Also the greatest stumbling block to be overcome for passage of the 1964 Civil Rights act was a threatened filibuster by Southern Democrats. Republicans worked in committees to make sure this would not happen. It's all in the REAL history records for people who want to educate themselves.
If your workplace is safe; if your children go to school rather than being forced into labor; if you are paid a living wage, including overtime; if you enjoy a 40-hour week and you are allowed to join a union to protect your rights -- you can thank liberals. If your food is not poisoned and your water is drinkable -- you can thank liberals. If your parents are eligible for Medicare and Social Security, so they can grow old in dignity without bankrupting your family -- you can thank liberals. If our rivers are getting cleaner and our air isn't black with pollution; if our wilderness is protected and our countryside is still green -- you can thank liberals. If people of all races can share the same public facilities; if everyone has the right to vote; if couples fall in love and marry regardless of race; if we have finally begun to transcend a segregated society -- you can thank liberals. Progressive innovations like those and so many others were achieved by long, difficult struggles against entrenched power. What defined conservatism, and conservatives, was their opposition to every one of those advances. The country we know and love today was built by those victories for liberalism -- with the support of the American people. --Joe Conason The votes for the 1964 Civil Rights act were as follows: Republicans favored the bill 138 to 34; Democrats supported it 152-96. Don't you just hate it when facts get in the way of your bias? |
Yes, it is still a VERY privileged country,, with great potential. I hope to see its potential fulfilled in a country with equality and justice for all. Id love to see less of a gap between the extremely wealthy and the extremely poor and more measures in place to assure that the wealth of this country really does go to provide basic necessities for all citizens. What I don't understand is how can anyone say that a country has wealth when according to the national debt clock the U.S. is at this moment $13,870,084,265,089.870 in debt and that debt is increasing by $4.13 billion per day. How about a reality check? |
Famous alcoholics include Edgar Allen Poe, Jack London, Dylan Thomas, and former president Ulysses S. Grant.
Other rehab graduates include Betty Ford, Mel Gibson, Johnny Cash, John Daly, Rush Limbaugh, George C. Scott, Elizabeth Taylor, Joe Namath, Nicole Richie, Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell, Elton John, and **** Cheney. So, what's your point? Must politicians be tea-totalers to serve in office? |
The truth is the truth that Congress approved the war. That's not apologizing for Bush and requires no proof that Bush was a terrible leader. He WAS and is a terrible politician. He has zero charisma and few public speaking skills. There were strategic benefits to fighting Islamic extremists on foreign soil. There will be risks involved with ending the war. Bush haters have swallowed anti-war propaganda hook line and sinker. I really don't think Obama will pull us out of Iraq any time soon.
Lets just kill ourselves!!
i mean america's bankrupt,new world order,everything causes cancer,the chinese own us etc.I mean it's one big doomsday so why live?? *sarcasm before you call 911* Hey, anything that means less traffic on the roads must be an improvement, right? (sarcasm, mostly, well I do hate traffic so maybe I meant it a little) |
The Clock is Ticking
Personnaly I think Clinton was the lamest President, why else would he have had to use a cigar...oh no, that's bad, sorry Actually I thought the cigar thing was pretty suave. I doubt Willie's Willy had any problems. It was just political posturing, like the brilliant deflection by saying that he never inhaled. Heck, I'll bet he inhaled so much they called him Shotgun Bill in those days. |
The Clock is Ticking
To think that the incoming administration won't have the power to undo anything they want from the Bush years is naive. Bush can at least say to his supporters that he tried to live up to their expectations, in a very lame sort of way. Bush was the lamest president since Jimmy Carter. Let Bush fight his windmills on the way out. It won't change a thing for the long term.
