HOME FROM IRAQ!! Then set fire to the Patriot Act!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:29 PM

GET OUR MEN/WOMEN HOME FROM IRAQ!! Then set fire to the Patriot Act!

You see this is what puzzles me... I would hope that is what he would do, but he was running his campaign on different ideas.

If you go to Obama's website you will find that the soldiers supposedly coming home from Iraq wil be REDISTRIBUTED to Afganistan and a handful of other 3rd world foreign countries.

HE ALREADY VOTED TO REINSTATE THE PATRIOT ACT...most Obama supporters cannot see through charisma...

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:31 PM
We can see through the charisma since Bush has set STUPIDITY AT A HIGH STANDARD..................its too damn foggy to see sh!t.............

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:38 PM

We can see through the charisma since Bush has set STUPIDITY AT A HIGH STANDARD..................its too damn foggy to see sh!t.............

Well, i can tell you once again, from where i am sitting, Obama voted for the patriot act.

Obama also comes out and gives his plan to send more troops to Afganistan, and mentions that we need to give more military and civilian aid to 3rd world african countries...

This should help clear up the fog.

Yeah i don't Bush either...Too much like Obama!!! rofl rofl rofl rofl

I'm kidding!

Not Really....

But seriously...:wink:

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:43 PM

We can see through the charisma since Bush has set STUPIDITY AT A HIGH STANDARD..................its too damn foggy to see sh!t.............

Well, i can tell you once again, from where i am sitting, Obama voted for the patriot act.

Obama also comes out and gives his plan to send more troops to Afganistan, and mentions that we need to give more military and civilian aid to 3rd world african countries...

This should help clear up the fog.

Yeah i don't Bush either...Too much like Obama!!! rofl rofl rofl rofl

I'm kidding!

The fog is thick............look no one man can take the burden for takes a man to understand that not at all times that people will be on his side.............that is part of being a leader sometimes your constituents will not like you but if you treat them right they will love you for the fact that you were a leader that represented your the way Patriot Act im sure was signed knowing that there are terrorists in the our mist..................The mist is many people here are at fault in terrorizing Americans at home...............we need to get our facts straight before we judge.....................

Not Really....

But seriously...:wink:

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:15 PM
I'm pretty sure the first thing that Obama will do after being sworn in, and if I'm wrong I'll kiss your feet, is give his inaguration address.

Just a guess.

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:17 PM

The first thing he will do is RAISE TAXES frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated rant rant rant

Some taxes probably NEED to be raised. how do you think the country is going to be ran and cared for if we do not provide the money needed to do so?

When you personally need money do you tax someone else or do you earn it or borrow it? Taxation is very similar to using a gun to rob someone. It's a give me your money or go to jail situation. Remember the Boston Tea Party? It was about taxation. Fighting taxes got this country started. The Federal government should keep the roads safe and provide for the common defense. Beyond that social welfare should be left up to the states.
Why doesn't the government go into business turning shale oil into usable energy or developing wind power? They might actually make a profit at it which could help pay for the endless social programs.

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:30 PM

The first thing he will do is RAISE TAXES frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated rant rant rant

Some taxes probably NEED to be raised. how do you think the country is going to be ran and cared for if we do not provide the money needed to do so?

once again...CUT SPENDING !!!....listen...when your outlays exceed what you're bringing in...theres two things you can do...find more income [ taxes ]...or...stop spending by staying one do you usually do ? cut back on beer...groceries...movies...dinners...right ?...well...the government works the same way...

Thomas27's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:49 PM
Realize the things he will not be able to do, break a few promises and carry out the duties of the President of the United States.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:06 PM
As i have mentioned time and time again...

We as a people will not be helped by Obama. He is the same as the Bushs and Clintons, not much different.

We as people need to help ourselves. We need to forget the country taking the role as "World Police" and we need to forget the idea of becoming a welfare state, as well as a police state. People need to start taking their own responsibilities. They need to start thinking about getting themselves less dependent on Government aide. What can you do to start community involvment? How can you help your neighbor in need?

We were meant to govern ourselves for the most part. This is what our forefathers saw, this is what we need to be.

Obama won't change much of anythign for the better, look at the policies. But if we all start showing our new leader the way, maybe he will take that route...

Winx's photo
Thu 11/06/08 08:46 AM

As i have mentioned time and time again...

We as a people will not be helped by Obama. He is the same as the Bushs and Clintons, not much different.

