Topic: Depression support - part 4 | |
Activities along with good habits can help reduce depression. I myself was diagnosed with depression in the pass. I however, do belive that some people just deal with stressors and emotions differently. I learned how to keep myself more balanced with my daily activities along with ways to improve myself. I found one thing is that I use to be very shy and not opened. I learned just to approach people and chat. It works, go out and just strike a conversation up with male or females, you don't always have to target the opposite sex. One who communicates effectively can communicate well with any male or female and any varying types of people/classes.
The Cymbalta still seems to work, but I am on the maximum dose: 90 mg/day. I am working with a friend who is studying traditional Chinese medicine to find some kind of alternatives. I am on 120 mg/day of Cymbalta and I have heard others say they are on a higher dose than that. Maybe your doctor feels uncomfortable upping your dose, but you could ask him/her about it. Lots of homeopathic treatments out there...good luck in your search for an answer...I have been looking myself for 30 years now to no avail, but I keep trying. |
The Cymbalta still seems to work, but I am on the maximum dose: 90 mg/day. I am working with a friend who is studying traditional Chinese medicine to find some kind of alternatives. I am on 120 mg/day of Cymbalta and I have heard others say they are on a higher dose than that. Maybe your doctor feels uncomfortable upping your dose, but you could ask him/her about it. Lots of homeopathic treatments out there...good luck in your search for an answer...I have been looking myself for 30 years now to no avail, but I keep trying. Yes many remedies and medicines, lifestyle can play a big role in depression. Exercise is proven to reduce stress for example and stress brings all of the body down in excess. |
The Cymbalta still seems to work, but I am on the maximum dose: 90 mg/day. I am working with a friend who is studying traditional Chinese medicine to find some kind of alternatives. I am on 120 mg/day of Cymbalta and I have heard others say they are on a higher dose than that. Maybe your doctor feels uncomfortable upping your dose, but you could ask him/her about it. Lots of homeopathic treatments out there...good luck in your search for an answer...I have been looking myself for 30 years now to no avail, but I keep trying. Yes many remedies and medicines, lifestyle can play a big role in depression. Exercise is proven to reduce stress for example and stress brings all of the body down in excess. Very true...great advice! |
Dear depression diary....
![]() I won't be here on Mingle too long. I am still working on so many things concerning my health. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia in July with acid reflux. I am going in for my 3rd test this Monday ...this one will test my gall bladder to see if it is adding to the problem. What is happening is I wake up every 1-2 hours coughing and choking on stomach acid. A couple of times I woke up with stomach acid in my mouth....that is awful!! I have been poked prodded sliced and diced and still no definite answer to what should be done about it. I am taking meds for it but to no avail. Surgery seems to be the course I will take. So this year in recap: Diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes and low testosterone in February. In April, I went through a wildfire that destroyed 80 homes and damaged 100 others in my neighborhood...our home was damaged and displaced for 3 months while it was repaired. Now this acid reflux and hiatal hernia...I may need 2 surgeries to fix/take out my gall bladder and to fix the hernia. Christmas Eve last year I found out I was being scammed and had my heart broken. This summer, I met someone else but it didn't work out. I gained a ton of weight this year with all the stress and having bipolar makes me want to eat when I get depressed. But I am dieting and exercising now and that is going well. I am up to 6 miles a day walking. I have Christmas coming up...all alone again and 2 years ago, I was going to propose to a woman I met but she threw me away for really no reason. I still have some pain from that...I thought she was the one. So winding down the hardest year of my life, it will be hard to go through the holidays alone, but I am determined to get my health back and keep trying to get to a place where someone may give me a chance again. This wasn't a pity-post but just something to get off my chest to keep moving forward instead of wallowing in the past. I will stay a few more days here...looking to say hi to old friends. Ken |
I love gay trouts
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Oh Marie - I am so sorry to read what you are going through with your Dad..It has to be horrible for him and his family.. I will remember you in my prayers tonight. My Mom was very sick and I just sat there watching her and talking to her and finally, I went to the chapel at the hospital and prayed that she would taken.. I felt kind of guilty but she passed that night and had no more pain and I know she is at peace now.. Please keep us posted about your Dad.. Again, so sorry to hear that he is not doing well...