I recently delved into the wretched hive of paranoia and bitterness that is post-election Right Wing forums. You should have read the writings of the Democratic Underground forum while Bush was in office. It was tin-foil hat time for years. |
Hannity/Warren Love
Assassinate him and create another martyr. The guy isn't even real popular in his own country by the way. One can never have enough martyrs, on the other side of course. |
Nancy Pelosi
Finally a tone I can agree with here. Before Obama-mania made it un-cool to criticize the incoming political regime I was shouting down both U.S. political parties as being both sides of the same coin, both corrupt, and both needing to be swept out of office for REAL change that represents the majority of the people. Don't tell me that in this great country we can't find around 600 intelligent people who could lead the Senate, House, and the White House without owing their souls to special interests or pandering to political hate mongers.
now that obama is president
It's probably best that George Bush never be heard from again ![]() Although I 'm upset Chuck Norris was not on the ballot because our choices were crappy ones. you can dream but do not hold your breath to it the bush's have been directly involved in runing this country for nearly 100 years The Bush family dates back to the Plymouth Colony and were here long before the American Revolution. |
Funches quit accusing everyone of being a Christian, or masquerading as a Christian. Clearly Pantheism is not Christianity. Its not even akin to it, nor is ceremonial Deism for that matter. I think you are in fact the closet Christian here and you are simply projecting onto others. ![]() ![]() "Krisma" everyone gets their concept of a God from their sunday school programming...if someone worship a rock as their last religious God and now claim deism ..then they would be a rock panthist .. their concept of God would become part of their personality and their vision of God would have been formed by the way they use to worship that rock I was thinking earlier today "why doesn't that guy waste his time ranting about Allah too." Sounds like something personal happened that maybe some therapy might free up. Most folks don't spend so much time complaining about something they don't believe in. |
The diffrence is no-one kills in the name of santa. Don't be so sure. He knows when you've been bad or good and since he converted to a more politically correct religion last year he might just issue a fatwa on you. |
Edited by
Mon 11/10/08 03:53 AM
I will acknowledge your attempt to insult me with a reference to Michael Moore, I don't find Mr. Moore offensive and I believe I lean on common sense to guide my opinions. Please look around. The truly poor don't have those things as Winx said and the middle class owes credit card companies out the wazhoo for them. And, the upper class either owns the manufacturing, sale, or financing, etc. of them. Our elderly are out living the meager money they have managed to save, or more often comes from the sale of the family home.
Your personal experience may have been better than that, but the figures you quote don't mean a whole lot to the average American. The average American family has approx. $8000 in credit card debt. That does not include a house payment, car payment, medical expenses. Those of us who are affected by this have to wake up from false sense of prosperity. That's the only way the economy can survive, in my opinion. Have a pleasant evening, Nan (among many others) I don't find Michael Moore offensive. He's not stupid either but he makes money off of people who are naive and easily led astray. Are you honestly trying to tell me that credit card debt was forced upon people? I work with poor and homeless people every month. The main factors keeping people from rising above their situations are usually drugs and criminal behavior. I have met hundreds of people in S. Florida who have literally walked ashore here from another country, then worked as taxi drivers, dishwashers, or some type of laborers and within one year been able to have bought nice cars and establish themselves in this country. Many bought homes in just a few years. The answer to their problems was work and common sense. Oh, and many of the successful had a STRONG belief in God, even when they had nothing. |
Respectfully, where have you been for the last 40+ years? These have not been years of prosperity for most. Where do you get your information from? The Michael Moore encyclopedia? In the U.S. since 1968: Life expectancy has increased from 69 years to 78. Americans today actually work less hours to bring home more goods. In 1968 it was not uncommon for many American households to have only one car. Today even most "poor" households have two or more cars, multiple televisions, computers, cell phones, internet access, DVD players, game consoles, and digital cameras. |
I would never say that I was pro war. I am pro life. I don't believe in the death penalty. I even pay people to gently sweep the dust before I walk on a path so I don't kill any bugs.
Edited by
Sun 11/09/08 07:33 PM
Hmm, just came up with a new label. A Godophobe. Or did Dr. Who come up with that one too?
"imkeys" you are worthy ..the only difference is just get your sci-fi from the bible
You assume much. If you don't believe in God then spending your your time writing about God is as silly as writing volumes trying to prove there is no Santa Claus. But don't worry, Santa loves you anyway. |
"imkeys" .. your thinking wasn't out of the just use the same concept that Dr. Who use to explain why he's a Time Lord .. Ah, a PBS sci-fi man. Can't argue with that. I had no idea you had studied such holy reference materials. I am not worthy. |