We as people need to help ourselves. We need to forget the country taking the role as "World Police" and we need to forget the idea of becoming a welfare state, as well as a police state. People need to start taking their own responsibilities. They need to start thinking about getting themselves less dependent on Government aide. What can you do to start community involvment? How can you help your neighbor in need?

We were meant to govern ourselves for the most part. This is what our forefathers saw, this is what we need to be.

Obama won't change much of anythign for the better, look at the policies. But if we all start showing our new leader the way, maybe he will take that route...

How do we do that?

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 11/06/08 08:58 AM

As i have mentioned time and time again...

We as a people will not be helped by Obama. He is the same as the Bushs and Clintons, not much different.

We as people need to help ourselves. We need to forget the country taking the role as "World Police" and we need to forget the idea of becoming a welfare state, as well as a police state. People need to start taking their own responsibilities. They need to start thinking about getting themselves less dependent on Government aide. What can you do to start community involvment? How can you help your neighbor in need?

We were meant to govern ourselves for the most part. This is what our forefathers saw, this is what we need to be.

Obama won't change much of anythign for the better, look at the policies. But if we all start showing our new leader the way, maybe he will take that route...

How do we do that?

Well it's like I said in other posts...we can have a coup with our vote. They way I see it, it's the DEM voters who have to have their eyes opened. when that happenes you will see congress get thrown overboard...en masse.

I keep saying I hope I'm wrong but if not, there will be a revolt in the next election....and DEMS will be on the butt end of it.

No one should be that loyal to a party when they get too arrogant. DEMS are not above the frey. We all need to keep our eyes opened & see realities for what they are if we want to get back our govt.

Lynann's photo
Thu 11/06/08 10:05 AM
Yep, I see it now.

Some people use their hands to work for a greater nation.

Others sit on them instead of working too consumed with hatred to do anything but mutter invectives while pointing at others.

I wouldn't mind so much them not working beside me but the trouble is they'd rather take the whole country down to say I told you so.

Sean Hannity air yet today?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:20 AM

As i have mentioned time and time again...

We as a people will not be helped by Obama. He is the same as the Bushs and Clintons, not much different.

We as people need to help ourselves. We need to forget the country taking the role as "World Police" and we need to forget the idea of becoming a welfare state, as well as a police state. People need to start taking their own responsibilities. They need to start thinking about getting themselves less dependent on Government aide. What can you do to start community involvment? How can you help your neighbor in need?

We were meant to govern ourselves for the most part. This is what our forefathers saw, this is what we need to be.

Obama won't change much of anythign for the better, look at the policies. But if we all start showing our new leader the way, maybe he will take that route...

How do we do that?

We need to seek our own dependence. Give up your cell phone and cable so you can afford your own healthcare, start growing your own food (if possible)... basicly become as self suficient as you can. The more we try to depend on this government, the worse off we will be. Getting involved with ones community could be helpful, as well as getting involved with local government.

If we could take some of the burden off local businesses (taxes and certain codes), we can eventually have more jobs available.

If our economy still exists in the near future, i hope that one day i can put my paychecks into windmill/solar power, and geothermal heating for my own house. (That's if i don't get drilled too hard by taxes...)

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:31 AM
Maine is an example of what we don't want ladies and gents. We have a pretty high cost of living (in southern maine at least), we pay the highest taxes, and we have the lowest average income in the United States.

We also, have the most liberal welfare system in the U.S. There is no limit for how long you can draw from it. We also have Mainecare, and a bunch of other health programs for those that have little to no income.

High taxes drive out businesses.

Businesses give people jobs.

We've had a lot of immigrants, mainly from Somalia, who use our welfare system. The system also offers free education (Which i am not really against as it gets people qualified for jobs.)

Illegal immigrants can use healthcare and not pay the bill up here. They do. Mainecare and Medicare screw over hospitals by only covering a fraction of the cost for treatment...

Then, countrywide you have the wrecking or the value of our dollar making medicine expensive, as well as gasoline, schools, etc.

That's my take on it all...

If we stop focusing all our attention of the "safety nets", and put that attention on why people need the safety nets, and fixing THAT problem, we will ALL be better off.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:32 AM
Frankly i would like to see some auditing of major international banks, to include our federal reserve. The banks, i hear, are encouraging businesses to outsource as well.

no photo
Thu 11/06/08 11:37 AM

what is the first thing you think he will do?
What is the first thing you would LIKE him to do?

unpack, shower, and have a nap

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 11/06/08 12:01 PM
Hopefully do his best to get rid of NAFTA and put tarriffs back in force and which will bring good paying jobs back home. Also Iraq wants us out so hopefully he will fullfill thier wishes