I love gay trouts ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have never met a gay trout but I am sure they would be interesting individuals. ![]() |
HHHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha Gotta love ya!
Been trying to work with the new rule that the Ladies are supposed to wear bras. My CNA supervisor said that the family of the residents are complaining. I am finding that it is an individual choice among the residents. One resident was just as confused as I was on putting it on her but she used to be a school teacher so it has her intrigued. I was trying to not put it on upside down. One lady who has the mind of a five year old but who is chronilogically 48 says good girl and who has been trying to help dress herself even though sometimes she doesn't know how has figured out how to load the bra. I think some of the female aides have been working with her but still she says good girl after she accomplishes it. I would think saying good woman might be more appropriate. She is responding to praise and I wonder if wearing one to her even makes a difference. I finally managed to stretch it far enough around her where it could be put on but it bending the clasps. I was telling her sister-in-law if she wants one on her that she needs to get one big enough for her to be comfortable in and that is actually her size. To another one I am telling her that her family wants her to wear one. I am asking each one if they want to wear one or not. To another one she doesn't want to wear one because she says that it itches. To another one I really don't see how it would help because there really isn't enough to really cover but then I don't make the rules. To two others I don't really have a problem because they don't want me in their room to begin with. I made real headway on those two because now from the CNA supervisor another male CNA got the affirmation that if their is no female CNA aide on our floor that we have the CNA supervisor okay to have our nurse or another nurse on another floor or female aide from another floor to deal with these two ladies. What intrigues me now is the girl-woman because she calls me by her name and that has caused some really interesting conversations. I have watched her talking to herself and even arguing with herself. It makes me think of our easy does saying and giving ones self a break but I am not even sure if she could understand that.
"I am a man but I change if I have to." Red Green ![]() |
Geez Roy, sorry they are doing this to you. Now they are forcing those poor elderly ladies to wear bras now too??? Heck, they are old and have medical disabilities, shucks, if they want to hang loose, let them hang, geezz. They should be entitled to a little freedom in their life, don't you think??? Bras are uncomfortable and if they have bad backs and are confined to beds or wheelchairs, it just makes it worse and more uncomfortable. I feel sorry for them, wish they could leave the ladies in peace and not harass them.
Good to see you again. I haven't been on much. Have been busy working and just laying low in general. I hope everyone is doing well. Take care. ![]() |
Good to hear from you, Marie. I was down for about three months. But then I went and picked up Kathy. She said that she would pay for the Internet. It is a little faster than dial-up but not much. She has her own room here. It has been working out. Since she got out of prison in September when I went to pick her up in November she got $600 of her $1000 disability to pay off fines. Then in November she got her full $1000 but is still paying two counties in corrections. She was having to see a counselor 4 times a month but now is down to 1 times a month. Still has to see her parole officer once a month but now has her driver's license back and paying her own car insurance. So now she can drive out of county to see her parole officer. Was glad to see the counselor's son back in the meetings. It was sad he couldn't see his mom because they were both felons but they got that worked out. Kathy is still grateful to me because she didn't have anyone else to parole out to. It is a strange relationship, inded but it is working out.
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Wow! Its been ten days since anyone has admitted to being depressed. This thread is really working wonders. I am really proud of all of you.
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Well, I am pretty sure you are all cured now.
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"loneliness is not a phase"
"loneliness is not a phase" It can be a way of life that is for sure. I have found that lonliness can also be a choice. One can choose to be lonely or not to be lonely. ![]() |
I have found that lonliness can also be a choice. One can choose to be lonely or not to be lonely. I would think that would depend on the cause... |
![]() ![]() Just wanted to say hi and say that I'm on the mend. Life is so much better when you're in love ![]() Bp and depression are horrible to deal with, but he has brought out the little bit of good in me and completely understands everything. I never held anything back. ANd yes, I met him online, but not here. Met him on craigs list, ![]() Anyway, here I am in all my BP glory. ![]() Love you all!!!!! Karen |
Good to know you are okay, Karen.
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